Newmarket Era , December 22, 1899, p. 7

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ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL Ocncral Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED I At and Colli and American Drafts cold promptly attended to HOBS MEDICAL -vs- Rlitted first door South of Post Dr aln lately occupied by Campbell opposite Church 5riOE to and to tip ft A I Dentist Block opposite Methodist Church Vitalised Air for Painless Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp p Dentist of Dr Porter Brad ford Monday LICENSES Coming Deo KfiR a bora this day in City of David a is Lord When our first parents had sinned before he turned thorn from bo Gar den of Eden God to the promise that of her descendants enemy who had introduced sin and misery into hot heart Isaiah gives many interesting items about tho fongpromised In the passage before us ho tells that Christ shall bring light and joy Ho mankind Ho will deliver his people from oppressors and put an end to war Ho will come to earth a lit tle child yet will be Son of God appointed King of men His kingdom from small beginnings shall until it ail mankind PRACTICAL The is a proof of Gods lovo for man Christ is the Saviour of all who will accept him Tho person who does not know Jo- Bun is in darkness but when the heart begins to love Jesus the spiritual eyes Jesus in men are at peace with ono another And one who welcomes him re ceives of conscience God could not keep it secret that ho was going to give this great gilt to but foretold it centuries before Jesus was born r MISTLETOE AND TO JOY For ilea J Mor r the Or of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At tho at private if deal rod INSURANCE J ft Agent fir Lire to Loan OrrtCE AtthoPoatOfaoeNowmarkot ft Insurance Agent Lom Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Tin Shop Newmarket WtTs Simpson Main St and Fancy Goods ft Stouftetf of Voice wxd Tuner or and all Sir tug p Olivet Graduate of of Ohio or ana Queen to Loan At per ttrm security effected on Lire Insurance by CommiMonerrortaWng I J Conveyancer Real Agent the folio wing reliable Insurance Companies end Globe Norwich Union Standard Mutual Block Mount Albert to Loan At Five per cent on I arm Security by David liloyd Commissioner Real Agent of i Also Agent for the following Queen or London and Gore District Mutual established in also for the Confederation Life Association To- Old Corner of Mali ad Lot Street liV Dr of Linseed and Turpen tine In mothers favorite remedy for coughs colda and sore throat It lias by far the largest of any remedy for coughs and colds It la pleasant to the taste prompt In action and la an absolute safeguard against consump tion and pneumonia cents bottle site CO cents Correction Baldwin Owl is altogether astray in making statement in weeks that Mr Jos Kay has been tax collector in Town ship for years Mr Kay collector the taxes for 1 years viz for the years from to inclusive and again during the years 1890 to inclusive I consider Mr Kay to bo ono of the in the Province hav ing made his return of Roll each year on the day appointed law viz Dec 14th Miss Butcher has resigned the position of of the at Corners and Miss Sadie Stephenson of Aurora has secured the position for next year Dec 14 Steamer owned by P Marsh and a tug boat owned by Shaw Co were burned to the waters edge tonight while stand ing in the dry dock at the looks Ori gin of fire unknown Insurance not determined English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs etc 60 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by Lehman Druggist The annual entertainment of King Mission School Davis Corners 3rd con King will be by the pupils of thQsohool under direction of Miss Long on Thursday evening TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure signature is on each box No 115 with a crew offline a cargo of iron ore has been given up for lost in Lake Superior and Our returned fall Anyone and description of any lovenltoo will a teat upon request RPM oat through us n and widely journal consulted by Investors Scud for eatupte copy FREE Address VICTOR CO Patent Attorneys VABHtMaTOH Stop it Horn Dont Let It Run on Until Condi tion You to be Ostracised as if You were a Leper Before it is too late atop that suc cession of colds that means nothing more nor leas than catarrh Stop tho Stop the disagreeable dis charges that are so humiliating to you and offensive to your friends Dont let it run on until your condition causes you to be ostracized as if you were a leper Dont neglect yourself until consumption makes its fatal You can be cured Not merely relieved but absolutely and cured Dr Catar rhal Powder will restore you to com plete perfect health It gives relief at once It cures in incredibly abort time gold ty Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket CHRISTMAS lug iiilbtitti yf would ho