Newmarket Era , December 29, 1899, p. 2

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Clearing Compliments of iVPncoa Star Grocer Btouk Taking Davison Compliments Lehmans Horticultural Bargains ftiNojv Year- it Now Turin Central Business ft- Executors J Robertson Perfect Wheal Metropolitan tlectiic Co Toronto fco market Oars Each TIME TABLE LcavoKorth Toronto am am ftin am pm 2 CO pm pm 16 pm W pm pm pm Return Fare either way 125 S LETS UP I BUT BRIGHTER AND Pointed all FRIDAY DEO 1800 The Ontario election will be to trial on the of January The Crown Wbitby Issued lor in pro vocation or bribery rising out of elec tion that Hiding A second received at Ouawa On from Roger dated from Belmont hire Rogers says All well Happy This would rumor o a captured contingent by the POINTS PLEASANTLY The Canadian contingent to bo scut to South now being is to be Known The Canadian Mount ed Rifle with of regi mental staff and throe squadrons In ac cordance with army for a cavalry regiment Oh 8atarday last the following cable gram was received at Ottawa by General Button from Canadian contingent in Bomb Africa Belmont Dee All welt Regiment sends greeting to all despatch signed by Col Otter All Canada joyously received the message and as heartily returns compliments of season It Is announced that tbe appeal in the North election case will be heard by the Court of Appeal on Tuesday the of January next The electors of that Riding will know whether Mr will continue to represent them or another be held to decide the relative strength of the two political parties in the Ah Omaha newspaper gives to the following filibustering movement The leading IrishAmericans of Nebraska are moving In the direction of a raid on Canada now that the Province is being de nuded of her troops for service in South Afrioa It is further added There is something more than a likelihood that the proBoer agitation now so general through- cut the United States will lead to a dialing of tbe once lobar ted orcantea among known the Fenians which planned and executed an of Canada in Enquiry de veloped the fact that there some sort of a secret movement on foot among the Irish enthusiasts In this and neighboring cities which ban for Its object some decisive steps a mure belligerent towards England than a simple leclaration of sym pathy for the Boer Well well this is news sorely but if Mr Fenian again puts foot on Canadian soil he will find a more unwelcome than was In Our volunteer militia to the number of that dale are better pre pared to give them a decidedly warm sa lute ft id Wednesday last- Emily Hilda Blake Was Brandon Man at a She walked firmly to the without assistance and was the coolest of party except hangman E Hilda Blake a domestic servant who shot and killed Mrs John Lane of Brandon in a fit of jealousy early in July last made a full of her crime when arrested and wanted to commit suicide She was years of age Rous Dec 24 The Pope solemn ly inaugurated holy year by per forming the impressive ceremony of opening door of Petals at oclock this morning The ceremony was performed in vestibule which was handsomely aorated in the presence of Papal the members of the diplomatic leading representatives of the tinman nobility and a number of V apecially invited guests Thomas of was homo for spent at Cab- torvillc Mr spent Christmas at Mr and family spent at Aurora Mr A A Ramsey wont to ton for Mies is spending holi days at Watford Mies Millard is spending in the city Miss Wilson of Toronto spent Christ- Miea Oliver Mr Lyman of Toronto spent Tuesday night in Town Dr and of Albert were hero for Christmas Mr W- J at Mies Mary of London Is visiting at Mr The MiasoB of Toronto were home for Ohriatmas holidays Miss Ross Is homo from College for Christmas holidays fit Mrs Wilson of Toronto spent at Mr Roy A Is visiting his old homo a this week Rev Belfry of Toronto spent a couple of days in Town last week Mrs Dr Wesley visited tor mother at Toronto Junction a few days last week Tho Misses Robertson have returnod from Hamilton to spend their holidays Mr Howard of Detroit In Town a couple of days last week Several from Newmarket attended the dinner at Sharon on Wednesday Mr las of Ottawa is spending the holidays with friends In Town A family gathering of took place at the of Mr Jaa on Christ mas day The Misses Millard of Toronto of Mr John were homo for Christmas Miss Alice Low who has been teach ing school in Essex County is home for holidays Miss Clara of Preston and Mia a Frances- of Toronto were home for Mr