Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1900, p. 7

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JAN CHINA v 1900 SO Dinner Bets FROM to Toilet Bets 160 to Special Value IN Parlor Lamps Fruits Peels and Spices This is bur Strong Point us wo make a Specialty of Kooning the Vary Choicest and Best Quality No need to enumerate Wo have quality And quantity and at Bottom Prices FINK- ALSO Rubbers ITU The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts- Eye Strain Causes Sickness Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Store NEWMARKET Weeks WHAT IS ON IN A with the Town BO marriage and defttha v 1- Pipe fiptgade At a moling of the- Brigade on Tucaday ilia following officers appointed 1st Engineer -Geo- Osborne flg Society It in very Important that the annual meeting next Wednesday prompt at one as Dairy meeting to hold at smo place during same afurnoon peayy Damages fitUQirctecJ On Tuesday last at In Tor onto Jury awarded a of fl to one William Allan a armor of ICaet one eon a farmer ae damages for seduction of daughter of form er The defence endeavored to establish alibi Mr of represented Mr Allan Presbyterian The- Tea- Meeting at Presbyterian night was a success proceeds about tea served in usually attractive stylo of ladles of this congregation alter presided over the and literary program an by Mian wore good parti patriotic selection entitled good Miss of Toronto rend soveralolo with usual ability aaug well also duett by Dr and Mr Earl as well as qprtotte by Miss Dr Mr Everybody well pleased throughout A most revival of spiritual life is now in progress pastor assist- by Geo Brown of Toronto The interest attendance has grown to an that it found last to move from the School Room whore in cot us wore held for a week to auditorium which will now bo used every night the week except Saturday A womens meotfoK is ateo hold every Wednesday aftoroooo at ft oclock Right from the first meetings have been characterized by unity of purpose and willingness to follow the leadings of tho Holy Spirit Ever the first in vitation there have been Beckers for a pardoning grace and Mr Brown fa a grand preacher and it la like a benediction to Bit the explanation of truth by this ven erable servant of God- Owing to the that was the firat circuit that Mr on years ago and that he married a Sharon girl it makes visit to this locality doubly in tores ting told on finnday preaching in the late Canes Saw on the filh of East every during the summer more than years ago and re calls with much pleasure and interest the prominent gentlemen in the community at that time He has a remarkable mem ory and already the people here have be come wonderfully attached to him The evidences are very manifest that the Meetings now in progress will be of good The meeting last Sunday night was a grand one and it will be equally as good next Sunday night club at residence pi of Mr yichardcon next Tuesday oven leg Act Hi A cose of disorderly conduct at the North before Warden Woodcock Saturday two of the parties im plicated had- left for the third was let off by paying the costs A scarcity of pall timber of tho departments down two or three days- It takes to going succeeded in purchasing llno back of Industrial Homo from Mr and are paying a bonus to get it hauled in on wagons at as orders aro still oars ahead shippers A few ears are also coming by the firm has lots of logs at Ienotang not get cars when ready to ship them bore The Specialty now moved the of now budding near the track and sign is the door way variouj getting down to work in their now quarters and efforts are being to catch up to or ders been coming lively the past two weeks This week three fine Big arc be ing shipped on order of Ollico Department at Ottawa One to hold begs for distribution of mall goes to Montreal for bags goes to Winni peg and another similar goes to Calgary On Wednesday a very largo of pipe of various sizes arrived bore from Toronto to carry shavings from the woodworking machines to fire hole which will bo attached at There is the now whistle for powerful GUTTER DON A Without calling at SHOP North End of St AND Guv Styles Pauses from handwade rimmed In Ota Gold Plususnd 1 Im ril IO ittfttlM in- iMOvfj in Wnvr Hi- ic mil liidJ4icVmt el Jiial Hint ue Jit- 111 Hup see ficnd In Pursuant to announcement a mpetCng of hose favorable to the formation of a this Town to place I the tost Wednesday evening Mr Jackson authority the Minister was con vener and occupied the In opening the meeting he read hie commission and then pointed out the of Agri culture and Art Acts showing the proced ure of organization and objects and purpose of the Society On motion the then to elect the of officers and directors which the statute provides also passed a motion favoring election by ballot The chairman in therewith at once nominated Messrs Robs Crimson and J McKay to bo scrutineers bat- lot for nominations for re spective The President and Vice Presidents were elected by acclamation but more persona being proposed for directors than repaired ballot was taken The following result of president Webb Esq let Vice Mr Geo Martin Jrioa Free Mr John Treasurer Jackson Directors Messrs J A Keith J J McKay John J E Cane Auditors Mestrs J Cane and The public completed organisation work and a brief meeting hold mediately when and Trees were membership tickets ordered and some other formal business transacted