Newmarket Era, 2 Feb 1900, p. 3

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1 j i i -v- I J- J J I Tl Weeks Local flews WHAT IB OK TOWN Meeting Irvnt appointed to now Butter nod another Com- to build loohouoo b will aa to arrange for having It filled Culling Tito Club beat Hill Club ftt place on Wednesday by a of to A very time Is reported The return match will bo played week pine Houses Mr- Millard was in Town and purchased draft far the Malta- Co the combined weight being Wo could not uncertain the exact amount paid but i aid good The Although this has been a rather winter far are now very good for a heavy loo harvest Work commenced vigorously on pond Monday by of men and catting will probably con tinue now for a month or more if beautifully and about thick Col- Lloyds got out of stable in way on Friday- and gal lant officer bad quite a time on Saturday to net trace of ft Finally word was re ceived that It had made way to Mr Norman Wesley farm on where it lafeen care of The- Colonel happy then for he didnt know wheth er tho was stolen not Industrial Home conducted the here Sunday afternoon About 40 young people from Newmarket a happy time at Home one night week Co mm I salon era met laat Monday and passed to are now inmates at the Homo The heating apparatus giving satis- this winter g7ff ho friends School to bo treated to a on after noon probably to and on their return tea will bo served in room Mr Thorn of Toro to fa to address all interested In work are to hear the weather the farewell to Mr Drown Friday e and indeed a meeting Tbo Rev gentleman many warm friends during abort hero and went with a good itiii of Newmarket and people The service on were largely at tended and in evening meeting oil a the Lord for pardon Regular Quarterly Love at next Sunday morning when one of the beet meeting ever held In the anticipated will be followed by and eervloo the immediately aftor the a Reception Service will he bold when many will with the as direct outcome of special revival services fop atttthe namea those who resided in North York and served with the 12th Battalion during the nRatd of I860 and who will receive Medals for the part took In repelling the invad ere aurora Joseph John Davis Nathaniel Pearson Geo Forth Fred John Taylor John The weather thoptat hag been of regular Canadian grade Friday although the thermometer waa only below zero it was the worst day of the whole of frostbitten etc reported Tuesday morning the zero mark was touched and on morning below was the record morn it below zero The potesters Us Before the Court of Appeal week judgment on appeal by plaintiff from order of a Divisional Court was given reversing the decision of the said Divisional Court in favor of latter court held that when a writ is endorsed under applying to subse quent proceedings in an must be under rule and not under rule as if specially endorsed under rule It was the respondent that the possession sought here the interim possession granted in mortgage actions and not that obtained final judgment on an endorsement and that moreover the place of trial was not men tioned in this endorsement as required un der the latter role Held that the writ in this case having been specially endorsed under rule judgment cannot be grant- under rule as if the endorsement were under role The claimed action Is a qualified and the relief claimed under the rate ft is quite distinct in character from that sought under rule on endorse ment under role Appeal dismissed J for Woods for defendant Annie Crowley Montgomery If Lloyd Wm J CO Jos Andrew Hope Arthur Armstrong John EL Jennings Burton Lodge Win John John Lynn Thos Mills Sloan Greene John Thompson Ones Hamilton John Henley The in all arrived here by express laat Friday and Lloyd is charged with the duty of delivering the name to these entitled thereto The will take place in with the Patriotic Concert THE- A FRIDAV 5 Mr J took charge of reading on Tuesday evening last meeting at residence of Dr from Act Prize Poultry There Is no doubt but Mr Elgin has somo choice Buff Wyandotte He a collection to the Fair at week and won three Grata one second third and two The Tho cold stormy night Friday ap peared to affect the Carnival considerably as the attendance was no more than on an ordinary Band night There were not more than 25 and nothing worthy of specially unique price winners follows Boys Costume Orvld Eves Girls Costume Mlaa Blanche Clifton Boys Comic J Boys Race Seymour Evans fl2tu market Depot During the past week cars of freight were shipped away from Newmarket and cars of freight received as follows Outwards 3 cars wood- cars stock cats grain and oar each of scrap Iron hay house hold effects and flour of pail timber cara of sundries coal car grain and 1 car coal oil Tho Specialty Works are shipping part of a car every day or two which is includ ed in the sundries Gospel Meeting well attended last and Inspiring Mr If presided with Mrs Lush organist Mr princi pal of Public made hie flret appearance on the temperance platform and gave a splendid taking as a topic Am I my brothers keeper Rev A made a few re marks and introduced hie substitute Mr MoNemara who gave an admirable ad dress on general temperance lines Mr J McKay also contributed a solo gram provided by the C CO p The following worn Installed at Inst regular meeting for present term J Smith Mrs assistant recorder A treasurer A prolate Mrs T j marshal warden Frank Simmer son secretary Moore The lodge expects to add some new mom- bars daring the present month Patriotic The loyal subjects of Her Most Gracious Majesty Victoria residing in New market and vicinity in with those of all other Town a In this Province will now have an opportunity to show their patriotism In a substantial