Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1900, p. 3

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rfv il IE Weeks Iioeal OH TOWN was not very big market last Saturday dropped to but bat- tcr was firm and Bold at and a wore a I J M 60s pair and docks Wo About ten oclock Sunday Mr K driving one of slob with in- flamniAiJoQ of the giving of ho went or and fussed with It till three oclock when death put animal of misery could not bo replaced for less than it It quite a heavy will bo the for of past year to their annual eta with Clock of Councils should insist returns duly to that all to may bo properly accounted tot The Womans Christian Union intend their Mothers willbohcldiitho home of Mrs Cane on Saturday afternoon commencing at oclock Those nicotinics were it bleeding many of the mother held before and a Vitition to attend Tho Union is asking clothing thattboy and distribute too needy of tho Town Parcel may be to Mrs residence wore CO members besides lodo meeting last Monday night when officers wore duly by Hall of At the ho made a congratulating lodge on in Dia trial having l5 members in good standing Mr Mo and others in which the efficient working of the commented upon well regular year after oclock the lodge ad journed and sat down to magnificent and bounteous oyster low at the Hotel served in an uptodate by Mine Evans Proceeding closed with flpeccli by Allan inprorHiBintc health of the ami ifiu Anthem Brief lets your water or and Annual mooting next Monday night floolety next Annual Ghocso of plant is to be- vot ed on The robin was heard chirping In Ward week the last day for names and ad- P and to bo went to Inspector and School reports in hands of the Inspector by next Monday at Erne next Tuesday Wood is such a article around hero winter that no Hi a tender to the Industrial Home Them was no quorum at the meeting on Tuedday night Milk took a drop to town on Wed through tho opposition of Since making big oat in prices fiuhea have been doing a lively trade in floe their prices for for for for o3 for for W to Rot Or Woaley and attended the funeral of at on Tuesday Ihere wore over rigs in the procession and halt the people could not got into the This the popularity of the man who was only of age Do raitde many wherever he went- young men of Newmarket learned of hie death with deep Deceased was player and Ho took bis cold leading to this sickness laat summer riding from on wheel and drenched by heavy of Concert were not many present last Friday In the Town Hall at the Templars the merited but there enjoyed one of tho beat concert In Newmar ket for time filia of Newmarket 1114 The in while were and did their part well Mr Geo also Add- a cornet However the entertainment was ivon by Mrs Seymour soprano of Toronto and Mies Snyder of Toronto The by Mrs was marked and sweetness articula tion very distinct She again and again which showed the popular ity she gained with the audience won the attention of the audience from the very first and showed by her many readings her an enter tamer Her rendering of Tobet Menu and The Con victtj Soliloquy to3ivesicoidl prawe Perk us played usual talent as an accompanist The Military Tableaux were well placed and quite uptodate The net were only about The first Fancy for this is to take place Rink on Friday week anwlll do doubt be a great success Too Managers are offering in cash lor the Beat Cos- should bring out largo Variety of now ideas as well as good There la alao a cash for ft Boys The Baud In fall strength Is to play some splendid new and together the best lighted Rink in the Province will draw a big crowd A special electric car leave for Aurora at otter the Car- nival Hi DAY J AS at- Close Last Saturday morning Eddie MoDon- sldson of nearly loDt a flofler while running a saw at Canes Factory The wound dressed by a and healing nicely Last Monday afternoon a young man Geo Thompson eldest son of Mr Thompson neatly lost a Anger at Faotory Ho was feeding a stamp ing machine outs metal into shapes for parpoics and the motion is very rapid placing of tin in position ho was not quite quick in drawing his hand away and In a flaah the nail was off his flngor laying him off work few days of- Life Saving Compound Is Now and Will Ever He Great Home i in at Reduced Prices rondo purchases in White Goods before the advance prices a- low ever for this sale They are only guaranteed for the month of January however Hero are a few sample prices Twill Sheeting two yards wide 12Ac I Men Untaondried do do ply Linen Mens Linen point for Hookey Dont forgot the match at Rink to night between Toronto University and the home team An exciting amo antici pated Beats provided in gallery Owing to the that Varsity not play their senior game the at Star loo will allow thorn to place their bent men on the which undoubtedly means an uphill game for the homo team will bo represented by the following team Goal J Kennedy Point J Kelly Point Kelly Forwards Uoyle It is expected that return match will be played in Toronto on Wednesday even ing Jan at