fm I MCOHA Manager CAPITAL NEWMARKET- BRANCH I General Business TRANSACTED Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS Sunday Softool fa 1 vh JMi i t A intended flit rf Din Aliped JIoUitft8 lo if a 5o Church to and in HP Thou call jinmo fur ho shall fiftvo from their Nina consecutive month mo now to bo to of Jciuh selections will from ill iho fiopol Mid will bo treat ed in chronological so a complete vjoiv of our as four evangelists JJiAJTJOAI God really into lutmuu Item wnH subject to our conditions and in himself revealed our possibili ties ministry of v of God wore airays to aid Christ They woiw ready now to to all who shall heiro of salvation The heart of universal lifo bonds in absorbed interest over Those who became of Christ became finders DENTAL A I opposite lb Church Air for Satisfaction 111 Dr Potior lira ford Monday Help that South Offers Strong and Happy Mjhh of water had a very of malarial fever left very weak languid with nervous prostration American Nervine was recommended to her and Blip tried it After taking a alio felt great benefit continued taking it until six used when to her own words I was completely to health I can as a great remedy Sold by Boat- loyB Old fl they wander around water front flaya note the disappearance of old which to be the of- every clipper crew They were huge wooden of ah matt everything hut the form Mnuy were to the fair one after whom tlie slln was named find there Is nu old Hen yarn about a pallor who fell In love with Hie hand some wooden female which adorned his ship titled to slip down the dolphin striker on there while the ship bowed and lurched talking love to the tonally according to tradition ihu sneezed ami the Bailor who was known Iovely Ml Ice because he the man that ever set foot on a eh IPs duck nearly fell Into sea lie recovered his senses ami nam you speak didnt fipeult returned the I Just sneezed to attract your attention Youre known as Lovely Mike aint a married man aint And your wife has to mite In both when youre at home and when youre away can never get a cent out of you Mr farmer Just climb back to forecastle and dont bother more This rather curt Interview in alleged to have worked a marked change In Mike when he got home he lulled his Wife by giving her a couple of dollars The ihcilevo are the very places to la theaters the entire bouse divided by rails Into square pens by intend for four but often con talntug half a dozen The men women fire barefoot walk the yarrow dividing rails to reach their reserved scats The patrons kneel within or when there no pens they upon the floor Id little circular groups and smoke eat drink an thetmXUcs chatter come In go out at random Children run to and fro the spectators bring luncheon pass the day within the theater the play continuing uninterruptedly The stage which In some theaters revolves to change scenes has two de tached projections three feet wide ex tending among the audience Upon A manufacturer of Kensington this Fifteen years ago was very rich hut ten ago a time when It seemed that Id surely fall One day when a sin ash appeared a I walked down Chestnut toward the wool ware houses blue blue Indigo but I braced up and put on a cheerful air Just then a man knew came In and what makes you alwaya look Dont you ever any trouble at Oh yes paid 1 jollying a little hut to look blue doesnt do any good Well this fellow paid 1 tell yon what Im going to do Ive got Wheel a limited number will i The Grandest Inch rt am lying idle It bo lucky and Im going to get you to for me Youre well oft In always these projection the performers run blamed cheerful Im nothing ever reciting and Their acting la A villain slain off the stage a Jap mops with a dirty cloth the chief face while he in The dreBaed all In black gown hood anil will follow the actor all around the triage Other persons falls with yon I want you to in vest till money any way yon please and I wont even you bow you did Invest it- Well took this mans money St was Just the amount my tottering needed A year Inter and prices were vastly better and I paid an Will Hot Occur A To introduce fllgheet Oracle of IS placed or the market at A Price Never Before Heard of I Offer Continue for but DAYS Therefore Write at Once All applications considered according to date of receipt Agents Wanted with whom moneymaking contracts will be mode NO CAPITAL Address In black run to and fro across the j the back with internet at what tinge Those costumed In black arc supposed to be loviejbte car penters and helpers often upon the and ami laugh at the and bo on do you think per cent Phi ladcl- r s layman Q LICENSES I At the Private Iajiora leaned at Private residence if TS- J- J a for Honey to a Ramsay Insurance Agent io oil ftrJl and hotel Town Property Shop MI8CBLLANEOUS Simpson 5 Mala flt aeaoHer of and Violin- of all p of Conservatory of Music Of PIANO and to flratclARR loans effected ou policies Davidson OQainB80foTtakloil ftflidvtle Convey a net and llcAl for be following reliable Insurance Norwich Union Standard Mutual Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Vive per Sarto by David liloyd for taking A Heal Ka- Agent Marriage for following Insurance Liverpool Montreal Gore Mutual in Confederation Association To Main Lot Streets ifji ctoracd it we Anyone description of any invention will eIv our opinion free concerning patentability of fame to obtain upon secured us fldvciUsed far talc at our expense out through us receive Woee without charge in widely circulated journal by Manufacturer fiend tor pic copy FREE Address J CO Attorneys t jiVtaS Porcy burrow a boy aged twelve was in bay in an attempt to rescue his younger brother who got through the THE EMPHATIC