Newmarket Era, 5 Jan 1900, p. 4

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rnjnr Eye Like the OP IJUTJI MHi THE AND GOO a old ftp- You are master of your a published iutmim with Mr and if yOi do not j ohn who hag for attend to duty the blame in ho easily located If blood J wanted a Wuwfio firm much 1 r that is ftcncrol not known wan given will purify it Ra lcd lho A Sno tenSi rofc I things in tho Trans- ftnd three bottles completely have been certain for three- years that war No other A I foot possible Had com- Area my remaining it would only two children aero subject to trouble una were not macro a worse war in the future Very now healthier and mauler of the problem rtzOfiReraod bare not bad a Pembroke Best Advertising Medium York County ftdycriiRi- laonw cent a put no for roll lBlI019 I A- Wrnte Winter a trying time for moat people no for ones la grippe and pneumonia find them Bo you cold It shows that your not in a to disease You will be fortunate if you pneumonia ft Inches I MO y iOOO jsoo Willi wrlt- unlit forbid and month If For each bo paid for for taut bo in by noon for Notices Frwnto and tic will be for any Church otAelctv aro la lakou otherwise Ijfly will for a No to this Robertson Public c to Loan on ood Solicitor Solicitor for Township of to tortU IIt talon p Barrister or Convoy etc tola with Cameron Harriet o and made Money to loan at lowest rates K South of Post Herbert Aurora will en Saturdays and Court Tin vji J Hot Co Ontario Aurora la Loan at fltrieterss6lleltorB o Arcade St Toronto to PAINTING Fainter In ell of Full line In 2nd door North of Primary Street- iCi Done promptly neatly and to order I also associated with a Car riage Painter and Sign Writer Orders can he at Hardware or at the of Mr J- preen head of West Bolton FrtlAl Hanger and wcro tor Street and pfank Auctioneer of the Co of York cold on to A trial tod Street NEWMARKET and Head Stones If Africa will he known nil Iio litis meant war right from the beginning an The war wilt bo push- through to end Chamberlain 1 in Englishman alive and ho will not swerve from bio ap pointed tank In describing Boer for war and pro detorminod of and those who lvavo teen ruling for a Mr The Boers have meant war for ton years and prepared during four had money to spend and bought ia Franco and Ger many on rifles and ammuni tion With unlimited money and modern it a wonder that thoy can put up a great fittht pneumatic dyna mite rapid guno that same French and German armies use dont know how to work big hut they have imported BOO expert French German artillerists to man the The Boers are dead shots with the title and they stores of ammunition thu best modern rifles Boer fire hits been hut Boer privates shrink from cold steel The foregoing statement by Mr scorns to be borne out by battles have already taken place That the Boers good shot appears evident from number of officers already killed compared with the rank and But speaking fur ther of the Boer preparation for struggle now pending ho observer Boors have built a fore over Johannesburg that thorn with guns and all at least Each of four forts at Pretoria cost thorn as much They literally put millions into guns I know of their sending rifles over tho border for distribution among Col ony Dutch long before the war the traitorous Gape promioc issued permits for transportation of the great guns across Capo Colony- Further along in interview with proas reporter Mr McCracken in directly admitted his pre- dilcctions for on being asked where Boers obtained these vast Bums lor the purchase of arms and muni tions of war very readily made an Bwer as follows Out of our own pockets We the paid for it all The taxes wo paid monopolies wo supported the exactions we submitted to made a flood of gold stream through the Boer government coffers which they used to manufacture a military despotism and to forts to blow us up Proceeding to further illustrate the situation in the Transvaal Mr deolarcd that was simply the tool and accomplice of a greedy gang of European speculators who gained bis ear secured obtained concessions and formed a corrupt government He speaks of as being prominent among the who own who has become rich on corruption and who with the gang working with him know Krugers and are really responsible for the present South war Having made their mil lions on contracts for arming the Transvaal and got out of govern ment all could steal before the crash are now enjoying their millions in Europe hot caring ft button about the outcome of the struggle cow upheaving that country The interview concludes with observations respecting the race tion Mr said The