All Manning of AUIeton spent at his fatherinlaws Mr Stephen Howard Miss Flora and Miss Ethel Fleming of Toronto are visiting at Mr Wrights this week Mr and Mrs Elliott of Rich- Hill were guests at Mr Coombs on Christmas Day Miss Ethel Hunter of Toronto is spending holidays with her at Mr Jas Mr Leonard Wheat and To ronto spent Christmas holiday with her uncle Mr Jacob Buck Mr and Mrs Fogg of were the guests of their daughter Mrs D over Christmas A couple of lady visitors from Rich mond Hill Wednesday evening at the skating rink with Mrs Coombs Mr and Mrs of are spending Christmas week with thefr daughter Mrs Mr Timothy attended the funeral of bia brother Mr at Cemetery Toronto on Tats- day Mies Palmers quartette Is to sing to night at a Tree Entertainment at the Mission Church on the of East Mrs of sister of J and Mr Bray of her nephew spent Ohriatmas at Lawyer Mine Elite Gallagher and Ernie of Toronto spent over Christmas with her mother Mrs Gal lagher on Prospect Ave Mrs A Ayerat and two children Masters Boyd and Frank are spending tbe Christmas holidays at the guests of Mr and Mr J A Allan Mr and Mrs Andsrscn parents of Chief Anderson are spending the holidays here on their way home to Mt Forest haying been visiting at Oshawa and Can- Miss Sadie Watson who is teaching school near la spending the holi days In Town Misa Olive Watson and Mies Watson of Toronto were here for A family gathering took place at Mr Albert on the of East on Day There were for dinner and for supper and a very enjoyable time was spent Col Lloyd or four last week at the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege Toronto on the Board of He attendance at college coming term will reach 170 pupils A family gathering of took pl ace at the residence of Mr Cane oh Christ- mas Day Including Mrs Morrow and two daughters from Toronto also Mr Will Morrow and wife of Landing Que There was a family gathering of at The Bowery on Christmas Day including Mr and Mrs John Wright of Norwich Mr and Mrs Webb of Ottawa Mr and Mrs Edgar and Herb of Toronto The following from Toronto were here for Christmas Mr and Mrs Bond Mr Hodge and sister Messrs Fred Fred Jack Greco wood Roger Wilson eon Arthur Fred of home for the Mr Bart Barrio of Mr Herb Wilson was hare for Christmas Anderson returned homo on Sat urday from Manitoba tar spending summer Mr and Mrs also of Markbam spent with relatives Mr Cody la homo from College for holidays accompanied a school friend Grandma Pat tor sen of and Grandma spent at Mr Hughes Mies Is to at a concert at Tottenham tonight and will spend Year holidays with a friend Mr John W of Toronto who Is attending is holidays at Grandfather Codys Mr Mr little about re covered from which caused houses on to quarantined Mr D A Peregrine writes as follows Tho is a wel come visitor our homo It might bo to know the feeling among Americans in regard to war in Africa I am acre beat people with England and will to hoar of British Instead of defeats Of courto there is an element who want to tho Boera succeed the same as there was an element in and Great Bri tain who with Spain In our late war Happily that element was doomed to disappointment then and I hope they are to be equally disappointed In re ference to war The Adminis tration and great are the friends and this will see that no other nation England while in this trouble With boat for a Happy New Year yoqre sincerely THE BATTLEGROUND THE GARDEN OF AFRICA v v i A I 9ttitm Between pd ma Dears Is the at Bolt and Haiti of South Natal which has boon thus fur in be tween Briton Boer hue boon called garden of South Africa It well deserves No In the southern half of dark continent vie with Natal in richness of soil beauty cry or variety of climate Perhaps these very virtues account for tho fact It has been the scene of many bloody struggles Ori ginally it was tho home of tho Zulus under their powerful chief Choke Thou the trekking Boers it tad wanted It for their own They asked Chakag successor to them this strip Ho pretended- to do so but while the Boers were conducting the nego tiations he foil upon them and treacherously slaughtered nearly of them This was the of a war which lasted for until finally with a army of heroic Boers totally defeat ed Zulus leaving dead black warriors on tho field For a short time Natal was Boer territory but in it camo under British rule and from that this crossing the border and driving tore This weeks ends the biggest years business we have ever had and we mean to keep the ball rolling until the last