Mutual Kink The Club has with Metropolitan for two speoial cars to Newmar ket between Ave and six or all those wish ing to see Jntecrs returning the earns evening faro only Do not fail to the match tonight would not permit to yon a full list tee for of Another old resident of Newmarket pass ed over to the majority last in the person of Edmand in year of his sge Although his health has not been good for some time pset it was not till quite recently that general manifested itself in each form as to cause alarm to immediate relatives and which terminated fatally on the fast Deceased was born in the Town ton Nottinghamshire Enpland oil the April dSiSi and when ten voire of ago hie father the late Henry immigrated to this country bringing his family with him and settling East ern Townships Province of Quebec Thir- years the family removed to sod took residence In which then consisted of the and nine of whoso Ed mund the of this brief memoir was the fourth child In married Miss of Mr Arthur of King ana took their home in Newmarket where they have to enjoy a and happy boms together for more half a Mr was a man of of faithful friend and a For vesta he was a attendant at the Congrsgatfonal Church the days by after that denomination ceased to conduct public when health permitted he worshipped In the Church As a citizen of late yesrs deceased has not taken any part in affairs For over fifty he held the office of and in the earlier days of mo- life of Town held the office of inspector and Newmarket had a Fire- Brigade to hand rirescgines he was urns and a all which offices be gave much Yesterday b wag mortal was interred in Newmarket of the tuners wars by Mr The in Blankets See those large blankets for at C Hughes Between and oclock on Monday night a barn to Mr Black who about two miles west of Glen- ville burnt to the ground together with about 10 tons of hay targe straw stack- eloigns and several other farm implements There is doubt that the was on tiro as there has been no light used at the for a year Mr Black knew nothing of the fire till next his residence being quite a from the barn and separated by a bill but Mr a neighbor was by the light and succeeded in saving two adjacent is es timated between WO and partly insured The hay belonged to Mr on which there no insurance He offers a reward of lor the arrest and conviction of the guilty party if ft is shown that the fire ffss kindled Gospel The meeting last Sunday afternoon a magnificent one for flrafc in the year and well for future The provided the program J J Pearson presided and Rev GuHooh in was led by Methodist Miss Lush organist which contributed a selection were by and was with excellent addresses by the chairman Cane Roy and Mr Coombs A The firs two speakers dwelt largely on the growth of sentiment in this community and recited interesting reminiscences in connection with their own lives Mr took a general view sitaation and gave words and encouragement to temperance workers especially the White Ribboners Mr made hie hrst appearance on the temperance in Newmarket and made an admirable ad His key note was Indifference and how it the individual as well the community With the exception of the gallery the seating capacity was fully taxed The Royal provide pro gram for next Sunday The past record of Celery Compound will live long in the hearts of tens of thousands of our Canadian men and women They never can forget the fact that it Celery Compound that brought back strength health and new vigorous life failures with the many common advertised remedies as as with physicians and hospital treatment Amongst the notable and mar vellous records cures effected by Celery the year jusE closet are the of thousands who have been given up by physicians as hopeless These hopeless were men and women suffering from kidney and liver diseases stomach troubles rheuma tism nervous prostration Iohk standing dyspepsia all on brink of a dark grave At the eleventh hour when hope had and deep black despondency reigned supreme Celery Com pound was by some good f as a Innl It did not week or months for Fames Compound to itn powers and virtues A few hours days to convince every suf ferer that he or had in truth found a medicine that could cope with disease and death The past record of life saving is maintained and fortified by thousands of strongest testimonials written by men and women now enjoying the full blessings of good health This glorious past record of Fames Celery Compound as a disease banish has given the a place in the majority of the homes of Canada where it is known as The homo physician The home pro tector against disease you a sufferer from any of the troubles mentioned above Are you weak and nervous Are you sleepy or despondent or morose Have you headache poor appetite or digestion If try what Celery Compound inn do for you A bottle or two give you satisfaction and delight Pillow Cases with wide hem per pair Toilet Covers inches long While Lawn Si Ladies Hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs each White Cotton 30inch