manner At s special meeting of Town Conn ell last Monday night a Committee was appointed to arrange for a Patriotic Con cert to In National Fund as outlined by GovernorGenera of Canada for the support of the injured Canadian now in action in South Africa and those at home depending upon them The Committee met on Tuesday even ing and outlined a splendid musical and literary program Including a patriotic speech by a prominent military gentleman of Toronto and the distribution of the Fenian Raid Medals to veterans North York Both vocal and elocutionary talent is being secured in the city together with the best home talent and a pro gram may he anticipated The date been set for either the or of Feb and It Is that the public generally will reterve the dale and assist in making Concert worthy of the Town 5a A a I C3CTJE3I I I s Reduction in Prices means Reduction in Stock That is what is desired this month Many lines of White Goods at the Reduced will be continued during this Stock Reduction Sale EXTRA Special Value this month in Mens and Ladies Wool Underwear GROCERIES An The best cooks always use Baking Powder Also get their fair share of pricecutting this month especially lines that we are overstocked with STORE Toronto Letter Obituary We clip following from the Rich mond Hill of last week Mrs Mary Proctor died the residence of her Mr A Sanderson last Friday evening after an illness of oral months which she bore with be held in I Christian fortitude She within die Town Hall Newmarket on the or of Feb which a committee appoint ed by the Town Council is now arranging for The Medals are solid silver about the aizo of a piece On one aide is the of Her Most Gracious Majesty surrounded by words l Vio- On the re verse side is a Canadian Standard grace fully unfurled aurrounded a wreath of Maple leaves and bavin the word Cana da in a semicircle at the top The bar through which the hks the words AIJ It is a very pretty medal and will be worn with great honor by those who were engaged in the brief struggle The name of each person entitled to the Medal is stamped on the edge Society A meeting of the Directors of Newmar ket Horticultural Society held on Mon day evening last The President Mr Webb in thechair Present Keith Jackson Martin and A communication read from Minister of Agricultures notify ing the Board that the Society had been incorporated under the Agriculture Act jAto several slater Horticul tural Societies respecting organization rules etc Mr Jackson a draft of con stitution and that the of constitution etc be referred to a committee to report In regard thereto with amendments as might be considered advantageous Thia was acted upon and on motion of Mr the follow were named Messrs Jackson and Martin The question of amalgamating the Horti cultural with the North York Society was discussed and finally a motion was adopted appointing the President and Messrs Bruntoo Jackson and to meet with a like committee of the Agricultural Society to confer in regard to affiliation and report meeting The question of holding a horticultural time about the 1st of possibly In abating Kink inform ally discussed but no action taken Board adjourned to the call of the Removing from St We the following from the Cath arines Standard which will be read whh interest by the many friends of Smith and esteemed partner The ladies the generally have a parlor meeting at some mem bers once month As the house of the retiring president Mrs Smith was scarcely in its accustomed order in consequence of her removal shortly to of the Congregational Tabernacle obtained for laat night And it was well the house would scarce Iy have contained the company that assem bled Mrs presided and gave an Inter esting Introductory address Rev Dr Smith of Knox church warm ly congratulated the society on their good work and emphasis to total abstinence from all twice a solo and also once Frank J at the call of the president made an excellent temperance speech es pecially dwelling on tyo of voting for men who ignored tem perance Mr Bone on behalf of the sailors among whom his work Ilea thanked the for for warded to him for distribution It doing Christs work among the sailors Mr Smith spoke of Bares sod tbe pity he had not lived to see this temperance day and gave the results of original into history and of HighlandMary Master George Oral tan gave a capital recitation The new president then took the chair and Mrs Gordon sec retary read a farewell address to the re tiring president Mrs Smith and presented her on behalf of society with a small puno aa a token of their esteem and love Smith briefly and feelingly respond ed Altogether meeting was a very im pressive and enjoyable one only being tbe early removal of the esteemed who lies been for six veers pre dent of the Union a few weeks of eighty and three months ago when was stricken with paralysis throat she had al enjoyed good health Deceased and her husband the Proctor who died about two ago formerly reaided in the Township of King but afterwards removed to St near Newmarket and ago came to reside with Mr and Sanderson Deceased had a cheerful amiable disposition and had many friends which was indicated by the large numbers who came to see her and to enquire of her during the months of ill ness Tho funeral took place from the residence on Monday to Newmarket where was inferred beside her husband Be fore the house a service was con ducted by Mr and Rev Mr Large Service wae also held at the Christian Church where de ceased had long a consistent member The was tilled with eld friends when the service was taken by the pastor Mr Weeks and Rev Mr The only surviving children are Mrs Geo Wilson of Newmarket and Mrs A Sanderson this village Championship Hookey Despite the cold weather