Newmarket Era , December 22, 1899, p. 2

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Gifts Co lyXtaos Choppers Co A Toys BlbttrrAV J v Bros Wood Wright Lemons Miw J McNah For Sherman Card of Thanks Kim A McDonald of Metropolitan Electric Co Toronto to Cars Each TABLE North Toronto am am 9 Am am ifi am I pm to pm pm 3 pm pm 16 pm it pm pm Return Fare either way he LETS BUT AND WITH a Printed Tub offered by Ontario and Dominion Book in bank robbery have nil been paid In all tho bank about and Govern POINTS Tub Ontario Government hat now a hand in business On Friday last wo told a writ for an Injunction restrain lag tun Metropolitan Hallway Company from making tho proposed junction with It Hall by Government our last returns boon received from two constituencies of Manitoba Dauphin and not ported last week first elected a and latter a so that of political parties to tho now has not been changed from last weoka figure of Federal has boon passed superannuating from 1st of January noxt Mr Harry who has boon of Weights and Measures at Toronto oyer bo by Kelly In it to bo hoped Government will boar In mind that Toronto isnt all oreatlon FRIDAY DEO municipal Wuitohubch is talk of Mr Lemon Baker brought out hut friends to oppose Mr A Haines attendance at nomination at to day will probably the matter Reeve Mr nut seek reelection and it that ssrs Kay A and for the Council wo understand that Councillors Snooks and Evans will again bo candidates and also Kay if not in race for position no othT names mentioned Nkwmabkkt Everything is exceed ingly quiet and tho chances are that old Council will bo roelocted without opposition retiring Trustees Messrs J Cur roy Manning and Brim- son Canadas Seeond Contingent AHOTitKR 1000 MEN FOR SOUTH Early this week an official despatch was received by Lord Governor General of this Dominion from the Imperial authorities accepting offer a second contingent from Can ada Anticipating what has be come a reality Hon Dr Borden of Militia has had most of the details for ready response prepared for sometime From advices from England he entertained the con viction that the moat valuable con tribution Canada coud send would be in tbs form of cavalry or mounted in fantry and artillery In this view of situation the Government coincid ed and we now learn that the second contingent will be made up from the Mounted Royal Canadian Regiment of Cavalry A Batteries of the permanent corps a Battalion of Infantry strong with Rough Riders known s Cowboys from the Western men who oan rids and shoot Buys the Ottawa cor respondent as as any cavalry Ah order has boon from of North West Territories by the Department Agriculture for shipment of six high bred We informed that this will bo filled at an early day animals will bo collected from different of and West to bo distributed among of Territories A from Ottawa that Mgr Papal delegate decided to his In Oi- and he will at proceed to Boouro On Tuesday from Col lege of Propaganda Ottawa permanent la at present at Toronto papers elate that of Loo on Holy received by of Toron to and result that prolate will order celebration of midnight in all the Roman Catholfo In on Loo hoe upon all and where moat may be to adoration to on tho81at of December of tho and on date of the coming year Thanks will bo given for all of the century and greater favours bo implored In order to begin the Ak order recently boon by the Ontario Government to the of asylums of Province notifying thorn that it Is desire of Government in this as In other ex penditures of moneys to give the preference to artisans and working men ot the Province as far consistent with tho interest Hon Mr ton Provincial In sending out this tolls that in cer tain oases purchases might be made to bet tor elsewhere than in Ontario they are to notify Department This Is a in right direction as It will enoourago our own Industries by giving any advantage accruing from the expendi ture of moneys of the Province among oar own people Atlas or lid the Chi cago Rand and Company At the present time when the of the world turned towards Great Britain and her colonies almost any publication giving particulars of the Mother Country or her colonies is of and a book filled from coyer to cover with reliable In formation snob as this contains is sure to be welcomed by the public As its title the work is an atlas of the world In every sense Of the world and contains all information with reference to the various countries their areas cities popu lation etc arranged on the margins of maps to which fortyeight pages of book are devoted Although