Newmarket Era , February 2, 1900, p. 5

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V ERA FRIDAY FEB ONTARIO BANK- w Sunday Lesson CAPITA REST HEAD NEWMARKET BRANCH A A General Banking Business nterest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED 1 AT AM American Draft bought cold Collections promptly attended to Manager MEDICAL Mixed flrat of yriOB to The Fob John Golden Text They followed i i After the of Jesus and hie temptation ho to have lingered a little while on batiks of tho Jor dan He was in neighborhood of Bear personal testimony for Christ Look to as the divine substi tute for our Bin Seek to bring souls our Sav iour Work constantly up to our clearest light Our Mothers Wives and Daughters A MORNING PRAYER Thousands of Them saffetvftrom and General Debility Oman- lately occupied CUurlBltonCliuroU Dr Campbell 10 a to and fl to DENTAL A I Dentist Post Office JJJock opposite the Vitalised Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp P Dentist it 111 Dr if Porter Brad ford Monday Wo the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five coat bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if using threefourths of of bottle do not relievo Constipation and Headache Wo bo warrant that four bottles will per manently most obstinate case of Constipation or no pay Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Bootfcs Main St Compound Strengthens and Tones the System mo something A Ifltit front Hit world And I to mike Of too wort not by my word the or would worth Or by ftllcnct I be worldly Let me give thai hall A word oi of Dropped I troubled to find me Iced fault across fee Twtxc dawn and lo Uccnuc of some act la or win The World la facuer ihit I lived Klla Wheeler Wilcox In CoroptnlOD It Pacifies the Blood and Gives Digestion It Brightens Byes and Gives a and Soft Complexion DARK EYED MAID GAVE A WARNING A of Moonlight MARRIAGE Jackson ftsuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At finA taaued at private residence If J Agent for tftro and falffl to Loan tor cat at Current What is home without a news- paper asked en exchange to wbioh another renlied It is a where old hats are stuflbd into broken win dows where the wife looks like a bag of wool with a string tied around her center where husband has a to- panorama printed on his shirt front and the neglected children wipe their on their jacket he Urine If you have faaeVaeho and Ibere farUk deposits found a the urine after It for hours you can he the kid- are deranged To effect prompt and cure and and death use Br A KtdneyUYen Pills the worlds greatest kid ney cure Applications will ho made at next of the Ontario Legisla ture for an Act of Incorporation for a Company which propose to build a railway to be known the Brace- bridge and Trading Lake Railway to run from to Beau- No in the world has ever done a work for weak and Buffering women Celery Compound Women of all owing to delicate and ox more than men Their organs require vigorous nerves to insure healthy It is a worthy of special notice that Buffering from is caused by weak and inflamed nerves For troubles Celery Compound is the true medicine for nourishing and tho fibres Weak and rundown women find in Celery Compound a wondrous strength giver and fleyh builder and irritable who Calory Compound obtain true eyes be come and sparkling and the complexion clear and bright fivery rundown and ailing woman should give Celery Compound an mediate trial it never disappoints fl Ramsay Fire Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Tin W Main St Sundries and Fancy Goods of Tuner of and all String NBWHABKET to Loan At percent on flretelaai farm security also loans effected on Life Insurance for taking J Conveyancer and Heal Estate Agent Agent for the reliable Insurance London and Globe Norwich Union Standard Mutual tar Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per on Harm Security by for taking Affidavits Agent Conveyancer of Etc Also Agent for the following- Queen of London and Montreal j Core District Mutual in for the Confederation Life Association To OrriOKOld Office Corner of Lot Streets EMULSION LVtfO tow v a most Bv the aid of The I rid which for over a jear and abiytavrelithL CE and DAVIS woman to for house end increase position Ointment The cents Alfred Blanc of Jerome Que has such in Dr Ointment that he buys it by the dozen to take with him to his lumber camp He finds it a quick cure for chafing bruises bites and other emer gencies incident to camp life It cures salt rheum eczema tetter scald head and other skin eruptions and piles in three to five nights cents Bold by Lehman Bent- Pharmacy Newmarket The oldestbuilding in world that has been uninterruptedly used for church purposes is St Martins Cathe dral at Canterbury The building was originally erected for a church and has been regularly used as a place for religious gatherings for more than year Deeds Are Fruits Words are but leaves It Is not what we Bay but what does that tells the story The many wonderful cures effected by medicine be These prove it to be the great unequalled remedy for rheumatism scrofula salt rheum catarrh and all other ailments due to impure or lav blood HOODS are nonirritat ing mild effective A very exciting incident happen ed on Mi Henry Marshs pond on tho fifth concession of King on Monday evening which might have turned out A large number of young people were skating on the above men tioned pond when a young lady and two young men ventured out a to far when the ice gave way and the three went down Another young the accident rushed to their assistance and soon as he reached the edge he ice gave way and I he too went in A fifth young man named Wiles recently of Buffalo went to the rescue and he too was soon floundering in the water Fortunate the water was only about four feet deep but it Boon seemed the only way to rescue the parly was to break the ice away until they could reach shal low water which was done and they succeeded in getting out thoroughly soaked The young lady was convey ed to the nearest house and properly taken care of while young men made a bee line for their homes CLEVER BUT S New War In to ray Social Debts I dont know much of tin ways of people said a young phy sician not long ago for 1 am not In society but If many society women are like know liere In town I think Im safer to out of It It was not this season but it wasnt so long ago but plenty of people