truth is that in South Africa every nation moots and fuses but the Dutch remain apart are a everywhere The Brit number per cent of tho popula tion of the Cape but the Dutch rotten boroughs majority of repre sentatives and the Dutch refuse an equitable redistribution and con spirators They meant to drivo tho out England has been forbearing hut now question will bo After war Chamberlain will disarm the two re publics utterly He wilj Cape have a just representative system up has come late but it will bo thorough fiouth opened to the world Nature always lighting The right kind of medi cine in kind that helps by toning up system and enabling it to tonic is only found in Williams Pink for pale By building up the blood and strengthening the nerves pills reach disease health and make people blight active and strong Out writes I Williams saved life their I wck that I wan scarcely to of my bod and showed jibing Into decline I from I uncd Dr Pint for a couple ct and restored mo Bold by all dealers or poit paid t CO cents a box or six for by addressing Dr Williams Co and will become on of the most pro gressive and prosperous portions of the announced that Dominion has to the of railway from Great to and the Yukon work has boon en Mr J Tyrroll of ox County Tyrrell of A Druggists pQlth A Ottawa dated Deo Colonial cabled Hon that big mod cm- Africa to join tiro Imperi al Army Cory a hay Leon accepted i of a remedy is the strongest I JJomiDJon Parliament been call- for the despatch on Called For Musi So Bo at Remedy A druggists testimony of the popu- kind of proof that it will do what it promisee Paul Livingstone druggist of Pa says Ir remedies sold beyond my expectations You can quote for saying that Or Catarrhal day February 1st next Cover it to cell in the year in order that the re prune at of the people have opportunity to before limo is best sellor for catarrh in store Many of rny Governments pinery it it highly It is a great will clear year now remedy and has continental roputa- A part from direct gain to the which would bo wasted so that the not result ia double gain arc going try looking for atock but fight of kept pona at to avoid the cholera come years past this journal has favored the abolition statute labor on ground that the system falls to revolts for time aod labor expended lino been presented the public of Mr A the Ontario Good Roads Instructor throughout Province we now learn ho has reached the from returns received the people of Ontario are pretty generally tired of labor system one and forty of returns condemning it altogether In October last Prof Com- of end Ot tawa personally offered 100 to boya and girls for the one heads of wheat and oats bearing largest number- of A largsin- appara to have been taken by the firkin all the of Dominion The prizes wont to differ ent in the following order On tario British Colombia Manitoba J North West Territories New wick earn pies and in last displayed in exhibits loyo Pharmacy Two minors were Mown to atoms iho explosion of dynamite which they throwing out at Sultana mine Rat Portage Experience is Beat Wo must he willing to learn from the experience of other pie Every testimonial In favor of Hoods lo the voice of experience to you and it Is your duty if your hlood iff im pure and your health falling to this medicine You have every reason to expect that It will do for you what it done for others It la the beet medi cine money can buy HOODS PILLS are mild effective An explosion of gas at Pa wrecked a large of houses and tore up several streets for hundreds of feet me the bible and god trot London prints luter- caling extracts from written the outbreak of who held a lead ing orUon a teacher at Pro- Appended arc two or three Xhtt following cfmvcrfln- IhtcQ on last A lrUuid of went to sv hint IVtwWent you Picn that Government inj out troops i cant must must you Ho Ilphl on my side God in my friii Wonderful in tun you Bay you have not is world The Hi bio world is and It is mo and nnU God and that In all Ill Utm to difficulty in no one known whe ther thin is honest or eiiitply patter and is of elm r- flcier I it in berth 21 Tills morning there A nearer approach of war than any thing had This by in his own church soutif- to little abort of a declaration of war The real truth of the mutter in that Is divided one part in favor of ftc- In of and other to which ihc Frwiiflcut hap come to I am afraid for war is Sat urday week tho President had a dream or vision in which an appar ition assured him that the rhht would Win to him ami him of support The next ho up in telegraph holding a conversation with Steyn in State us to whether