a bureau general information of the world this book is essentially Canadian The first page is a map of Ontario giving In the margin the area population electoral dlstriots and men in the world and who are used to lea and maps of all the other getting along on rations of the scant iest Hundreds of these men in years gone by served in the mounted police and have since gone into ranch ing either on their own account or working for somebody else Numbers of men have already signified to the Militia Department a readiness to go to the front and as they will be able to furnish their own horses train ee and hardened for just the kind of service required in Africa they will form a valuable acquisition to the contingent now being formed Two vessels will be chartered to convey the 1000 to the front together with twelve field guns eight waggons and horses It is expected everything will be in for contingent to sail by the or of Jan Up to Saturday last the first con tingent was still at Belmont and well a despatch by cable having been received by the of Quebec from sod to that effect provinces in the Dominion and the Terri tories follow with similar information attention has been paid to the mineral of Canada especially British Columbia and the Yukon Com plete and concise information with regard to all British possessions is given map of Africa being especially interesting A table giving the divisions of the world arranged by continents completes a book every student of geography shonld possess and which will Interest anyone de siring to keep posted on various coun tries of the world The price of this Atlas is SI but subscribers to the Wttkly Moil and Empty can get a copy for Mr J il Johnson of In town on Monday Mr and Mrs At Homo Friday evening with friends Mrs Jaokson of Brussels mother of Mrs Maddock is for holidays Mrs Turner of Mrs Widdii is expected homo from Ohio for the Christ mas holidays York returned from Whitby College on Tuesday to spend Christmas va cation home Mies Koowlcs Is homo from States for Christmas holidays Is a Kindergarten Dr Widdlfleld of the Jury to dinner at his last Mrs wont to tho city on Saturday to Christmas holidays with daughter Mrs MoDonald Mr on is suffering this week from and pleurisy and is a man J Willeon who has boon visiting In Dakota for months homo on Thursday of last week Mr and Smith loft for this week to with their daughter Mrs eon 0 J Wilson In tho city Ae Mr Wilson family talk of log to tho city shortly Rev A of Newark J writes I am always liRppy to Era It mo in a measure ac- with the old scenes Mr J leaves tako charge of hotel Con stable has a vory friendly and will no doubt a popular host Mrs Jones of Toronto and her sister Mr Manning of Marie Manning who visiting their motbor Mrs Irwin returned to the on Tuesday t Mr Oliver won a scholarship in a Voice Test at tho Metro politan of MubIo Toronto is taking of it which means tuition free for a year Mr Harry Martin dropped off here on Wednesday and gave the Era call on his way io whore bo Intends spending a few days with friends and then going on to Bay where his parents rcaido Harry has been away for throe years among the mines north of Lake Su perior and home several of gold quartz from the Seine He home by way of and ex pects to return to tho mines in the spring Word has been received that Rev Alfred Terry eon of Mr A Terry of Newmarket was given a very pleasant Farewell at Eddyetono on the eve ot his departure for Oshawa Mr Terry made an excellent record at Eddy- stone having greatly and was instrumental In haying the repaired and beautified making it attractive edifice in that vicinity On arriving at Oshawa to under take pastorate of the Christian Church there a very cordial reception was given to him and his wife in the minis ters the other denominations in the town took part His work in has a bright outlook Readers of last weeks daily papers will have that Charlie the famous and former member ot the Mounted Police had offered his valuable to tho Imperial Government and left Boston last week to join Gen army in Africa Mr Ross has seen much and varied service in the Northwest one of those who assisted in the skirm ish with PoundMaker and Almighty Voice bis travelled extensively oyer the Rookies Hud tho Klondike His strength and size coupled with his bravery and daring ha made bis came famous while his gene rosity and benevolence has won htm many friends Mrs Ross who resided In Newmar ket last winter and this summer has re turned to during her husbands absence Writing to a friend in town and expressing her anxiety on her husbands