STATEMENT that The Menthol Planter doing a great deal to alleviate neuralgia and rheumatism based upon facta never falls to and quickly euro Manufactured by the Davis Lawrence Co Ltd The barn of Mr Harry of Pickering was with and nineteen head of cattle The total oaten of seals in the North Pacific by Canadian vsa- during the season was compared with a total for the pre- ceding year of THOUSANDS OF CANADIANS can vouch for the efficacy of that peerless cough remedy It cures a cold very quickly of ail druggists Manufactured by proprietors of Perry Davis Caimans mens furnishing store at Preston was robbed by two men who overpowered and gained a who slept in the premises and drove off with a waggon load of goods TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money If It falls to cure Groves la on each box wife sisters and eighteen Filipinos have surrendered to Major Marchs battalion of the Infantry at DONT RUN CHANCES by tak ing whiskey or brandy to settle the stomach or stop a chill in hot water sweetened will do you more good Avoid substitutes theres but one Pain- Killer Perry Davis That Acta that acta If Wagner bad wrought no other revolution on operatic he would deserve our gratitude Take for purpose of com- the vessel In the ship In first act of Tristan and Isolde former shows the section of a vessel as neatly divided Into various compartments as a box seed samples If scene done If when double begin to rumble and begins to roll the women in their com- the priests pray In theirs the savages whose canoes would purely have been swamped In the storm supposing they could have been launched at all climb over the ships side and massacre everything In sight well we see cleverness of it and are but hardly horror stricken or overcome by terror the other hood deck in with Ha group of silent near the helm and its torn woman In the foreground the dis tant horizon line suggesting the sea far more effectively than a whole platoon of mechanically worked waves can creates illusion end atmos phere forms as much a component part of music drama the sing ers and orchestra ship In IAfricainc Is a clever bit of stage mechanics the ship la scenery that acts In Century In the United fish poisoning la moat frequently due to decomposition In fish The most prominent symptoms are nausea vomiting and purging Hornet line la a scarla tinous rash which may cover the whole body The writer has studied two outbreaks of this kind of fish poi soning both Instances canned salm on was the cause of the trouble Al though discussion f the treatment of food poisoning Is foreign to this paper writer must call attention to danger in the administration of opt In cases of poisoning with canned Vomiting and purging are efforts on the part of nature to remove the ahould he by the stom ach tube by irrigation of the colon In one of the cases wen by the writer large of morphine had been ad ministered in order to cheek the vom iting and purging and to relievo the pain In this case death resulted The danger of arresting the elimination Of the poison in all cases of food poison ing be too eon- Victor In Pop ular Science Monthly He Una I was In a barber shop presided over by a colored artist the other day while I was being shaved there came In a colored hack driver who demanded that the barber owed him for a back at a Couia In week an Ill have It said the barber a be continued to scrape Hut the creditor got on his ear Look said be mighty tired com lit croun here after diB yere money Hits always sonic thing Come week I wants ma money I come in las week an tele me come week an I comes week tells me lef come week after I wants inn With that the harbor took the middle of the floor declared himself Look black said he whlit pcsterlu me about feyi Isnt I done yo to come week What expect Ive same thing nil time week week I yo las week nu I tells ilat hasnt piepareil to do I says Memphis Scimitar Wheel WINDSOR Go A tn1den There In a girl Iti town who being both bright and pretty has a good admirers but the most ardent of all happens to he a pudgy old grass widower with two grandchildren and red nose Naturally she has to stand a good deal of guying on bis account and skips him as much possible So much fact that the poor man bad no chance to plead his In private and alone and so was last driven to the use of and paper Here Is bis production Is recom mended to nil bashful lovers for its brevity beauty as well as construction Kettle I to my I Will If ia to irc It iKc DliEL And would you believe It That heart maiden hasnt spoken to him about it yet Cleveland Plain Dealer LOSS OF LIFE from Disease a takes the lead in Good Bread and Delicious Pastry We have on hand a fresh supply of Sodas Zephyr Cream Sultana Wine Tea and other varieties of J5is- cuits as well as our own make of Cakes have given the of your order and it will receive prompt attention ALBERT BO ART South End CAKES faction Copcrn About kegs and barrels of a tour berry resembling In color and green pea are an nually Imported Into United from Spain and France said a whole sale dealer In all sorts of foreign in New York to the writer re cently Capers grow a bush and are extensively used by all classes of Id this country for garnishing salads and making a sauce which Is usually with boiled mutton other meats There are four sizes of capers The smallest are commercially known as the three sizes are called capotes The capers are the most desirable and bring most money Very few capers are imported Ed glass They are shipped to America In kegs and barrels holding from to gallons of the berries in brine or vinegar The work of bottling the Is done by the wholesale dealers Washington Star- The Stool In It Is to conjure up a