Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1899, p. 7

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f J DEC Handsome China in Odd Pieces and Hate nice and for Presents For convenience see our 10 and Tables of China Weeks Itoel OK IK Last wook distributed lbs beef 16 lbs of tea and half loaves of bread among families through the gift of Hon Mr and was accepted with j -f- f Kindly Remembered Mrs Baylys pupils presented her at Christmas with a Upholstered Chair Bus also received other presents from many too Humorous to mention OUR STOCK OF Parlor and Hanging Lamps is the Finest wo have ever shown and our Dinner Sets in Genuine China Porcelain and Ordinary Quality from to are without doubt the best value over offered Look for Prices in the near future and save money by buying now We control a Special Line of China of a souvenir character Canadian Emblem in odd pieces See this line Presentation Mrs was very pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening last by presentation of a Banquet Lamp from members her Sabbath Sohool Class accompanied by an address told of bond of friendship that exists between teacher and Mrs class moots at 8 in tho body of Methodist and fa steadily increasing in size and fleoimotrket This Institution whoso record wo have every reason to feel proud opens on Wednesday morning and it will be for a full work no half holiday business Several now pupils have signified intention of being proaent Mr Coombs as Principal has already shown deep in the success and morals of the pupils and is no more promis ing seat of learning for people of limited meana than High The Friends Last morniog Mr of To ronto the sorviee and Miss Palmer in evening On Wednesday evening a party of about surprised Mr and Mrs Wilson at their residence on Park read a very address and presented them with a handsome Rocker in recognition of the scry excellent manner in which the duties of Caretaker have been by them after a soelal time was spent Gospel Temperance The provided the program last Sunday Mrs Cody in the end Mrs Lush organist Mr assisted In the devotional A striking feature was the conference on evils of cigarette smoking conducted by the chair and tbe replies of prominent men being by a number of young men and young ladies in the audience Mies Mabel sang a solo and Mrs Cane also gave a reading The Salvation Army the program for next 6i next Sunday evening at oclock as and Night Service at i Christian Church The a fine Anthem last Sunday morning and pastor a good Christmas sermon after Sacrament was administered In the evening the assisted by the Pastor In readings Christmas Emanu el solos and were taken by Mrs Weeks Mr Scott Mr Willis The cantata by a good congregation con sidering On Wednesday the pupils Sunday wore given a supper and social evening with a beautifully decorated Christmas Tree contained gifts from teachers to scholars and vico voraa quite a number of surprises prominent among which was One to the popular Superintendent Mr Angus Williams who was presented with a handsomely bound volume of Wordsworths Poems by School A very pleasant time was spent Next Sunday morning the pastor will preach a New Years sermon Damaged Bags Will make good potato uags at caoh Starr The pupils at High took up a collection for tho Slok Childrens Hospital the day that sohool closed but we did not hear tho amount raised A man named was taken before Messrs Woodcock and Lloyd J on Saturday on a charge of insanity and they ordered Con Savage him to the the day for examination A full attendance la requested at tho Band practice next Tuesday night when the officers for will be elected Invitations out Ball I In Town next week Jack Frost within of touching zero point on Wednesday morning coldest yet this season All the old Council returned by ac clamation full report on page Council elected by acclamation Reeve West and School Trustees Wtn Cook Culh- It looked very much like a contest on Nomination day Lemon Baker was nominated in opposition to A Haines the presont Reeve and the following were placed in nomination for Councillor Lemon Baker Geo Powell Clark David and John Oxen- dale arranged on Saturday to save the expense of an election by Baker resigning for the and Rusnell and as Councillors leaving the old elected by ac clamation For Reeve Simeon Lemon is opposed by J For CouncillorsJos in ad dition to the old Burns Davis and Four elect Mr has since formulated a platform which he is circulating among the If returned as Reeve he pledges himself to economy in expenditure systematic investment of school moneys and interest reserved for pay no attention to peti tions for grants of money but listen to deputations before the Council make ditches a uniform distance from the fences and have a avatera of lead ing roads repeal if possible the Bonus bylaw and the bylaw exempting the Metropolitan from taxation and other People who are business with out having registered their deed of partnership had better beware as a crusade is about to be commenced against them The law provides that all partner ships muse be registered within six months otherwise the parties are jK- of half of which goes to the Government and half to the informant who constitutes him self an agent of Her Majesty Mi J IT Ingram has commenced the crusade and a first writ has been issued on bis behalf in the Court against Towns Co merchants of Aurora It is alleged that Mr Towns and his have been in business since as partners without ever having registered their partnership and suit against there will