WW rf- i SOUTH around the Mra are at her Sir Hugh CHI J J a Wo heir some Complaining about married and women on our nna much an any persons in if not for those men we Would tint had rink at all McJjarH Geo and Chap of Milton who boon visiting at Mr a returned homo thin weak Louie Love of Aurora way via- if Inn friend Addio t Wight ttfowdays Una to on Friday evening Jan in the Hall in church tea The IVeuhy held their annual election of officers on Thursday nfgbt Ail former ofticora wore re- elected The earuiva on Wednesday night way a grand Quito a num ber of wero exhibited of prize winners bo next BALDWIN MOUNT ALBERT Mr Morloy is giving a Concert in the Town Hall on Tuesday the for of Church A friend has been stay ing with Mr for ft week Walter life were down to on Sunday and girls having a good time on the mill pond The fink ia not being opened up this win ter Mr being under the weath er Members of tho intend givii a wand concert on the of this month Moles from was visiting herwtiicr Mrs- Spalding this week Mr J Spalding nursing some of Jobs comforters There wan a largo market on Tues day up to a doz and bat- tor a lb Mr J Leek from was united in wedlock to KMorehead of and another wedding is booked for next week A treat Success Family Heaid and Weekly Star of Montreal is meeting with un precedented and well deserved success this year publishers efforts to make the Family Herald the greatest family paper in existence has resulted addition of over twenty thous and new subscribers in and continues It is said that never before had a large of subscrip tions Wo learn the publishers guar antee the beautiful pictures Alma and Fussy Willows to all who subscribe during this month but not later the supply is limited They are beautiful and alone well worth more than the price asked for Family The people of thia vicinity were so to see the corrcapondence week that they have been continually to out who the correspondent is but have been unsuccessful Our sleighing has disappeared but we hope only for a short time The Ladies Aid at Keswick at the residence of Mrs- was a great success Quite a number from here attended Revival services have began in the Christian Church at Keswick under the pastor Rev- J He becoming very popular preach ing Is bible truths and is much appreciated by all who have heard him Miss Edna Terry been visiting at Mr Drapers for a few days The Gospel Temperance of the will be held this Friday evening Keswick give the program Wears expecting to hear something good We are very aorry to record the death of Marie Draper youngest daughter of Stephen Draper It was aevere shock to the family death came very They have the sympathy of the entire neighbor hood in their sad bereavement Mr Ezra King left for Minnesota last week Rebecca Freeman widow of the late Caleb Mann was buried at Sutton hn Saturday last What we would like to know the Bona of Temperance Lodge tf going to be started again winter When is that wedding coming off Why Howard go to the wed- diup Mr Calgary ate viaUing at Mr Vernons Mr T lost a valuablo by a hook from another cow Union St Sabbath School purpose holding a entertainment on the evening of A good pro gram provided by the Quartette and others Recitations by Misses and addresses by Revs McGillivray and Brown Tea served from to for horses at Messrs Boyd and COLLEGE CORNERS While the Owl gifts a How and hit the Joker and awoke him from his North now a Mr Win Prober rcpre- farm machinery Mr Duncan King and Mr Amos Crittenden have harvester has not always a silver to its cloud recent ly a couple wore basking of each phiz a rudofWIow took lump and blow it out git you now and he git without further notice Mr K Nor is has leased Mrs farm for a term f live ycurw and lucky in securing Mr foreman As Eddie and foreman are hustlers wo expect to iiear of a prosperous new year revivals at almost to a close and much good been manifested Heros a idea for to make lust Just make the coat and vest first and the pants last Visitors on street as follows on Now Years Day At Air Youngs Mr and family Mr Rose and family at Mr Jus Mrs Geo Rose of Newmarket Miss Hartley of De troit and Bella of To ronto village has certainly a fine skating rink under the management of Mr J Master Florid Cunningham wo are pleased to state is rapidly recovering from his fractured limb The people of McMillan Corners on the arrival another new neighbor Mr Phoenix who has he- come Mr Lewis foreman for a term of years This man has lately Wood and won Miss daugh ter of Mr one of JJrownhiUa fairest damsels many happy returns crown their voy age on lifes matrimonial sua Hon ft J farm in King is the catro of toe jual as itioy ro feeding for It doesnt