Newmarket Era , December 22, 1899, p. 6

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the Urine it tells it Ktf WldROjrhoBJiijjf WO Dr Fill Trio the health Of laaluaacys by an of too not to an expert If wo deranged Yon d on urine to for bom In ft glass of and of that It refllmant Ton fcfl certain are si and Infective and that they are leaving deadly the which produce fatal complication As an Invigorate of kidneys Dr Chases Pills are of inestimable value They net directly and and make the liver nod regular active nod healthy kidney and all the painful and fatal com Dr Chases KldncyUrcr positively inently and promptly disease and liver disorders backache lumbago and all the painful and fatal com plications of the organs of the body Ihla great kidney remedy Is throughout this continent and Europe The merit is proclaimed by scores of thousands of ones One a dose cents a at or Co Toronto A QUICK CURB COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy la all sifecttoas of ih THROAT of LUNGS Large Bottler DAVIS ft CO Limited Props of Perry Davis Christmas Choice Toilet Articles Gold lammed Spectacles Glasses with welt fitted lenses make a useful present No charge jot titling the sight One J Floor Manitoba BEST Hungarian Patent FIELD SEEDS of all kindsTimothy Clover Mangel Carrot and Tamil Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES AND Portland and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron COnC ALL YOUR PAIRS WITH PainKiller A Madtolaa Chest la I Simplo Safe and Quick Cura for COLDS and OF IMITATIONS OUT ONLY TljE PERRY DAVIS free Wkkh Soa wtaSJiu ax4 ifttuwt aim lit uoUu 4 ntOta LINEN CO BOX A CHRISTMAS of try a for vdJ Caw a and fontht nimble ttip lip of Act and Youth And while trim of Beta candle oer bead law and And hoi my lad and Ml vita art Who let tht ttie Some one bat that time Is not far away when acallopora and summer visitors will bo only residents of Nan tucket Island la opinion or and ought not to bo toler ated If prophecy bo- come a fact It Is not unlikely that stand n the kingdom of heaven does not Im ply that thv Bummer not All right Decidedly It would be hard to get along without him she man who Ufa his choice and It will bo the fisherman orcry time When saw Per sis Hay ward ho was up and harbor In If you wanta Nicer than anybody else a Cutler or the beat to country call on R or any of a I email sound some some fast alow some quiet some very ones and are all or sale Live hopefully that you may bear with patience the burdens of live lovingly that you may have char ity for others purely that you may respect yourself and receive the approbation of heaven OR A CHASES AOp Stat direct to tto dlteStS by Improved Blotter taiieatopadopptDtIfllii throat and Catarrh and Fever fttt All or Dr A- Cbua Co ud von wno dragging scoop net be hind htm In search scallops Persia was digging clams along the flata They were clad In a manner that hardly calculated to an Impression on each other yet Tim wore a In heart ever after although that Important organ was reputed to rather hard specimen of Its kind Hello friend Tim Any luck Only a few Quctta youd do batter you was up Poverty point Ita too fur for me If youd jest Boon admire to take you up thar my way a mite come up aa nigh I on you can wade out Persia nodded her assent She dressed for her work and wore a pair of rubber boots which were evidently made for a man In a few minutes tha pair were tacking toward Poverty point Dont know aa Pro ever seen yon be fore But youve me Im Tim Henderson that Uvea way a member No go acallopln In winter an drive A car riage In summer I aint one the kind that loafs around tween times ready for anything thatll bring In 10 cents What I get is enough for ma and me Besides wo have generally put A leetle In the bank when the end the season comes Thats moren most do down here Yes I know you Ive seen you carriage The summer folks say you are as as can be Well I try to be jest civil thats about all Thats more than Is anyhow I guess youre right Bat It dont pay Guess you dont know who I Ill have to cava on that aura to do without keepln track girls in this town Hover any great after em anyhow Pm only Persia sell cigars over counter at tho View House in tha summer an do Any thing that comes along In the winter work out wont do that Never could get with women anyway Persia observed her new friend closely but Tim seemed hardly to notice her Hla eyes were busy with the which a trifle threatening But the eye of a sailor will in mora in glance than a landlubber In a week Persia was worthy of mora attention then she received on this slun She accustomed to more too made It harder to bear A feeling of was rising within her An ap prenticeship of four summers in serving the narcotic tastes of all sorts and con ditions of men had given her an insight Into the masculine nature Whether it was the best