By buying you Sufis Early at Tailor Shop A full of Blank and Blue Also Lot of Fine Tweeds for WC HI pre ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year 1898 Polices wore issued for STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 BOER MACHINE GUN DETACHMENT m The Boers ate not showy soldiers so far as uniform Is concerned but they shoot well and light well and arc consequently Excellent soldiers accompanying cut shows a group of them surrounding one of their machine 1 at -o- British Killed Missiqg irj Days Battle 0 Gen Belter Gus of Artillery Horses- London Dec Gen despatch from tho British telegraphing from Capo Town himself General Duller at today sends follow- says ho moved in full force from the despatch from Lord Mclhuen camp near yesterday morn- Moddor Tuesday Deo 12 at oclock There are two able places in ami it was Assuro now and secure a share of profits GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Agent SITUATIONS In the Business Field are constant ly opening to who qualified to fill thorn Toronto Ont rocoived for help within Throe days from Oct Brad- streets Agenoy Ltd v 17 Williams Real young men clerk and J Klni t Co lady Co lady King Durrell Produce Co young man bookkeeping and Our secure fetich places as soon as they become qualified for htm It will pay to prepare for them Correspondence Invited Wi SHAW Principal KNOWLI Wholesale Retail ROlSiH Two doors North Store Main St Newmarket Twice a Week of Park A Co a Fatuous Hems Lard beet and Mildest Cured Meats on the Market today A trial will con- vince Alia Flour Boiled Oak Corn Mealy Butter rottots Pickles Bait Canned Corn Tomatoes Pickled Pits Bologna Ham and Tongue Honey Orders filled on the shortest notice fa REMOVAL to bo baa moved 6UoomaJtInf to larger opposite Toronto Joublug All kinds or Boots and Shoe to order and all Repairing Neatly Promptly to All IS continuance your esteemed As Boors occupied strongly this morning I tired in order hero whore I am in security I have gathered from some of prisoners and from our- men with ambulances who talked with that tho enemys losses worn terrible some corps being completely wiped out Dec Gen holds his position at River lie has forwarded to tho War Office the list of casualties at battle of Magersfontein showing that the total loss in killed wounded and missing was The Highland Brigade as intimated in the earlier despatches puttered most heavily and in fact ap pears to have been tho infantry force seriously engaged A rumor that had relieved and 10000 taken by Gen was not confirmed by the War and appears to have been a Stock Ex change fairy story London Dec a Shortly after midnight a drsputch was issued from the War announcing a skirmish on Wednesday in which British was successful On receiving information of advance of towards Major General French sent forward Col or with three regiments of cavalry and four guns to check the move ment Tin- two Boor guns wore quick ly sileuced and the burghers returned to their former position Later in day the Boers occupied a form from which they were shelled with a loss of forty killed and wounded the Brit ish casualties being only nine River Cape Colony Tues day Dec Details gathered bore by a of Association Press among the wounded British and Boers some idea of the desperate nature of the fight at The Highlanders did all that most gallant troops in tho world could do but it was impossible to face the ter rible fire of the Boers The British artillery again saved situation and divided the the day with the Scotchmen Tim batteries worked for hours under a galling rifle firo According to the Boer atones it was impossible for the burghers to escape fearful loss One Boer prisoner said a single lyddite shell killed or wound over Boers and that two other sin lis burst over two bodies of Boer behind the doing fearful damage All agree that the Boers fought throughout with the ill- moit gallantry fheir sharpshooters missed the mark Private of the Canadians died of tonsillitis at J- Capo Colony Dec He was a member of Bait Sussex Deo 16- Some of the specials estimate Boer losses at at men intention to force through them They both two miles away and his object was to force one or other and one brigade supported by the cen tral brigade Hart was to attack tho left and MajGen tho right road with in tho centre to support either Early in day saw that would not bo able to forco a passage and directed him to withdraw He had however attacked with great gallantry and his loading battalion the Hangers had a great deal then order to advance which he did and his leading regiment occupied station and some houses near bridge At that moment Gen Culler hoard that tbe whole artillery which ho had sent to aid in the attack namely he and Field Batteries and naval 12pounder quick firing guns were out of action It appeared that Col Long in his desire to be within effectiye range bad advanced too close to the river which appeared to bo full of Boers who suddenly opened a gall ing at close range killing all horses The gunners were compelled to stand tothe guns Borne of the waggon teams got shelter for troops in a donga And a desperate was made to bring out the field but the Boer fire was too severe and only two were saved Of horses thirteen were killed and as several of the drivers were wounded General Buller decided not to allow another at tempt as it seemed that they would be a shell mark for a sacrificing loss of life in a gallant attempt to passage the river unsupported by artillery British General then directed the troops to withdraw which they did in order throughout the day A considerable force of Boers pressed on the British right flank hue were kept back by the mounted men under Lord Dundonald and a part of Bartons brigade The day was hot and most trying to troops whose conduct was excellent explained bur errand to their superior officers and allowed to proceed with our work We three collected all the dead oyer a wide area and buried tliPin chopains reading the burial services We also visited all the- Hounded we could find and did what we able to alleviate their This work of occupied tin- entire day hi the evening wo arrested We were confined all night without food The commandant to asking what do with in Morning brought a intii himself ordering release Recovering 1 ly we made our way back to tho fob lines delivered our report General Wo were to give the ax act inf The Boer casual ties only five killed and wounded Among wounded found on the field was Colonel Henry A linger Royal Irish Rifles Ho had been struck by a shell from one of our own guns Major Herbert L Major Henry J and Captain Freder ick H Bell of regiment