should not declare war at one Stvn I know Whether the story Is absolutely true but ln it viola no September Is very dllUcult to ko on nor scho lars can do feel my position particularly I am the in Die face all Trans boiling its flri with a kind of pat iot Ism Our old have Into a sort of armed con and on it e down for time- Hutu could hold in no and broke into a tirade and menliojud now many ho expected io A days later writer the Times tolls us a ape Town having that l he stayed in Afi til be compelled to up arms gainst his own Her l5RTir A old woman ap parently in deep noticed at the foot of the of an elevated railroad other day junt at the hour when the rush wan at Its height The woman had apparently lost something value searched her pockets out her skirts and tin ground on every side ib It was not long before her die- irons attracted notice of I have lost my ticket she said In an swer to the query of a man who stop ped for a moment In his for the train J dont know what to do for I not nickel with me and I live up town js man pulled a string tickets from his pocket tore off one handed It to woman and resumed his rush without waiting tor her thanks the woman did not follow mere ly moved across to the light of on the other side she resumed her with result that a nickel Operation a Cure for Piles was erred woman to Expsnjlyo Only Certain Cora fa produced acd the more a surgical commonly considered only cure is a for to use Dr Cbaic Ointment applying the knife not expensive and Jen risky but also because t is ft mow effective cure It frequently happens that after endured of puss for year and to operations that hey finally by Or Chares Ointment the only cure persons operated for piles cured by Dr Ointment mention Rev I A of Oat Sutherland wsd VA P Thornton Calgary Dr Chassis Ointment truly wonders for avenue and gathered to her pocket by a It positively cures the of blind In bleeding and protruding and til Itching skin disuses a box at all or Co Toronto croup coughs and Dr she crossed ome more nick els and lickfis from the passengers go ing In the opposite finally returning to her original atand where her plight attracted as much as before While the observer on the woman two rounds of each round occu pying about minutes It Is prob able that her average earnings were at rate of 2 In nickels and negotiable tickets hour croup no remedy can be compared to Syrup of GEORGE I lit a r Under of War and now to troubles In South Africa ycurs old and of the young statesmen In Great He the oldest boo of Percy and la a gradual of tin I toy a iljVitary Col- logo at At the ago of Room For Him Too A bland and patronizing Yorker was passing through a raw and new hamlet the weat which Its proud founders bad dubbed City and were sure would soon become a thriv ing hive human beings- Addressing a and lazy youth who was loung ing at the door of one of the rude shan ties that passed for a shoe empori um the New Yorker inquired Who Is Important looking gen tleman with the red flannel shirt Thats Sam Peters was proud reply lies just opened the new And the tall person with col tar Hes Long Mike Jun opened store And the plump Individual with the bald head Handy Jim Owns the new Indeed said the New Yorker Your city seems to pretty well I should suppose there was nothing left for a stranger like myself to open Oh I drawled top lanky one We got no asylum yet You might start that York Tribune BUY YOUR CO And FEED of L O Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry GOAL AND WOOD AT WILSONS Cor Main and Huron i Hot A ftlusylaU liver to the from blood when the matter goes through the body In tlit the whole system la tainted and deranged This Is called and he cured by DrAV Kidney- Jlvcr Pills which act directly the liver making It healthy and active pill a cents a box The medicine In tbe world It that the Ontario Gov ernment at the the a for utilizing old Victoria College building ax During the three varioos propositions have been making it a or an inebriate home or something of kind but no definite nndcr- stand the present Government In favor of following the the of Ohio and a few others the American Union by the old College ft home for and persona with a mild and harmless form Hon Mr la perfection the details and will a bill before during coming Tub for be- fitiyflrat with a note worthy The initial paper of John of the Daring the Queen aliela by that strikes a note This est lea trill be of and ti many of being very rare has very artiste on Picturesque flpaio and Dr on iho Scot- llietory with tone pin- tare The of Canadian the Century by the Editor hoe portraits and other Illustrations The