aide la matter for others to decide There Is no doubt at all that there were not a few who liked her better than the aha dispensed wives dnd mothers who approved of her might be numbered on the fingers of one hand But In spite of all this Persia all right Neither does It matter a great deal whether waa pretty or not The young men thought she while older ah was Invariably cheerful and good to the time day with In reality she trim as a yacht ever ready with a sparkling retort end her deft parrying with words made a mediaeval Invulnera ble Deep down In heart bad not a very opinion of the species of mankind that hung counter and gossiped with her by the hoar No mat ter how the outside world at her conduct In truth had certain ideas to the which constituted a real man The evening of the day had had met When the sat down to her next summers still thinking of Tim trim No room whore he every talking to men of his own omitting the common courte sies of clubmen No la a Institution on the It land of Nantucket it derives Its name from th fire engine which is Its special charge It la an old band engine ami had Its nose put out of joint by new steamer which the town In a of prodi gality purchased recently Borne people ssy It Is more ornamental than useful And It certainly doea look pretty when It goes through the old lanes No a still In commission just same and while It may be a little old fashioned If there Is ever a Ore which la rare combination of No and No men Is hard to beat But there la a deal more to No 4 than that It bos risen to a point where It great social and political Importance Candidates for like to call No their friends It la far from being a Sunday school and the common run of tho clergy would probably not feel much at eeae In the society Ha members But this story dots not desl with No affairs so much as with one of Its members companions noticed that Tim unusually this evening Billy Newcomb who bad happened to bo rabbit shooting upon Coatuo when Tim had taken on bis cargo had been Interested In adventure While others were seeking solicitously for the of silence he was biding liis time Alt they had got out of Tim had expressed about much a croak but Billy got a rise Ill tell you whata matter with Tim in love Ncvcrl one declared TlnVa the last one Well Ill bet you It to for I seen him with that girl today Now 1 want to know said an other Well well If Its so Im glad It time Tim an I wish you well wished Tim well too so thor oughly and unceasingly that he had no time to explain If he had had words- to explain himself which well bo doubted Ho returned homo to Ms mother early that night and the next thing bo went to Persia Instead of going to No He was received with a warmth that brought the blood to hie face and kept It for the rest of the evening The conversation was mainly devoted to the season and the prospects of the next the probable market quo tations on scallops when came It only when Tim started to go that he approached the subject of hie vis it with A trepidation that was plainly vis ible to It might have been to any one I wonder he began that Is I was thlnkln sorter that Is whether youd eves danced Dont want to seem Inquis itive you know only I kinder thought Id like to know Wby yes Tim I can dance an I like to whats more Well Im gladthat is I might be If only Tims arms In a series of ges tures net modeled after tho sys tem were vainly trying to help him press You see he continued we No boys have a aeries dances every winter that la Assemblies we call em an I kinder thought you might sort er like to go When he had at last sailed through his difficulties of speech Tim standing on one leg and there perspiration on brow Why yes certainly Id like to go Youre real kind Tim quickly turned opened the kitchen door and departed without even saying good night Tim was himself again when be went to No the next evening He showed no resentment at the gibes which were aimed At him and they finally ceased He only said You Jest wait till the dances be gin This they did and there was not face In the when he entered It the following week with Persls by the hand It was a happy winter for Tim almost the happiest he had ever known and it was not until summer csme that he found a fly In his ointment There bad been no expressed understanding between the pair but then not al ways put In words It only when Tim and Persia misunderstood each other that they approached the subject of their relations with each other It happened when the summer season had begun Tim had appeared in a new trim surrey and business waa good and the world looked sweet and lovely to him But however the extremely virtuous may feel about It jealousy la no respecter of persons When Tim passed the House he always stretched bis neck and looked for gen erally saw him and wared and The city people smiled too and thought It pleasant to see