hour of 1899 many lines here that must be cleared by New Years Day ijAj AND IVll J Must all be sold tho Misses Tweed Ulsters with capes sizes io 12 years nice uptodate patterns price reg 5 to clear on Saturday at S2 Oar Toronto better Into sea This is why the Boers so prompt In Invad ing Natal at the opening of hostili ties Only since has Natal been a self governing colony but In that short time lis government has shown to be remarkably progressive Already Natal rivals Cape Colony In Importance and until checked by war was enjoying more prosperity 5 to clear on Saturday at Ladies Fine Black Beaver Jackets prices 5 up to 8 your pick on Saturday at 4 Ladies Fine Beaver Coats in Fawn Blue and Green price 5 to 7 your pick at H a i j -I- A patient of the Asylum Queen St made bis escape from institution and caused his death at by under a train to get away from his pu8urors His name was George The pupils of the city public school contributed almost aa an Xmas offering to assist in wiping out the debt of the Childrens Hospital It is understood the Metropolitan Railway will apply at the next session at the Legislature for an Act to con firm agreements with local and the power to carry passengers and freight down to the centre of the cases of shoplifting during the past week were heard in the Police Court on Tuesday In many of the last reference was made to the war in South Africa and prayers specially offered for the absent ones from the homes of this Dominion Louie Henderson a nurse at the Childrens Shelter on Adelaide street was acting as Santa at a Xmas when her dress caught fire She badly burned about the face and hands and was taken to St Michaels Hospital Superintendent Bustard who extinguished the flames wasaUo burned about the hands The of E Welsh as of St James Cathedral took place on Wednesday evening Bishop Two more burglaries on Christmas evening John Reeves Eastern Ave lost 87 and a hardware store on York St lost some cutlery Mr J is announced the urogram this Friday evening in the Pavilion to give a cornet solo The concert is in aid of the wives and families of the British soldiers fighting in the Transvaal It is sincerely to be hoped that the need of teaching schoolgirls in schools that whioh will make them good home- maker in the future will soon become evident to the Board of this and that they will follow the ex ample set them years ago by the School Boards of Montreal Halifax and other places and see to it that domestic science becomes an optional subject in the schools A special Christmas dinner was served to the patients of the Asylum and in the evening a Xmas tree entertainment was held at about were present Down at the DonJail too Green treat ed the prisoners to something more than usual fare to remind them of Christmas Saturday was a for holiday travellers out of the city- The TR and the Station and sold tickets to the amount of about in round numbers- some more than last year Of coarse this is exclusive of the Metro politan up The convicts in Kingston penitentiary on Christmas day wrest led with a pudding For the first time in 13 years Queen Victoria and Royal family passed Christmas Day at Windsor The Duke and Duchess of and the children of the Princess Henry were of party magnificent tree with many colored candies for the children in which Queen the greatest BALL than almost any British colony Id that part of world The of and in considered by colonial authorities as nothing but a moderately fair tor the Hon of East and lias also been alive to necessity of fostering her rail way system until today her lines formidable rivals for much of which heretofore belonged exclusively to Cape Colony The tun neling of Nek is an engineer ing feat of prime bene fits of which will accrue wholly to Natal in the We have just too many Overcoats Mens 17 Overcoats go at 9 Mens 10 Overcoats go at 90 Mens 7 Overcoats go at 5 Mens 6 Ulsters go at 5 50 Get one of these on Saturday youll be money in These must go before the beginning of Mens Gauntlets worth 200 at 150 Ladies Gauntlets worth at 100 Kid Gloves reg 100 at Kid Gloves reg 125 at 100 1000 Dinner Sets at 690 All Fancy Chinawareat Cost Price Dress Goods arid other Remnants at Cost Price WIADDOOK broker was killed by his horse run ning away on Cote hill throwing him a telephone pole The morale at bis late residence Toronto John Albert form of Newmarket sod recently a merchant at Ranked In Town on the 28th of Deo after a lengthy sick ness borne with christian fortltade 85 years at this afternoon from his