Factory Cotton 60inch Linen Damask White Cotton Towels 3 for spring Stock of Embroideries just received on sale at White Goods Sale Prices w RUNTON CORNER A of Winter Clothing Winter Will begin on Winter Spots Winter Caps Jan at eight oclock a Such as you never saw before v a Allan David Win To the of extend and wide Our paJaioneille Wedding The last week contains the following information concerning the marriage Troll lute of Newmar ket A Very pretty wedding place in the Methodist Obnroh- on the contracting partita be ing Mr Dickson son of Mr John and Alias Marion only dangbkr of Troll town The ceremony by guests Rev T Legjgflit the strains grand wedding broke the the wedding party moved aisle and took their positions at the altar The bride was preceeded by little Moore of as ring- Mies Lizzie Rut- ledge of Canton and Dora Dickson groom both of whom were prettily dressed in while organdie trimmed with and wore veils The bride presented ft most appearand in a gorgeous wed- ding gown en train of ivory satin trim med with chiffon lace and pearls and The bride was given away by her father The groom was attended by Mr Cowan of Vancouver BC A reception afterwards held at the residence of the brides father where a most sumptuous supper was served after wbloh the happy immediately for Newcastle depot smidsfcsbowereof riob and where they took train for Toronto to a few days on their honeymoon The and rich wedding attested to the popularity of both bride and The annual took Mon day evening when very re ports were presented Secretary re- ported members Owing to in the Act the report only extends over a period of eight months durtnR which time new books have been purchased mak ing a total in the library of volumes From the let of May to the 1st of Jan there were books issued most called for being Fiction Historic al Voyages and 80S Miscellaneous The Treasurers report showed as follow Balance on hand from audit 24 Membership Tickets 63 Government Grants GO Bate of Catalogues Proceeds of Concert Loan from Town Miscellaneous Purchase of Books Loan to Council Insurance Librarians Salary Printing 5 Miscellaneous 352 Whitchurch Council Council elect met at Hills Hall Jan after signing the necessary declarations took their seats Communication from Child rens Hospital Toronto asking for aid for the Institution Bills were presented by Hill use of Hall for Nom ination 4 Geo Harper yds gravel J Bartholomew feet plank Richardson claimed damages one 6heep killed and injured by dogs The Treasurer was ordered to pay the bills presented twothirds the claim for damage to sheep and to the Sick Childrens Hospital ByLaws were passed appointing J Stephens and auditors J Assessor Stewart Walker Collector Stop fer a member of the Board of Health and A Sanitary Inspector Councillor Baker gave notice that at the next meeting of he would introduce a ByLaw to divide the Township into seven The Reeve was appointed Commis sioner for Eagle St and to oversee removal of sand from hill on con at lots and The Clerk wag instructed to ask for tenders to supply the Municipality with 17600 feet of sawed cedar David Kennedy was appointed Com for sand hill Coo at lot Councillor Powell was empowered to dispose of timber on Side line be tween lots and Con The offer of J McKay to do the printing at last years prices was ac cepted Council adjourned to meet at Halloa the of Feb THE CHEAP STORE WH RE WE WE DO KNOW ti The only liability is loan from the Town Council to rose which the estimated from Legislature is This virtually gives the Library Board a balance on band of to commence year with The reports were adopted and the fol lowing elected to compose the Board for 1000 Messrs Morrison J Smith CM Jcokeon J McKay and Coombs to meet this to elect officer Government In Manitoba the people have a change of Administration Hon Mr has resigned and Hon Hugh J has Premier The new Cabinet sworn in on Wednesday as Premier and AttorneyGeneral Hon Hugh John Provincial Treasurer and Minister of Agriculture J A Davidson and Minister of Public Works MeFaddon Without Portfolio James Johnson and Campbell Mr former Conserva tive leader is not in the Cabinet Some say the first of ihe 20th Century Others say the last year of the Century Our own opinion not settle the question or end the controversy so we wont give it But as regards our business WHAT is that we are StoijkTaking and that we have too much stock in some lines of Goods We write in Stock on the last day of this month so that we have just a little more than two weeks in which to reduce stocks of these Goods Ladies Jackets Ladies Gapes Ladies Costumes Ladies Dress Skirts Ladies Silk Blouses for evening wear Ladies Winter Dress and Work Blouses Winter Dress Goods Ladies Furs Mens and Boys Overcoats and Ulsters Mens and Boys Winter Suits Fur Mens Fur Coats Mens Fur Caps Fancy China and Glassware Toys Books Games and all other Holiday Fancy Goods It he above Goods me to If you are in need of If Cheapness is If you are NEWMARKET J J i

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