val of Iih ami of festive l iL llioiilill- leus which Involve that la mew and ex tent reach from across vena woods Mistletoe which Is so prized by lomcmttc people who value elKnificaiice more tuno Its beauty at Us bent Id England though a Kreat deal or It from Virginia The English mistletoe has a flat very green with large single berries oval In shape and peculiarly In ap pearance the American branch of the family boasu smaller leaves and in clusters of three It Is pack when fathered In Europe In eight root long open crates and shipped across the ocean with as much care given to Its preservation as though It were far more precious than It really Is save In the opinion of the romantically Inclined The common mistletoe baa been associated with many superstitions from the most ancient times and has highly ex- tolled for Its medicinal virtues It Is however excluded from the pharmaco poeias now The origin of the modern custom connected with mistletoe Is not clear Like many other customs Ha original significance Is only guessed at If known perhaps the Innocent merri ment now associated with the plant would be exchanged a feeling of stern disapproval and the mistletoe would bo banished from our homes Mistletoe mny be made to grow on the apple and other trees by cutting a notch in the bark on the under surface of a branch and carefully Inserting the seed therein Two precautions ore specially One is to place the seed in such a position that the embryo fchnll be directed toward the trunk of the tree the other Is to ovoid crushing the need The apple Is the tree on which the mistletoe grows most In Herefordshire are greatly Infested with this parasite which however bus a value of its own for It appears that of a hundred tons of mistletoe are forwarded to and other large towns from that county alone for Christmas decoration The holly with its bright berries and glossy leaves is one of the most decora tive greens used at the Christmas sea son is adapted especially well to wreath form the color lasting longer the general being Mnlisfnetory than when made of the evergreen Strange as It may seem hundreds of holly wreaths are sent out to their green and red brightness signifying thefovlng remembrance far dear ones passed away yet somehow it little gruoua even from a point One is so apt to associate bully with crackling wood rollicking jolli ty good eating and drinking aud other material enjoyment that in memoriam It stems a trifle out of place yet In the poem of that name which Tennyson has made Immortal we read With trembling fingers did we weave the holly round the Christmas hearth So that the holly has before Its present vogue In cemeteries been associated with tbe memory of those ho longer wltb us speaking tbe holly Is a ge nus of trees and shrubs of the natural or der chiefly natives of temperate climates with evergreen leathery shining and generally spinous leaves The common holly the only Eu ropean and a native of some parti of Asia also Is a well ornament of woods parks and shrubberies in Great Britain the stiffness Its being so compensated by abundance of Ita and leaves as make ft one of tbe most beautiful It is found as a native plant In Scotland al though Britain Is nearly Its northern lim it ft attains greater size and displays greater luxuriance in the northern than in the southern parts of Its geographic range often appearing Id former as a tree of considerable slae to fit feel high while in the latter It is generally a mere bush In table decorations holly at tbe Christ mas season Is used most effectively It is- on authority of a leading florist that we state that the correct arrange ment of a Christmas dinner table so far as evergreen appointments are con cerned Is a large wreath of Lolly in tbe center surrounding a dainty vase con taining mistletoe Over this and sus pended from tbe gas fixtures la another spray of mistletoe tied by brilliant scar let ribbon to match tbe berries of the holly on table beneath Near ends of table are banked masses of hotly In center of which are wired upright loops of scarlet satin ribbon trait- log ends straying over the green leaves on to tho white Tin of holy or mistletoe are placed at the mens places larger clusters more on of being supplied for fair members of the company So great bos become the demand for holly wreatns that orders are given to the flor ists weeks before Christmas and It is not unusual to send two dozen wreaths to one bouse all windows being decked In apropos garb left overs doing suspended wherever their green and red can be utilized to artistic no pleasing advantage It ex- traragant rad when one considers bow soon tbe beauty fades yet the good cheer that speaks from the disks of green and red the mansion millionaire or the hovel Of the pauper than com- for what our Puritan ancestors would deemAvlllfdl extravagance Phil adelphia Timet A Season of In Although the