matter how much of a hurry a person gets in he should chew his beef Well before swallowing as a case of choking happened recently famous musical com pany who furnish music at so many entertainments called at Mr Roags and gave them a number of good selections Mr was very revived We are pleased to know that he is getting along fine though his broken limb has pained him considerably The has been a good present to many in this community Our crusty cold snap is on softer terms now by a common January thaw Not enough water to congeal into ice for skating There is a fine looking young gentleman visiting J ninghama Mr Fred Morning was up on on the 3rd last week He has a had looking hand He claims it was in a tight vice a mans jaws The Owl says I was asleep and didnt hear the wedding hells I might as well have been as I was un der forbidding information But any how you may hear of two or three more shortly My eyes are not al ways when I am sleeping There is considerable comment on the attempt to burn the Mount Pleas ant school house on account of it not being as they think properly fumi gated I think if theyd pull up the well and hum ik theyd be laying the axe the root of the matter A comical young plainly says that reading College Corners items is like leading an almanac Mr John Winter paid us a holiday visit and is looking well He has re- j turned to again to manual duties Miss Maud of Queen entered upon the young peoples petition in writing essays and poet Wo were pleased to see her name pear in print as a successful tor in the prize list on poems portrait and poems will appear in issue and all take notice in the Ma Miss Maude many good qualities Miss Greenwood of Sutton West was also a successful competitor Willie Ferry paid his aunt a visit and is looking cheerful and hearty as a result of the good position ho has Misses aiiI Miller wore At Home on Jon 1st 1900 at out by starlight WO understand that at the hour appoint ed for investigation of the charge of of duds from clotheslines in Sutton prisoner was est Billy IM displayed marked ability in out evidence and had worked up a strong caio for Crown Ho should have put habeas corpus act into requisition who thoroughly acquainted with Billy can readily conceive that lib language forcible than polite on discovery that his bird bad flown Did any wink at the escape from tice There is a dancing school in full awing near hero where tho spectacle of teachers and scholars joining in mazy whirl may ho witnessed No doubt Old Nick is an interest ed onlooker Grandma Tomilson wishes to re spectfully inform numerous friends alio is quite well and received a num ber of handsome gift as memorials of her birthday which was celebrat ed Now Years day the first day of the Jewish week the first day of tho month ami lint day of year hut not the first day of tho century as soino supposed A case of domestic trouble in one of our most prominent families cause of much sorrow in Mom- What wont this struggle for wealth do J separates brother and sister father and mother friend and neighbor Oh how very true it is that money is root of all On New Years day one of our mar ket buyers bad a sad breakdown and hod to walk in to village Fur ther investigation showed this to ho hut a flight of imagination as he was observed with the belle of blissfully enjoying wedding festivi ties No doubt hell soon be singing Weve been engage close on a year the happy time is drawing near when I shall wed the one most dear The trustees of Gum Swamp Acade my have been singularly fortunate in securing Miss Davidson as teacher She must adopt a different mode of punishment to that exorcised by a pretty school mam I heard of On commencing her duties she an nounced to her pupils that she kissed the little if they were naughty Shortly after she declared she couldnt understand her boys were most dreadfully mischievous It is usually reckoned that the chap who gets mad and is the one whos getting the worst of the argu ment so one of our town fathers got badly worsted in an in one of our stores recently I dont see any necessity for profanity any how it gives its user a mighty mean opinion of himself Valentine is the proud father of a round dozen children all grown up and hearty A family re union took place on Dec at the home of Mrs Crittenden a daughter at which thirtynine were present In Toronto of mat was account of a young Jewess a children the blind lead blind both will fall into ho ditch child to recognize genuine from the false is in a bad way There does not ap pear much prospect of him getting out soon But hopo for the Owl The- disappeared wheels are again industry Is booming Mr Henry Kay sorry to twenty or thirty tons r m no for the