general discussion re-ap-ifit- possible union with North York Society for coming fall exhibition to nct at Cill the i Sunday Schools A meeting of Kxecative the North School in Monday afternoon President Starr of town in the ohoir Present and Do way of Aurora Robinson of and Weeks of Newmarket also Messrs of Aurora of Wilson of Pine of Hopkins of Holt Eves the Sec retary Tho Committee appointed at the last Convention to carry out the presented report showing that to provide every sohool with a Pledge Book and very person enrolled with a Fancy Pledge and piece of colored ribbon would cost about toother with about of pensGB for printing instructions end post age After a lengthy discussion the following resolution was as Executive Committee is unable to the amount necessary to carry on the work of the Triple Pledge Committee we hereby recommend the Triple Pledge Committee to apply to the Township Associations and Town through to supply the necessary funds to carry on the work assigned them North York tioo The Committee received sufficient assur ance from those present that funds bo forthcoming to proceed with the and it is expected that all materials and instructions will be hands of the Secretaries of each school in the Riding to introduce pledge against intoxicating liquor a a beverage tobacco and prof an tty on Sunday the I5tb of April next The report of the Treasurer showed thai the are about short of the ordinary expenditure of the including the grant of to Pro vincial Work mid tba Secretary was instructed to communicate witb Ho hoots and individuals who usually not done so for this year After an informal conversation on Nor mal and Work in the Riding the Committee adjourned now The right of the Com it if to orders with- other rail ways on municipal highways At conclusion of the interview the deputation was at lunch Mr Davis at buildings I I I J Jan The North Brit ish Mail Natal cor respondent Cotnmandant- General seriously in- arid will take no further part in the war was shot from under general and oyer on him causing a rupture and eerioue jury to tho spine A V J Natal Jan The following from White dat ed yesterday An attack commenced on my position hut was chiefly against Caesars Camp and Wagon Hill enemy in great strength and push ed the attack with greatest courage and energy of our entrench ments on Wagon Hill were three times the enemy and by us The attack continued un til One point in our posi tion was occupied by the enemy whole day at in a heavy rain Btorra turned out of their position at the point of the bayonet by the in a most manner led by Colonel Ian Hamilton commanded on Wagon Hill and rendered valuable troops have hud a very tryitjf time and have behaved excel lently They are elated at service they have rendered tho Queen enemy were repulsed every where with very heavy loss greatly ex ceeding that on my side which will be reported as soon as lists are com pleted Jan Geo last night stormed the famous Plat rand overhanging The operations at after live days lighting were successfully decided yesterday when British stormed the Boer and lost killed and Our I were and twaaly the British attack be ing repulsed on all sides Natives at Freer assert that one commando alone lost killed and wagon loads of wounded Bouts on Jan East Council Sharon Jan First meeting of Council for year 1900 Council composed of following Reeve Richard Boyd J John re of connection of i eho re timber on allowance lots and Con After a full con- of the subject of Metro politan Bail way making connection the at North Toronto the following was unanimously passed and a copy of same ordered to bo forwarded to Hon Witt Thertforo be resolved that this Council feeling that it is of vital inter est to the Ratepayers of Municipal ity to have made by Metropolitan Railway with the Rail ways of Toronto hereby desire to ox- press their and apprecia tion it the action of the Railway of Privy Council in grant ing an order tor a connection with Canadian Pacific and express the that no ho from the therefore The Reeve introduced a ByLaw to make appointments of certain township ByLaw regularly passed and appointments made as follows Board of Health for a term of years John Sanitary Inspectors John Parish Steeper A Keozie and John Auditors R and Benjamin Messrs Boyd and Moore ap pointed a Committee with to dispose of the timber roadway lots and coo On motion the Reeve and the four members of Council were appointed a Road and Bridge Committee for year and an appropriation of was made from the general fund for maintenance repair of Roads Bridges and the relief of urgent of was amended by eras ing tbe name of Henry and in serting that of J Lfjwis as Com- re Snow By- Law On motion the Clork was instruct ed to ask for tenders for Township printing for year from the Era of Newmarket and from the Albert branch of Leader and Recorder a also to subscribe for six copies of Municipal World for use of Council and Moore were ap pointed a Sub Committee to round timber and Covering for township purposes On motion securities of the treasurer as presented to the Council by Reeve wore accepted as satis factory all payments of School Funds Clergy Reserve Principal ac count deposited in tho Saving depart ment of the Newmarket Branch of tho Bank payable on the order of Reeve and The following bills were ordered to bo made viz Municipal World subs 5 J A Co cedar GO John Fuller sheep claim 1 rr J if HaRC