a happy pair of lovers even In humble life But there were times when did not see Tim They were not many to be euro but enough to crush the life out of him That Persls could ever be seen laughing and joking with a stranger and not see him when he passed killed bis heart summoned all the baseness In bis soul to the surface and at last made him the of a once happy na ture It all done In a minute He did not often see Persia but once In the mid dle of the summer be met her when his resentment waa hot within him See here Persia he began and apeech came and without hesitation seems to me youre sometimes pretty close to them city fellers An what do they care for you He couldnt have done worse stopped suddenly Tim Henderson what do you mean What have you to say about what I dot Say do you think youre this craft Why I dan no but kinder you an me together Well you neednt youre under any obligations I see youre like alt the rest the men I Want a that Is a man I want a fellow that has some thin the hero In him I dont want any the trash that has only suspicions when they see a man an a women together kinder friendly like She turn on bar heel and walked away That was the last time Tim te her for over a year That period of life was an interlude of blank As for being a he felt Instead the worshiped mfiuA to the but had spoken Increased bis tenfold Those who understand hu man hove not yet given us a satis factory of the qualities that make a hero Perhaps after all it la only Jack opportunity that keeps all of us from heroes When that time comefl It generally the hero himself that la most surprised That la the way It won with Tim Two days before the following year be weather backed Into the for a- second time There not much wind stirring but the roost thing about the weather some times Is its culm The J Huh was wvathcr breeder and o It was The night before Christmas the south- west wind hud up and at fuelled that point which en titled It to being culled a ecreamcr the south slum life saving lion the lu charge watched the the hungry stretch ing five miles the main howling lashing like hungry lions At sun- down there Wii deluge of cold rain carrleo straight out with a wind blow ing miles an hour The aond cut of the aurfiuvu a knife but llivy faced it and walked their beats for they were heroes too It was a 10 oclock that night when the Christians trees In the churches bad been unladen that the home cornels saw omhiuus flash the southern and the trail of rockets acted like a cry of on the men Tin dull silence la the rismmilcd with the frantic yell Wreck on the shore man was fool In an lustont Tim and all of there too but not the old hand engine It la not over three miles to the south shore from the village of Nantucket the men hud reached scene the life Ravers bad sent a line over tho of the Henrietta Rog ers a mile away But the was nod loath to stand atltl pounded on the shoal and tugged at the line over which ran the trolley of the breeches buoy Three were already saved but every moment It seemed If the line would As the mountainous seas heaved broke over the cliffs the line and lis burden were burled out of sight Then line released from Its tension snapped Into the air like a and yet the breeches buoy held to lis trolley Its human freight staid too slowly way to the bank The of the vessel was the last to The men had cheered them all us picked up half drowned urn carried Into the station by willing lunula It was ready to cheer now as tin man whs slowly coming the words dlpd on their lips uttered line had When from the of the waves a dark object was tunned Into tbe air Bach moment the would be thrown the sen Thai moment would he last for nothing not even a lifeboat could live in that sea It not a time to and consider life saving captain was to to to command them to go to almost In when a form out of the grubbed the life line The men on shore swore not but above the roaring of tbe they were beard and It seemed If they called him a fool No one knew who It wus for be was scarcely in view lung cm- i even if he could have been recognized Each time the line flew Into the the men chore held their breath Once man and line parted and disap peared A low groan mingled with the storm Then the line flew up again and the was again slowly creeping to ward buoy There was no timekeeper for that race with It seemed as If had when the buoy again yielded to the pull from the and the two men brought to safety When they picked up Tim Henderson already unconscious they carried him to the station as tenderly as a mother gath ers her child to her arms had for gotten to cheer at first That came later when the waiting crowd saw the fisher man stepping forth Into the open air Tim walked back to town lie resent ed any demonstration lie went home Persia waited oil day for but she did not understand yet If the thought it was for her that