if I v 1 r Weeks lews what on town Tho now too Ilk ihoflro Loin of thought a fico it on morning Christian annual Roll Call and Meeting was announced to piano last evening and natcl Out of Mr tailor had to carry hie arm in ft tat a days oozing to auop one morning ho slipped and fell putting life loft wrist joint palled to Co Ittat Saturday did not put an appearance and result that a lot former disappointed They wont to the trouble bringing in about GO and then bad to thorn homo again Depot for fol low Outward car oara earn a care Graintotal Inward Sundries 20 Timber car Metal car Hogs car Coaltotal Protection The annual Diluting of tho York Union Mutual takes place ill tomorrow This work tho In and exerts a good influence in community It is several years members were or an Another PO Wonted have boon to Ottawa for a now Post at It would be a fireat convenience to over families who Wave to come to Newmarket or their mail A daily mail asked tor but they had a mail it would bo really Hon Mr has promised to take matter to Trolley Collision On Thursday of last week Mr Waiter a on market here for with a load of pork Go- up tin hill at he came to a of and after several at tempts to It he he was stuck then ho heard a trolley car coming along Ho jumped off rig and ran ahead and waving bis for motorman to stop However lie paid no attention and did not attempt to alack en the speed till within a few of the which was partly extending over the rail The car struck the wagon with force that the load was npaot The broke looae and started to run away but Mr Eves neat enough by this time to them About worth of damage was done and Mr has bis to bug the Co previous ly settled Obituary Died in Toronto on in her year one who was among the bright little girls of Newmarket name ly Lang eldest daughter of Hully Caldwell and the late Alexander Lang of Being early nereis of her mother Rosa as she familiarly known came to this to tbe home of her the late J Caldwell where she many years of happy life After her father buried his second wife she went to to be ft companion and comfort to him in bis lonely days where she met and married William Moore a young man more than ordinary ability who taken from her by death in October leaving with three young children to mourn loss of a loving husband and tender parent The two youngest of the family were taken from their sorrowing mother afterward when with her eldest a fiirl she returned home to her father and asanmed the of matron in the jail which father had been governor of for several years In she united in marriage to that town and moved to Marls Michigan where continued to reside and which is yet the home of her Borrow ing husband and young daughter In ifuly last Row came to Toronto to visit her eld est child and After a few weeks it was best for to undergo treat for cancer The ordeal was too great for her years and constitution She sank rapidly late and peacefully passed away at the home of a loving sister Mrs P Moore who had spared neither means nor labor to alleviate her In fife became a member of the diet body and in her A home felt deeply want of religious and counsel though in later years her home wae often the bouse of for and many of whom must christian example and in fluence Of her it may be said she faith fully did what could and has now gone to receive her reward Children sisters end all feel lota deaply but know foil well that their loss her gain Interred in by aide of her late husband and father on the 1Mb last Da A family name Gould moved Into fttrqstlut month had hardly got when last odd snap arrived The not pre parcdjfpr it and Frost orftokirig a with last P Rijjf Court Toronto of A this town and installed tho for the ensuing year as follows Gardner Trees J J A A J Arthur Coring J During tho alx months tilts organ- has paid in sick benefits and Auditors Report showed a balance on band of about THE IAN roc f A nine oclock car up last Friday morning with Plow In of It each one strciv that people rushed to get at It and one or two wcro brought Into to preserve as bit of history for fu ture generations talk ftbotit About six snow foil during and we had good ever eluce II piflthooUat revival meetings continue with in- and attendance Many members ate their vows and every additions to those desiring to bo on Lords Id in a natural way without the least No at- tempt is being to new or in any way boast of good work pastor and Rev Mr Drown desiring more a complete render to Holy Spirit and a permanent to the The meetings on Sunday and Tuesday nights specialty good Wednesday afternoon On Ban day Miss Margaret and also favored the with that lovely birthday a King which was admirably rendered waa observed by ladies of tbe Missionary as Crusade Day the home a of almost tho entire con gregation wore visited by inviting the people to come out to the services which will be continued evening next week Saturday excepted The singing night is County meets next Who will bo I Mr Frank Kelly bitten by a which was killing had badly Try tor a year on your own count Dont borrow They dont liko it Army had a Musical Blizzard at the on Wednesday night Edisons Phonograph gavo a concert in Town Hall on Monday night audience Pauls Choir bad a very last night Mr found- a ladys on last Saturday morning and had the returning it to There a very slim attendance at the in Newmarket on In fact there were only six farmers all the rest being towuapcople If it were not or interest our business people take in Fair there would be no Agricultural here Tho report states that the past year proved not only a- finanoial rod- but moat satisfactory in the hie tory of the Society- The exhibition was one of ever hold in North York and the three days Fair