TO I of their Concert on flight and wo the talent loured will draw a crowded house Hurry of A puurdtd as one iho of Toronto and Patch Aurora will to win the approbation of the by their ability Miss JJaldwin Aurora so loist Mr Geo trombone tfoloiBt Walton and Canon of the military duet and will tako part A special fea ture of the evening will bo the Farce by the Club cloven characters My Job Roger of will tako the chair at and those who want a seat will to go early SHARON The and beautiful Church hero opened for and dedicated last tiunday J J of chairman of ho District dedicatory sermon to a audionco and Monro of preaohed in the evening were grand ser mons hot fowl supper on Mofy day night jjwaa also a groat and addresses splen did Wo M join in ox tending sympathy to Mr M and family in deep trouble Mr Irwin returned homo from Detroit on Monday to upend bin Annie returned from Jut it being her season in Millinery Lota of visitors at Mr on Bnnday Mr and Mra attended funeral of there cousin Kitcly at on Sunday last Mra of Broadview is visiting her mother A of Baldwin is visiting her aunt Miea Doan Mr J Kitely is in Toronto on jury Mr Johnston of was the guest of Mr Crake a few days last week Mrs has home after a months visit with mother Miss Brown is guest of Miss Mildred Phillips Mrs McMillan is at her homo in Aurora on account of the illness of father Mra baa gone to her at Port Hope J is improving from her recent illness Mr Long has the arm owned by Mr and in- rends moving on it in spring baa been on the sick list aahVring from a severe cold but is improving folks would like to know who is to get tho cushion for a Christmas Box fa Mr Milton Hughes of Chicago was visiting Mr A Hughes on Sunday last The reopening of the Methodist here was attended with great success sermons by Rev Keam were good snd Ray Mr Sparling did well as a for Rev Hill whose absence was regretted but there was some mis understanding in the arrangements Large congregations at each service In the morning a quartette under Miss of Toronto assisted by Mr Stephenson and Mr and Mrs Long of Sharon rendered a choice selection The music in the afternoon and even ing by the Choir was Although looking much like rain on Monday the Supper in the old Meet ing House was well attended and the proceeds were about The ladies deserve great credit for the nice of the tables They were well arranged and the tea lent The pastor Rev A occupied the chair and rushed the through in good style The flinging by the villa Quartette was grand The trio by three ladies of the quartette is worthy of special mention their harmony was well bal anced and is rarely excelled by the best trained city quartettes The readings by the ladies were really splendid Clara and Miss Mildred Phillips fairly excel- while Mra son took the audience completely by surprise Short addresses were also given by Rev Weeks of market Rev P of Thornhill and Rev Mr The beat of order prevailed throughout decorations of the church were admiration of all Hewitt of Newmarket did and Mr Long of the paint ing staining and other decorating A Merry Christmas to all Wonder what has happened Mrs is adopting a flno boy was a grand time at tho Fowl Supper in the Orange Hall last Friday night Only members and their proaont were made by Revs Hand and of this and Rev Robinson and Mr of The Church of England is to have a Christmas Tree on Friday Deo 22od Mr Doyle has had two fino new chimneys built Wo have lost one of the village beauties but she has gone to Toronto to gladden the homo of Mr Wm MoAdtuns Tho boys got dollar to omit charivari a couple of weeks ago and aro now looking for another in tho near future We pleased to have Mr Saul of visiting in our last Sunday Mrs talks of getting a New- burn heater Our worthy is a at snow Mrs J has improved the ap pearance of her residence by the ad of a veranda and now has the barn raised to put a wall under it like being uptodate Mrs says she will when she leaves so old maids and widows in the village I wonder which will go first A party is expected at this week lioXa of fowl at the and Some yoking liquor to a boy years old last and him that ho had to bo taken home It fa a great pity the law not put into force for conduce- number from here to opening of the Methodist church last Sunday and Monday boys for holidays they attending University in city Dr Wesleys mother and father hero day laat week Freddie got laid out Saturday night for being very That is- the way a man gets paid for spend ig his money in drink Wo noticed Mr Boyd and Mr around here shaking hands Thoy arc seeking the of the Township BALDWIN BREEZES QUEENS VI Mr and Samuel had a visit Friday evening from Old Santa who presented them with a brand now baby boy as a Gift Mr and Samuel mov ed recently from near Rtwenahoo to house formerly owned by Elder Hairier on street Newmarket having purchased property Th6 item in last weeks issue re garding Mr Richard ap pointment to a position in the Special ty Co as engineer was a mistake His application for a position requires sanction of Manager who will not bo here till after We hope he will secure the Mr Geo Clarke has moved from It still continues unusually mild hut war and weather both are hot enough in Africa A Merry Christmas and Happy Now Year to the Editor and Staff and Correspondents not forgetting the Readers of the Ottawa Dee It is