pic ture of a ducking as practiced in the eighteenth A fatal which prevented and Dr KWneytlver fights is a further development kidney disease and has for most marked backache and urinary troubles It Is in its beginning s to frequently escape detection and the tingle of consumption is fatal to man England at the end of century When the scold had been properly tried and she was escorted by crowd of her neigh bora In fact I disease is a wasting away of ihr the whole village to the nearest tissues or the kidneys and in its liter the greener and slimier the cannot be So long however as it it the are not in an actual state of decay pond belter A long plant was Kidreyduer Pills will the diseased parts and positively A queer case of Is re ported as having recently taken place la Solomon islands The took from Noumea a Kanaka who bad acted as orderly to the Immigration of fice there and was on bis honeymoon with Ills wife Intending to land at where bis wifes tribe lives He however made the mistake of harking among the wrong tribe and was at once seized by the natives over powered killed and eaten The widow was provided by the tribe with a second husband London Mali Saved Two Mr Pacer You expect to be In San Francisco next week By the way you know where my out there lives I hove Just written letter to her Would you mind delivering It some day as you pass the bouse Inoerfl Friend No but 1 might forget it- I think Ill just put a stamp on It drop It luto the flret letter hot Mr All right dont how you get It to her Chicago Trib une OR I A The Great Debate When the had wejt nigh llitohMiiPle ventured to go to the is It or is it not a fact tier pent that you low your young when you flic attack ed Well always try to bold my own replied the Serpent modestly It Is true but withal And bo the bitter controversy wages Detroit Journal produced one end of which was the ducking stool and In this the scream ing struggling victim was securely pin ioned The chair end of the then pushed far over edge of the pond and at a signal It was tilted deep the green ooze the scold was com pletely Immersed When the dripping half drowned woman was raised to the surface again to the and laughter of the onlookers It can be Imagined that her tongue wagged to some purpose After a second dose she emerged more sub dued and after a third or fourth she was as penitent a woman as the vil lage contained and was allowed to proceed homo a sadder and wiser wo manuntil the time London The of Bill have you cut tile Yes sir An fed the mules Yes sir An milked the All milked sir An ground the corn Jest through sir An banked the tatersV Last one sir Well youre a good Now call the dogs an you kin go an tree a supper Atlanta Consti tution A Fa tut- The Impecunious Son It was rath er bard for you father not to me any money when I was bo much fa need of It The Thoughtful Father It was my desire to send yon ample means imme diately but It was such a pleasure to read your letters asking for remit tances so finely worded yon that could not deny myself the satis faction of having more nod more of them Boston Transcript Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills are perfect and ideal for all kidney ailments They act naturally and on the kidneys and promptly and positively cure disease diabetes dropsy rheumatism and the most tenons coin plica lions of kidneys liver towels One pill a a box at all dealers or Bates Co Toronto Croup bronchitis asthma ail coughs and colds yield promptly to Dr Syrup of ad Turpentine File Cabinet manufactured by The Office Specialty filfg Co Factory Newmarket On 122 and Bay St Toronto Notre St Montreal P fit rfefcQiI Roadbooks tit Supply Twice a Week of Park Ac The Ixi Cured Meat on tut vUrhet today A trial will con- vine yon Flour Oale Meal Boiler Salt Corn Feet Iloloii Tongue Honey o Orders filled he shorted notice The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow This Is Harrow or told Id Canada having amount o be upon by foot of operator By this a flcxlblo action Is can bo worked to a uniform Examine Machine are Infants and Children it LI traveler who been country in inn log a between- the iijillOiiH of tin that holy Is hie iilen ftiJtnlw Ik wine nil hut tin tJiilierl Stilted Is clearly heroically In whose further the whole Ifl Louis Tilly Honied Seeker Thats quite ft line youve been buying What have you earned him Great Bargain Ah Great Then It was another of your shrewd In vestments that baa nothing to do with the name call him Great my wife can drive Courier I guar tail will relieve pain ukto any Put op rolls to cut Every family The IS A The only How of teeth will cut as even depth lu Ground Examine sod you The only Cultivator able can bo regulated conditio or can on every Ca tion It carried tbe wheel Instead In lighter draft box when required it reversible diamond fitccil points for the teeth ejta wide points can wlJI buy my no other Is fouud nil along shores of tlie Baltic but I pally In peninsula of All amber found everywhere Is state property but the state cannot in I no mutter without the permission of owner of ground Mm Alice an aged lady East was burned to death by clothing catching fire from the cook stove THE BEST MADE The Needs Ho Introduotioa- OverWWO Drills and of our manufac tured So- Canada The only Drill made frith lever for Jnfint and perfect regulation of depth of hoe all motion I correct taye every kern el la at a proper depth to Purchase only the beet you will be satisfied We also manufacture and good s Send for Illustrated Bros- Limited Canada TOOLE Agents- NEWMARKET ftivj 9 ft CHASES OK In the Calcutta more on together ftotl filUvd Mrtf by the of Johnston while Gut EMI SbSK iff J ia Uvea ill tox Toronto i