Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1900, p. 5

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CAPITAL 1500000- lUiHj CHAD NEWMARKET A General Banking Mitt Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED at am f i mid tiriiiif lit Farmers Notes Collet attended to fc first door South of yy ice to lately Dr wtnarlcts to and to fl p I Post Block Church Vitalised Air for Oft p will of Dr Porter Brad ford Monday layman of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At Papers Issued at private If desired INSURANCE Of A Agent for and Companies to intercut at Hates Agent Rate on Farm and Isolated Towo Property Over Shop Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Main St lOroBUta Fancy Goods iad Violin r of and String fiirfchutf Olivet Graduate or of Ohio Off and THEORY f Queen I Softool ilohn Jon ft IJ I oomjtT a wan probably a darmmlor of bud but of bis past or cherishes expectations concerning During those thirty yearn child of and Elizabeth has been growing up in wild regions of southern or communing with God The of four ccnturina is broken and once more the voice of a prophet rings throughout the land From city and village far and near people press toward plain of just north of the Dead Soa there behold this newly ap pointed messenger like Elijah of old in rough garments and bearing upon face and figure the tokens of a selfdenying His message is of for sins of be people anil he calls men to wot in forma atone but in deeds of upright ness and The gist of Christianity is doing good Wo must repent We mugt live righteously Wo must in Christ We must be baptized with the Holy Ghost R We the undoraigncdj do hereby agree to refund the money a twenty- cent bottle of Dr Wills English if after threefourths of contents of bottle they do hot Constipation and Headache Wo al so warrant that four bottles per manently the most obstinate case of Constipation or no pay Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J- Phm Druggist Pharmacy Main Newmarket Chief Game Warden limates that deer killed during the past season in comparison with year previous He makes the calculation from the bftrcf licenses issued and the returns from express companies and game wardens JTP SwOx A Celery Compound i Canadas Best Say Ills a proscription it Keeps People Strong ell in Winter and Celery Compound is natures remedy it cures when alt other fail Celery Compound is pre- scribed every day by Cana dian Our best druggiBts recommend Celery Compound to their pat rons without the slightest hesitation j they know it possesses vir tues they have noted remarkable cures from its use and its immense sales prove its popularity Canadian clergymen of all denom- speak of Celery Com pound with enthusiasm and gladness and recommend it to their Celery Compound purines and enriches the regulates the nervous system promotes perfect di gestion Rives sound and refreshing sleep healthy appetite and that regu lar life guarantees contentment and happiness use of one bottle of Celery Compound will any sufferer that it is a of disease that has ho equal mot at on Mori day Jan J McKay was given the contract of township printing for The hospital for sick was granted and paid for hall for nomination J and John Hamilton jr were appointed auditors Charles assessor collector Silver mem ber of ofH Council adjourned to meet March it I not io At ititUiLi you rot To my ijlVfijj penury lta of my ran pair to It to AM W1iji but To fiimt- hearth J wiH vqrv re ln- Von Mr cm IfctvUtiil it jc Iflbotlnf under In tlivpriKe I when came Into the had Bi5Qredty you fewiilnute d0y6u after what fii Hi fa j OJfcrr Ever at Is win To our rfih In Kit n lomi jjtMxt the Mnwroem wUvri w if ration it Tfl was to peroeaioo security by J Estate Agent Agent the following Liverpool and and Globe Union Office Mount Albert Money to Loan Jkt Five per cent on Barm ft Security by OoinMlEaloner for Heal Conveyancer licensee the following Queen of ndWverpoolBogiandr Montreal Gore In lw for To- of Main and Street Our fee returned If Any one tending and of any Invention our opinion free concerning he of same How to Obtain Pitent tent upon Patents secured 4 it t4 ar4 At ah j s j in flu end widely circulated journal consulted by Manufacturers Investors Add ess VICTOR J CO Patent AfWraes Eva hi TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative QuJnlae Tablets All druggists refund the money if It falls to signature la on each box The Minister of Militia is strong ly in favor of accepting Lord offer to maintain and send to Africa