announced thai per cent of the imports into this Canadian The season fas practically closed on Deo 1st and at that time Victoria had shipped goods to value of compared with 11666000 year and in In Mr D lane in our village the butternut tree near the road was planted by Mr Hills grandfather Mr Geo Fogg cut the end off his little finger of his left hand on Satur day last It is healing very nicely returned from Port Perry on Thursday of last week Mr Hill and daughter J Stephens returned from the North West on Saturday last Richard moved through here on Friday last for Newmarket Dick is going to work in the Specialty The A O elected their officers for 1900 on Monday night last The hotel sheds and stables pro gressing favorably during this fine weather Very poor weather for our Rink but it likely to be colder before next March The boss home one with a load of lumber and told his carpen ters he did not wish their services any longer but ho was down early next morning and rehired them Mr and John Wright of To ronto are in the village this week Mr and Wright have been travelling through the States since last Slay Mr J of is expected home this week Rev Mr Mercer of Knox College Toronto will preach in the Presbyter Church for the next three Sun days Miss of Ottawa visit ing her Miaa Jennie Breckon Mr Cunningham read a very interesting paper on Teach to Pray laat Tuesday evening at A will ho topic next Tuesday evening Subject Our Royal Brother Wm is now able to by friendly aid of Henry Kay who seemed to be at a standstill for ever so long is now able to sit up for a ahort daily A well known dominie of dooident sporting prooHvities and an equally well known citizen of to gether with two cooks- held a short but interesting discussion se cret conclave in a barn yard After two lively bouts feathers flying freely the dcminicthrew up the sponge The referee saya it was a lively go Between cook fights and the pedagogues are up their reputations a highly moral influence thoy must exercise over their pupils A certain so it is said baa not completed the atatute labor in his beat What kind of report will he return to the Would an A wife of our moat young ladiea in the habit of hustling out and making tho fire these cold mornings When the houeu is warm and cozy the men folks tumble out Should bo way on flhboting here on Satur day was not a huge success The real truth I guess is that theyre all afraid to compete against Dame Crittenden who is a hard to back up againat a shoot Mr Will son of tine with bis wife and family are home from Michigan for the holidays He ia of well- proportioned gigantic size He has been absent for years and has settled down In Mich and mar ried Xmas and entertainment at Baldwin Christian on eve of A certain Mount Pleasant young gent is rushing one of our fair ones a Mary pretty lively as he call a round most as often as Little Annie to have done Im sure I wish success An individual under fictitious name of Johnston approached one of our and asked Will you come and buy on Sutton market I am well satisfied with Baldwin was reply Will you come if we bust up Baldwin market again was asked No Who could have Johnston been Ive heard tell how pigs if com pelled to swim would cut their throats with their sharp hoofs Leslie Crit tendens didnt Less was driving a couple to a neighbors to be One fried to take a short cut not always a plan across the pond Mr Piggy broke through and nearly watery grave A crowd of boys had an exciting experience in rescuing piggy To the contributor of The Faded Coat of Blue I return my sincere thanks Its like meeting an old friend to see that song again The College Comers scribe takes in a wide scope of country in his search for The Keswick scribe should summon him before a for tres passing on his lawful territory The first lino of tho refrain in The The Christian Sunday School will an anil on in the There a good crowd at the Mocking last Sunday evening seryico was conducted by Mr John VanNorman who also very ably in troduced the subject Noxt Sunday evening Mrs Van will introduce the subject Gospel Temperance Meeting last Monday evening was voryalimly attended owing to the bad weather but ladies of the were on lined witha very creditable program as announced gave an address on work of Society among tho Lumber Camp which was vory interesting ladies of hero very persistent lot of workers Mr Howard of Michi gan is expected to spend his Christ mas at his fathers Mr Joshua Mr John celebrating Silver Wedding on Saturday FOE SALE One Carriage or Saddle Horse -ALao- A Pair of Nice Drivers SHERMAN Polo MISS J Toronto Conservatory In Student prepared for Conservatory Address Ave Toronto ROACHS POINT Mr Bert died at fathers residence here on Saturday evening Doc at tho early ago of after an illness consumption of months with Christian resignation The funeral service took place in the Christian Church Keswick and wore conduct Elder assisted by Rev John The sermon which was a very impressive one was preached from John Ho was in terred in Sutton cemetery- Bert was a quiet young man belov ed by all who knew him and his death was sincerely mourned as was shown by tho largo number that followed him to his last resting place Six of his old school mates acted as pall bearers Hia hours were blessed to him by the knowledtfe of love and he told frienda AH is well Tho bereaved ones