scenes sod grand functions which formerly to Rome this time of the year are In a great measure thing pusi perhoji In few other cities of the world Is it possible to pass a more delightful Christmas than Itoe for here In the Caput nil cosmopol itan usages and customs which follow la the motley train of old Father Christmas to concur rendering It a season joy merrymaking while peculiar fascination of the lJujrinl City sheds a kind of glamour over tin- must varied col- the beautiful religious wr- are for solemnity Impressive Of all seasons this Is In Rome the gay- eat within the circle of domestic life but vigil Instead of day itself may be said to be the great occasion for lly reunions Here as everywhere else the most Important part of the profano programme Is of a purely nature and the I takes place of the Christmas dinner of the following day In England The appearance of the Is brilliant and striking in the extreme at this time of the year the confectioners windows especially being full of things the sweet est and prettiest sugar temples snowy cakes called made of almonds raisins and flour redoubtable composi tion compared to which an honest Brit ish piam pudding Is as light as a wafer longitudinal papers filled wlh- and nil sorts of other delicacies One of the first Christmas trees ever Introduced into Rome was fur the little Prince of Naples heir to tbe Italian throne whose nursery governess was an English lady and since then Teutonic custom gradually become a la In Loudon Mall SACRED THORN TREE fltrAnjro Story of One That Blossoms Only at miles northwest of the quiet little episcopal city of Wells rises a lofty peak called by the Celtic natives of west Brit ain a tor It Is for miles around with the tower of an ancient chapel on its top with a little country town and tbe ruins of a noble old abbey Sufficient evidence remains to show that the abbey was of vast proportions occupying in nil JO acres of ground It was rounded by Saxon kings and further endowed by the and The grand Its fine were built in the finest style of Inter mchitcctuiv but now little crumbling walla and pillars testify to the mice great beauty of the abbey The of St Josephs chapel how ever Is In fair state of preservation ibere grows the famous Clapton- bury thorn that blossoms but for one day in the year and that Christmas day This tree bus a history his long journey from Palestine St Joseph of visited the dis trict he and his companions having been sent by St Philip apostle to convert the theu heathen nation of Brit sin and to cost out the Druid lion St Joseph and his followers found tbelr way to Glastonbury then known as They were all and arriving on the summit of hill Joseph who was using a hawthorn stick as a walking staff stuck It Into the ground and It burst Into bloom present Glastonbury thorn Is an offshoot by continued grafting of St Joseph of walking staff Mall A Siberian A strange superstition which may something of Its origin to the assocla lions bound up the Biblical narra tive or the Nativity obtains credence to this day among the peasants of Siberia By them it Is believed that a gift of speech superhuman descends upon the beasts of the stall and byre during mystic hour that heralds tbe Christmas dawn and that If one bold enough to hide beneath the on sucb occasions ho will hear bis for the coming year foretold by bis do mestic animals A betrayal of his pres ence however certain Mall Gazette German fltufitne For Roast Goose For German take onehalf pound of bread crumbs onehalf pound each of chopped apples seeded raisins and blanched almonds the goose liver parboiled and chopped one table- spoonful of powdered sage the of a lemon two scant tenspoonfuU of salt and a of chopped Mix and moisten with a teacupful of melted butter Stuff crop and body lightly packed the dressing will bo saggy I and result will bo a gas tronomic delight Selected Christmas Fires bright Cliff it Kit I fin if And art whit with mow Down the fair There comet back the low ago From Bohemias glided rutin Do 1 longlog To the begone dreamt of the pica of Christmas Soup Turkey Fluffed with Cheatriots Naked flower Celery Jelly Lettuce with Unking Crackefa Pit Tarts frttilBt Coughing Yet The Giver You probably tried two or havent you Getting sotnowhal JiNcouraged Suppose without delay you get a bottle of White Pine Wo ftuarantco every bottle ivo Relief and cure your cough If it dont you may your money back Cents a Bottle Ought to he suited in the figs problem of Present Buying are of a nature that it is an easy mutter to select something that innate to please Whether you have ten cents or five dollars to spend sua this is the place a You will find these letters on all our bottles Do you know the meaning It is Chemically It means our Drugs and Chemicals are chemically pure It safe for u to do your dispensing Other Presents 1 am We have a nice lot of Brushes Dressing Cases