account she cays enthusiasm the Northwest is so groat and so numerous the offers of volunteers for service In Africa that strong Influence has to be brought to bear on the Government for an acceptance Mrs Ross locks back with groat pleasure to her residence In and at some future time to re peat visit -i- The enow storms have quick ly vanished AH our friends homo for holidays Mr end Mrs J A Irwin aro at homo until 1st of January will ho and Christmas in the Hall on Friday evening Dec promises to ho tho beat of tho season Com and enjoy a treat The Keswick Christian Church Choir took a to Newmarket ont Wednesday and report a good time Messrs Ethan and Connolly home for the holidays Sir Draper is expected home too for Christmas- Mr Walter Pressor of Minnesota is visiting his Mr and Mrs John Mr Henry Shaw has commenced business and is doing well m iBmliiifr We wish our hundreds of Customers J Sale Deo A Park on bam Is to be sold at am at North American Hotel Newmarket For tferms and particulars see bills and advertisement Iho Government of New Wales has decided to send a Field Hospital Corps and a battery of to South Africa in addition to the mounted contingent Dec Revised of the British casualties at battle of show that men killed As eight officers woro killed total deaths in Boilers force were Mrs Allan at Pine Orchard It very The Temperance Hotel and Shears tailor shop at Shallow Lake were destroyed by fire The boarders at the hotel with only such aathey put on London Dec It still seems doubtful whether the guns that fiuller abandoned at Colenso are in the possession of the Boers Accord ing to a despatch to the Associated Press from Durban sent off on the evening of battle and which has been here the guns remained where they were left by the British troops and were covered by the heavy guns of General Brigade occupying an entrenched position The despatch adds that Boers have thus far not attempted to cross the river and carry off tho una Ad vices to the Associated Press from Pretoria under same date say that an official Boor despatch reports that guns wagons and a quantity of ammunition were captured besides 203 prisoners Merry Christmas and Happy Now Year to all How many changes since one year ago Who of us thought such would happen This is tho season of year you will aspirants for municipal honors shaking with all they meet and being unusually sociable In soliciting votes if the politician would from all forms of flattery it would hasten the of purer govern ment result in bringing most honest influential into publio life I am not referring to North bury Councillors they all right but I fear since the in the Co Aot we will never have another old time With the vory cheap rates offered by the no ono should be without reading matter during the coming year All the will bo home for vacation and there will be many re- unions next week Bay Mr Editor whore is Elbow Corners We old hunters would like to know for if they grow foxes that weigh over lbs we want to bo there for sport Ed Note Not far from Holland Landing Reports from Africa say that our Canadian Contingent have been in a skirmish with the Boors That is what they went for and they will cer tainly do their duty and honor the old flag I BETHEL CORNERS Messrs James and Daniel are home from Manitoba on a weeks visit Wo sorry to hear that James has been in the hospital at Winnipeg suffering from Cancer He is now undergoing the Bayer process of ex traction Miss and Henry Glover of j Miss Minnie and Mr Ralph of were visiting at Mr Fairhairns lost week Mr Artie is off on a trip with friends in Toronto thereabouts for a couple of weeks Miss Mary is visiti friends at Sharon the Landing and Toronto The Bethel Meth is well at tended Rev Braces discourses are most highly appreciated I might add that the School and weeknight ser vices well attended and a lively interest manifested Master Vivian met with quite an accident on Sat last Being in a rather mechanical turn of mind he sat about building a handsleigh His drawing knife slipped and caused a a severe cut on his knee cap Dr when sewing it up told him he was a real shaver indeed Mr Ira of was visitine his uncle J A over Sunday Everybody is seen moving Baldwin way Monday morning They say great crowds attend their market and good prices are paid for produce What with Brown Hill and Baldwin Poor Sutton is almost forgotten Miss Jessie is visiting friends in Sharon Quite a number from this vicinity attend the Free church at Bald win Special services Large crowds attend and quite a number of converts Miss is assisting Rev Minor The Base