Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1900, p. 8

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i IP k r- 1 f it A 4- Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion that jour out best medicinal rouse alt tie ft In WJTI0G TORONTO up filOOO 00000 Tola A BRADFORD of current We or Discounting Farmers- And LOWEST In apply to JOHN AUJIY4 timers no op or IfUEflflAi THAT Witt HOT BE- LOOK OUT BUS ATITUTE8 THE DOTTLE THE CO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade jDononondJotf ftjia com opinion an 1 patenUhld wnt Jit Oldest aoncoreojriDpaUmW- Patent Mann Co without American A illustrate rfr- Of Bold The Leading YEARS IN- DETROIT CURED EMISSIONS yoaoor men niaiitl7 They- ft for ml No nbcUr by evil y0ut will l NO CURE- PAY Early or have wfckeBJ you- Expound loajr haw you You I are not till Our New CURES are ftpd XI citable You fcCAwmo form ftJid your T your wj long you bad it our trill liiir tod Thy organs vHnlitedH or out a cur no culm rfo opera NO IKTHi GUARANTEED and KIU1 IKHBE BOOKS PREK tukameT forDOiI SHELBY STREET DETROIT MICH SI WOBTIlir TO 8onoJBKita Ohcro a in last wtokby Sparlings the of along the road between and team took into Mr Buttona feaving driver laying on way a bruised and forlorn condition MOUNT The of the Nov Years en tertainment in Presbyterian amounted to John Money of concession was arraigned on Monday before and J A JT charged with having stolon a of wood on of and conveyed it into owner wood that on even- of Nov ho mot with a load of wood and tracked the wag gon to the 2nd concession Money no defence was found guilty and discharged from conviction upon payment of costn and making for stocu property Too i ale for A very pretty took place in our church here on Wednesday the uU when Mr of to was united in to Miss Connolly looked in gown of white organdie over white silk and usual weeding veil- The presorts were both and costly The happy couple left on evening train Toronto where they will reside for future tree provided the kind ness of Mrs Osier of Toronto was held in on Wednes day was splendid skating on New Years day Quito a crowd of young out on the lake on joying storm swept oyer Point last wook but it did not do as much harm as was expected Cry for T0R1A A eordial invitation is extended to all SS Workers to attend the conven tion here on the and time is anticipated Tea Sons of Temperance have in stalled officers for the coming quarter and accented an invitation to visit on the 18th The Union Sunday School are to be congratulated upon the success of their entertainment Friday even ing Most pleasing features of the evenings were the solos and duets rendered and Stanley and Nor man The lawn tennis drill given by Miss brought down the bouse and much applause Recitations singing and dialogues given by the scholars were well rendered and deserve great praise The chair was ably filled by Mr Wil frid Snider in the absence of our Sup erintendent After singing the Na tional Anthem the entertainment was brought to a and dispersed to their several homes speaking in high terms of tho evenings entertainment Cash proceeds amounted to 2925 Children for The firat liiotrvy and musical of the will bo in on overling of when Alexander most talented appcAt in and under of Iho J -k-r- ta 1 I- j ltaV Councillor family were in Oxfonl Co rluHng iho holidays Farley and family of say came to Mrs lost Friday to a few days Alter dinner Mr Farley went to the stable It was noticed that ho staid out a and fcomo one wont to sen what detained him found him lying dead Dr I A whs for Ho pro- it a case of failure The funeral took place on Sunday from homo of hi soninlaw the I v l During past year births marriages and deaths have been registered with the Clerk in this Among those who have volunteered in the second contingent to go to South Africa is Mr Fred second son of I T Four years ago he left hem for Colorado where he resided on a with a cousin until a four months ago when he returned homo A greater portion of the lime he was in Colorado spent in the and he became a proficient rider When ft call was made for mounted infantry for second contingent Fred was one of the First to offer himself and was accepted During his visit home last Thursday Mr Well of tho Queens Hotel generously and- patriot- presented with one of the finest horses he owned Hart man left with his steed to join hie company in Toronto on Saturday morning Another young man form erly a resident of this place Mr ham- Burnett has volunteered and accepted After leaving horo he the and when the call for volunteers was made he ottered are sure both Fred and Bam will give a good account of themselves when they reach the front OirAWAiXofr Jan By the kind ness of friend or Koberteuti offers in cash for the selection of grain on farms In all tin provinces on a plan which should lead to great improve ment in tho crops throughout competition in every province will bo open to all boys and girl in it who have not their eighteenth birthday before the first of January There soperate- for pro- and Territories are to be considered asone province for this purpose The main competition will continue for years and prizes will bo awarded to those who obtain the larg est number of marks on following plan A Any acre of oats on the farm at thtf competitor may be solectod for one mark will bo awarded for every pound In weight of grain of good quality obtained from the aero in Before grain harvested in a quantity of largo heads be selected to yield enough heavy plump seeds to sow one aero in and two marks will bo awarded for every pound in weight of grain of Rood Quality obtained from acre in the grain harvested a quantity of heads shall be selected to yield enough heavy plump seeds to sow one acre in and three marks will be Awarded for every pound in weight of grain of good quality obtained from the acre in The competitor who obtains largest number of marts the total of the three yeara will receive the first prize in the province competitor who obtains largest number of marks the second prize and so on for ton prises in every province There will ho also prices for wheat on the plan F The following show the prizes for one province Prize Oats Wheat William Lloyd is putting up a portable on lot con 5 near Four men have been found frozen in Alaska In the belt of one found a check on Alaska Com mercial Co for dated Nov in favor of It Jennings The men are believed to bo returning Klon dike It of San Fran cisco was frozen in his cabin near White Pass a was picked up hy a squad of Mounted Police near White Horse He had been frozen during the night 1 A QUICK CUK FOR COUGHS tad COLDS The til THROAT ahoLUHGAFFEGTIOHS Bolting DAVIS fit CO Limited Petty county to own iind to fririy to I O P Court elected the following for John Vice Tames Taylor Chaplain Fin l Bee Fawns Treasurer Jos Murray Son Woodward Woodward J Hen Beadle Graham Court Dr Court ree- J Mrs