Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1900, p. 4

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7 5 J J Jj I is Precept does the story of what flopds fas done for what it will fafotijig spells En aovoro form ftt Hoods missel Bono Hub VAKYAtKfcvfrffaon y 9 1 notion I hid tlfiH I A Wlodlclno W taken In our family as a and use Hoods PHI tot and found medicines very For Wood we know a medicine to Best Advertising Medium York County ftdvcTUaO- lr lino rm- rtrat tOlt IdcUcj Inoh no 1 a mo I HO iw OTW ir ten IflwiW month for at retfiiliiv niton fur bom by Farm toiHcni Articles Found etc Malice will Hire JJr- ncd any hrjg a notice extent Ion W tide J Robertson Public o Main Hired to on good Farm Barrister flolicltor etc for Klug Court Ontario p managed and collection iZt Money to loan at lowest rateo Convoyaoccrs c of Peat of lib fasffoiiiiiflnt member Ah Riding to meet for Mb of flomo for jNorth York publish the Mails It says 1H J Davis fa entering work of the Crown Lands Department to meet latter day A number of promotions changes in duties of officials been carried out week The work devolving on Mr Aubory the Deputy has accumulated to an extent that he has not been to copo with it all The Government has made a popular move by appoint ing Mr Thomas W who has hitherto filled tho post of of the Bureau of Mines to position of secretary of Crown Lands De partment as well His future title will ho of Crown lands mines and he will ho able to relieve Mr of many worries As a result of this move Mr Gibson will be to some of work he has been doing in Bureau of This will bo un dertaken by Mr a son of Chancellor Boyd who has hitherto bold post of superintendent of mining division A Mr Davis has also a now do- in connection with work of which was transferred from Mr shoulders to iris after thy reconstruct n f Cabinet last will bo organized a siibciril and will the Colonization Branch Mr who has been forestry will have a new title that of superintendent of colonization to bo sd in the matter of settlers will bo new colonization by piecemeal Hither to there has been no real system of set tling immigrant a Commission intends to act aside townships which been ascertained to bo And to fill them up one at a time By this means communities can be estab- much more rapidly than in past and the boons of civilization Common schools good roads and go forth conferred on the pioneers much sooner than under the scattered and indefinite system that has existed in tho past Incoming settlers will be to these sections hut of course will be permitted to go where and out free grants if they J I D sMHcafthv and mm from no it IfovtH in Irjat It Jo lliuld i it In inn Ore Id tleilf become apparent is aOiliprf cough to they into are means that they have too littleblood i Are you like that More pals and anaemic people have been made bright active and strong by Williams Pink Pills than any other medicine Mne M Quo writes I My daughter aged fit- loon restored to good health through of Dr Williams Pink vory blood was poor had watery and troubled with poor felt tired using of ia good health an any dirt of her and wo are glad to the credit to grand trill no if upon their takiiiR Dr Pink Do not take anything that does not bear full Dr Williams Pink Fills for Palo People it not an and a hazardous one to use a Hold by all dealers or post at GO a box or boxes for by addressing Dr Williams Medicine Co Friendly remote In the elder Tertian Tin iotiptiy we follow Spirit the etch we the it filb glow Ul duty Through the comfort of the hour our IW rner Bo we When the fire higher lit vholf it hearth fi One ill In he Weak wtalher Of till I P wTV sYisV Crowded last Stones Gloss Houses I The annual mooting of Conservatives of North York took at Aurora on Tuesday last a resolution adopted in Condemnation of Liberal Government Toronto But while Conservatives of North York were working indignant at the Liberal carnival of corruption the Judges down at Whitby were hearing evidence of the carnival of corrup tion by immaculate Conservatives who thousands dollars in debauching South Ontario in their endeavor to comp69 the defeat of Hon John Liberal Minis tor of Agriculture We wilt give the resolution condemning corruption adopted at Aurora Conservative meeting and the Judges who tried down at Whitby this two pictures hut furnish political looking- glasses capable of reflection 3 South T Herbert Aurora will also bo at Newmarket on Saturday and Court J Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora in M Dunn fit Arcade St to Block Loan PAINTING iueletdiDx Painter Paper Hanger all branched of the In AeV to aee iheia door North of Palmary Street Pcidaiaif apr Ac Bono promptly neatly and In lam associated with a and Writer Hardware head Newmarket Bolton Painter and Street Duncan Woeaaed for the Co of York on Farm Bale to grand Jury at the last for County the presentment to tils Honor Judge suggest- a to an additional for and highwaymen Wo are to the Grand Jury made a