Line Teacher thanks its people for their uniform kindness to him and trusts the same kindly feel ings may continue during A Merry Xmas and a Happy and Pros perous Now Year to you all We are sorry to hear of Mr serious accident at Mr Wm Kings threshing It seems the high wind blew the barn door to striking Mr Murrell and throwing him upon the belt which pitched him some pare of the machinery He is able to be about the house Ho was fortu nate getting off as well as he did Mr Huntleys house is nearly finished and it is an ornament to this line Mr Charlie Connolly is homo on his holidays Fred and Marshal Morion have re turned from their trip to will be the last day of Christmas Shopping This store is filled with suitable goods for Gifts Any of the following can be got here at Bargain Prices and in big variety Mens Overcoats Boys Overcoats Mens Gloves Mens Caps Mens Fancy Braces Mens Neckwear Mens Fur Caps Mens Fine Shirts Mens Suits Boys Suits Boys Shoes Boys Rubbers Goat Robes Mens Fine Shoes Mens Boots all kinds Mens Handsome Ties Mens Stylish Hats Mens Fine Socks Try us for Christmas Candies Nuts Raisins etc Ladies Jackets Ladies Fur Coats Ladies Kid Gloves A Dress Length Table Table Linen Ladies Ties Fancy Handkerchiefs Ladies Gauntlets Childrens Boas Girls Gauntlets Fancy Dishes Dinner Setts Tea Setts Colored Table Covers Fine Towels Fine Hosiery Lace Curtains A Nice Carpet Ladies Fine Shoes Childrens Fine Shoes tore open and Saturday evenings Despatches regarding the at London Deo 18 In regard to war show that the British not- finances Great Britians is withstanding a heavy fire took Colen- amazingly strong A careful Village at the point of the bayonet was made at the beginning of and were meeting with great success the war with the result that it was when the unfortunate loss of artillery estimated that the country could spend compelled a retirement Lord Rob erts will sad from England on Satur day and Lord now at Khar toum is expected to sail from Cairo the same day Cerwjis In town on ins to Mr and Mrs Samuel e son In on the lost to Mr and I Miller a daughter At on Deo the wife of Mr J prop St Georges Hotel a daughter Boas At Aurora on Deo the wife of J of a daughter Toronto on the 8th to Mr and McDonald MUs of Newmarket a daughter Joiikbok At on the wife of Mr Geo eon of Mr J Hi Jouoeod formerly of Newmarket of a eon Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Monday if necessary without in creasing the present rates of taxation or adding to the national debt The sinking fund will furnish the bulk of tho money This of course does not mean that no tax will be levied Todays magnificent response to the official announcement that volun teers would be accepted is the most inspiring event since the war began All headquarters in the country are by applicants The Govern ment could enroll good men tomorrow if he wanted do so It has been wisely decided to attach a large force of irregular sharpshooters to each division now in the field in order to offset the Boers methods Most of these men will be picked volunteers from and the colonies ape- -IN- FOR THE- Christmas Holidays On 8aturday night Deo 16th his mothers reeidenoe Roches Point of consumption Lambert of the late aged yeare months In Aurora on the Norman slater of Rev Norman in Japan Funeral yesterday afternoon to Aurora Cemetery At Deo be loved wife of Mr Walton- form- of King on Dm 13th third eon of Mr Simp- eon aged member of which attended the in a body Aloeo At Howard Street Toronto on Saturday evening Deo Louis Oat aged 48 years Interred in Pies sink Bradford Wednesday HONESTY THE Best of Policy And we of the same opinion In making for a suit or over coat you And out carry the finest in the Tailoring Trade Our aim ii for the confidence of the public and what we we mean Call and before buy ing your garment and be of the above statement Workmanship guaranteed in all branches R McLaughlin Line of Chairs Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket and Stalalmiag A St J Main Order will receive Careful and lt IM OLD per at the over lbs Deo Flour per barrel a ii Wheat per bushel J a 0 a Goose Wheat per Oft Buckwheat a Barley per buahel a a Or Peas per bushel a Oil OH OH a oil Butter roll per lb OK Potatoes per bag OSS a Appleaperbb 1W a cm a ON Wool per lb OH Hay per ton CO Pork per 1 a a A a Chickens per a a Turkeys per droutd Bran per ton WOO Dec per bushel a Whlto Wheat per bushel GooetWhfeat per bushel a per bushel bushel per bushel figgeperdoa a fll J J Beef hind per pair J Turkeys per lb J

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