Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1899, p. 4

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M vr5Vl A mVVV jp fc Poor Substitute i For Inward Worth Good health inwardly of the kidneys liver and bowels is sure to come is promptly used This a fair outside and a vigor in with the flow of health on cheek good appetite pure blood reeling Ion I TO look Hoods X Ml much Siu bum r near Ottawa Qo a 1 troubled and rundown Tried Hoods it 14 relict built mo up A 10 Toronto Oat rim qui tt thy JACKSON Advertising Medium I York County lUTMTralislont per lino for Aral UcontBpcrllnoortaobBuljsoqucnl Insertion periods W M 5soo 1 Two- Timber Under direction of Crown Lands Department one of moat important of limits hold in this Province for some years took place at buildings lost week Wo informed that ag gregate nam of offered for gale all in and Rainy Our will remomher that those timber lim its were- offered for solo a of years but withdrawn on count of tho amounts hid there for Lately a number of and prospectors have booh urg ing the to again those limits on the market so as to allow minora lands to ho and also to prevent forest fires which were likely to follow advance of miners into district lim its wo are told consist mostly of and owing to scarcity of lumber In tho States they now vory valuable This was donccd by spirited bidding at sale when prices ranged higher than at any previous sale In addition to the usual conditions requiring logs to ho cut in Ontario another was added compelling the removal of pine troes from limits within ton years or tho to bo forfeited Al together Hon Mr Davis reports sale as being very satisfactory it during and export One lincabaa boon hotter ayalom cold faau imix pltoo butter in England in to It to with from other for year hive hold a great to England but next year io it record breaker i to with wrlt- Inaertod until forbid mid ton ACOOrdlngly will ho roonlh If For month bo paid for at Change for contract muBt bo to tHco by noon on Wednesdays for Notices farms ana A notice- will bo free for where pom ere aro itoadinfrwton fifty cents will for such a nolle- this rule a pamphlet Juat by the On tario Government we learn that Ban boon In for eight or nino was nol reported until may a copy of this pamphlet by addrcaa log the of It aoaudanoioof warning to end a of treatment The pamphlet thorough ell and twigs to ho removed then oil or petroleum to ho Down in Now York last week flnanolal circles another tight organized The New York World that James np through recent slump in Wall Street end that ho file wife a present of 2 of his winnings people ere good enough to insinuate that lias placed in suoh whatever may happen In the upa and downs stock speculation in future ho and Mrs will have thing laid by for a rainy day lit stocks playing at poker and the fellow who wins ban no sympathy for tho loser even if it beware him in pocket and reputation In January I drew public at- tention to fact that was increasing In all highly protected countries of world and wan decreasing in countries when such tariffs had been or in course of bring reduced giving well figures in proof Since as roost people know wo have a considerable reduction in our and la a- fact that with a exceptions their governments both municipal and Fed eral are now in tho hands of politi cians who declare themselves out for stuff Men who thus declare themselves are in plain English representatives of people who willing for per sonal gity to at of the industrious whom have call a r to protect Such themselves practical politicians in re- protective a reduction by influences with which Cabinet Minister Unseated It is now West Huron where next election storm centre may possibly le developed On the inst trial Judges viz Mr Just ice and Mr Justice Hose deliv ered judgment in the West Huron protest voiding the election and un seating Hon a Cabinet Minister in Provincial Govern ment Our reader will remember that election in the above Riding took place on the Dec when the returns indicated MiM Gar- rows by a majority of over street Newmarket his Conservative opponent Major to fxan o g Farm s Joseph Heck A protest followed which was tried last Juno Fiftytwo w Thos J fobctttson Public Solicitor Solicitor for Township of King to Court Ontario p Conveyancer etc Late with Marsh Cameron o Toronto managed and promptly Money to loan at lowest rates St Newmarket Conveyancers o doors of Pest floe Herbert Aurora will also boat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Days Solicitors for J Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Panda to ni J Barrister o Arcade King St West Toronto to Barrister Block Money to Loan PAINTING charges wero entered hut fortyfour were dismissed at trjal Judg ment on the remaining eight was Re layed on account of the absence of a material witness who had absconded Some weeks ago it was agreed be tween the parties to wave tho evi dence of this absent witness and ask for the decision of trial judges This decision was rendered on Thurs day