al so lay wounded All our wounded progressing favourably I am glad to be able to state that not a British officer was killed at berg battle All- prisoners were sent to when to Burpherndorp as soon as they able to travel they will be cared for by The Boer commandant told me his forces which repulsed army numbered only HUMILIATING London Dec 17 Gen re ports to War that his losses in Fridays engagement Killed Wounded Missing 348 mak ing a Total of The proportion of losses among officers compared with men was smaller than in any of tho previous battles totalling killed 38wounded and missing Details of General reverse show that there wan no lack of either gallantry or military science on British side and that was fight ing on a huge scale MajorGeneral Harts a vigorous at tempt to force the river was supported by MajorGeneral Lyttletons brigade six out of the eight battalions suffering heavily This was followed by an attack by Major- brigade up on the Village of in direc tion of the second ford in which the losses were less Lord with a portion of Bartons Fusilier Brigade was actively engaged with enemy and repulsed an at tempt to turn right Hank of the British army All four brigades were thus under lire and the losses were distributed among all arms Colonel Brooke led first attack upon he drift was severely wounded and of the Devonshire was captured with fifteen or twenty 53 OTHERS handling Perfumes g f we the best FRENOM will stand sampling Call and see for yourself and you will acknowledge that our perfumes CANT BE EQUALLED DRUGGIST J J i V ii 1 3 I 1 J felt f L 3r ft- frftE i STRONG Our p a WOODS KENNEDY C SMITH fillOKTIfAIiD M A HANCOCK fiIIOllTIIAO A IT OTXE GO i TnOROOOHp I rt J Dec 18 The British authorities luivo decided to send Gen to South Africa to as sume supreme command with General Lord Kitchener as his chief of staff will retain command of the Natal The have decided to send out the seventh division with all pos sible despatch and have called in remaining army reserves for further reinforcements They have replaced the garrisons of the Channel Islands and Malta with three battalions of militia and will accept service from nine more volunteering for South Africa The Ministers will also despatch every available battery and full cops and large mounted forces Offers from Canada and other colonics for will be accepted es pecially inountet Hoops and full ar rangements will be made for recruiting Mount A recent visitor from the east to sound describes with asm the wonderful shadow effects pro duced by and upon the gigantic I snowy cone of Mount Rainier some times ihhi the sky as seen the city of just before is covered with a dome of cloud feet or more in height while behind the peak toward the east the sky is clear such circumstances the rising sun casts the shadow of the great mountain upon the cloud curtain overhead In the form of a vast blue triangle the point of which rests upon WOOD WANTED tenders v he received by the un- Inst to supply ft INDUSTRIAL SOKE Green Cordwood All he sound body wood at least Mnplo refit to be delivered by let of Feb J I Newmarket foreej in Natal and Cape the apex of the peak At other times Colony There ought to strength the shadow of the earth can bo seen enough now when additional creeping up the cone Id a men am provided and Lord Roberts is l fl of sunset stains the fcSops warehouse Hamilton put in the saddle iT carried deep pink Companion library al most destroyed by fire Burglars cracked the safe in Dec General has met with a very serious de feat This the most sensational news announced from the War about half an hour after midnight in r I The British defeat was most disastrous ai adds that he abandoned ten guns and lost one by shell fire The losses in Gen Harts brigade were heavy though proportionate number of severely wounded it is hoped is not large and Field Bat teries suffered severe losses At the conclusion of the battle the Brit- ish retired to the camp at near Bushmans Nek Deo Learn ing that many wounded in the Storm berg reverse still lying on the veldt without possibility of early succour by Boer corps our two chaplains the Robert and Father Edward Ryan and tho correspondent started for the battlefield yesterday morning with permission Our little party curried a large Red flag which wo tho enemy would re- Mr Cooke of Kingston After Suf fering 11 and Distress of the Heart for Seven Years Is Cured Al most Mirrc by Dr Cure Heart- A Remedy Saves Lives Have Been for the Which that By Beyond man Hid it Is a Pome rial harmless and Con in Half- KiKOfiioK 2G Johnson street Kingston tells this story of his sick ness disease and that ho considers his almost miraculous re covery by the of that good angel of modern medical science Cure for tbe Heart- He fiays suffered seven years from a very acuta hope of permanent recovery But one day I read of a cure by this won derful remedy which seemed to be my own ease repeated I got a trial bottle and derived great benefit from it I concluded to as it promised a complete and permanent cure and when I had used six bot tles not a vestige or the trouble and although that is a year and a ao there has never been form of heart disease of great weakness bad smothering I palpitation so badly that one You can readily verify this or any in the same room could hear tho testimony of curative powers thump I had great nervoueoesa and of Dr Agnow Cure for the Heart for depression at times suffering commendations for if comospop- shooting Could not stand and unsolicited and the- stighlcst and excitement cases out of- a hundred arc I tried many remedies recommended out of the fullness of the tome and consulted best physicians in being snatched from the op my ailments and nobody of so distressing an as heart disease in any form If modern medical science giv en to the world a remedy a core- that thousands have used and tested tbo curative of after suffered for years and had been pronounced hopeless if as a last resort it has proved such a boon what an amount of suffering would be spared if when the slightest uneasiness of the heart is experienced Dr for Heart wcio used It has never failed to do what it It gives relief in the most acute forms of disease in lead than SO It not only stimu lates a healthy heart action but it heals the digestive organs gives vital ity tone3 whole system and its not claiming to say IT MOST WORKS MIRACLES Catarrhal Powder re lieves cold in head in ton minutes it will cure the acute and dis gusting forms of Catarrh no matte Sow long standing Dr Ointment magic on I witatlnp Troubles such as and will oW Piles fa from to nights Agnowa little pills for Constipa tion Sick and doses