Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1900, p. 4

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n 1 A JATT THE NEWMARKET ERA i T7C1J4 cVP v i Great Baste irihoci i ion I at ays o Speed eD people trust to lack pull them through December of County Council of Ox tor j a prominent muni- often disappointed Do not dillydally in matters of that body advisability Health t With it you Can memorializing the Ontario accomplish With ipro to abolish lite of pat it are 4 good j be wound that aft is Keep and to rural by ucoof faultless blood I tlca V10W ted ratepayers but wo la my limb and toot I and In short II mo wlio have township taxes to pay would be called upon at thenhomes and blood A cut on y arm the collector not heal I Taken tbre rilling audu tonal cost than com and I fltrcct jornto nco3il liver The Best Advertising Medium York County jutes Transient per Insertion ran I 1 WO 1 HO MOT ft 0U6 WM 1800 will writ- ton until and will bo once month For etch composition hi or at contract bo In by noon on for to and Found wilt o lor any Church aro la taken rtfty will be to this ruin M a o Wain Street to good Farm security for at King Division Court Ontario P Cameron o Toronto and iir to loan at low oat Block Mala fit St Conveyancers tea Choppiu a South of feat Newmarket i Herbert Lennox Aurora will also boat Newmarket on Saturdays ad Court Day a Solicit ore for J Rota A Co and Ontario Bank Aurora toan to trudge to Treat to pay their taxbills It in possibly quite true that consider able numbers might to convoy their taxes to treasurer but by time whip paid postage on tho taxslips to the taxpayer and then return was paid with the additional charge for registration or especially where rates require odd unit- of a dollar to raoko up change the total cost would pay average salary to to ay nothing of and trouble it would give to without ill unincorporated vil lages to ho found in most of our town ship municipalities and also to per sons with limited education and iim- means The the subject is examined more are convinced that tho generally would pre fer tho present system in rural dis tricts to proposed by an Ox ford retve mid wo are inclined to notion the will also so it and think twice before making the proposed change fact is hat for years past wo have had too much tinkering our municipal legislation too many appcat to want a change for the mere of making a change It is about time to call a halt along this line just as the is a signal of danger to sailors and the red light to railway meri so has nature equipped individuals with danger signals of one kind or another when their phys ical condition is not quite right It may simply be a tired feeling slight cold weakness of the muscles fickle appetite or some other sign slight at first which indicates that your condition is not a healthy one If the danger signal is not heeded serious re sults will follow and a complete collapse may occur In nine cases out of ten the direct cause of the trouble is impoverished blood or weak nerves You need something to brace you up to make your blood rich and your nerves strong Dr Wil liams Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this promptly and effectively They strengthen from first dose to last Mr London Ont I can favorably of of Dr Pink prove in and toning up ilia Having thorn for time pen I most favorably of their beneficial results an of the they are claim to be Sold by all dealers or post at 50 cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Gave plesh Ont Jan S A remarkable operation has- boon performed at Victoria Harbor Some two months ago Felix Juneau an employee of the Victoria Harbor Lumber Co got his caught in some knives connected tile plain inff machine in tho companys mill Before assistance arrived the young man arm had suffered frightful mu tilation the entire forearm being de nuded of flesh to fully onehalf it em inference and length Little hope was entertained at the of it Thomson and of and Dr Frank Porter of To ronto held numerous consultations on how to save the arm and avoid ampu tation the result of which was that the father sister and brothers of the boy willingly agreed the suggestion to allow the surgeons to cut fle3h from their own for grafting and thus fcavc arm of and brother boy was witl ing to take advantage of the doctors suggestion Accordingly father sister and brothers all lent themselves subjects to knives of surgeons operation or rather the human sacri fice was successfully performed on Saturday vell and young Juneaus injured arm as a result of the grafting is likely to be came strong and useful NERVOUSNESS Fart which and Nothing hasten old age a nervous new the beautiful face temper become soared and irritable 1ghte of followed by of worry and feminine organ become weak and irregular Everything goes wrong to the victim of for the whole system la under tho control of nerves usual result of nervousness par nival or nervous prostration while to other It brings insanity or epilepsy of