Canadian mounted rifles GENERA DEBILITY A RUN DOWN STATE calls for a general tonic to the system The Emulsion Builds you up Increases your weight gives Made by Davis Co Ltd Jan A by- law granting a bonus of in aid of Lindsay and Railway was voted on to day by a majority of 117 US- A Magazine written plainly the home showing how to prevent and cure diseases of the human frame No post free has on how to be ful how to cute rheumatism lumbago sciatica diseases of men and women and head noises the hair London Jjat Saturday two boys named with two named started down bay from two fish shanties a pair of botaleiftbe When opposite the Collegiate the ice gave way sleighs with their load went through but the boys managed to escape though one of them a bad duck ing IMMENSE INCREASE in sale of the L Menthol Plan ter evidences fact that It UfiofuK for all rhpumatlc pains lumbago and lame bank in the sides etc Davis Co Ltd manufacturers Many reasons can bo given why it would never do to dramatise Bible but one is and that is practical reason The Bible itself is too realistic It every where the mirror up to nature and calls a spade a spade was written to be read not to exhibit Borne of its storks are to Us in private not in public THERE IS NO UNCERTAINTY about It cures your cough quickly All bron chial give way to It of all druggists Manufac tured by tho proprietors of Per ry From the Inroads of Dreaded Catarrh What Powder Did For Mr He Proves Will do for Others Alfred of St Jerome Que was a sufferer for years with catarrh of a very severe type Catarrhal Powder rescued him when everything else had failed Today when ho goes to his lumber camp with his men this great remedy is considered as much a ne cessity to comfortable camp life as any thing It relieves ia the head in ten minuter prevents Che growing of catarrh germs and when they are sown it cures Sold by Pharmacy Newmarket Accept Sfcrrathconas 0 Ottawa Jan Strath offer to defraythe cost of equip ping transporting and maintaining in the field Canadian mounted rifles has been accepted by the Government The High Commissioner is indisposed just now and has been forbidden by his medical advisers to transact any business In consequence of this the details of organisation have yet been perfected but the militia au thorities will proceed to rai6e aod equip the necessary number of men The offer of British Columbia to send 100 fully equipped men to South Af rica will be accepted so that third Canadian contingent will bo made up of Stralhconae Horse and the British mounted rifles force will bo raised in Northwest and British Columbia and it is confidently that the new body of men will compare favorably with and second contingents A military expert asserts that Lord will be put to a cost of over half a mil ion dollars Preservation Is the first law of Nature For this reason everyone who la ill desires to become well Those who have Impure or Impoverished blood turn to Hoods la because they know It will on- rich and purify their blood and give them good health To take this medicine on first appear ance of Impure blood Is an Im portant step toward preser vation HOODS PILLS cure sick head ache Indigestion I A DARK MISTAKE I It ft out Object of IHIIIIIilli11lll1Etlirillllll1lilllllillllllllllllnf No use burning all down here Ill to ail hi the no use mo work for and the old sextoa turned down the one lamp burning in tin n the room and went out leaving the door ajar The Dickered for a few moments until an outer door was opened nod then with one bright flash It died out Up there was much and miking the busy bands put the touches to church decora tions for ihe morrow There I is as well as wo can do and Collier stepped to survey lie work We need a email piece of rope to reach across neat yet doctor she said turning to Dr Graham who was standing beside her Two of those letters In that cen ter motto ore crooked You straighten them while I get the rope know there piece that will just do and hurried the anil ran Mr as he wax entering lIt Whew Dark as can he she said half Aloud ashe eiHerid the small an teroom and felt her over the closet uiitler the Mr went Into study his thought in a Tor Nel lie face had been him he often found that his eyes rested on her when he was reaching He waited a few and then met the little white flgure as she leaving the room NVIlle I want to tell you some thing he mild taking hold of the hands which were full of rope I have been wanting to you for a long time that I love you dont that you can he for you must have wen that I love you