weeks Mies Mi who been visiting her aunt at naBt four returned homo on Tuesday the 2nd The many of Mr formerly of place who been at Central Lake the past years will to fccar of his death on Deceased was only ill a few days Inflammation being the cause of death A little stranger came to stay at Mr Joseph on Monday Mr and Mrs Dulmage of Toronto and Mr and Miss McDonald of Aurora spent and New Years at Mr Mr K Luck and bride spent ft week at Mr and left on Satur day lor Toronto where they will We all wish them much joy and happiness Mr A Morning had a new fur nace put in at his residence thia week The new teacher Mr has rented Mr bouse and will move in shortly Miss and apont week with friends in the city and re turned home on Saturday last What happened the Barber Saturday night Quite a few pointed shop not being opened Mr Martin Taylor of Sutton apent a few days this week visiting friends here ZEPHYR We are to chronicle the death of Miss Koine Clarke daughter of Mr of village She died on Friday night from the dreaded dis ease consumption Tho remains wore interred on Monday Wo all extend our sympathy with the bereaved Mr A Horner home from on a viait to his parents The Baldwin tailor paid a visit to our tailor on Sunday Wo another agent in our village now Mr Richardson Mr W Pickering our harness- spent New Years at Schom- berg Who said our tailor was going to get Doesnt look like it Dame rumor must have been crazy to start suoh a report Miss Lillie Harrison is home tor holidays and ARE TO BE J AT CO i The Grocers an Amazon who is a member of the rifies in a South Afri can regiment She has been in a number of engagements and said to he a crack shot having represented her regiment at rifle matches scoring 102 out of a possible at and yards range Her dare devil mode of fighting has admiration of her comrades in arms the late wedding here was the most brilliant affair ever held here abouts By actual count there were over a hundred guests The brides was idle green but cashmere silk I dont know but she did look too sweet for anything The bridesmaid was Miss Arnold of Sutton and Delia Tomilson maid of honor The brides was a most unique specimen of the handiwork of Mrs Chesley being an exact reproduction in miniature of the house in which they will make their home It much on Mrs in genuity and skill as a cook Mr Murrays gift of a magnificent parlor lamp cakes the cake We shall now listen for wedding bells all around us A frequent salutation is Well Owl huntin fer news Our inva riable response is Dont have hunt news comes to us Joe little Jim may yet from his gun accident though I venture to say hell carry to his dying day name Irishman born in London happy excepting he trade More anon to observe Free Moth friends though they enmity to run iriv On evening of the insfc Aubery Davis District Worthy Patriarch assisted by M Walton as Grand Conductor installed follow ing officers in No P Thomas Baker Miss Mabel Elliott Chap Harry Wilson Treaa Geo G Ramsay Elmer Terry AO Miss Bertha Baker I Geo Blackburn Organist Miss Spink P P Oscar After the ceremony an enjoyable social hour was Archibald of presiding inter esting addresses by the visiting brethren and others a feature The District making oflicial visits to the Diva in his field prior to the annual session of the District to be held at on January The Sons of Temperance will hold a popular social in their rooms on Wed ins The proceeds to be devoted to the Orders Fund Court Seabright was years ago with six members It now has on the roll and is one of the strongest Courts of the county The meetings are held the Wed each month The new officers will try to make greater than of any former year Officers for Blackburn Franklin Walton J Orator J Curtis Webster Mount CDHCB R Wilkinson Medical Examiner Dr Stewart Scott Newmarket Tht entertainment in connection with Sabbath School on Monday evening last was a decided success The collection in connection with the special service on Sunday and the proceeds of the concert real ized school over which will go far to meet the requisites for the year At the Concert we are pleased to note the presence of Revs Hand and Farrier who added largely to the tone of the program The Mia Ag- and of con tributed most favorably during the evening by their choice music and re- citiDg and further outside of the school talent we do not hesitate to mention the Misses of who also kindly lent their tal ent for benefit of the school Otherwise the children of the school took their parts admirably reflecting much credit upon the ladies who had so short a time to train Mr Jos took let degree at the Council Board on Monday last at King City Peter Flanagan has returned from Michigan