increases at a rate until by gloom and despondency As ft restorative for nervous men and children Chasea Nerve Food Is un rivalled and It is a now of medical to which builds up and revitalizes the nerves and puis new Hie end energy into every movement of the body It positively cures nervousness in all its forms in the coarse of a few months treatment Dr Chase Nerve the great in pill form 50 cents a box at nil dealers or Bates Co Toronto Book free BUY CORN CORK CHOP And FEED of all L Manitoba Hungarian Family Pastry COAL AND AT- J WILSONS Cor- Main and Huron vlU Ma to dart Heel iced rtGI ij our Tew to Cheese Following of milk supplied each of patrons weapon amount of money received therefor during lbs- milk Starr 60680 431 41008- I A Lloyd It Miliar milk Tuts Dominion still on the onward march A cablegram was laat week at Ottawa from the War Lord of from Canada A few week ago an order came for seta were supplied by Winnipeg and Toronto firms The first order had to be delivered to Southampton by the and the also required with the Another cable been received tor a supply of wagons rather prices the first instance and the order will follow 3802 Irwin J Proctor CO Win 18153 14000 Belfry J J Brown 172 Dennis Kitoloy A Dyke a- 11408 H Irving 23092 It 23342 Kelly 23455 12G no 99 33 83 80 14 Dunn o Manainif King West Toronto to I Block It is very to learn that test of grapes to the has quite realized all an The commanded ready j sale Frnlt trade are ulsed at the result of the for if Canada can hereafter grapes to the English market in as good condition as this test experiment to Indicate the will not have to be depended Upon A noted deal er intimated to the Canadian authorities Ik el the trade are of Canadian a competitor with the and Other kind of fruit are alter ith House Painter Paper Hanger In all branches sampled of In Wall to see jleiOBWCKn door North of the aebooli Street PaJcdDf Done promptly and In aw a and Writer Orders be left at Hardware Store iWmilk John Baiter Wilson Hughes 225 li 17G12 Howard 10714 J Evans 17074 Geo 15188 J Milne 14246 P Morrison 13077 AToole J Wilson Sheridan J Watson 11717 A 11201 J 10878 Puller J Huntley Bond Waiter 1 A Dawson Vincent 10149 lbs milk We the do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cant bottle of Dr Wills if after using of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four will per manently core rnoat tin a to case of Constipation or no pay Wills English Tills are used Lehman Newmarket J Y Druggist Pharmacy Main St Newmarket A Howard 9724 40 163 Mrs Foster 8354 8890 125 JWright 0996 44 124 J 7190 120 A Wilson 7519 117 H 7158 J Milne 6160 104 Jacob Smith 5972 Boyd 32 W 5191 John Smith 4824 29 3383 Lewui 4303 90 1G O 3192 Lloyd 3215 2900 78 2400 2966 17 78 W Play tor 2606 Mr Win 1894 79 46 73 A G70 and Writer Order can be left at Mr J Green head of West Newmarket Bolton Fainter PaperHanger and Decorator and AUCTIONEERS pyonlt licensed for Co of Terms able attended to A trial Street NEWMARKET WEIGHS IN Monuments and Head Stones t in Chicago and British sympathizer with Great in her present conflict in tie Transvaal purpose a demonstration in the ifttsio Hail to afford an opportunity contribute to fond for the of widowa and of aoldiera and Bailors who fall in the South African war After giving come details of the nature of the the Chicago Srititk re mark entire program will be the at the empire inn never Beta and that bond of brotherhood that la drawing tha people of the la tea Great Britain together In common in and the line of providing for of the firm and dairy a felt want with farming Hon Mr Minister of for Ontario in the- and la now to be able to a bill before the aeaaion of of a practical and meet farmer need We hie present proportion the cold atationa in parts of the In this connection we leo observe that the of be another evidence indicative of tbe lion at by of circular to ah the Province contain of specially selected boot a fuQltuftloubijctitJoHaMoor their care The list prepared by if tho Output 1303239 mo Cheese 97509 451C3 At Convention of York on there a Urge attendance Hon C- Wallace present member nanl the Riding it Dominion election In accepting the nomination Mr Wallace tfaanked the mooting for renewal of warm and then a lengthy ad drew In he referred to the Manitoba and that at the next the would the weit of take Bbpe rior Of very with rret 1 Messrs Andrew Derby and were by a train on a croxstog near Mew- and both were instantly kilted Ontario That Is what portion does who to euro or any other by of dlo- It tho acid In blood and ttiua permanently it tones and the re- Ma natural and permanently euro lion Price A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent 1000 to his in stitute so that deaf people unable to procure them may have free Apply to Department The In stitute Eighth Ave New York US A V the new teacher at presented with Album before leaving Tem perance Wile by the League as a token of esteem anil acknowledg ment of her services