Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1900, p. 7

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e- i re Dinner Sots 5 Toilet Bets pftOM 100 to fecial Value IS Parlor Lamps I 0 I the lis Peels and Spices la our Strong Point us wo a Specialty of Keeping Very and Best Quality No need to enumerate Wo have quality and quantity and at Rock Bottom Prices -IJNK- Granbyaubbers The Leading Grocer Cor Main Sts IB in j IB IN will a well fairly market wan to go up 20 and fiiiU to Qrkoye wont op to ftud The toe lb Potatoes wore up to at 50 and ft and onions at a peck also a of beef sold by quarter oq morning Tiro spirit of man is the of Lord and lug I am Way Truth and Ml next Bund ay evening will bo of a National fiingJn by Annual Congregational meeting will bo bold next 24th At of tlio Board loot lh following ao or President Mr J Mr Mr for an in- in the following op- pointed a Committee to mat- tor and report President Morrison A fivooc fix bad itfXJr police during lor dntTnJr without noVtrub hot at least that number warning tUb many ofiDbjQripVflbftihavo been in ado to effort 0 kIvo afeitfe riowoy Jocal paper of tbo common mi- KTiKOW Fefwordo J Kennedy Kelly Kelly Doyle J It Causes Sickness Co WEVJMARKET BUY A calling at shop or Main Kotvuixrkot AND Styles win stand racket in Old Gold Green and ftad Carpet Weaving Inform the public Ibat bo liaa to mi Hi- ami hot lie ail bo do Work Call and Rend frour ras In in- in Cones Factory Mr J Cone returned homo on from a to timbor limit on aboro Bay Ho lota enow and work lively firm op out Containing from to moo and a total of over On luecdy a man named Frank Bennett accidentally ran a larc iron book into bio near quite nasty wound hook used in hand pail Frank will bo laid op for a but i hoped that ho will not have a stiff Knee Henry a young man working on pall bottoms hat two badly cut with a saw Henry rather unfortunate Ho was laid up with noBB for about two months and had only got back to work a few days This will lay him up There was quite a large attendance of shareholder at hero aftorooon President occupied the and gave a very satisfactory report of reasons output the price being the best since started report of the Secretary Treasurer Mr Starr also adopted aa very satisfactory The total receipt liabilities are paid the building and plant and there is bal ance of on hand besides paying a dividend of ten par cent to the stock ere The drawing of to the cost distributed as follows Elijah Hose ORose 910254 Belfry A fitarr WifJrifleld The following officers were then or VtoePreetdent G Haloes Directors Starr John Proc tor P Lewie and Kelly Auditor was express- at the role charging oneeight a cent per lb more than share holders for and ft resolu tion was adopted the price uniform in the future A motion was introduced by Mr end seconded by Mr Lewis ft follows That in the opinion of this a more equitable and method of payment would bo the butterfat lest payment to be made every two weeks end we hereby Directors to in thie the coming season Motion carried after ft short A lengthy discussion then followed on the advisability of putting ft butter Plant into the Factory the following motion carried unantcooasly Moved by Mr stoonded That this meeting of stockholders of the Newmarket Dairy Association are of the opinion it in of the to have a Plant placed in the Factory and hereby Board of to purchase ft Plant to date and modern in every particular and the same Factory at as early ft date as can be done interests holders The meeting then which tho Directors organized and reappointed Mr Starr as Directors meet again next Wednes day lo question of Over people fttlondauoo at night to fitness Match hereof Team of Toronto word opponents of our hoys and oxpootcd hero on the car but owing to some delay ftt North Toronto did arrive n town till nearly oclock much dissatieftiotlon on he part of spectators of Barrio the teams toordor and lined up follows VSHSITV Goal Point Wright G Point Umpires Toronto Doth played hard at the start and of scored It seemed as though our had mot superiors going to bo downed- However ft not long till ft scored for Newmarket This raised excitement and crowd