dearly I hope It lias not been distasteful to you There was no answer hut there was no attempt to withdraw the hands that he held I am not an adept at lovemaklog darling Will you no my wife I never thought that you cared for inc she murmured You never no ticed me much and thought yon oil red for others came In a low voice I must hare bid my feelings more than I thought hut It was because I loved you so that you thought that I neglected you A minister Is watched so much and has to be so very careful But can you love me darling enough to he my wife He could scarcely hear the answer but he suddenly her In his arms matter what happened for a few minutes It was the time that ho had been In love and the room was dark He remembered afterward that he even then felt surprised to And bat she was so small I muBt be going darling he sold at last as he heard some one entering the next room rhere Is a commit tee meeting in my study I will come up stairs as soon as I can and- giv ing her a last kiss he hurried from the room fie was In no humor for a business meeting and the good brethren must have thought that their young minis ter was growing frivolous he seemed so light hearted and laughed several times when they were discussing im portant business The truth ho scarcely knew what was said or done nut soon as the last one had depart ed he hurried up amirs Nearly every one had gone but Nellie his Nellie was busy arranging Rome last flowers In a vase and Dr Graham stand ing beside her and whispering some thing to her while she just shook her head and laughed Nellie merely glanced up as he ap proached What do you think of the decora- she asked They nre Hue very he answer ed trying to meet her glnuce but she had turned hack to Dr tltahain for a moment he was angry Pshaw How I be said to himself How much more thoughtful she Is so as not to attract he walked away until he saw her preparing to leave Are you ready to go now ho a low tone Do you want to take this basket along Why yes but she hesitated an instant Dr Graham will help mo with my things He suddenly dropped the backet Why Nellie it ray place not that fellows he exclaimed Nellie Colliers face flushed do not sec how you can claim that right any more than you have to speak of Dr in thai manner she said naughtily think that you must nWj t he only If aye company a it whs Wit if you it and her down tyo min- tbnt I find been if reiuetf A J to it was not your humble ant ami her in he know that she was enjoying Mr Pitcalrn grew pale Ill yon for calling Dr ham a fellow you dont do It again for he la hesitated and n very particular of mine and yon and I have been such good friends that I will tell you a secret we are en gaged Oh you little torment I might have known that you would try he ex claimed lily face all Why- Mr how could you have known It when we did not know It ourselves until this evening And I dont know what the doctor will say to my telling you Mr staggered back against seat II wish you every happi ness he stammered then he turned to examining the dowers after they had let t the church He felt dazed and he certainly pinched to see that he wns not dreaming as he went down stairs to bis study A pretty kettle of fish Ive got Into he exclaimed as he threw himself into a chair and kicked the footstool which Reynolds had made across the room Lost the girl I wanted and en gaged myself to something I dont and 1 havent any Idea who It Is He a match and over to the There lay a piece of rope on and beside It a daintily per fumed handkerchief He picked them up went back to his study He re membered now that he noticed stent of violets held her In his arms It him a struggle to give up Nellie Collier He thought un til long nfter He studied over nil the Nellies or his congregation There was Miss but she mis he thought with a great sigh of relief Miss Mnttern was too tall It was smile one whose head Just reached his shoulder He had culled her Nellie be was certain of tbui with some love beta thrown In She small and iktiuty whoever she was evident ly loved him If he she was some one who would him well lie would have to get out of It In some way PM whoever she was her presence clued to haunt as be set there feel her arms around Ids the pressure of her head iigalnal his shoulder and he felt intense to again hold the little while robed In bis arms and feel her warm breath on Ids cheek And he that he was picked up the handkerchief and kissed passionately He scarcely knew how he got through the next day He was thank ful that the services were such that be