fc- SZ f I- I- to Mild tfOIil four ITfOI bo by JPirlo I Hoop A ft Car up 100000000 Fund nearly A Branch MM Ih BRADFORD dciHMllA lire of up- Farmers And Unit at LOWEST RATES For further information to JOHN EMULSION J nil flpixrrvo or moot OF I ho By li of 1xv of cow- had troubled lbs for Overs Mid iiitogalnt4 consider- CM Qc and per Limited EXPERIENCE Anions Moving MooitAln our ftn it patentable tint Co it Ac An Terms a Bold I A tilusli of tnr Co Hew York fttl PAIU8 A ItaoU and for DIARRHOEA BO OP IMITATIONS- ONLY THE GENUINE PERRY DAVID 2aaKEffi2iaaurjffiffiaaB3i3 TO Kjtfiy of r Jast Thursday were not forth the en who been for in the church choir hero and who was on the of her departure with hor ami son for Pleasant Mich received a Silver Service and Cuke from the numbers of the BRADFORD will bo on the second in The elder and manager of the charge on Monday afternoon and considered matters in connection with the va cancy Mr- of Bond Head ban appointed Moderator occupied chair thirty plications from and students a hearing read The of af the fifJd wbb also tera The annual of Bradford District in his vil lage on Tuesday afternoon There was a lare upwards of seventy of tho present After routine business he of took place A dt on a lare scale next of July in Bradford was considered and a committee was appointed to car ry the matter to a successful issue Children Cry for CASTOR I A NERVOUS WEAK J MEN NO NO PAY J- Till wilt Uvtly forever or Itii the if txKrtiji In Hid I WE CURE SYPHILIS Eleven candidates were accepted in to membership in the A So ciety Friday last King Plowmen a big time at oyster supper here Mr of occu pied the pulpit in the Methodist Church bote Sunday evening last The annual meeting of King Agri cultural Society was well attended The Secretarys report shows the so to in a prosperous condition annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association was largely attended here Wednesday The prin cipal speakers were Wallace P and T Lennox of Aurora The and Aurora has to be the principal topic of discussion The public have evident come to the conclusion that it re quires something more than talk to build railroads annual meeting of the Auxiliary held in the Pres byterian Church Con King Friday evening Rev A of Newmarket delivered a stirring ad dress Children Cry for CASTOR I A fracture of tBlioin right arm with hole a to lb in a flurisVVoditiOT iff current The directors met immediately and elected following President fteuy A Librarian Lloyd A voi pretty eelohmted at the of Mr Joseph Albert on the at oclock when his only daughter Kathleen was unit ed in matrimony to Mr John Lock of Directly after tho cere mony the bride wan presented with a clock and a tea seivieo wet in silver with an address by of the Christian Church Franklin of which she as a remembrance of the eHteem in which she van held Rev Mr of ville were about If present to Lake dinner with the happy couple before leaving to take the train Tit on an tour through and the east The health and happiness of the contract ing couple was proposed by Mr of Toronto was ap propriately replied to by tho bride groom No bettor proof of high regard in which the bride elect is held needed than the evidence of so many beautiful presents The bride was in a pretty travelling suit of fawn trimmed wilh seal fur an all over yoke of white lace over white satin The bridesmaid Miss Terry her cousin was dressed ill a gray cloth skirt with an amethyst purple blouse having a yoke of all overlace The groomsman Sir Herb Leek is a brother of the bridegroom On the departure for the station the happy pair weie accorded an unusual ly enthusiastic goodrbye fcT6lNTHECAP IF The House of Refuge at now bus inmates with any other weekly for home news on A fire at Thursday of lost week figures of the voting at the Manitoba election the show that the Liberals polled 23565 votes against for the Conserva tives a Liberal majority of I from ytar It Poind terror cf ioiDkijid to our SEW Mercury Tbt inn ruin your in Am mouth or ijuwit hair or falling ttCOU IkliVB Ian HUM Wo cAllejg tho world firtMl wo ftccpt or cure our treat the Ileal the ilie CURES GUARANTEED jouug pd bad vitality by lotiiUl yoriy Jio our lit refuge WECURIMPOTEMCY AndiCfltiraaU to ft ition life ud t6 re- ftod a -Indl- do htico our Ho Consult Wo bank bond to totwa end mm KMIS8I0K8 Of UK K8UlNATUttAL jBULTAUJOK It una We to write for BLANK tor iKKATUliKT KEU6AN Ave and Shelby- St DETROIT The Government revenue the Yukon fields for the amounts to 1400000 Tho revenue for November was SI 1757 News has London that the British teamer Jtoythe founder- off Cape last Friday twentytwo of the crew drown ed son of Alex Mc Donald of while descending a ladder leading into a loft on Sunday fell breaking leg in two