bo a port of test suit- result of whir may have far reaching effects elected Mayor by acclamation Voting on Monday for Councillors and School Trustees THE ft- Im Goods twit A JUST OPSNED SECOND OF WHITCHURCH Frails Peels and Spices This is our Strong Point as we make a Specialty of Keeping the Very Choicest and Best Quality No need to enumerate We have the quality and quantity and at Rock Bottom Prices Our Finest Selected Raisins and Currants in lb cartoons are specially fine CLUBTER8- Finest Taule Raisins CHOICE FIGS RICH GOLDEN FANCY APRICOTS FANCY PRUNES SPECIAL VALUE IN EXTRACTS See our Bottles of Lemon and Vanilla GRENOBLE TEURAGONA ALMONDS BRAZIL NUTS PEA NUTS BOOTS A Specially fine line of Child rens Strictly Ladies Fine Box Calf and golas from up Mens Box Calf from Misses and Boys Fine and Medium for Skating Ac Rubbers ft A f The Leading Grocer Cor Mai Timothy St Mrs daughter of Mr Cody and her little boy left for Hillside on Saturday to spend Having been offered the position of at wight next year she and her next week Mrs Hill taught in that vloinlty before she was married During her In Newmarket Mrs has taken a great Interest in the Friends and learning that she waa to leave Town those who attended prayermeetfne on Thursday evening of last week went in a body to the home of her father and made her a very pleasant surprise An address expressing appreciation of her services was presented by a beautiful copy of the Bible to which Hill made a very nice reply Independent At the monthly meeting of Signet No held Wednesday night the following officers were elected for Chief Ranger Elmer Vice ganger J Beoy BWHoward Treasurer A Senior Woodward W J Junior Woodward Senior Beadle Doyle Beadle Orator Deputy Col Lloyd Court Physician and J Chap Finance Cow J Elmer and The Separate Sohool pnpUs held enter tainment lest Friday afternoon end pre sented their Mr Cain with a handsome Muefoal Clock and following address TEiciiea Wo allow yon to leave us for your new of labor with- trying to oppress in some our appreciation of your notirlng efforts for our Intellectual advancement and also of your uniform towards as a mark of love and esteem we wish you to accept small token hoping that it may nerve to remind yon of Newmarket pupils Wishing you every saooess In of knowledge and also a and a Happy and New Year we are your pupils of Newmarket Separate election of Sep rich Trustees on Wedneaoay resulted In the retorn by of the old except Mr Stephen Doyle who withdrew and re placed by Mr Barry Board for Grant J Gould and Barry appointment of Mr as substitute during Mr Cains absence in Ot tawa was approved by the old Board Friday was closing day of Miss Butchers engagement as teacher in School Section No Township of Whitchurch During quite a number assem bled to hear tho entertainment Reg inald acted as Chairman and tho way the scholars acquitted themselves certainly reflected great credit on their teacher At the close of tho program Austin read the following address Mm We the pupils of Sohool Section No of the Township of Whitchurch have learned with deepest re gret of your Intention to sever your con nection with us as our teacher During past nine years that you have been with you have endeavored to faithfully and honestly advance and pro mote the welfare of your pupils You have by your kind and loving disposition en- to those over whom you have presided so successfully since yon have been with When we took back and recall the many kind services rendered by you during the time of your offioe we cannot but feel the most unfeigned sorrow at your departure You have spared neither time care nor attention for our welfare You have labored persistently to advance interests and It is to you and you alone that we owe the present high state of efficiency wbloh our school In addition to our appreciation of you a teacher we have invariably found yon to be a kind and loving friend and in losing you we feel thai it will be a very difficult task to secure the services of another who will be willing to devote the time and attention bat has characterized you since you have been with us It is with very great pleasure that we are able to testify to the high esteem hi wbioh yon are held by ratepayers of this section Yon have by your faithfulness inspired their confidence and respect and regret at your departure is felt quite ae keenly we are sure by tbe ratepayers section as it Is by those who have been under care and tuition We feel that we cannot permit you to leave us without in some slight way show- tog our appreciation of your past services and we ask you therefore to kindly accept this Bake Dish in loving remem brance of those over whom you have so ably presided In your as a tesoher for the past nine years We alt heartily join in wishing you a Merry as and a Prosperous New Year Deo Duriug the reading Maggie made the presentation of Bake Pish Miss Butcher was completely sur prised and thanked the pupils for their good wishes and generous gift wish ing all a Xmas and many re turns of the season AH rose and God Save Queen Arc at fort Wayne on Wednesday morning The retail prices of brooms will shortly be advanced about per cent to meet an advance in manufacturers prices Frank Champagne a hoy of twelve years of age was skating on the Ottawa River on Saturday and was drowned While Mr Frank Bailey of Ham ilton was attempting to lift a horse fallen on the street it roll ed on and broke his leg By the upsetting of a canoe seven Indians were drowned near while they wore attempting to cross tho Thompson