on Thursday night a splendid crowd turned out to witness the game with Varsity Everyone looked for a hard struggle judg ing from tbe evenness of first game and every player went fin determined to win at any cost The visitors as usual scored the first game after five minutes play and the moaned and said our finish and it not until after ten minutes desperate work that Simpson scored for Newmarket The crowd of again breathed freely From this out the game was never in doubt and the firit half score to in favor home team The half commenced with a series of long from each goal the defence of both teams relieving ally Soon however the home forwards begin to work more closely and the good combination re suited in running up a big score Kelly made a rush and scored making the prettiest play of evening was giving Newmarket the round a majority of 14 goals in both games The teams were follows Varsity Got Point ElwCll Point Forwards OFIeynn and UmpireG A Winters Newmarket Goal J Kennedy Point J Kelly Point For- wards Doyle Simpson and Umpire Referee Dr Clark HOIKS or TUB They couldnt get through If they did Kennedy was always there and Eddy can hug the board The order of the spectators was splendid Simpsons hot shots usually Had an opening TrIo is a hustler Look out for Midland The jury in the case on Saturday last brought in- a verdict that hs was insane when he shot Peter Small on Nov 17th The judge or dered the to be confined in the jail until the Lieut Governor sees fit to release him The convict Car dinal who made the murderous on another prisoner in the Central was sentenced to 20 in the penitentiary The deputation of City Council which interviewed Postmaster- Gener al on Saturday in regard to a reduction in drop letter postage were respectfully informed that the was ono for Parliament to con sider whether the general public out side of cities would be willing to be axed for advantages alone enjoyed in cities As a result of a coroners jury ver dict on the death of a man who was afflicted with cancer two cancer doc tors are to be arraigned for manslaugh ter Some months ago Mr John City Clerk compelled by illhealth to relinquish his duties and at a very early hour on Monday morning last he passed away aged years He oc cupied the office of City Clerk for the past years and discharged his duties with great satisfaction Ex- Mayor Shaw and Aid Leslie are in the race for the vacant clerkship The Hunter is now on the staff of the Star and making some very clever hits The witty genius of the Telegram in His Up3 and Downs hits the nail on the head in saying England can not expect anything but disaster when the men who know everything are ed iting newspapers and the men who know nothing are leading the armies Two Cabinet Ministers from Ottawa were in the city on Saturday Post master General and Minister of Customs Patterson They were here on business with their respective departments A woman by name of Mrs was up before the Police Court last week on a charge of spreading false news In other words she made too free of her tongue She was let off on suspended sentence with warn ing is not the first fe male to make trouble with her tongue It seems to be understood in legal circles that Corporation Solicitor is to be appointed Solici tor for the GTB in succession to Mr Bell of Belleville and that the law office will be removed to Toronto The annual At Home of the Central Business College took place last Friday evening About mem bers now in attendance supplemented by over exstudents of the College made a gay and happy throng Tbe program was a pleasant one and fully enjoyed The jury panel for the March Assize Court were drawn this week by Sher iff Mowat and Messrs and A deputation from the Ontario Fruit had an interview with the Ontario Minister of Agricul ture respecting legislation next session in regard to and transporta tion of fruit to the old country On an order from the Government of the Territories the Ontario Live Stock Association will ship eight car loads of thoroughbred bulls for breeding purposes to that part of the Dominion Hon Mr a vicorous address before Young Liberal Club of this city Monday night Book Depot oxt Balance of our Diaries for 1900 at Cost A Careful Fitter arc a garment cutting quite important as material Get made here and all three will bo all tight not Just high enough to insure you the beet workman chip and material my Tailop Now is the time renew your subscriptions See if you are in arrears and up We are the Authorized Agents to receive subscriptions for Forming- the only weekly agricultural journal in Canada The Farmers Advocate The Westminster a paper for the home and all Toronto and Montreal Dailies and And all Popular Journals and Magazines at publishers rales Central Telephone We close our hooks at the end of February our stocktaking month and we must have all outstanding accounts settled before that time THE CHEAP STORE- Usually the dullest business month in the year StockTaking is over and we arenow in a position to know that we have more Goods than we should have so that if Cheapness begets Trade and there is no doubt but that it does this month should be one of the busiest months of the year with us We start in first with Heavy Winter Goods such as these a if you are in need of anything listed below dont fail to see us if you would save money Mens Fur Goats Mens Fur Caps Mens Fur Gauntlets Ladies Furs of all kinds Coats Capes Caps Ruffs Muffs Storm Collars Gauntlets Etc Ladies Cloth Jackets Ladies Heavy Dress Skirts Ulsters Heavy Winter Dress Goods Shawls c Mens Boys Overcoats Ulsters Suits Horse Blankets Fur j Dr J modi- ca man in died suddenly on re turning a professional call f I Jrl w TV-

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