and only one remove from would bo a terror to the whole fraternity A despatch from Ottawa It not intention of the Government to at of parliament in regard to tUe The bean raised that to legislate of with the and until point Government a not die- to FIRST F1CXURH The Aurora resolution after an in giving approval of Mr J P Whitney as Conservative leader goes on to say We refrain on an auoh as this from in tho most emphatic our great con demnation of Liberal Government at Toronto who wo believe were solely responsible for carnival of corrup tion which characterized the Liberal campaign in late elections and we feci confident that had Mr occupied position of Premier out of which ho was robbed by tho mem bers of the well lubricated threshing machine the fair name of the Premier of the Dominion would nevor have been sullied and disgraced aa has been by the connivance and en couragement of Liberal Government at Toronto SKCONft PICTUKK Jan Judges to day imposed penalties on found guilty of in the of 1808 Seven men were fined 200 and corns or one month in jail Luke was fined 200 and coats or six months and Baker was and costs or six months The seven were Austin Patrick Shearhan James John John Hayes and Arthur all of whom had accepted bribes other two bribers charges against Stewart and Aaron Harmon were dismissed Frederick is dead and Banbury another defendant is in Dakota The charges against and H Thomas stand until day next The Judges in announcing their decision censured with great severity In conclusion Judge observed I entirely concur in what my learned brother has said in regretting that Smith is not a subject for prose cution Further than that I hope that there will bo way of reach ing him and J A NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head ir Call Allan On Friday a appointed by the Premier of Ontario and that the main highways of the should be taken out of the of end handed over to the county author ities also aaked for ft Government grant with which to improve the main highway of the Province The Premier replied that their recommendation would be Tub troublea of Metropolitan and in reference to a of these two at the than ever On the Mr Justice oat a t In the anlt of the the Metropolitan Railway The ujaoorion to tho railway from joining the R at Worth Aorooto and alto to re- strain ft from elect aowcr on atreet by charier nor have the company id do what they pro- pose the The ieauea of the till an pea lodged Tee city of the action and of the The decision hue been At the of Hon Commit- of Crown Lands learn Gov pasted ah providing for the application of menu to on all goal Into on let of May next Regu lation for the enforcement of order are framed in the proper Depart date on which Henry llama ordered to be executed Is Good the neatido been raited to it could bo a holiday point already been settled as the highest criminal court the iaiorial Court faei that the only day on which no judlolal act can be done is Lords day on Sunday and statutory holiday are not in the aame position Tub Toronto Mr cm accounts for the milk in the on this wise weeks the World wee the Metropolitan Railway for trying to make a freight yard of Street Then A came oat for Mayor Worlds On the Metropolitan application for a junction with the P was beard at Ottawa and the had no representative explain its The electors of East are now io tho of a to till a in the Legislature by the of Mr Nomination has been fixed for the inst and pulling oca week tatr FROM THE ENEMYS LINE Serjeant Teddy was lylog on his breast behind a heap of earth listening to the zip of Mauser bullets head The Spanish picket lino was sheltered by a group of trees not fur away and occasionally a guerrilla sent a message of once from high branches The to New York which hud hurried to the front almost before congress had officially declared that the United States was at war with the proud old land which had the troublo to discover her It seems to me remarked the ser geant he casually Inspected number of cartridge in his bull that business Is growing very tiresome What we need Is a little diversion a little of the rot 1 1 of war Well replied young who formerly marshaled figures on a trial balance sheet youll get more ro mance than you If you dont Mo little closer down there Three or four of the guerrillas had dropped from the trees and the Span iHh stragglers had been driven back to ward Santiago by a rattling fire from of the volunteers The weather was entirely too hot to follow up an advantage gained over a few rice fed conscripts and Company IC was resting a bit If the commissary deportment would call upon them that day Teddy smoking the artistically colored meerschaum which he had brought from home There had been no tobacco In the rich brown howl for days and the sergeant was content pulling some of the dried grass of the country Hello exclaimed Do Jones Here they come to our pink tea I wonder bow they found out we were receiving thin afternoon Get out the Boston and Ill