Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1899, p. 8

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I If your liver out order Heart burn Constipation take a ol On retiring and tomorrow your di gestive- organs will regulated and you Will bo bright actlvo and ready Idle ground AMD CO ft- WORTHY TO A distressing happened at the station hero before oclock Friday night by which Mr lor any Wind To work This ban aged years loat both feet He bade hie wife on the To through to car steps until lbj train was well under way In stepping off in the dark to the ground bis logs foil across wheels pass ed over thorn right one at shin and crushing left ankle Mr lianmer is a brother of late Clark of Newmarket of TORONTO Paid up Capital Unserved Fund Total nearly 800000000 A of this Hunk Ik BRADFORD WhOPO received of current rale Wo make rt specialty of Discounting Farmers Notes And Hale Not at LOWEST RATES Information apply to JOHNKIMOTT Agent Bradford w5Ctf Till mice NERVOUS MEN EPS no pay THKtfRW METHOD TREATMENT K K will curt forever any form of or It If th result of SO in IrealunuL WE CURE SYPHILIS Blood of mankind yields readily to our of eta yon bars aoresln the mouth or tongue may ruin your system tie sore throat hall itplmplesorbktc tore eyes Stagi of this Blood We solicit paint In joint throat half pin i aches etc you bare it hair tore head- i moat and world for wo for treatment end cannot cure- our ulocra hair again tic and la and CURES GUARANTEED young and have iK i vigor and vitality capped by early abutes later mental worry tin No matter the our Hew Method Treatment the ictus And parte to norma itlon Ambition and aro one him ecu a man men la treated I viduailyne hence our Ko matter what ails consult We can fur- ntih bank hoods to guarantee to i what we claim CURED treat and car EMISSIONS for QUESTION BLANK for HOME FREE If unable to call r Cor Michigan Ate and Shelby St Detroit Mich EMULSION The EMULSION f The EMULSION by hading physician of Tile EMULSION It and will SI Buttle LAWRENCE CO lo3ircal Children Cry for for Noble jr left Tuesday Winnipeg to a days Mr Jos- about J of age on Monday had a portion of Ins jaw torn ttwaythiough his sun It a terrible and it in hard to say how the unlucky hoy will the ordeal A very quiet but pretty wedding took place in St James church at on morning of the the bride being and the bridegroom Mr J The ceremony wan by Rev A Rutherford A The bride looked charming in Vene tian cloth travelling suit mid a dainty hat of fawn velvet and while plumes She was assisted by Miss Francis Shaw bridegroom being support ed by Mr George bride was given away by her brother Mr Arthur Brooks After marriage happy couple left on the early train amid a shower of rice and the good wishes of their friends for Brighton which will be their future home The prize market was a groat suc cess Following are the prize win ners Butter Scott J Davidson Mrs Silver Mrs Geo Kay Mrs A Nolan Mrs Latimer J Winch Mrs Geo Kay Win Crow- dor Poultry Wm Morrison E Wood Mrs Cam eron Mrs Mrs Mrs Lamb J Davidpoo Potatoes W Lake Children Cry for RICHMOND HILL l A meeting of of Educa tion on Monday evening win applications veto the position of at iho School appointment weiit to Misi Of Niagara Falls at a fiihny of Anniversary hold in church hereon Sunday last fowl connection be ing hold on Tuesday- evening pastor at both services on Sunday and preached very and pointed sermons The church was crowded arid benefit of our now shed was fully demonstrated The Vroomnnton choir supplied the music On Tuesday evening hot fowl supper was held and as usual was a great success both socially iand Speeches were delivered by J J Chairman of Ihodistuct Rev Dean of Sunderland Rev Berry pastor of the church The Vrooman- choir again furnished excellent Jhe- trio Webster and St John delighted audience and Mr of Oxbridge excelled him- self in rendition of patriotic song Miss elocutionist was also well and wo predict foe her fame its a reciter Mism Peers of Miss McMahuh of Sand- ford acted as accompanists fur the several Webster chair in an ideal manner Many from the surma places including Mill Sunderland The on Friday evening will bo the form of a well School Reports m j i OF MERIT FOB owiLViwnUHv George Greenwood Hugh Jol- III- George Smith Kate Jr Ill Cole Georgia McDonald Charley Greenwood Bogs Pollock Ada Smith Smith Violet McDonald Les lie IL- Will David Sweet Fred King If Fred Fen- ton Chat Joy Smith Sr Amy Walter Smith Clarence Flora Emma Watson Roy Colo Tablet- John Donald McDonald Mary King Present every dayGeorge Green wood Matjdiie Cole Charley Green wood Rosa Pollock Clarence Fair- ham A Ruifllan sends us Jetiilli of a very Interesting and amus ing tale told by a who was sent into Ural district to horses and bay for the peasants of famine prov inces He bad to do mostly with who half age bet nevertheless were found to he extremely honest and absolutely trustworthy in all buying ana selling some of them even offering to give horses for starving peasants Quite a different story Bur geon to tell of the Ural Cossacks who did their level best to cheat him En most barefaced manner and on whom no reliance was to be placed And yet these Cossacks are very re ligious and simple In certain re- that a swindler succeeded In selling them quite a tickets for paradise Toe veterinary surgeon several of those tickets which wore marked First rows and sold at rubles back Beats bringing consid erably lees Commercial