luatily game all through was very neat and from roughness and combination on both sides was excellent When was called the score to During game of Toron to bad bis broken was sot by Dr George also caused soroo delay last half of by taking in both of his legs Toronto appeared to enjoy their treatment Wore an ex ceptionally strong team for A good of iaceotood En the return match May Kayunagh was grand at Industrial Home last week Mrs Pollock homo last Saturday after weeks visit at Newmarket Love of Aurora a guest of Miss Wight last vcok Miss has hoc sister from Buffalo visiting her Union Hi Sabbath School gives a Social and this Thurs day evening A good program of recitations and addresses has boon provided and no a successful affair Dont forget the Oyster Supper in Presbyterian Hall Friday evening this followed by an in Church A wedding at Jersey a week ago last Monday evening A McGilltvray of Newmarket also Rev Mercer of Toronto arc expected to at the supper FrWuy night Kill Jr and family of aco visiting at his fathers here Mr Harry and friend Zephyr were visiting hero on Sunday Miss Davison of Newmarket has been visiting friends in the village this week Rail ton of were visiting at Mr Hills a few days this week Mr Wright of the North end has none to Detroit to work Mr Ralph Green who broke a bono in his wrist a couple of weeks ago on Rink very nicely I wonder what has struck our stage- driver ho has to got here half hoar earlier every day Quite an agreeable change Did you see the posters announcing tho Oyster Supper here are about one quarter size ordered It is needless to say they not printed at EnA office Mr and Mrs Embury wore in Newmarket on Sunday of Prize winners at our Carnival as follows Gents Costume Rosa Donne Ladys Costume Jesse Wright presenting Night Girls Costume representing Boys representing Uncle Sam Comic tume representing an Old Maid of Clown Costume Frank There were about costumes in showing great credit to our skaters for the first Car nival on The of late Mrs P Mortimer of Bradford formerly of passed through our vil lage to the cemetery on Wednesday last Mr Geo Fogg is soiling a lot of this winter both by acre and by the cord Parties want wood sei him long tfjO from is lively a Mr- for w i a inj A ftt sens it ion when It soon piipp ft erreyed kinds of to bruin After travelling sdvfjfr miles they a Jorge WokdjS devouring had died l Who was mil the than taken while in Au I a AtV HOLLAND Everything brisk this Good ftnd lots wood and pen on move Mien Chapman of Toronto is vlBiling t Mr Lloyds t Mies Toronto Is at Aire Littles Miss lit s been visit log at homo past returned to Bradford Pa on Wednesday last Mis who has be on seriouBly we are to say is improving Our blacksmith a now cutter Quito a from hero dance In Bond oh Tuesday oveninK last Another hop this evening in Mr Taylors Mr and Mrs Morning spent Sunday last with friends in King City now Inspector busy this week keeping sideralka clean One by one old people are pass- ingpm our midat Mrs Anno Haines this life on Wednesday of week after a Ionic and useful life never wearied of doing deeds of kindness and our loss will ho her gain Mr Abb is in city on Jury Steele of Innisfil is visiting her uncle Mr 1 Webber of Parry Sound was calling on fiends last week Mr of Almonte spent a few days hero vith bis mother Mm of is visiting relatives bore at present Mr Win Annitao of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr Our village is well represented at rink by both young and old Miss Edith of Holt spent latt week with her sister at Mr It Mih Jerry Graham of Sutton West is visiting at Mrs J Grahams Mrs was At Homo to number of friends last week From New Mr John Ingram artist left the Division Court this morning disappointed man He Sf champion of dreams of derihr per i J stopped of what mlht be pWeativo of par- A- Ap4H I fou many Wplin 6ing in pJir Jnersip jejeJ9 I- For tliia of 50 the informant ho in tho box la welfare required money in time of on by public spirit devoted his time and talents to discovering the delinquents wero and got up a list of them Then ho instructed Winters h Co to bring suit against Towns di Co of mak ing a test case of it