progress war is Vividly presented with map cute Now is time oldest Canadian monthly December mim- a for six Hum i I ton Kite pay era Ctirrird a by law for permanent improvement of at estimated cost of i60000 and or adoption of the public parka act of Ontario Cured Hales or do away the need for Laxative Pills which are bo dam aging to tbe walla of to Bay nothing of the griping pains by Splendid for the child ren la a box from Bros Great London W The Health No these Cones free by us public library bylaw carried at THE OP COD LIVER will build you up will make you fat and healthy Especially to those who are all run down Manufac tured Davis Lawrence Co Ltd Mr J McLean Bay who was reported lot in far northern Lake- country has returned to Winnipeg Ho report having discovered copper ore in the Athabasca region and says bis party no privation to the abundance of game in north 20 ho joined the Coldstream Guards and served In the campaign of In that he won a medal for his bravery Air was appointed Secretary For eign in succession to and has distinguished him self in ways since A Cheerful had a cheerful experience the oth er day remarked a man who had at of the springs for rheuirmtUitj Whai asked the observer I into a depot near the kirins and deposited on a seat near an woman who looked at me with a complacent smile and Inquired Been bun f No replied umatizV Ves Water do any good Not much Well- lots of people come here for the water The patient returns and the papers announce that Mr has returned from the springs much Improved by the use of wa ter but if you read the papers In a few days you will see that Mr has died and been buried sat on too cheerful to be contin ued Mills It la the time to your Facto taken am plying reduction price on for the of Cabinets J 1 io V I Minutes All kinds of enlarged portraits in Crayon Water Color Air or India Ink at half the regular piice I will to you the work that can procur ed in Town or refund your money JONES OLD STAND Hoar The heliograph Is a Lite war de vice consisting of a movable mir ror that lushes of to the ttlejriphic alphabet An artist of Mrs tors Put earn vllte Out rayst J ft nay duty to fir Linseed and Turpentine I Asthma very had could pet not Idii j to do any A friend of mine Banded ioe to try this remedy ho hart tried ft a oil It proved ftriceefsfur trlfU and It I to- to J a well woman ihrovith lirfe of this battle CO A The Cleveland Plain Dealer this of the Virginia backwoods A white minister after conducting vices at a colored church asked an old deacon to lead In prayer The dusky brother his fervent appeal asked that a shower of heavenly grace permitted to fall upon hie white friend He 0 Lor give eye of de eagle he may spy out our sine afar off Weld bis bans to gospel plow tie his tongue to lloea of Iruf and nail bis ear to gospel pole bow his bald way his knees an his knees way down oh some lonesome dark an narrow valley Ivor much prayer Is needed to be made Den nolnt him de blessed lie of kerosene of salvation sot b I in fiah match of faith made amen gRBMPTLY- SEC Id vent- of for our InUircfitinz lcoVs Help and How you arc Bind us of or improvement we will tell you Cur opinion rs to It Is UjuC cations in mrnUhed PATEtrr Ctrl or if In Ai Lai Aocii1q f ilnd Work Q iivj Solid Best Gold Fill SfcfJ LOO Best Glasses nfcA03 and White sends his paper a sketch showing the Boers from command to an other in Natal I arc a number of remedies for summer but the alum lotion is the host for these toiunorary dij- Aluut lemon juice one tables el- water pint- vy- a dnyi France of Iarla To get a correct Idea of the French nation one must abandon Paris nod get out among thf of the prov inces Paris Is sinkhole of rotten- but the people who dwell outside that modern are and patriotic living whole some and useful lives When you get out In the rural districts a charming sight is presented of beautifully culti vated farms each farm being trim and neat as a dower garden There Is a foot of waste land to be Been The first thing that strikes a stranger is the profusion of fruit No where can be seen more luscious pears grapes Washington Post We guarantee perfect Street Toronto Bankers and Consols Stock Broadway New York HOTS OF be through dollars Jon Stock posit thirty ddl hi Up ward of per margin pttrO KrA have tbrouKb speculations In tftocbe or If you arc Iti created know ICttiOtis us of fur lor Ho to ltd Got floif be Inquired Well replied the iiamEiEed eye sort nicknamed himself pried bis coll door open with a TUeo tie me with a hilly Year thai ho canted Good ton amy be II I Address J flE03D

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