hunt up the sou venir spoons They proved to be a lender woman who walked with a springy step and an elderly woman who was anything but sylph like who scorned to roll along brown earth There was a look of terror In the eyes of both of them They advanced toward the American soldiers and held their hands above their heads Mercy mercy cried girl In broken Tell them to ait down on the and make themselves at home sug gested Do The young Is rather good looking at that Sergeant Theodore of Com pany bent his stiffened limbs ad justed his cartridge belt and went to meet the newcomers Wo beg protection said the young er woman We have come from the ho girl In more to move- ho bin proposition to more was ho convinced that it was untenable Bcnor said the girVyou very kind You ere our very valiant knight Teddy youth often i him to speak hastily lie ft the young mother convinced by her look of entire iiMlv that the duenna Old not he remarked In tender voice l you- would say ray instead oV 1 should be very if you did young woman laughed and then checked herself Ah senor she said I have left those who were very dear to mo only of being reunited to them fct me go In search of thorn ex- 1 claimed the sergeant I go everywhere to tind them In order to win even bio to from you Senor responded the young wo man there Is nothing in our Span tongue to describe one so noble You are indeed a Sir Galahad They with us and wore frightened from us I have no doubt that they have succeeded In also placing In the protection of Ameri canos Such Is my earnest hope girl stopped hack in a coquettish way so that the young sergeant might walk beside her The more be talked with her the more ho was convinced that she was hiding a great sorrow There were Hues In the classical fore head which showed that the young woman was more worried about the safety of those whom she had left be hind than she would tell even sym pathetic sergeant Sergeant as he walked along felt a violent of jealousy Your sweetheart perhaps ho sug gested girl shook her head Alas she not so If It were a few years ago I could truthful ly answer yes The sergeant was sorry but last they reached the rear The young woman and her mother were taken der the protection of a branch of tho Hod Cross Tin sergeant remained near them as long as he could and then reluctantly started back to the front Perhaps we shall meet again the girl just before he went away You give me great hope replied Teddy If can ever he of service to you no matter where you may he you must let know The girl smiled and said that she would never forget him young sergeant touched his cap and with one last lingering glance he went his way He was so preoccupied on way hack that the soldiers with him ex changed sly winks and assumed ex pressions Intended to bo exceedingly love lorn Theodore Wllklns found lit tle time that night to think of the fair The Spaniards advanced and It took all the vigor of the exhaust ed volunteers to hold them In check Yet even when the Mausers Oiled the air with weird there came to Teddy the vision of a face framed In dark hair and the sound of a voice which was musical and low Days Of hard followed and when It was all over Sergeant Theo dore WUklns went In search of her who had called him a Sir Galahad He found her too within the protection of American hoes sheltered by the Red Cross and happy because she bad been reunited with her own her hus band and four children New York Herald CHRONIC Cm bo Cured by not Dr Chiles 6M ihoitcmq suffering produced by burning of i shes the afflicted to cure tho from becoming and deeply rooted Is ftytcra At whatever stage this discard bo Or- Chaws Ointment is a prompt relief for suffering and positively and permanently cores It has effected mora cures of itching diseases than soy remedy in or America It fa preparation ioK and la recognized such by most Skilful physicians Chases Ointment Is invaluable ia every homo as an absolute euro for eczema colt rheum baby eczema scald head old peoples rash chafing feet blackheads and every form of Itching skin and eruption cents a box at dealers or Bates Co Toronto BUY YOUB CORN CORN And PEED of all kinds LOU R- Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry AND WOOD AT- WJ WILSONS Cor Main and Huron A QUICK CURE FOR 8 COUGHS AND COLDS Very Remedy In ail of the A THROAT or LUNGS g Luge DAVIS LAWREKCBCOrjua Solid Gold 285 Best Gold Fill Beat Glasses We perfect GLOBE FTDCAL Toronto In the Htm of Friday Dr A Car- the General the Motbodlat a aharp let rebqkin a for that the Dr at a recent meeting in had that lost of eo in Africa God a nation because of produced by iho rum trade of any laoRaae hia are utterly with any With admira tion and to God he contemplates the of Britain in the dark Wholesale Retail Two door b North Main Newmarket The skilled reads your lion by a at your tongue If It Is coated and you hove a hitter in your mouth in the roomings he know your liver torpid and and prescribes use of Dr id Liver pille cure trouble and