he risked his life she was mistaken learned that afterward ntght tbe wind had changed to and the rain had turned in to snow But weather did not count with Persia She had the street to herself as she half walked and half blew down Newtown way Later hod Tim to herself too It linn never been really known what happened but It has leaked out that Tim r i Tottenham carried the to make a loan to the promoters of the furniture factory in that village John Perkins a prisoner at Corn wall jail escaped while the jailers back was turned Ihe Lobs of Gold Is Great The lose of health more Health lost by neglecting to keep the blood pure but it re gained by purifying enriching and vitalizing the blood with the great health restorer Hoods who thought health had been perman ently lost have been made per fectly well by taking this great medicine Your experience may be the same HOODS PILLS are gentle yet always effective If two persons arc put in the bedroom one of whom has the toothache and the other is in love you will fiiul that the person who has the toothache will go to sleep first CHILDREN WILL GO SLEIGH ING They return covered with Half a of in hot water will pre vent ill effects substi tutes theres but one Perry Davis and You may gain knowledge by read ing but you must separate the wheat from the chaff by thinking SLEEPLESS NIGHTS caused by a persistent rasping cough quickly cures the most severe coughs It heals never falls to cure Manu factured by the proprietors of Perry Davis Mr McWatt of has been appointed Senior Judge of Lamb- ton County Children Cry for TOftlA Seems tobe a favorite spot to wait for cars also for young men making appointments with their ladies where they rind FirstClass Confectionery to please the pallet Fresh U naduUetved Groceries o hand Cheap for ll and upwards AD Ladies wishing their own cakes Iced Ornamented S7LlTToJ HAD Homemade Brown and Vienna always on hand Leave word and we will be to call on you A ENLARGED 0 136 PAGES PRICE A YEAR DEMORESTS M emorest Family D EMORESTS for to bo farther improved and enlarged Its success daring the past year has en- the publishers to make arrangements for import ant and costly cbange3 in popular magazine improvements will bo appreciated by more matter artistic scientific social radical than any other one magazine contain It is a for the whole family It gives much general matter ad an exclusively literary magazine It treat household topics as fully as a strictly domestic Journal It gives much matter for people as a strictly young peoples publication It give as much fashion news as a strictly fashion nber It is beautiful ly printed illustrated and carefully edited Magazine Fashion Department is in far ahead of that contained in any other publication Subscriber each month to patterns of the latest in womans attire no tost to them thtn that nece5arv for ard wrapping I Better Christmas Gift than a years Magazine can be made SI by money order register I to Tim whlla she was shelling of found h kit 1 l TO AN HAS AGAIN TOWARD said Id done the same thing any time It I hadnt stopped to think The first thing I knew I out on that Hue wouldnt swear that I was glad on It When Tim sod were married the next summer there was a good deal of made especially by the summer vis itors but Tim their water line Jest about take em over the bar an wouldnt do for deep water craft Perhaps the best thing about the whole affair Is that understood each other before the fatal tie was bound aad at least one woman has that matri mony and a womans tot Christmas Comfort Every Man is Pleased with the clothes be orders from us The Patron of Christmas seta an example of comfort In apparel aad to comfort we elegance ana style giving you the nemo of excel lence guarantee you satisfaction with clothes we make for you Oct ready for the Christmas Fair Deo McDougall my MAGAZINE 110 Fifth Ave Now York City Gfeat Special Globbng Only 190 for For Prompt Subscriptions THB Gold 265 Best Gold Fill Wo perfect sallriactlon GLOBE OPTICAL CO Yongo Street Toronto Rend Your Subscriptions to Eba Office PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our Interesting boots Invent ors and How you are swindled Bend us a rough or tour Invention or improvement and you our opinion as to it paten We i of Applications rejected in oil references furnkhed of In Applied Water Work AJioc Society Mt lCf 1 met Ode Managers county to represent mo their own and counties Willing to pay ycarlv weekly employment with uussual opportunities stamped envelope A Park Building Chicago For Sale at a Bargain of Shetland Ponies Cart Cutter Robe Harness Complete Outfit good condition Will sell ponies separately if so JACKSON FOR A irood strong or would ex change for good dry wood at this or to I Town Carting All kinds of Teaming SbottKoUeo and on Terms M1LIAHD Cor

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