places CAUTION Beware of for There Is nothing just good Un equalled for epralna and Internally for all Avoid substitutes there but one Per ry Davie and An has been passed at Ottawa continuing for 1900 tlie moditi by which United fishing are enabled to enter the Atlantic ports of thin Do minion for purchase of bait- and supplies the transhipment of catch and the shipping of crews It is a well assured fact that as the world grows older men rovv more tolerant in opinions and their measures They have fewer prejudices against the people of other sections of their own against other relig ious sects than that of which they are themselves followers and against other I Babies and children need proper food rarely ever cine If they do not thrive on their food something wrong They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly COD Office county to own and vW yearly with roi Per Infants and it a mi will generally correct this difficulty If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful in babys bottle three or four I times a day you will soon see a marked improvement For larger children from half a according to age dissolved in their milk if you so desire will very soon show its great nourish ing power If the mothers milk does not nourish the baby she needs the emul sion It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child SCOTT BOWNeawmUtt 1 Man o T 4 Very remnrkabio of the elrig of a men ha of a occurred In St A woman Mary Thornton was detained for a month with murder of lier liuKband A bo her ptie requested to see our of the told hftcl tbat an George Roy bad murdered spouse tbe at same time full details of tragedy witnessed vision man Ha was not at time hut the prison authorities were bo much Impressed by the womans ob vious earnestness that a search was at once mafic for him After some delay he end charged with the crime the details of the same seen In the dream being to him Overcome with toulshrnent he then there con- reused that he had committed the crime enough the woman had only met the murderer once and believed him to be on the very hetst of terms with husband Almost remarkable was the ease of a woman named Drew who dream ed night that her a re tired had been murdered by a peddler at a tavern where the husband wan In the habit of putting up when vtaltlux the town In question The first that her on rising III the morning wan that her spouse had been at the very tavern ahe had seen In her ex traordinary vision whereupon she burst Into hysterical and cried out that dream had come true calmed down somewhat a tew hours and then the police exact description of the of the vision giving A minute Account of his dress which included a blue coat of very peculiar pattern Marvelous the fact may appear a man such a coat and follow ing tie occupation of a peddler was discovered two days later at Inn some six from and on being with the crime he at once admitted that he waa guilty and that robbery had been the motive of the outrage He was hanged soon aft erward IiIk doom having been brought about by the 111 in ay evidence of a wom ans dream Women as dreamers seem more suc cessful thau men but a rather peculiar Instance of a crime being traced by a vision and In which the dreamer was a member of the male aex comes from ignition in France worthy mer chant having quitted his one Saturday evening proceeded borne to and after enjoying a substan tial meal lay down on the couch and fell Into a light doze A very vivid dream then came to wherein he two men of the burglar type en gaged In rifling the safe in his office so much Impressed was he by the vision that he resolved upon awaken ing to at go to the and that and key His amazement may he Imagined when on arriving there he discovered the door forced and burglary prog ress To a couple of gen darmes was the work of on Instant and live minutes later the thieves who proved to he notorious liousehreahers were on their way to the police depot where the prosecutor told his extraor dinary story hi view of the fact that the safe contained valuables to the ex tent of some thousands of pounds dream in question proved a for tunate one for the dreamer How to explain these marvelous man ifestations which prove once more that truth is stranger than is a task beyond the Ingenuity of to compass Perchance the theory of te lepathy may have something to do with the mysterious business but even that theory would appear rather Inadequate In such cases as the aforementioned A skillful forger who moved In tbe highest circles of society was once de tected by the of a dream The ofair occurred In Boston and caused the greatest excitement of the time The forger a young man of eight or and twenty bad become acquaint with a rich publisher at whose bouse ho became a constant guest- Coo