late residence Street Owing to a dense fog the express fell over an embankment near Glasgow and five persons were killed A telescope of trains near Brighton resulted in three deaths On Sunday the P express from Montreal to Ottawa derailed in the not very future Lachme Driver was r die already has a manifest The passengers all escaped injury advantage over the older state In a shorter distance than from Lon don to Liverpool says a well- known writer who recently visited Natal I travelled through a variety of crops than is represent ed by the difference between Florida and Near the coast I found tea coffee sugar cane pineapples in short the most valu able products of the West Indies growing out of doors In a climate where white caii live in comfort and rear children Farther inland the ground rise to an elevation of and oven feet thus providing a suitable for wheat In dian corn potatoes and other pro ducts characteristic of the temper ate zone and all this in a latitude less than degrees south of the equator that is to say a latitude corresponding to that of Florida southern Texas or the mouth of the Mississippi river Durban which some one has des cribed as one of the loveliest cities In the world is a clean city with good sanitary arrangements well- kept streets a fine park imposing public buildings and a club that fur nishes English officials residents with the means of necessary social enjoyment Just at the present mo ment Durban draws public attention as the place where many of the Bri tish reinforcements are debarked prior to being moved toward and Ladysmith Eighty miles north of Durban across great stretches of hill coun try the capi tal of the colony and which fa at present the primary base of the operations at Is feet the sea level and possesses a dry climate Besides the agricultural riches of there other sources of wealth There are the vast coal mines awuy tothe north and the iron deposits which- have not yet been worked and the miles of dividend paying railroads which Borne day will stretch up through heart of tho Transvaal to feed the great Cairo route The future of Natal should indeed one of plenty and prosperity provided of course the Boers do not achieve the apparently impossible and win it back to Dutch rule Columbia The following information is taken from a letter written by Mr Edward Taylor at Columbia about two miles from Grand Forks which was receiv ed by his mother in Newmarket last week and will be read with much in terest I grew on fiye acres about tons Mr James Burnett a Montreal of potatoes tons of onions tons of BIG SWAP carrots tons of cabbage lbs of cucumbers about of melons corn this was my Crest gal beans ton of lbs of turnips and lettuce I I now have on hand tons of tur nips bought at a ton tons potatoes bought at per ton 1 tons of carrots 1500 lbs of onions 10 tons of cabbage and half a ton of beets am retailing potatoes at lb onions at and per lb turnips at per lb carrots at lo and beets at The cow that I bought is doing well and will be good beef in about a month hind quarters will weigh about lbs and can get lie a lb for them I also have 80 hens New laid eggs sail at a and dress ed at 22c lb -IN- FOR THE- Christmas Holidays The At Pine Orchard on the to Mr and John H Foote daugh ter In town on the to Mr and Mrs Geo a too The Altfttf In town on the by Elder at the res- of the grooms uncle Mr Jos Warren of Toronto formerly of New- 10 Annie Hoi man of J i Main Newmarket and A Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year To ail my Customers and Friends W TAILOR fin lira Skinner Oh but I wish I Mr inner Why so my Mrs I was just thinking today it I only a man how happy I could my wife by giv ing her a diamond necklace for a birthday present Special Line of Fancy Chairs Opposite Hotel New market and J irlctOfflcoManaaera to their own and J to yearly unusual ftddroMcS Peru 30 flulldiua- Chicago OLD at the Bra over lb pet lb lo Flour per barrel White Wheat per bushel ft tt Wheat perbuehel a to Buckwheat a IS Barley per a I Oata per bushel a 9t per a a a per do IS a Butter roil per lb a IB per bag a Apples per CO a km a Wool per lb OH a US Hay ton alOCO Pork per a Beer per cut a Chickens per pair fl 0 a Turkeys per lb dreeaed Bran per CO a 15 per ton 10 a IT Toronto Dec Red bushel wheat per bushel Goose per bushel a bushel it a Oats per bushel a per bushel a a Butter a per a Sheepskins a Woolperlb a Hay per too 10 a W Beer hind 0 CO 40 i per CM a 0 4 a Turkeys per lb a 7

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