lumber camps Last week parties were the order thia week much sewing is order What usually follows Revival Service is being conducted in the Christian Church on the line Some talk of a Forester Concert the near future No i TW at can or a with flowers believe in swallowing a teacher in should bo For if they they AURORA On Friday morning the water pipe in Mies Forsyths store which had been frozen and thawed sufficient ly for the water to run and at an early hour some one found water gushing out of the door and word to Fortunately no goods were on the floor otherwise they would have been de stroyed Wells of the Queens Hotel eon to fight for the old flag in South Africa did the next best thing by giving one of his beat horses to Mr F he never does things by halves F son of I J P M Dawson City was home and bade good- bye to friends and preparatory to going with the Second Contingent to Africa The Council met Monday and pass ed the inaugural ceremony Mr A Love wag appointed High School Trustee Mr who was reported seriously ill it in a hopeless condition the being that of softening of the brain A meeting of thv Public Library board was The waiting room of the tan is two large and airy for the public demand It seems to be by with extensions north east and west along and Well ington streets and the canopy of heaven overhead The thermometer has marked below zero in it One of the largest and moat enthus iastic meetings that has ever been held in the riding of North York took place here today it being the occasion of the annual gathering of North York Conservative Assn Almost every part of the riding was largely represented The election of officers resulted as follows Hon President Peregrine Presi dent Captain Allen Newmarket First VicePresident J Moore Albert Second VicePresident Dr Stevenson Aurora Third Vice- President North Secretary Treasurer Lennox Aurora Auditors Dr of Aurora and William ley of Mt Albert It was unanimously decided to hold a meeting at Newmarket on Monday March for the purpose of selecting candidates for both Houses of Parliament The annual meeting will be held in Albert concluded the business of the meeting P and J W St John delivered in teresting and eloquent addresses upon the questions of the day Broom manufacturers of the United States and Canada have agreed to advance prices centa a dozen lbs Our Choice Rolled Oats Cans Best Canned Tomatoes Cans Best Canned Peas t lbs Pure Leal Lard lb Davisons Special Blend Coffee lb Davisons Special Blend Black Ceylon Tea Davisons Laundry Soap regular price 5c- bar Special bars for Early DAVISON CO THEGROOi Reduced Telephone Rates at Night I ON ALU Distance Itines cd am BIGGER THAN EVER You can apeak any point on the Dis tance of the BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY the Day Rate The minimum Night Kate cents except where Day Kate la For the year At WANTED Good general servant Good No Main fit sals ShortHorn Bulls into J Smith Bros The do in the County Give them a trial and you will bo too STUDIO Opposite Metropolitan Depot The Over coat Season is now on Call and leave your order fifty Christmas oods meeting the- taint will be he On Wednesday Jan 17th At the hour of S pm in the Council Chamber Newmarket for the Election of Officers and general business By order STARR Secretary in The new glass at Kings- ville started operations Tuesday us ing natural gas Jan and Kitchener arrived at Cape Town has been on account of health t Hay For Bait A of rood for sale Delivered or at bam lot No h con flwil North Km wick y 60 Reward The above for the or my bam of Cemetery Co of the Newmarket The Wetting Cemetery Company will be held In the Newmarket ON Monday Jan J Choice Perfumes Toilet Articles Gold Rimmed Spectacles of Eye Glosses with fitted lenses make a useful present- A charge jor testing the sight hi Post At Bight oclock for the Ejection of Officer Ithot tendance holders unable to attend the Annual Meeting and traniactloo of A at- lot holders Is requeued Lot iff I Mi Notice Is hereby given that the An nual Meeting of the above Society will ho held at the Boom On Wednesday At the hour of oclock pa for the andadoptlon of the Annual Report Elec tion of and other A Board be held at the same piece oclock am the day KEITH President secretary Caretaker Wanted may obtain blank for proxy voting by plying to J Pearson By Order JACKSON W Secretary TWO TO Wit LOTS Sealed salary will be Situated near old woollen Factory For Bale on v rati aa Terms Apply to SO Real Estate lh Potion Of Caretaker of neat rotate Ascot C as to Ac jniay printed and lot or any tender Hntiwtniuo or woman to tr- net accepted for salary monthly on the of and per KJACK PON inclose slaiaPCd i L J