River All the best makes in the following lines CARVERS IN AND RETS PEN AND POCKET KNIVE8 SCI880R8 ALL KINDS AND SIZES Also a Fine line of TABLE KNIVES FORKS AND We handle a Special Line of we warrant to be First See our CRUMB TRAYS AND BRUSHES BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES A splendid lot in for Christmas Trade THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER I lakes a Present We are selling for Co Toronto a line of Fur Goats and Robes Highest Prices Paid for Raw Furs J A ALLAN CO i All the old council returned by ac clamation first time for about years Reeve James Councillors J Moore Richard Boyd J and Walker There was a good attendance at nomination meeting and for a time it looked a if a contest would take place J A Hopkins Rich ard Boyd J and were all duly nominated for Reeve and also the following as Coun cillors Aaron Cunning ham Milne Boyd J John Moore and Walker Every person nominated except Mr Milne addressed the electors No charges were against the old council and the speakers confined themselves principally in explaining tho years work After all were through Mr County Councillor was called to the platform and made a good ad dress explaining the proposed County Roads system and other matters The meeting closed about oclock and there being a feeling among the electors that Mr Cowieson to the position Reeve having served in the council for or years the four other candidates proposed for the office agreed to resign in his favor This leaving the four Councillors in the field who served last year Messrs Cunningham and Milne also rescued and quietness was restored Is what you will have if you buy your J AND 8HO MENS FURNISHING AND FROM U A Ladies Fine Roots all kinds all prices Ladies Strong Boots all kinds all prices Mens Hockey Boots all kinds all prices Boys Hockey Boots all kinds all prices 1 Burglars entered the home of Mr Thompson stole a lot of valuable silver and the Christmas tur key Edward Watson a New Yorker was twisted round suddenly by a friend who wanted to wish him a merry Christmas and the jolt displaced his vertebra so that ho died NORTH The old council elected by acclama tion Reeve John Coun cillorsIra Morton Stephen Draper Joshua Willoughby and John Hamil ton Council all elected by acclamation Reeve Wesley Jackson Councillors John Evans Moore Philip Snooks and Richard Evans Moore and Snooks were in the council last year For Reeve W J Stark and J Baker The old council W Duncan and J W Brown are running again for councillors with three new men in the field J Fockler W and J Burkholder School Trustee J J J J Brown P and Alex are in field three out of the four to be elected Borne people want to reduce the staff of live teachers to four thinking that sufficient This has created a feeling which will make a lively election Mr J W Porte jeweller of was found dead in bod Sir Charles Tupper was given a reception and banquet by the citizens of Grand Forks C Hudson Bay Company shipped a carload of Canadian horses to the New Zealand Government A snow storm and gale going at miles an hour Erie and northern Ohio on Christmas Ladies and Misses Skating Boots all prices Ladies and Cardigan Overshoes all sizes very cheap Mens Heavy Rubbers all kinds all prices Mens and Bovs Moccasins 65c 75c and 100 Ladies Felt Boots Laced or Cong very cheap Mens and Boys Underwear all kinds all prices Mens Wool Socks and per pair Mens Fine Shirts all kinds all prices We the Only NeckWear in Town You can get a Good Tweed Suit from us for 5 You can get a Good Beaver Overcoat Blue or Black from us for 4 75 You can get a Nice Black Suit from us worth 1300 for All the Young Men in Town get their Furnishings from us A CHRISTMAS ft ft JEWELLERY The of San Jacinto At Calgary Thomas was sentenced to ten years in the for manslaughter is in ruins from the recent earthquake Owen Sound is to be squaws sleeping in a building were ters for another steamship line which kilted and hot sulphur geysers have will compete for Marie appeared the vicinity of village and north shore business Gift buyers will flad this a cafe place to SDeflUaUolUr buyers find variety equally satisfactory both costly ana Inex pensive roods to RINGS STICK PINS COKF GOLD SILVER STATIONERY BETS EBONY MIRRORS EBONY PURSES CLOCKS COME AND SEE L GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Start NEWMARKET Christmas oods MOUNT PLEASANT Last Friday evening at the residence of Mr Boag Miss A Davidson was entertained by her Sunday School Class when the following address and presentation was given Miss Respects and Teaches We the pupils of your Pleasant 8 Class knowing that you are about to leave us desire to improve this opportunity by to you Id a tangible form our ap preciation of your work with as pleasant manner and kind words have al ways been a stimalae to to do better work while by dally life and you have tried tolesd us to be christians Therefore we beg you to this token of oar esteem which is intended Gold simply that yoa may remember the Of sincerity and your pupils With beat wishes for your life J low us to present this companion as a set our abiding affection J Choice Perfumes Toilet Articles 7- I Hag Carpet wishes to the that be has moved A Water and that ho still bis that Celebrated Iowa lata Improvement to and no la do But Work In Carpet IveivlniJ end ace Scad yur In Lessons in Painting BY J Pollock Art Graduate of Ontario School Cor Timothy with well fitted lens a present No charge testing sight Wort Post J 4 r 1

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