such a vast success that the retiring Board recom mended a of the idea In order to prepare for the extra day it waa found necessary to expend a large sum of money in making necessary accom modation Considerable grading done and new built A portion of the fence that in bad repair waa replaced by one ft high The driving was greatly improved and an addi tion to the Poultry These improvements coat nearly amount paid in exceeded that of the previous year by end there is a balance in the Treasurers bands in cluding retained for members for of The engagement of the Own Band of Toronto end Mr Fax proved very the receipts from the Concert being far in advance of all the expense for their services at Fair The exhibit of horses and Ladies york deserve special mention many visitors remarking they bad not seen anything to equal of To ronto Industrial Excursion to Parry Sound was not only enjoyable but a profit to the Society As tbe finances are in such good condition officers will bo able to increase prizes add attractions for visitors and and make further improvements as will tend to pro mote the convenience and comfort of both treasurer presented a gratifying report with statement that there- are considerable collections to be made Ex- Is Riven of item Working Expenses which amounts to When it Is known that this item embraces not the help In every department of Exhibition during the three coat Judges etc but of Queens Own Band and other assistants for the Concert the total will not be won dered at especially when It is remembered the from the Concert paid all the coat of for the Exhibition The were adopted as very satis factory after which the following officers were elected President Mr Abb Wilson 1st ViceMr A Widdifield 2nd Vice Mr Norman Wesley Secretary Keith Treasurer Jaokaoa Directors Me re J Cane Job Hughes J- Wesley John Proctor Ceo Fortune 3 Wood- cook Lehman and Geo Auditors 3 A It the Board meeting an notion at law had been against the Hippodrome Co that toiled to put in an appearance at late Fall Show They had made an excuse and paid to coyer expense of action The Situation Owing to the soft the return match with Varsity at Toronto baa been postponed until Friday January To- tit tbe Mutual Rink has been so in that Messrs andT by the homo club to meet Executive on evening and it Is now known that it Varelty fails to play scheduled game on Friday weather permitting round will go to Newmarket who wilt then be pitted againsi winners of the Barrio Midland Game which will bo decided the same evening to Newmarket will bo represented by the following team Goal J Kennedy J Kelly Kelly and Trio Unfortunately the bote ar ranged for the same evening and on that account it ie not likely Hockey Club will run an but in all a late car will return to Newmarket for convenience of players and those who wish to accompany We with the Red and Black every success Colony Jaw Co Anil fttd n of Artillery and to They sighted Boers fled abandoning their and fttn Capo Colony Jan morning attempted rush held by a company of the New of the Boors kill ed and About fifty Jan There brink oh thin morning Boers returning out fiic for tho first time in aoveral The British arc being con tinually strengthened The permanent railway bridge is almost completed Heavy rains fallen in the hills recently and the fords of Rett River are all jmpuisablo It is that it will bo to relay rail over almost entire distance from River to Boers having used the rails and aleep era in building their Pretoria dojpatche from report the demolition of one of the British forts and a abavp on the bill east of town There in a Boer official report of another vigorous British sortie Jan Extra editions of Igni tion dailies were printed la4 evening giving brief details of the advance of advance of Hon Bullets columns towards Lord aid a dashing movement occupied the hills above Drift Tillies west of taking the Boers completely by The same the infantry followed Gen the river and is now shelling the trenches beyond with Howitzers Ceo Warrens force is now crossing Drift rive miles above the river lie is not op- posed although the Boers are holding a position five miles above the river Outf Soldier Boys pot v OS ft jl if 3 A After of January will be advanced in cases per cent Pillow Cotton Bed Spreads regular for Toilet Covers Raised Sheeting regular price price from upward all Mew Goods ReadyMade Pillow Caeca SO inch Factory Cotton Mens Shirts Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Ladles Linen Lawn -Handker- chiefs regular 10a salo pC9 Lace Curtains from per pair upward Embroidered Muslin Drapery per yard 56 T These Prices Only Last for Days Longer Everything in the White Goods for lcasthan could ho bought from the Manufacturers today iTTrr Is l THAN For the year 1900 Cemetery annual meeting was largely attend- last there being oyer i present On motion Allan ex occupied a the chair The Mr W who the position for 25 yeare tho annual report which accepted as very Re ference was made to of Day year Doriug the general improvement were carefully looked after and the Directors continued to beautify with a variety of blooming plants After of of earth the lot Second Street it was sold last year for decayed posts fence were replaced by new ones The in ventory of implements to belong ing to the Co represents chattel property to the value of The Cemetery con tains lots and lots of of the former of the Tatter have been sold During the past year there were interments whom died in Total of in terments The Treasurer Mr J J Pearson who has filled thie position for years presented his report which was fully explained and were received for Bale of for care of tola There was etilldue of at the 1st of and tor care