Ethel Harrington our young ladies but of late residing in to spend Christmas with her mother Mrs was not feeling well when she arrived and during her stay caught a cold which developed in pneumonia and was surprised morning to hear that life had departed during tho pre vious night Despite the severe cold on Saturday last a large con course of friends attended the funeral to Mr officiated and at the service in the ehurch preached a very sermon The sympathy of the community is extended to be- friends especially the husband who was just married in October lest far Ask your physician ques tion Vfiat is the one great remedy for consumption He will answer Codliver oil Nine out ten will answer the same way Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods yet fat is neces sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- liver oil The plain oil dis turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite The dis agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen durable What Is to be done This question was ans wered when we first made a 50 60 G 5 Totals J96 There will be sets of prizes as for Ontario Quebec New Bruns wick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Is land Manitoba the NorthWest Ter ritories and British Columbia respec tively IS of CodLiver Oil with Hypo- phosphites Although nearly twentyfive years ago yet it stands alone to day the one great remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs The Lad odor have taken away he oil itself has partly dieted end the moil mil stomach to rarely Not In and digest Hit plain oil Nine out of can EMULSION vhy It aires Even in advanced It i juoongs life T Cape Jan Colonel it isofficiaHy announc ed being only on a raiding expedition and for military reasons being unable to occupy Douglas permanently has the town bringing off all the loyalists He has now safely to close proximity to Belmont When he announced the necessity of the place the inhabitants of Doug las declared their lives were not worth five minutes purchase after the troops Colonel therefore invit ed them to accompany him to Bel mont The preparations were speedily com pleted but the vehicles of town were totally inadequate to convey the the troops gave up the transport wagons to the women and children The Canadians acted as on escort of the refuge carried babies for the women kept everybody lively by singing as they pluck- ily along in spite of sore feet occasion ed the heavy sand The force received General Butlers congratulations on of the of the expedition with great satisfac tion President of the State has issued a proclamation declaring that every white man irrespective of nationality is to be considered a and is liable to fight for the defence of the country Jan News received of a spirited fight and the defeat of be Dutch forces irajorGenerol French had his position so well that the Boers considered it necessary to take a leaf from British tactics and attack his left at daybreak after a short night march His however were pot taken by but held their ground resolutely our guns were shoved up and the enemy when with a flank attack was forced Jo retire upon a kopje Tho fire maintained until the mounted infantry left and the position There been an earlier charge by Dragoons who cut their way through the enemys lino Jan des patch just received and dated Decem ber confirms the report of the British from that was first announced from Pretoria Decem ber The despatch There was a son tie today with the view of capturing the Boer works were crowded with awaiting the fi hail of forced the British to killing and wounding e number The British storming party it is paid numbered eighty men of which were killed and thirtytbreo Jap was no firing of any this morn ing British left flank was at tacked at oclock yesterday morn ing north of by 000 Boers charged the enemy killing seven The Boers then occupied small kopjes opening a hot fire on two companies of the a half battalion of the of tho Four guns of the Royal Horse Artillery entiled the enemy causing him to lake shelter enemys guns bred heavily hut the Hussars and section of the horse artillery attacked him This combined with a hot fire from in fantry caused the Boers to fall back Our casualties wore small The still occupy tho hills southeast of force The enemys in attacking our left was to reopen com munications with the road bridge had been cut off by the British since Monday A picket of the Inniekillings was surprised at breakfast but promptly charged with great pluck scattering enemy At noon Mounted Infantry were fired on by who still remained in the The Mounted Infantry end stormed the kopjes without casualties killing and wound ing and taking twenty prisoners Later the Boors opened fire from two guns theif other position fiyn miles further north Tho enemy still holds the hills southeast of London Jan General White in command at reports that on Saturday at am the Boers made an attack in force evident ly attempting a surprise They were beaten off after severs hours ate fighting In the afternoon the attack was resumed and pressed hotly No official details of this second at- tack has been received although press despatches say that it was reputed with heavy losses in and wound ed to the Boors and that the took prisoners General Butter who forwarded General Whites patches to War Office states that last from White received on Sunday referred to Saturdays fighting and that was then hard pressed MajorGeneral French reports that in attempting to carry a Boer position men of the 1st folk Regiment captured He adds that his position is in no ways affected and that be still commands all the enemys positions General position at River remains unchanged and there is no news from MajorGeneral It is reported that Colonel with a strong force torn Rhodesia is rank ing another attempt to raise the siege of in British which was defended by Gape Police has been taken by the Boers The British force there had no artillery rsdl up up ft purifies end toils DLflW i UTrihl I I inr4panA ir ft iYwfHBrl lAtfletaWereparali6riforAs- 5iDulattnglheioodfludRegiila- the Stomachs and of Imams and Rest Am ns neither KOTWAliCOTIC SourStomachtBiorrhoea OF SLEEP t Signature of SIGNATURE of IB ON op BOTTUS COP- Or i- I If tip rot told la bolt ftoycj till a en or It ml ry 3u that WrOTAH THIS SUMMER If you do write 11 go LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT g And get Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows LHD ALL THE Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Factory in Canada for the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES Etc We tad Repair all binds on snort no ice The Cane Sons Mfg Co File Cabinet manufactured by The Office Specialty Mfg Limited Factory Newmarket Out and Bay St Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal P Q ff 1 I p- -i- TijIeiiAi

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