not have to give a regular ser mon studiously avoided looking at the choir where Nellie Collier was fitting until near the close of the services when while Elinor was singing a solo turned that and for a moment their eyes tiivl her voice faltered for an instant then rang out clear and sweet He nearly let the liymnbook he was hold ing fall to the floor to his surprise and a sudden feeling of relief came over him Elinor Vnndevcri He had never thought of her and jet he knew that her pet name at home was Nellie She had always been so reserved that he had never dreamed that sue would care for but there was no mis taking thai look What a dour little thing she Is dont iblok that I will warn to give iter up I I have been very fortunate be said to himself as he met her at the foot of the stairs drew her little hand on his arm you didnt He paused a moment You you were angry she whispered anxiously You were busy talking to Nellie Collier and Aunt Min nie ready to go and I know how to get out of not going with her I thought you would understand It Well If I have you last I have you tonight he said tenderly pressing the little hand to his side Chicago News To introduce hoi pigJics I Wheel a limited number will be placed op A Price Never Before Heard of market at fill Offer Continues for but DAYS Therefore Write Once All applications considered according to date of receipt agents Wanted with whom moneymaking contracts will bo made NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Address Perfect Wheel WINDSOR taken the Bread and a Wo have on hand a supply of Sodas 2ephyr Sultana Sweet Wine Tea and other varietto A Grnnatiopiier For Should be reposing in summer In a meadow and a upper happens to jump on you by means drive him away Welcome cherish him which Is best done by perfect qui Whether usual merry disposition or blithe hopping all sorts of baa any association with the notion we know not but the popu larky of the grasshopper Is ancient and distinguished enough the Greek specie having favorites with all poets from Homer and to Theocritus So much did the Athenians admire them that they were accustomed to fasten golden figures of them In their hair and they were always addressed by the most enileatliig epithets The sound of the hopper is always welcome naturally of pood onion alluding as it were to summer and sunshine Gen tlemans Magazine cult as well as our own make of Cakes OUR have given satisfaction Leave your order and it will receive prompt ALBERT South End Newmarket Winter Dry Goods OR Clothing jK Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap XT The Leading House Sharon The bylaw granting a loan of to the McLaughlin Carriage was carried at Dominant features of the Trans vaal coat are a vulture a lion couch an a toed and a 111 Hag the of ioe broad vertical bar the flag pole and three rizontal respectively red t blue red t the top Droppings in the Tlwoat A Sjmptom of Cored by Dr The hawking and spitting which catarrh goes through the mora- lag to clear the throat of the is a marked symptom of this distressing disease In the early stages the discharge may be slight but It becomes so thick and tough that considerable effort lsrecjuired to expel It from the throat It is encouraging for the catarrh victim to that he can relieved of this dis tress and permanently cured of catarrh by using Chases Catarrh Cure Both acme and chronic are eradicated from the system by Dr Chases Catarrh Cart It clear the choked up air passages heals the ulcer and quickly conquer disease Mr Thomas Street Ottawa Oat states I afflicted with a very form of catarrh or nine years and I Writ for our books Invent ors Help and How you are swindled Send us a roaanBTsercii or J of your Invention or improvement and we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it Is probably Wo of applications rejected In Highest furnished a of Patent Sow Water MtaWrCa of tot to It u lit FREE IS aixx was so bad that the doctor me up die of fiSSv A careful use of I Chuek Catarrh Cure a com pic JBy2S change- I no longer hawking and and am perfectly LINEN Aiit v I I timM A fa a i rWrliTrf and am perfectly burnt my throat three times for disease Dr Chaws Catarrh Cur as cnts a free at all dealers or Edmanson Bates Co OX iTTjin rri BROS or i Summer Drink of the Orders for Picnics promptly nttendid to Factory Main and FREE It wA for 1 Y AN KDSI5VKHAL JULai- county imf i-ivMi-ilitufKli- A ivalr- ft Jlrtiiairild county their own SOfJGS Irl till a I- A fyl Et- arm A 111 J-

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