of last week unseating Mr Gar- row and seven persons were reported for corrupt practices and bribery Judges stated that the evidence did not disclose any wrongdoing on part of Hon Mr or even foreshadow that he had knowledge of any improper conduct on tho part of any ono Indeed the judgment dis tinctly declareb that tho outsiders were not brought in at the request of the respondent does the court think that he was at all desirous of their presence All the same wronp was done and Mr Garrow was un seated A tax on telephone Is now in order and iho Ontario Government should the matter dear by an amendment to Act in language not to he misunderstood Tho Supremo Court of Ohio recently a decision far reach- in its Telephones of the Boll Company heretofore hold to bo trusbto at their actual cot of 93 by this de cision liable to be at their rental of over Suoh an assess ment would yield taxation to our Town treasury of about forty dollars under the- levy And why not Every local industry has to contribute towards government and why not a foreign monopoly We our local will make a note this Ohio ion Too leading House Painter and Paper Hanger tl years experience In branches of tho business of of tho latest designs In Ask to them 2nd door North of tho Primary Citurch Street ft Snpe Ac tone promptly neatly and In order I am alto associated with a and Sign Writer Orders can he left at Hardware sr at residence of Mr J Green head of Street West Hewitt Practical Painter PaperHanger And House Tiif recoont in West Elgin has resulted in confirming Mr Cone tive P P for that by of a majority Tim volunteer rudiments in distrlots to In Ontario will bo glad to that the militia authorities have accepted the offer of Senator of Barrio to present a regimental service for in volley firing dis tinguished from individual sharp- shooting The Is to be competed for annually by the In above military die- at their yearly and the con chiefly along the lino of pro moting in volley shooting in actual warfare MajorGen will that the conditions compiled with The will be of silver about 120 ounces in weight of unique design and of Cana dian years Senator was a Lieutenant in the North York Regiment and saw service for the Crown in 1839 Ho has ever taken a deep interest in the militia and its pro gress edition of the barmen Advocate is handsomely illustrated and most be appreciated by every ag riculturalist in Canada Ok the Liberals celebrated the anniversary of Hon or con- by a public demonstration at In replying to the address pre sented to him the Hon gentleman stated thatelnce he first elected years ago fiftysix members had passed from the boundaries of time and gone to their long borne During period too the has had three Liberal Premier Sir Oliver Hon Hardy and Roes the Opposition had likewise had three leaders Sir Meredith Mr Matter and Mr Whitney Speaking of the financial condition the Hon Mr Ha court observed The result of the Liberal Governments will ho a surplus this of and the total trade of the country increased the advent of the Liberals to power way which has proved to bea deal more real than apparent As the Hon Mr Patterson pointed out in a recent speech in House of Com mons the per cent preference on British goods is nearly equal as far as Canadian consumer is concerned to an all round reduction of duty to that extent This feature of the tar iff combined with the largo number of particular articles on which duty was reduced make the step we have taken towards free trado a long change indeed is a great deal radical than tho opponents of reform will admit It is a most significant fact to note that in respect what took place ih other countries after similiar move ments towards free had been in augurated has followed the movements in Canada namely a substantial de crease in In of an increase of population much above average of preceding commitments for show a doorcase on in all the provinces except British Columbia and North West Territories Even in these latter districts whore condi tions abnormal owing to the gold excitement and a largo influx of Bet- tiers in proportion to population to be less than in 1897 The foot that increases in any couutry after the imposition or increase in protective duties and deoreases after such dutie8are reduced abolished points to the conclusion that this tern of taxation tends to destroy the of governments in their first duty i the protection of and property of tho governed It is in order to obtain their service at the hands of a government that the in duHtrious submit to bo taxed We should keep in mind when con sidering this subject that the legiti mate business of the barbarian is to rob the industrious whilst that of government is to protect the industrious against the attacks of the idle and vicious in their midst Ex perience proves that where govern- are efficient in regard the governed will offer tho greatest re- sistance to outside attack As a matter of fact the degree of civilization attained by the people of any country is measured by the de gree of