our warmest sympathy in their hour of trial as this is second in fifteen months re moved by tho aame disease Mr and MrsvP Lyon of were visiting at the Lawrence House this week m Miss Boyd seriously ill Dr Greenwood in attendance Mr Jack Osier of Toronto is stay ing at for a few days All young people hoping tho lake will freeze so they will have some skating We are glad to aeo Mrs Miller out again as she has been ill for aome time We sorry to see Mr W Marsh looking so frail he only weighs pounds It is a pleasure to note that Mr Chris Lepard is renovating his Card of Miss A McDonald offer- sincere thanks to exerted themselves a her una especially to the finder wbo to and promptly lost bracelet of the to wacy friends who shown somaoy kindnesses long thtr well as to those who so willingly as slated In connection with Such and gen erous sympathy will bo forgotten KAARE Roachs i Wood For Sale by the cord or by the aero Apply to Salesmen to You lie Special Mixed Candy lb lb for Selected Gum Drop Candy Selected Cream Candy Mixture Cream Candy to sell special at lb Royal Mixed Candy lb Choice 50c lb Special Sweet Oranges and California Oranges sweet and large and doz DONT BUY A Without calling SHOP North End of Main Newmarket AND SEEING Oat Styles and Prases Blxdlfrtrentetyfea to choose from bandmade will stand the racket trimmed In Old Gold Olive Green and Crimson Plush and Factory NUTS FRESH Soft- Shell Almonds Grenoble Walnuts Sicily Filberts Fresh Roasted Peanuts if Desired THE Wish their a Merry and a and Happy New Year Tub a- J Faded Coat of Blue was omitted in Era The refrain or be gins more tho bugle calls the weary one noble spirit in thy silent grave unknown etc The numerous friends of Rev will be pleased to learn she is now convalescent after a very attack of typhoid at her home in the market proved a greater than baseball or hookey games The greatest throng here on Monday ever known in this place Buoh an amount of produce was brought in that there would be but a small nibble left for Sutton The winners were Mrs Ben let on turkoys a lb bird hatched May 80 Willie Tom- let on J No petition in Owls The prize was Particulars next issue The compliments of the season to The the Em with any other weekly for home news ZEPHYR Mr Way man and siflter Miss Etta spent Sunday with Miss at the Zephyr house Mr Murray one of the market buyers and Miss Delia Co- spent Sunday at Mr Mit chells Miss Walton and a lady companion from spent Sunday under the parental roof that our genial merchant intends selling his business to Messrs of Egypt We will be sorry to lose Mr as he is well thought of in this vicinity- cannot we have a skating rink We are sure that there will be considerable money made by the person that will venture to build one We have largo here every Tuesday at the market It is a great benefit to the village On account of the inclemency of the weather Mr J Cook has been un able to finish his residence at the south end It is a pity as he had sev eral applications for already has removed from our burg and has located at We wish him every success Mr Rich ardson the principal of the public school has moved in the house vacat ed by him We are sorry to chronicle the death of the of Mr Clarke She died from on Monday morning The funer al sermon was preached in the church here and the remains were taken to the cemetery for interment Mies Cassie Gain of is visiting at Mr Quantas this week The concert to be given by tbe children of the on night promises to be a grand success The children are practising daily under the careful tuition of Mr A The moat Important of it will be the Xmas Canta ta Several from here intend going to Concert on the eon of on lost It will no doubt be as it la the first concert ever given by that section Gallery open aud New Years Day BUY YOUR CORN CORN CHOP And FEED of all kinds FLO Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry GOAL AND WOOD AT- W J WILSONS Cor Main and Huron A Stock of HighClass Confectionery French Roasted Almond Chocolates Choice assortment Fruitflavored Chocolates Fresh Bon Bona large and small size TABLE DELICACIES Selected Figs in 1 lb Glove Boxes each Layer Figs lb Layer Raisins in Clusters and lb Value in Fancy Cups and Saucers 15c Fancy Plates China Cake Plates Dainty Cake Plates Salad Dishes 35c Fancy China Pitchers Berry Sets pieces for a snap Glass Salad Dishes 65c Dainty Glass Lemonade Sets 150 Fancy China Table Sets 6 and pieces SI Bohemian Glass Toilet Pieces comprising Pin Trays Jewel Cases etc 10c Delivery Wagons j for promptness meet the rush a Christmas MAIN STREET NEWMARKET A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year To all my Customers and Friends LUNDY TAILOR t AUCTION SALE OF to the of Amos Toole there offered for Bale by Auction fit North American Hotel- Newmarket 1898 at oclock In the forenoon Park Lot No on the North aide of being part of lot la of aote and or A property coot at of and Orinoco djtheoafui The Property win put up to a to For further apply to J UM J Balance of You will Find SE CORN bushels Old American Yellow Corn direct from Chicago This consignment was bought on the recent break in prices SHORTS Pounds all fresh ground SALT Rices Pure Salfc bought before the ad- vance and will be sold at regular price 15 per bbl All above must be sold within next two weeks to make room for further purchases GO