lots some of has since paid Tbe total receipts of year in eluding balance of from last re port were Of balance brought forward were invested in real estate the working expenses lor year leaving still the Treasurers hands In addition to the General there is account called Canada has been kept posted in movements of first Cana dian contingent to Africa by the cable service of Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal will be interesting to know Family Herald have completed arrangements to have an other special correspondent to report the doings of Iho second contingent war news service of Family Herald and Weekly Star superior to any other paper on the American continent and seems to be appreciate as it is twentyaye thousand now been added Over coat Season is now on Call and leave your order my Tailor Stock We to take Slock Feb 1st We intend to reduce our Stock down and in order to do so we will sell at Prices Salmon can Fruit Ginger Breads Sweet lib tin Coffee 14c Biscuits lb Beef Iron wine bottle Kippered Herrings can lb Black Tea lb- Bags Dairy Salt lb Tea Blue Ribbon Tea Pure Ginger- Toilet Soap cake ir 1 Blue for Celluloid Starch 10c Tea lb Gilt Edge Shoe Polish bottle Buck- WheatHoney lb Worcester Sauce bottle lb Yellow Sugar 100 Pure Lard lb Sal Soda lc Sugar Good Cocoa loc lb lb Powder with Carpet Sweep for Quart Bottles Catsup Japan Tea lb Tea Cranberries just a few left Lemon extract bottle Chocolate cake Mince Meat A few old bags left at each the past two months Ofcfcarjda to the Era Canada certainly could not have a better or more patriotic representa tive in England than Lord His offer to maintain Canadian troops for one year involves a great expense an immense undertak ing and proves to Canadians that our representative in England is doing all in hie power to push this country to the front To us who live country the practice of docking horses tails ap pears very cruel indeed Every horse sent from Ottawa this week with the Canadian contingent was docked the poor animals will bo taken into a warm country where they certainly will be pestered with flies The question arises if the mounted troops are not exercising a certain amount of pride in the uniform way they shall appear their arrival in South Afri ca Evoryone is interested in the war and nearly all are anxious that Eng land shall win not only anxious but- confident Even the Indians of our land becoming aroused and have THE CHEAP STORE AiAiA A for the Permanent Care of Lots Food amount to having been since last report of ibis are deposited in Ontario Bank and invested in real estate Some objection was taken work on grounds more the for purpose being taken out of Bale of tots opinion expressed proceeds lots sbould be invested only the interest used The report being adopted meeting proceeded to elect nine Directors for coming year Tho voting by proxy was explained and it found that soma attended without written authority as advertised However who wore withdrew and following were elected by acclamation IT J Pearson Albert Collins J A IS Webb aud Walter J Wilson Auditors L Jackson and A I Hoi- Meeting adjourned and tbe new Board Immediately follow ing were elected officers President W J Investigation Commission have been appointed to locate the real cause of the gross corruption in the recent byeelections the Conservative papers nothing They were loud their demands for such an in vestigation little thinking their de mands would be met the startling in South Ont the result of which eight Conserva tives were fined and disfranchised for eight years we find Conservative peers anxious to have the investiga tion cease But they are going on and we shall see which party is to blame the Stomach Could be presented bed the patient with a stomach and pre disposed to weakness been ottmnlated by pore wholesome power- at con tained in the vegetable out Von Stans Pineapple Tablets are pre pared But the world la finding It out medical making rapid strides end the sufferers ore not having their bled for a cure tablets cents Bold by Lehman McDonald has received the contract to build the underground railway in Now York for Per Gent Discount From regular prices of Ladies Jackets and Capes Girls Ulsters Mantle Cloths Mens and Boys Pea Jackets Mens and Boys Tweed Overcoats Mens Fur Gaps By actual count we have just Mens Fur Caps ranging in price from 150 to 10 in a variety of Furs This number is far too many for a country store to have at this time of year so to move them out quickly we have decided to give a Discount of pet cent off regular prices This in the face of hav ing bought the goods fully per cent cheap er than they could he bought today assures you of a Bargain the like of which you may never get the chance of again Mens Cardigan Jackets Worth r25 our price to clear Standard Medicines Californian Pine Cough Syrup hot Dr Thomas Electric Oil Dr Chases Kidney and Liver Pills do Catarrh Cure 5c Carters Little Liver Pills Davis Carbolic Ointment 15c Belladonna Plasters Do You Want a We have just dozen Single Clothes made to sell for each While they last you can have one for You had better be quick Steel Snow Shovels each Barrel Ash Sifters- now Pillow Sham Holders Another lot Granite Wash Basins Skates at Clearing prices Hockey Sticks and Shin Pads at Clearing Prices All above goods in Hardware Basement Pure Cheap Groceries Canned Tomatoes Mince Meat in packages package Fresh Cocoanuts each Okras canned nice with oysters Pure Gjnger for horses lb lbs Granulated Sugar fori lb tin Breakfast Coffee 5c lb tin Baking powder Bird Seed lb Silver Gloss Starch lb Corn Starch 5c package Tomato Soup lb tins Gelatine package Coxs Orange Marmalade jar Preserved Ginger jar it f 1 k I J rJwJfe V