THE LEADING OOOl inter r JUST OPENED All the best makes in the following linos CARVERS IN CASED AND BETS PEN AND POCKET KNIVES ALL KINDS AND SIZES Fine line of TABLE KNIVES FORKS AND We handle Special Lint of which we warrant to be Firm See oar CRUMB TRAYS AND BRUSHES BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER Co Toronto a line of Fur Coats and I for J A I oik NEWMARKET BOOK AND DEPOT TTIOMERYlll I Books Scribblers Exercise Books Dog Tax 00 and Walker Count- Phillips Trustees rent for nomination hall 00 who wore all present and made the required declarations of office and qualification and took their seaw Minutes of last nesting read and confirmed Communications received as follows From re railway cattle guards Good Roads Machinery Co Hospital for Children Hamilton Bridge Works Bra Clubbing Hates Municipal World Weekly Globe for n Henry re and Montreal Witness for sidewalks Globe and Common Sense Albert refund Dog Tax re error refund Dog Tax re error re Bridge Irons Council adjourned to meet in Sharon on Feb at 10 am I Day Books Ledgers Heads and Statements lO Journals Bill Office Stationery and Supplies HOOKEY STICK Central Telephone John Fuller sheep claim J A Collins re cedar J McKay re printing Fairbarn ro as W 11 11 Mr E County waa heard the Council in 1 Era and Weekly Mail gra and Montreal pictures Era 45 Era and Daily World and Toronto Era and Toronto SUTTON The ice is six inches thick at the Point The iceharvesters arc getting ready to commence cutting and this Very little snow and not much moving except some petty thieving The plague is so bad at Honolulu that the authorities have be gun burning the infected houses The has appeared at Manila Heavy snowfalls and slides have the line of White Pas Yukon Railway and traffic to that keeps Constable McNeil on the Klondike and other northern districts move to Veep things straight is suspended indefinitely a a I The Hon J Davis received a from the County of York on Wednesday Composed of the follow ing Warden Co Council- lore J- and fieeves Simeon Lemon Aaron Haines and J Slater also Messrs J- Robertson and A Yule The delegation was in favor of the of the Metropolitan with the and pointed oat why the Province should not oppose suoh junction also that the opposition came from the City of Toronto and the Street On the other hand was the County of York which would hefit im measurably junction aeked for It wee the way they could get cheap access to new market as the freight hauled by the Metropolitan Railway allowed to pass over the Toronto Street The City claimed that tho junction was an interference with municipal rights The County of York claimed that to prevent it from carrying out on agreement made with Metropolian Railway was interference with municipal rights Mr Davis said that the Govern ment intended to introduni hill deal- U Us with generally end are idle Hie one ihe fiUHcrei is specialists and medi- that James Smith of A Jury of doctors cine vendors decreed Grimsby Out should spend the rest of his days in the agonizing chains of But common sense and modern medical science produced rebuttal evidence and procured his release The South flmetfi Rheumatic the tables the Pain in and healed cured To the man or women suffering the of pain produced of or an on and Hi ftC- it shortest out to relief from the pain and the surest cure from the distress iugi wracking burdensome ailment No medicine of modern times has proved half so effective in giving al most instant relief or has made as cures bordering on the miracu lous as the great South American Rheumatic Cure So often it proved its efticscy cases that were placed on no euro list by docs- tore and epeiialieta that many of the most eminent lights the profession have enough to make con- Cure without Ha at rtll proved -fi- ilie of and to up their are it daily in practice and doctors have always been the slowest to convince of merits of any proprietary re medy American Rheumatic Cure is powerful potent but harmless It is a specific for all phases of Rheumatic Ailments it directly to tbe seat of the troubles dissolves and eradi cates from the system the foreign mat ter which cause excruciating pains which stiffen and swell the joints It acts quickly and sorely and as proof of it there ample testimony to show that in cases of many years stand ing the patient was almost bedridden and so acute the suffering that it was necessary to turn victim in it was torture to have been gen of tin hand an the liody In fifter ho ihfLU VfY side of 111- 0 marked that the patient walked with out assistance Many have had a experience and have testified to it J James Smith a dairyman of Grims by Got was a greaj sufferer from sciatica and rheumatism He was al most could not walk without He had tried any number of remedies and had been treated by almost innumerable doctors without any permanent help He began using American In a few hours pain left me a few days threw away the has never had a touch of trouble You are at liberty to write him about your case No need for an hours suffering South Amencau Cure can do as much for you as it has done for thous ands American Nervine is a won derful for the It cures all disorders of digestive organs repairs exhaustive puts and is a general builder South American Kidney Cure liquid kidney it cures Kright the all aris ing from of the lUya glv- in Sold by Lolnuaa iw r

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