President EVERY in the land pells best lini ment for and bruises The beat remedy for cramps and colic f Avoid substitutes theres but aid 60s final report of Now York Canal Commission hat should ho expended in improving the inland IF TAKEN IN TIME Li will curdy euro roost affections of That run down con- loo effects of a lo quickly counteract ed Manufactured by the Davis Co Ltd Moodys bast D wight Moody last words cording to a despatch were recedes and heaven opens before me It is death there is nothing awful here It is sweet This is bliss Do not coll mo back God is calling me I roust go There is no valley here It is all beautiful These words were taken down by Stenographer Ben Wright of Boston who had them directly after the death from Mr Moodys son Pole Weak a pale weak Buffering the evil effects of an exhausted eystew and thin watery has been fully restored to rigor end buoyancy of robust by Dr A Chads Food beltntel glow on and the in the tell of the building up which taking- place in the Mail advices by the steamship Adelaide say that another pat- tie between the and Chinese took place at and that the duteatcd with a loss men THAT HACKING COUGH is a warning not to be lightly treat ed cures with absolute certainty all recent coughs and colds Take It In time Manufactured by the pro prietors of Perry Davis Pain killer Ottawa Kingston and Toronto troops will arrive in Hal ifax on Jan That was the de cision reached at the Militia Depart ment yesterday The party will be men and officers and horses leaving here Besides there will be flatcara with wagons and guns cars with harness and bag gage car Tha party will 13 office- men and horses From Kingston there will be officers men and horses and guns Operation Wear of experimenting with aairea and ointments end dreading a surgical operation and hundreds have tamed to Dr A Chatee Ointment and found it in absolute for pile first application brings relief from the terrible and IMS seldom that more one box la reunited to effect ft permanent cure The Minister of Militia ap proved of a grant of appointod to tho special service for South Africa toward expense of their outfits and an ad vance pay of Men and will bo moved at once fro to the place of enrolment without waiting for the completion of thi quota WE CLAIM THAT Menthol Piaster will euro lum bago or pains wicker than any other by Co OK COKvrSTION AT Tuesday Evening Jan Opening and Devotional Exercises low to make Study Attractive Discussion A Day Deer Park 900 Collection and Closing Wednesday Opening Rending Minutes Business Man in the Sabbath School Clias Newmarket Discussion Lesson for following Sabbath Taught by I ferry Sharon Discussion Methods of Teaching Appointing Nominating Committee 1 Reports from Schools Announcements and Closing Wednesday Devotional Reading Minutes Report of Nominating Committee and Election of Officers Primary Class Taught by Mrs Cane Newmarket Doing what we are fitted for J Stephens Newmarket Discussion Who is responsible for the Sabbath School P Person Aurora Discussion Straws Gleaned after the Reapers Mrs Cane Closing Wednesday Evening Devotional beading Minutes Report of Retiring President and Address of President j Treasurers Reiort Keeping the Old Story New f A Day Address front line of S Work Rev J J gro Collection and report of Resolution Committee Pare wells and Closing Stovepipes Kidney Irregularitiea Developed Into Dropsy Sooth American Kidney Cure Oared Him South American Kidney Cure is doing every day for hundreds what ic did for man out in Lin coln County Through exposure while Bailing he contracted disease and in a short while dropsy developed thai his Jrg a large as fitovepipee Doctor held out no hop for bis recovery He was to great with that in a treatment he was able to his work again a cured invn fteling stronger heartier than hi had years Sold liyW E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket PROMPTLY Write for our tottrcatloK Help How you or mod- lot your invention or we our ft to whether it patentable applications rejected in other Highest references ft a of rtctot of lo Pi teat Law iiltUoa Works jUKcUttoa WUr AMOS- P Cwl of vs t for Best Gold Fill perfect A boy of CO named was accident shot and fatally wounded while a revolver at the factory of the Robertson Company TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Talcs Laxative Quinine All refund the money It fails to ours la each box The Government revenue from the Yukon gold fields for Ibe year a- mounts to The for November was 167o7 Street Toronto- r Tor and Children- Wholesale Store Main hi Miller tho retiring of St tiflgHh Ob rob near Whit ft wag with a clock by worth A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Perk Coa flams Lard do beat And Cured on tbo today A trial will cod- Rolled Cora Meal Cheese Potatoes Salt Canned Corn Feet Wiener flam end Teniae Honey Soap tiled shortest nodes teals l2 fiviSy tbs VfBiaAtc if A C fc ii A A for go 1 J c I i

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