protection to life and property thoy enjoy under their respective gov ernments Now as increasing crime involves decreasing protection to life and pro perty it may with truth be said that in a country where criminals are in creasing at greater ratio than popu lation tho people are reverting to bar barism It is selfevident that under such conditions with the low fran chise now prevailing in most civilized countries it would only be a question of time when the robber or barbaric element in their midst or in other words the idle and vicious rule For over thirty years past commit ments have increased several hundred per cent faster than population in the ilizing thoy are surrounded For many years prior to com mitments increased in Canada at a much greater ratio than population and such practical politicians as above not unknown to fame oven here Protection seems to breed these pois onous fungi of decaying civilizations for experience teaches that thoy dis- in bracing atmosphere of freo trade like tho rank unhealthy exhalations of night before health- giving rays of the morning sun Washington Ottawa Nov iMecu For Sore Throat and wd Turpentine 4 A right remedy right at band the right way to prevent serious That Cbasea of Llnteed and is the right remedy lot all disease of throat and lungs la attested by prudent mothers of who cured their dear ones time and again by using famous family Pneumonia and Consumption aro the a neglected or uncontrollable cold and can always bo prevented and cured by timely of Dr ChaWs of Linseed and Turpentine Croup and bronchitis cannot rob the homo Its ones when mother has this her remedy at hand Delightfully healing and toothing In action pleasant to the taste and prompt In affording relief Dr Chases Lin seed and Turpentine standard remedy for coughs colds throat Irritation and soreness tightness In too Chest cold on lungs and all kinds of colds in throat bronchial tubes or lungs 5C a targe at all dealers or Bates Co Toronto TANDARD ASSURANCE CO v The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about J Annual Revenue over IF Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid Only a few people reading advertisements bankers and saying that money could be made through speculation realize that men in America have com menced life in a humble way and have their fortune through Men like Jay who worked a dry goods clerk in a small town at a week up to hie twentieth year and com- to operate with hie small saying ot 20000 in Wall Street left t his death millions of dollars who worked a grocery boy at week and whose present wealth Is estimated at millions of dollars is still operating the market although of age and bo are thousands of others who are enjoy ing all the lifo can offer which is doe to their success in BpeonUlone To speculator the op portunities are open as to in the past smallest lot which can be bought end sold la shares on margin making dollars Anybody Interested an to specula tions are conducted can get information and market letter free of charge upon ap plication by letter to George Co Bankers and Brokers Consolidated Ex change CO New York BUY YOUR CORN CHOP And FEED of all kinds LOUR Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry GOAL WOOD W J WILSONS Cor Main and Huron on hoi mm IS KINO OP PAW OR OR EXTERNAL THAT WILL HOT RE LIEVE LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AMD SUB STITUTES THE BOTTLE DEARS THE PERRY During year Polices for The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS Assure now and a share of profits GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A Agent J Wholesale a Retail Mr John Wood was to death in a fire that his sons barn near Brechin AFTER A COLD DRIVE a tea- spoonful of mixed with a glass of hot water and will be found a bettor stimulant than whiskey Avoid there is but one Perry Davis 25c Joseph a Norfolk County farmer drove into the river at and was drowned Itchier- Bleeding Files Mr proprietor Bodega Ho tel SO Wellington street east Tdronto says While In Chicago I was In a terrible with Itching end bleeding plies tried several of the best physicians and was burnt and tortured In various ways by their treatments to no avail be sides spending a mint ox money to no pur pose Since coming to Toronto I learned of Ointment I used but one box and hove not been troubled with piles In any- shape or form since Two doors North Main Newmarket ir The British steamer Ariosto from Galveston stranded on Beach six miles south of the Hatter- as of the crew took to boats and were drowned the remainder being rescued from the vessel A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Pars Blachwell it Famous Bacon Hams Lard The best and Mildest Cared on the Market today A trial will con vince Also Floor Rolled Oats Corn Meal Eggs Potatoes Pickles Bait Corn Peas Tomatoes Feet Ham and Tonune Honey c Orders filled on the Write for our interesting books Invent- Help and How you aro swindled rough sketch or i invention or improvement end we will tell you else yon our opinion