Intelligence What is 1 111 CAST BURKE BROS OP WATERS all Summer Drinks Of KrdOQ Orders for Picnics and promptly to corner Slain and Huron Street A J- DONT BUY -A- at shop Bad or Main Nrsrmftrkfet Styles and Six ftty Itt liaodmadc racket in Old Gold OIIko aud and BRADFORD Hy has sold his heavy draught entire horse Darn- ley to Mr John of For eat for 1050 This noble animal was shipped from here on Thursday The Council has asked Mr Burgess for a guarantee bond of by way of protection to the municipality in case of any accident taking place owing to the putting down of gas mains through the streets Mr Bur gess will comply Rev S of Toronto who was announced to lecture in Ebenezer Church on Monday evening was un able to keen his appointment on ac count of scarlet fever breaking out in his family He sent Rev John ston as a substitute We believe there will be one less advocate of tincanned tomatoes in town for on Thursday last Mr Bert was a victim of poisoning as a result of eating canned tomatoes The proper remedies were at ap plied and on Friday he was ablo to be about again meeting of the WCTU in tho Presbyterian Church last Friday even ing was very well attended An able address was given- by Mrs of and Rove F Smith and Brown also made five minute speeches Good music was provided by members of the Presbyterian and Methodist choirs There is much need of work in our town and we hope to see good results What was for a time a sensational scare occurred on Thursday when Will Sirapkin8 of Greens grocery was stabbed in the side by a small hoy of the town The two were cutting evergreens for Christmas and a rough- andtumble was evidently in progress when small boy drew a knife struck in side It pene trated the clothing and side and pro fuse bleeding resulted but fortun ately the wound was not serious and ho escaped with only a couple of days confinement to the house raised towards tliu million dollar fund Mrs K- in the Methodist church was recently presented with a handsome silver tea service as a mark of apprecia tion for services rendered late accountant of La Villa Mario has been sentenced to years in iMUiitcntiary for presenting a false return to the Government THE EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL may be taken with beneficial reaulta by those who run down or Buf fering from after of la grippe Made by Davis Law rence Co Ltd The or Ilia wrong today You look blue Bluffers Ill never forgive myself I kicked a caller out of my house last night Huh I kicked many a one Young fellow suppose Ko past middle age Well these old codgers have no business coming round sparking young girls I kicked out one of that sort last week Yes but Ive found out that this man wasnt after my daughter he was after my New York Press V- Walter Hamilton Miner Henry Clark Royal Rose Shaw May Hamil ton Grace Hood Fred Barker Br III Merton Shaw Ed Glover Leslie Glover Willie Draper Elgin Barker May Jr Ill Goodie Jim Bar ker Waiter Draper Nora Shaw Willie Hamilton Phil Hamilton Newton Miner Dan Willie Clark George White White Albert instead Martha Harold Wight Eva Everett York Martin Stiles Jr Micks Johnston Rone Mary Br Ifc Allan Shaw Ernest Glover Stuart Moulds Levi Miner Jr Anderson Walt Gertie Hamilton I Verne York Alex Hamil ton Ethel Shaw Ill lab Myrtle Draper Vera Wight Hamilton Ross Glover Tab Richard Norman Anderson Donald Phillips Gertie I Tab Ross Stiles Present every day Shaw Jim Barker Nora Shaw Waiter Draper Glover Stiles Johnston Winifred Micks Wil- Allan Shaw Andersen Walter Linstead Vera Norman Anderson Roes Stiles E Smith Teacher A elocution And clothes argued the missionary further are as cheap as dirt The tropic heathen did not conceal her misgivings Yes but ore they as hygienic fal tered this simple child of the forest Her health was perfect now and there no telling what might not be the effect of and skirts which do not bang from the shoulders to nothing of the veils with dots In tbem Detroit Journal is for Infants and Children la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic It is Pleasant guarantee thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays cures and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep is Panacea The Mothers Friend is excellent medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly told me of good effect upon their children Da C Osgood Mast w well adapted to children that I recommend it superior to any pre- tome A Abcukb THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF Experience Womans work Is never done quoted the sympathetic citizen Thats right answered Mr Meek- ton earnestly have observed It in Henriettas case Womans never done There la always enough of It left over to keep her husband busy from the time he gets through bis dinner till lies so tired ho has to go to bed Washington Star THE BIBLE OF BODY Next in to a Bible in the is a reliable and easily understood for ready parents can ii the family ailments expense of a local physician it 1tttHIH and UN You have used all sorts of cough dies but it does not yield it is too deep seated It may wear itself out in time but I it is more liable to produce la grippe pneumonia or a seri ous affection You need something that will give you strength and build up the body SCOTTS EMULSION will do this when everything else fails There Is no doubt about it It nourishes strengthens builds up and makes th body strong and healthy not only Us throw off this hard cough but to fortify the system against