Collar cuff Boxes Shaving Sets Glove Boxes OUR STORE IS YOUR Visit it when and as often as you like We are pleased to serve you at all times and our prices will always suit you LEHMAN FOR THE CHRIST COOK nines on Borne For he PUDDING Many families us a simple suet pud- ding Christinas it la brandy The best rule for this calls for a cup of stoned raisius chopped in coarce bits a cup ot suet chopped fine a cup of molasses a of cin namon half a of cloves half a nutmeg and a of colt Add now three eggs white and yolks well beaten together and Ian of all an even teaspooaful of soda dissolved In a cup of milk Beat the pudding thoroughly with a spoon and put It a well buttered tin mold holding about two quarts This will give It ample room to swell in Cover it closely the tin cover to no water can get In and plunge it Into a pot boiling water deep enough to reach two- thirds tbe height of the mold Let the pot or water be covered and water boll steadily around pudding tor three hours Make it Christmas day and serve It with a good wine sauce FOR Winter Dry Goods OR Clothing Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains I RECIPE FOR CASK Wash and scrape come lettuces Put wine Into a mortar and pound and pulp the lettuces therein Now out the juice mix up some flour from wheal and allow it to fettle after which pound adding a little pigs and pepper finally pound again draw out Into a cake smooth and cut It into sbape and boil in hot oil Time of PIE Make puff paste crust and cover dish Let your pigeons be nicely picked and cleaned Season them with pepper and salt a good bit of fine but- with pepper and salt in their bellies and lay them In your pan The necks gizzards livers pinions lay between with yolk of nit g and a In tup middle Put as much water us will till the dish and lay the top Is best to make The French till with very bulls around ill- side with toms mushroom nil of bacon and sea in but that is ac cording to Just arrived Fresh Good Cheap J NYOM I The Leading House Sharon K V now Till oar lift In aleap Row we valtcd watched fcti But tow In Marrr halo- is alt cur by of Joy of In of time By rtai flr hull kilters Kunitwd Ob the KvVcd on up Uilir A Sk Of Cut Eaum and every orm of is Dr Chocs As great as may the difference of opinion as to the various types of beauty no one can beauty In a face that dis figured by pimples and blackhead or scarred by traces of eczema or other skin diseases The lowneck society dress frequently reveals shoulders and hack covered with pimples or other skin eruptions repulsive to the sight Why are women content to use powders and harmful preparations to cover up such blemishes when they could well cure them and make the skin clear healthy and natural by using a preparation so well known as Dr Chases Ointment Eczema or Salt Rheum may be taken as I he most severe form of skin diseases which mar beauty and causa terrible itching and burning sensations That Dr Cbasea Ointment has cured the worst cases of eczema on record is well No preparation is of such inestimable value in a womans toilet for besides curing the pimples that are usually troublesome at intervals it gives relief to itching to which women are subject and absolutely cures piles Ooc a box at all dealers or Co Toronto To the Deaf A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholsons Artificial Eur has sent to his in stitute ho that deaf people unable them may have them free Apply to Department The In stitute Eighth Ave New York Edward who fell into a vat of boiling water at Woodstock is dead from his injuries A GREAT BUILDER The Emulsion of Cod Liter Oil Is a great builder It gives weight adds healthy flesh and overcomes any downward tendency health Davis Lawrence Co Ltd makers Booh purchased twenty- five horses at Bolton on Wednesday paying good prices TOWN LOTS On Situated near the old Voollen Factory For Bale on Buy Terms Apply to JACKSON Real Estate Agent to or ICO acres on the Town of East half a from Newmarket depot Young orchard of Good market farm Apply to Newmarket Children Cry for CASTOR A The merchants who want news paper to roast grocery pedlars cheap John stores and the like would make newspaper men feel more like doing so if they would quit using free Utter heads of soap firms and whole sale oil envelopes baking pow der sidewalk advertise ments and rubber stamps and patron ize horns printing offices CASTOR A 1 For Infants and Children House for Sale Corner of John and Timothy rooms kitchen atone cellar water Apply on be or to When you Buy a NEW BUGGY You not only want stylo but you want that will stand the racket That the kind you will find at SHOP North End St Newmarket They are handmade all nest quality of wellseasoned materia to wear- better than machine and at equally low prices I wry Lessons in Painting By J Bfl Art Graduate of Ontario L or market

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