as to whether it Is has a slick Cutler or the best Kobe In probably patentable Wo i the country call on of applicAtlona rejected in other Highest references furnished AH MARION SOLICITORS 1 and some very homely ones and they OT- PROMPTLY Cliil A of of In Vnnun Pitt Law American Water Works Water Works Can emeu FMH3SS Best Gold Fill roHKfi3 W Best Glasses We guarantee perfect satlsfactlOD GLOBE OPTICAL Yonge Street Toronto The directors the Great Northern Railway have decided erect a mi lionbushel elevator at Quebec to be completed by the first of I July nest rilHn ten of Boy udutUkst tU Money Required i til Box i ac4 acd A a tifl io ceau I fit If for 10 Tins li est li Corner Millards Church Street and AUCTIONEERS Incensed Auctioneer for the Co of York on commission Terms able atteudt to Atrlalaoltoitcd Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IK Monuments and Head Stones- Call Before Ordering It reported front Montreal that Hon Mr health each a character to cause grave anxiety and It on that the Prime Minister went to Montreal last week Notwithstanding the Mails hysteria respecting Hon Mr opposition to a contingent to an Ottawa to the he does not oppoae any thing The Engllah Conservative organ at Quebec the Chronicle in a late tune takes occasion to read Its Conservative allies in Ontario a very lesson the article appears to be a pro test against the local Bleu French Con- press for deliberately misrepresenting Great Britain in with the South African war bat it also warns its political friends in every part of the Dominion that every attempt to create race prejudice now is a fallacy and a delusion to gain political advantage The Chronicle follows Tho attempt to mislead for political purposes is too obvious to pass without a protest and an Intimation that in our judgment any political party adopting such means of- making capital in this country would richly merit defeat and so far as we are able to help to bring It about will get its deserts The Chronicle has no hesitation in declaring iiself alterably opposed to such East Northpield Mass Deo Moody the famous evange list died at noon today Dwight Lyman Moody was born at Feb He worked On ft farm until he was and then went to Boston where he accepted a situation as clerk in a shoe store In 1856 he went to Chicago whore he entered into the slums During the war he was in the service of the Christian and afterwards became mission ary of the A in Chicago In he was joined by Ira Ban- key the sweet singer and went to England where he conducted a series of weekday religious services and at tracted large and enthusiastic audi ences In the two evangelists return ed to the States and aroused religious favor by meetings similar to those held in England In 1885 he revisited Britain and met with much addition success in the work He was the author of several religious works the number being Heaven Sectxt Power and Way to God and How to Find It resort io At a Davidson was killed by swal lowing a bean What more appropriate name could be S2 feisa that most insidious and versa of diseases 900 in every of our people Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder has proved itself a wonderful pow er ill lifting the burden a dove of perce in the battle of health It makes life liv ingit a and it peritittueat- ly relief in 10 to Socalled cures come and go and hardly a week passes but some njw simple the applications are easily made perfectly painless and in ten to sixty minutes after applying relief Its so wonderfully search- jing and yet so soothing comfort comes like magic Mrs M Greenwood of Adelaide street west Toronto in tiation of the claims of Dr Powder I am so well that have been re- 1 with ceived by those who have suffered j j from the Catarrhal Maladv in all forms and for periods of suffering i i j express myself tor veiiy I was a whether the limit of a few days of In- n a j great pufferer from in the or Cold the Head to the j j i Head ana I many rem- frit s A is continued using Apart from the splendid evidence it and now every vestige of the of the powers of Dr has and words fail me to Powder received from press the gratitude I feel at pie of all ranks and conditions of men from this loathsome disease of disappointments in the Una of per manent cures for this most universal and distressing disease Dr Catarrhal Powder has been for many years before the public as the safest most harmless w stops palpitation smothering short- quickest and moat permanent treat- nooe and throat specialist con- npB inent for Catarrh Hay Fever Cold in the greatest cure K it their the Head Sore Throat Influenza qualified and their When aib claimant a for catarrh presents S i up t ivo itself in Add I Catarrhal Powder goes quick and permanent relief itself only to in its m aid south over the whole continent- to seat of the trouble It Dr Liver euro liver another appointment to the long allowed by the thousand of attacks the disease remove cJ ffllSTifcriSta Lohman Beatloye

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