further If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food SCOTT it S Carrie Hose Ada Crone Stan ley Oldham equal Herbert Har rison 6r III Garfield Oldham May Cooke Roy Rose lot III Ida Oldham Toole Susie Oldham Jr III Eva Harrison Willie Grose equal Lyman Rose Roe Crone Sr II Fred Grose Toole equal Lillian Annie Powell Jr Brooks Emily Leefc May Part II Roy Graham Frank Grant Oldham Jr Part Willie Part Clifford Evelyn Smalley Etta Harrison Jr Part I Jessie Toole Frank Carl Present every day Toole Toole Jessie Brooke Herb Harrison Eva Harrison Carrie Rose Lyman Rose Clifford Rose Fred Grose Alfred Parks Roy Graham Average attendance Joedak Teacher APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER TO it Do you think of If you do write THIS SUMMR LlMirED NEWMARKET ONT u Whirl of Life Her la what caught a reporters eye In a two minutes study of streets of New York on a down town corner On the sidewalk tlirce urchins evil of face Industriously craps From the doorway of a frowsy saloon ten yards away a gray haired woman Issuing with a jug of beer though It was only oclock In the morning A burly Iceman and a negro roustabout loudly with much pro fanity the advantages of each Jobs A whir and rattle of wheels and on undertakers wagon drives up to the door of a modest red brick tenement A white Collin three feet long Is brought out and received by a venerable old man with a flowing white beard who comes to the door and in slippers You then notice for the flrat time the knot of white ribbon on the door handle old man tucks the diminutive casket under his arm and retires within fol lowed by tho undertakers men Ha Is solemn but tearless There la a story there somewhere slippered patriarch In Use stage of life per forming the last dolorous offices for one lost In Its beginning And oyer on the dock are tho hue and bustle the scurry and scamper In cidental to the getting to Boa of great ship are the contrasts of town New Commercial Ad- The most complete the simple and best illustrated book of the kind is the Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser written by that famous and successful Buffalo physician Dr R V Pierce who has been many years and Is today treating and curing the afflicted in all parts of the earth This book has been termed the Bib of the Body because it is to the body or physical man what the Bible is to the soul or spiritual man shedding light and reveal- truth It tells people in every day language diseases are developed what the symptoms are and how they can be cured I to pictures show the appearance of alt organs muscles and nerves of men and women It treats every phase and complication of disease The infor mation in this book has been gathered by Dr Pierce in his worldwide practice and Is founded upon actual experience not Upon theory More than Ameri can homes contain copies of this book Formerly it sold for a copy Now it is free Send onecent to Dr V Pierce Buffalo to pay the cost of customs and mailing only and he wilt send you a copy of this doctor book bound in papercovers It you pre fer a clothbound copy send stamps And get prices Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Largest in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc Mrs R P of Lbaooo Warren Co Ohio writes drop you a line to let you know I hare received the Medical Adviser I think it great to get so fine a book for so email a ura A crisp new five dollar bill could not lein tome A crisp nciv collar bill could rae to part with it you see I am pleased over it My husband said That book is worth five dollars to you fc Miss It Now Is the time to get your taken I am giving a great reduction of price on Photos for the remainder Cabinets 1 i I W All kinds of enlarged portraits in Crayon Water Color Air Brush or India Ink at half the regular price I guarantee to give you the best work that can in Town or refund your money OI PI Graham OLD STAND The driest of all fialis la perhaps the river eel to an by per cent of substance Is water omos next per Cent and oysters are water YEARS EXPERIENCE We HighGrade and Repair all kinds dn short notice The Wm Cane Sons Meg Co NEWMARKET u oar fcientiOTiU MMfr- Piat Scientific J r TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT i j J IH era- V am mate s i i- The Buffalo AUSteel DiscHarrow This Is the only narrow made or oM Canada having adjustable pressure upon the inner ends of the gang diKj amount of trsur- to thrown upon the loner ends of by the the operator By this a action is a uniform depth Examine this cat- tolly and compare with others Cultivatop 18 A MARVEL OP SUCCESS The only Culti vator that both lines of teeth will cut even depth In the it will see why The only Cultivator with a tooth set that the angle of the teeth regulated to cult any of toll can be regulated to act differently on every requiring it The teeth carried the of behind as In lighter chine furnished with grain and sew It has reversible diamond the teeth also extra ting points can be furnished will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE No WOCfl Drills and Seeder or our In use In Canada The only Drill lover for and perfect of of hoe in all of soil whilo team a in motion Bona absolutely correct to acalet saved seed every kernel la deposited at a proper depth to- grow Purchase only best and you win Wealso manufacture Rakes Cultivators and as good a best Bend for illustrated catalogue Out Canada i rt

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