day the publishers hankers discovered that some one was forging their clients signature to various large checks and two detectives were at once Instructed to look out for the culprit Their efforts proved useless but one evening the publishers youngest daugh ter a little girl of dreamed that she taw a man whom she described as like Mr Wank the visitor to whom reference has been made sitting la a room lu Maine street copying her fa thers signature The childs dream was communicated to the police who though to ridicule the same at the outset eventually promised to have the gentleman In question watched with tbe result that his were raided a complete plant for the making of bank notes found there It then transpired that he was a man who was wanted for manifold forgeries throughout Union and he was sent to for a very long term The childs dream was nil the more extraordinary In view of the fact that she was too young to understand the leading Incidents of the business and attributed the copying of fathers In dream to the gentle man wanting to write papa very strange but none Ices true and proving one more that as Hamlet remarked There are things heaven earth Horatio- than are dreamed of la your V l- UP i of i y ais MMER iTfK r ft ONT A ft r Wilier InSide Sliding Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ihd Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork no vfllhoul HEALTH- rouarllo Pro- Deviation voivcn BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY- II in Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS ETC Repair on RAN A RACE WITH DEATH by Man on A high trestle bridge more than a quarter of a mile lorn- supporting the track of the Nickel Plate rail road spans the of Grand river east of The bridge little wider than lite distance between rails the ties are placed eight or ten inches apart the space between being open to the rivet below A young man who crossed recently had a thrilling experience on bridge We hod passed center when a fast train rounded the curve behind As the engine whistled he quickened his pace With every the train rushing nearer and there was not a moment to lose Once the young man stumbled and about to fall but quickly re gained his balance end hurried on As he reached the place for which he had started the train was close behind and he had just time to swing over the Bide of the bridge as the locomotive thundered by The ends of the ties were slippery with grease from drip ping axle boxes and his foot slipped Wide as he left the track His right hand stretched blindly out before him touched a round Iron bar bracing two parts of the bridge and with a grip like that of a drowning man bis fin gers clasped around it For a he swung In empty air In another his left hand had found a place beside right and bis feet touched the wel come edge of a brace below With bleeding lingers clutching the slender iron bar that vibrated widely from eide to side moments hours At last the train passed and tbe young man was able to climb to the track above Unnerved by try lug experience he lay for a moment stretched across the and then rising to his feet with blanched face unsteady limbs made Ids way to firm ground Cleveland Leader The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co MUITEIr NEWMARKET it THE MILL RUNS ITSELF Economical Way or Doing a Connecticut Farm Joe of the International Pulp company tells a delicious story of paper making in Connecticut which shows that operating mil Is not such a serious matter as these big proprie tors would have us believe Strolling the countryside haymaking time Mr happened on a little paper mill which buzzed merrily In a shady dell with clean and sweet around It A look Id the office showed one there the wandered over the mill hop- lug to find some one to whom be could talk business The machine was bum along and It seemed Impossible that there should bo no la attend ance But even shouting failed to bring forth signs of life and Mr was about to leave when he spied some men in a some distance JOS mm We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done see what work and terms vou can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro away I to the nearest hearing who say he called out one when he got within runs this mill I do was the reply Well whos the Why I am to be sure Do you menu say that the mill tuns Itself Cert We start her up at In morning and she runs till in the evening This mills been weaned stranger she dont need a nurse While Im getting in hay she puts half a ton of paper on the roll Geo up Bess Paper Trade Journal Cabinet manufactured by DR A W CHASES CATARRH CUBE fa to Improved iLcitr in d ft Oat and 124 Bay Toronto aeiazi Notre St P If you are not a to the Era- Bend for a trial trip of JWtoiiki 1 iJVtJ