alt and kidney One pill a dose a box At all dealers V of the lata Hon Alex Mac former Prime of Canada and the figures ere to adorn the of monument in the Parliament Ottawa now been The ie nine feet high and the whole monument will twentythree feet The great statesman is in the yet attitude taken by htm when Commons The allegorical figure on the pedestal re- Honesty and The work the famous Canadian artist Mr licrlxjrt and is said to ho reporter of the at the Parliament having an inter view with Premier a we learn that this year will appear in an form The information too will be much more- complete Star Heretofore the accounts have been the way of the page By dropping out unimportant computations the account a will hereafter bo IcnKthwiao so the book will bo cheaper than before Always before the came down the day of the budget year they will be down on the day the opens the Opposition will ha ve ample opportunity for is those who use Dr Linseed and It the tight in the chest stops the cough el- lays the JoQaromntlon beats the soreness promptly all aorta of coughs colds bronchitis croup asthma ami sore throat It Is found In ninetenths of the of this country cents a bottle aire CO cents city and wo beg to bo spared by the chivalry of Americanos Wilkina who remembered somewhat of bis attempted to say come- tiring In Spanish which bo meant to be reassuring The girl shook her head and a puzzled expression came into her eyes Do not a Spanish more she said I have the English very well went to school to Connecticut Whereupon the men who had been engaged in the gentle occupation of compliments with Spanish burst Into an uproarious to the great annoyance of Ser geant Theodore That Spanish of Great the corporal A lieutenant came up just then two women said that they bad just come from beleaguered Santiago In or der that they might escape death in the which was sure to come The lieutenant told them that they need fear no danger for loa Americanos did not make war upon women and children He ordered Ser geant and a guar4 of two men to escort the visitors out of barms way Teddy was very young He so youthful that be had had bard work In retting into the regiment when ho enlisted about a year before lie had been educated in a military school and mechanism of drill a second nature to him He remembered he escorted the refugees through the chaparral that there was a situation In a grand opera which was not so very from the In which he found himself wondered if Carmen as beau tiful the Cuban girl who her way among the fallen the stones which in their pathway Then be tried to convince and All animals even the wildcat coo be subjected in some way to the dominion of man and be domesticated to some extent Here for Instance are two very curious facta about cats Many persons Including come of our greatest naturalists believe that our English domestic cat is descended from the Egyptian domestic cat yet all recorda go to prove that the cats of Egypt liv ed In droves were cared for In droves were fed In droves and worshiped in droves with the result that Egyptian cats never got domesticated or became half as intelligent as ours like truth is suggested from In dia monkeys are worshiped These are allowed to become nui sances They ore fed and they have any amount of liberty And what Is the They never lose their Innate The method of car ing for them bus been wrong All the devotion and care expended on them are practically wasted and If we treat our cats In the same fashion as the- Indians do these monkeys they would become Just as wild and Magazine Fresh Supply Twice a of Bacon Lard do The and Mildest Cured en the Market today A trial will con vince flour Corn Meal Potatoes Pall Owed Corn Peas Pickle Feet Bologna and Tongue Honey Soap c Orders filled on the shortest a A Cup Naturally some of the ancient city customs are connected with the art of dining and the Guildhall are Inseparably associated One of the most curious of these Is the passing of the loving cup which rakes place at all the guild dinners as well as the banquets of the corporation The cup Is a two handled one with a lid While one guest Is holding the lid the next sips the wine A third on the other side of the drinker stands up Then the brim having been wiped by a clean napkin the cup Is passed to the guest holding the lid lie drinks In his turn while his next neighbor takes of the lid Id this way the cup makes the rouud of the table This custom from AngloSaxon times The holding of the lid not then an act merely of courtesy for the guest who held It was tius prevented from drawing bis dagger and stabbing the drinker a playful after dinner pi net lee In those times the guest who was stand- lug guarded the drinker from an as sault Word January 2nd In each department oil Central business A I TORONTO largest end strongest In Canada Our Calendar tells you why Write for It Principal mm Mm nay by RECORD Bulls J i iiiau pfn pi7lr lumcut pi- r I Ii

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