Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1899, p. 1

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The more home news every v NORTH mi I INTELLIGENCER AND AD 10 pal mo tin liborty to know to uttor and Recording to above all other liberty i ftjcva No paper sent out North York unlets paid in advance XLVIII No 4fi Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Dec 29 J if- We take this opportunity of thinking our many customers for their liberal patronage during and wish and all one A 9 and Prosperous 0 ear A NEWMARKET I Joy to the Consumer of our The Best the Markets afford in Raisins Currants Peels Nuts c c Our Sugar lbs for 00 is a Beauty Our Mix Candy lbs for is the Acme of Perfection Feet shod for snow and ice If not call and see us We can suit you in goods and price Saskatchewan Robes 50 Saskatchewan Mitts 175 Our aim is not only a fair price but the best quality at that price Iff Our Toronto better The mayoralty contest a hot Shaw la out of it Some people imagine that he has Clarkes promise for City position Bo this as it may Clarke Aid Hal- lam and E A are in the race for the chair Mr Clarke will pull the Conservative propor and out in on secret societies Mr will get a largo share of the mercantile temperance and radical voting elements and Mr A Mc Donald will the opponents of street railway many of tho laboring and out in on sectional sup port of both the other candidates Re sult doubtful Provincial Auditor Mr was up to recently looking over and auditing the town books for past year The motion for a permanent in junction to restrain the and Metropolitan from forming a junction St crossing has been enlarged till of January A project is under way to erect a largo hotel on corner of High Park avenue and street suiiablo not only for the summer trade to High Park but for farmers who the Dundae road on the way to tho mar ket Mr and Mrs Herbert will be greatly missed in sooial life during their long absence from town They leave this week for a tour round the world Aid docs not in tend to offer for re this year The electors of the First Ward regard him as being an independent and hon est representative and very re gret his retirement inn hi CORN 2000 bushels Old American Yellow Corn direct from Chicago This consignment was bought on the recent break in prices SHORTS Pounds all fresh ground SALT Rices Pure Salt bought before the ad vance and will be sold at regular price 115 All above must be sold within next two weeks to room for further purchases GO Cot this oat tnd S3 Eft re V caul union tainted I cat Toronto Can FREE IS foua lioves Beauty Dr Ointment Stops Bkin Blemishes Leaves It and Healthy- Skin diseases of every nature from the merest pimple on the flesh to the most distressing salt rheum and tetter are quickly pleasantly and permanently cured by Dr Agnows Ointment In disease where outward applications make a cure Dr Ointment never fails One applica tion gives instant relief Sold by E Pharmacy Newmarket v Council The following were refunded their dog tax Philip Bacon he having left the municipality James dog destroyed and J Brown dog also destroyed Accounts itc ordered paid as follows gravel Johnston Wesley Shire A Jno Atkinson repairs to Scrap er Geo Evans postage stationery and expenses to Toronto Umphry Jos Kay commission for expending grant J Stevenson repairs to bridge at Baldwin A Millard filling washout bridge Commission for expending grant and selling timber con line 2 repair to bridge Brook A Draper repairs to Ego postage stationery and placarding Ego commissioner cedar Irons filling washout I Corner handles for A writings Regis tration fee re gravel pit Shell sheep claim 00 88 Cxcadita Remedy for 20 LAWRENCE CO il 6 82 00 76 16 Melted TO Mm by J Shirr Horner P Nolan Mitchell J it j Aird M- I Pry r Galbraitb commissioner for expending grant 1 Lake gravel and repairs to culvert J Brown repairs to Bylaw appointing polling places and for municipal was duly passed after which ad journed i New Year to All Pi Written specially for theEra The Coming are standing on the threshold of another century With our hands upon the handle of the door that soon will be Widely flung upon its hinges for the world to enter in With their burdens on their shoulders mid the hurry ing and din Tis a mighty massive structure of a hundred pillars strong All arranged at equal distance to support the arches long In each pillar are the treasures of the crowd of passers by Who throw in their contributions with anticipations high Some fruits of golden hours lucubrations of the night Who for noble fame are toiling that manhood may live aright With the hope that when the labors of their present life are done Their regard may be in hearing Enter in thou faithful one Others come with rapid footsteps jostling those of slower tread In their haste for worldly honors by their own ambition led Calling on all to listen to opinions they While they hope to thrill the nations with the theories they propound As we view the lofty columns as perspectively they fade In the distant vista seeming but the shadow of a shade Till