Judge heard this morn ing in the Court where represented Towns Co They admitted the liability and then His Honor declared that it was not in public interest that such ac tions ho brought The law gave him the to remit penalties and forfeitures in such and ho did so Thus ends the crusade against unregistered partners and Mr In grams role of Queens champion is destroyed Gunner Wallace Battery one of the Toronto members of second contingent died of pneumonia in tho General Hospital at Kingston torn v All the best makes in the following lines IN AND PEN KNIVKH ALL AND SIXES KNIVES AND SPOONS Wo handle a Special Lino which wo warrant to be First Bee our AND BREAD KNIVES i TOE BEARING CARPET Wo are selling for Co Toronto ft line of Fur Coats Prices for Raw J A J J 3 a a fi J ti lions Boys Clothing button doublebreasted Sacque Scotch Tweed deep French Facings satin piped best Italian linings sizes and regular price 12 stocktaking price TOWN The Free Methodist revival meet ings are about to cloao having been continued for the past month with little success Rev Mr Minor their pastor- declares he vrill preach the straight truth let make or A grand Birthday patty was cele brated fit Mrs Cunninghams Thursday on behalf of Master Johnnie Cunningham The friends and rela tives assembled about leu oclock The party was entertained by music 4to until noon When a very sump dinner waB spread consisting of roast turkey and eil the good things that could bo desired Everybody enjoyed themselves Miss who is a host herself for and making feel happy Avery peculiar wedding occurred one evening last week at Jersey We expect to hear Wedding Bells on the 3rd con pretty soon An immense sleighload young oiks called on Mr Hodgins one last week and spent a very en- little surprise party The evening was spent in music games etc One note worthy of mentioning instrumental given by Mr Parks of Button Weddings nowadays generally announced sometime ahead but Miss Bella and Mr Fred Morning stilt cling to old custom of marry- oh quiet Too late for a boys A large number of horses were at for sale but the buyer fail ed to appear on Friday last Mr M- purchased a very fine thotoughbre4 calf nine months old weighs eight hundred and eighty pounds from Bros He paid quite a fancy price The quill that struck the Joker from OwlTown rather suddenly He wants to keep a sharp lookout for one from Landing is taking advantage of good sleighing this week Minor was called away from Church rather unexpectedly one even ing last week to conduct a marriage ceremony contracting parties were Mr Miller and Min nie hountais We wish them much joy and a very happy Now Flake Mens Overcoats button single or double- breasted Beaver Cloth best Italian lin ing stock Jicu regular price M price Boys Suits in grey and brown Tweed all wool nicely made stocktaking price Boys Reefers made of blue and brown cloth doublebreasted buttons close to the throat deep sailor collar trimmed with braid regular price R stocktaking price a Hens Mens Extra Heavy Knit Top Shirts all wool collars attached in plain regular price stocktaking Fj Mens Fine Colored Cambric Shirts also white laundried Shirts with colored cambric bosoms and cuffs neat check and fancy cross stripes sizes j to regular price 1 and r25 stocktaking price Mens Heavy Underwear ail wool all sizes regular for look Ladies Felt Congs leather foxed sole common sense toe regular to price 125 stocktaking price Ladies Felt Slippers leather sole stocktaking price Mens Boots Mens Felt Boots Laced and Cong foxed heavy sole regular 75 stocktaking price Mens 4 Buckle Felt Boots leather top grain leather heavy price 225 stocktaking J to price 3 Reduced Telephone Rates at Night I OK ALL Distance id You to any point on Lony Dis tance Lines of the BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OK CANADA At the Day Rate Night Hale 1b here Day la Q Wheat Wanted Bushels Wanted 2000 Bushel A of good for tile Delivered or at tbe lot No con North QwUltmbury WW Oats Wanted Bushels 50 Seward The above will for the end conviction of party or who flicJ barn thy BLACK REMEMBER DO CHOPPING DENIM 0 1 i wv rtCvvtaprKot

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