the end is lost in cloudland which the throng will never see Only here and there a pilgrim last of all their company 9 What new will develop when this century is dead Will the next in its its dictum still be led Or will what this age counts wondrous be regarded incomplete By influx of perfection be ignored as obsolete Will the trump resounding and Christs banner wide unfurled Be conveyed to every heathen in dark places of the world And will science and the Bible reconciled go hand in hand And the unbelieving critics from their fortresses disband Will the Spirit permeate the christian church Of whatever name or section for the world a gaming torch Will all rancor and contention from within its pale be cast Love and unity pervading and her persecutions past Will the cruel wrongs that bind us as in bonds of slavery Be demolished in their strongholds bringing hope and liberty When the vanquished shall no more lift up his head And the powers protecting evil will be numbered with the dead Will the nations harmonizing make their swords to plow the soil Bend their spears to hooks for pruning coveting no martial spoil When the Conference of Nations shall preserve each kingdoms crown And the lion and the lambkin near each other shall lie down Though fierce warfare marks its advent bringing grief and wild despair It may be as thunder showers purging foulness from the air Through a thousand soldiers dying millions may their rights secure And a country thus be the slaveupholding Boer What is now an unsolved problem what the future ago will be Will not fail to be recorded for the earths posterity And the actors in the drama of the worlds events today Will be counted greater heroes when this age has passed away Richmond Hill Dec j Grant Rheumatic Sfcinq South American Rheumatic Cure Sways the Wand and Suffering Ceases in a Trice Mr A Kennedy Sussex Toronto says I had been attacked very frequently with muscular rheumatism my shoulders and arms I used South American Rheumatic Cure and found immediate relief after a dose or two My family have used this remedy with the most satisfactory results I think it truly a very efficacious remedy for this very prevalent ailment Sold by Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket At Amain a popular tourist re- sort on the Gulf of Salerno Italy an rock on which was a fine ho tel fell into the sesj carrying with it the hotel another hotel below it a monas tery and several villas There was a great loss of life At the County Court Carter of was found guilty of secretly removing his goods to defraud his landlord Mr Campbell of rent As the code calls for one imprisonment and lino the jury recommended In disposing of the verdict Judge deprecated bringing such actions as criminal ones and expressed his disagreement with the criminal code He let Carter off with a fino of without costs I This Canada of At the annual dinner of the Nation al Club Toronto last week Hon W Ross Premier of Ontario spoke for this in response to toast in his honor Mr P replied for The truly patriotic observations of Premier Ross will be reechoed by the of On tario In his speech the Star reports him as buying said He whs there as a Canadian it did not matter whether be came to that name by way of Ireland or England or Scotland or France or Germany We in Ontario did not re cognize part played in history of Canada by the Province of Quebec a history dating back before there was an Ontario but always marked by indissoluble loyalty to the British Crown We are glad to welcome guests from the Province because from east to west through our wide Domin ion every Canadian heart out in sympathy to the motherland in her efforts to protect the rights of her sub jects in South Africa Deeply as we deplore the horrors of war and carnage of the battle field it is our duty to remember that it was in a baptism of blood our dearest rights were conecerated and our na tional liberties recognized and tbe Canadian who in this crisis is not pre pared to make sacrifices for the honor of the empire in the words of Sir Walter Scott liiving shall forfeit fair renown And doubly dyings shall go down To the vile dust from whence he sprung Unwept and unsung Now is not the time for us to stand upon order of our doing but to do Now is not the time to say whether one or two contingents shall be sent if to maintain the honor of the British flag but to say to Britain All that we in men and all that we have in treasure are at the disposal of the Empire for the asking We have enjoyed too long the pro tection of Britieh arms and we have been too long sheltered under the pa ternal roof to allow any feeling of col onial isolation to stand in the way of discharging as Britons ought our ob ligations to the Empire Brave men may fall at and with the entrenchments of pessimists may bewail the decline of British prowess but we are not pessimists we believe in ultimate success of British arms and her continued ascendency among the nations of the world And although for the moment there may be apparent reverses still we be- as one of her own poets has said The meteor flag of England shall yet terrific burn Till dangers troubled night departs and the star of peace return Fungus It seems that in the present day Arabs who are obliged to traverse the sandy wastes of Arabia depend to a large extent upon angels food both for themselves and for their camels The manna is in reality a fungus which is found in great quantities after rain Of a grey color and of the size pea it has a pleasant sweet taste and although its analysis shows that it is by no means a perfect food it is sufficiently rich in nitrogenous matter and to sustain life for a long period Chambers Journal It is announced than the bonus of 100 paid by the government to owners of creameries who provide cold storage facilities will be extended to owners of creameries during the season of The results have been so satisfactory as to lead the government to decide upon this course as well to send experts to the creameries dur ing the winter to point out to those who have not already provided cold storage rooms how they may best do so The Health Worldk Magazine written plainly for the home showing how to prevent and cure diseases of the human frame No post free has article on how to be beauti ful how to rheumatism lumbago sciatica corpulence consumption gout diseases of men and women deafness and head noises the hair St London Brownsville Pa Dec An ex- plosion occurred at the Coal Works four miles from today Tho list of dead as known to be at least forty per annum if paid in advance Sunday mas I The Outlook York In response to an act of tho a year ago Massachusetts Bureau of Labor a careful into the amount of Sunday labour now performed in the Commonwealth It finds that of engaged in gainful occupations are ex pected to labour on Of those about twothird are engaged- in service in tbe consciences of mistreats often secure servants a half holiday during he The immense- amount of Sunday work performed by women for their house hold is of course unrecorded The manufactories of the State which employ onehalf of the working popu lation perform practically no Sunday work whatever Mercantile business makes good a showing It is only in news and transportation service that the proportion of men employed on Sunday is large or in creasing The newspaper offices can vassed report that of the 1129 persons employed by them all work on San- day though generally for shorter hours The telephone and telegraph companies report that their working force is on Sundays as against on week days The express companies employ on Sunday as against during the week The railroad and street road companies however perform the great body of the Sunday work that has recently grown up Not until says the Springfield Republic Aid the Massachusetts Legislature permit the Railway Commission to license the running of such trains as the public convenience demand including excur sion trains at lower than the regular rates Since that time there has been a gradual extension of the Sunday service On the steam railroads the average number of persons employed on Sundays is now as against 27480 on week days and on street railway it is on Sundays as against during the week On tbe street railways nine hours generally constitutes a days work on Sunday as against ten on week days but there is no regular rest day for the men who do Sunday work and- one can be obtained only with loss of pay on application to the management This certainly a wrong The Leg islature that permits Sunday work should stipulate that employees shall have one free day in every seven It is unfortunate that the present report intimates that employees prefer a weekday for If this be it is impossible to account for the trades- union agitation against Sunday work -t- War Tuli Monday Dec 11 Colonel with a strong party horsemen has returned here after a weeks expedition into Trans- vaal territory He reached a point miles from in the South African Republic but found no Boers Vfl the country being seemingly empty of men London- Dec The Daily News Cape Town correspondent says that the Boers British prison ers taken at to Burghers- dorp the march occupying hours during which time the prisoner were without food or water The wounded were first placed in a by the English residents but the Boer women in the town re monstrated declaring that the as they term the English ought to be shot The blankets were taken from the wounded men and beds were given to Boera General has forwarded a re vised list of to the showing that the total in killed wounded and missing at battle of was London Dec There is no change in the military situation in South Africa Horse sickness has broken out in both the British and Boer in Natal and British cavalry horses had to bo shot owing to the occurrence of glanders The die is likely to spread and this may mean a considerable prolongation of the campaign Jen forces have destroyed the footbridge thus prevent- tho Boers holding any position south of the River news is behaved to indicate that i anxious to keep the enemy at bay than to attempt a fur advance

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