can remem ber stances I had among my patients an elderly woman who lived with the daughters family daughter lived If not beyond her means at least up to the very edge went out a great deal and was enter tained a great deal The mother fell sick with a com plaint which I knew would prove fatal I did- not Inform the family till one day the daughter asked mo to tell her frankly what her mothers condition was and just how long she could live I told the old lady not possibly last more than a fortnight She begged me not to let anybody know how serious the case was didnt want her young daughters dis tressed said Of course I nobody and just a week after that I read In the papers that Mrs Dash the daughter of my dy ing patient had sent out Invitations for a largo dancing party to be given on an evening a fortnight away My patient did not live as long as I had expected The day after died I read in the papers that owing to sudden death of mother Mrs Dash had been compelled to recall Invi tations She bad never Intended to give ball could not have afforded It and she bluffed I have cold shivers eatery time I see Cleveland Plain Dealer By Samuel Waller When Trooper Paul gave the bread and coffee he bad idea of tin lit was raising for well ordered existence of who thought they were happy But be not expected to know that girt with the blue black and form drawn by famine bad a lover and a tickle bean and he had never thought so well of himself as to Imag ine be had a gallant and an earnest eye capable of turning the head ha might hesitated as bo stood In the blue haze of tropical morning and out the one of the misery laden throng of refugees who nearest bor derland of exhaustion For he of the kind that love constancy and shrink from Bullying a pure heart When the maiden bad eaten the dry bread nod tho coffee and Mills had returned to bis tent to get more of small allowance of food to give to some other of ex iles he at tbe quivering eyes she had turned back after away without thanking biro They bad looked like twin urea or gratitude and fear kindled by from a tender and tcrriticd conscience maiden moved on tbe for lorn host who were struggling back to deserted city bundle poised on brad with less Insist ence veins were warm Into thorn had stolen strong beverage and the greater stivnglb of a subllrao emotion on the subtlety of a kind ly glance From out of the torn bull ring at edge of city came a graceful youth In blue and and gold His cap was bis leggings seamed with buttons of bronze and the fringe of bis blood red touch ed jangling rowel of bis spur His step rang on the roadway be hur ried forth to meet the maiden Ah I watched the throng since daylight I watched it all yesterday Why are you so tardy Ho had reached out to clasp girt hands but they behind back youth stopped as though ho had felt a Jar Then passion cams out of gloom In deep of bis somber eyes and spread down bis face What this the greeting I get I who burned my heart out for you and sat on top of the bull ring and gazed out over tbe hills to where you were when the big guns were roar ing over the valley Come speak to me child and aay you glad of your welcome- Had you been brave like the men behind those guns you would have goue through their weak line and come to me I am not glad of the wel come of a All through the weary days of starva tion la the foul village to the north and fa the purple forests around It she had to press the lips of this same coward had vowed eternal fealty at the throne of his picturesque per sonality had breathed fervent caresses that the free evening air might waft them over Intrenched of the sullen armies to tbe vine clad balcony where he was used to sit In the moon- When old bachelors babies babies like It any better than do tho old bachelor Chicago Sword The young man who gets cheated the corn fed philosopher thinks the other fellow wonderfully smart but the elderly person up against admits himself to be Indianapolis Journal a Blank Without Hearing Catarrh Induces Deafness Dr Catarrhal Powder dives Quick Relief Ernest Louis of West was so bad with Chronic Catarrh that Ins hearing seemed permanently im paired Doctors treated specialists tortured for five months but his hear ing grew worse He was recommend ed to try Dr Catarrhal Pow der One application gave him grett relief and a of bottles cured him permanently Sold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket with any other weekly for home news i light On the hot road bomeward she had thrilled with Joy that each heavy step brought forward tbe time of bliss ful meeting and that each moment was a messenger from the day when they should walk between their wealth of friends the long cathedral aisle Then had come the pair of gray eyes and the vaunted will of the had melted away like care at twilight face of the youth became scarlet as bis sash then white as his palm It Is not the habit of a Latin to con trol his passions rather be cultivates to fierceness but Jose choked back his fury Perhaps the sunken pallid face of the girl suggested physi cal or mental unbalance perhaps he bad learned diplomacy Again out bis bands Come these troublous times passing and well be happy again as when we strolled through the groves a kind word It will warm your heart and brighten mine Say that you are glad to see me His were soft bis glances ten der but the girl knew not restraint if youth did She spurned outstretch ed band with her own A heavy gold ring fell from her thin finger and rolled away In dust She looked at it a moment half to pick t up then turned and walked away She gave the youth no word The white nod red his checks changed Into other like a struggle between right and wrong night finally tri umphed for although muttering in a rage of anger jealousy and humilia tion ho picked up the hang of pold wiped the dust touched the ring close to lips and put- it In bis pocket He had put on her flngc under the stars one night When Trooper Mills rode Into city next day but one thought animat ed bis mind betters from bis his sweetheart were in bag mall be was to take to camp from the and he wanted to get back to quarters as quickly possible to secure em So Trooper Mills clatter ed through street He glanced Into a barred window His clear gray eyes met the startled gaze of two shining black cues Grasp ing the curtains did not keep Manuela from falling from tbe casement She beard come to an abrupt bait then a sharp ratlle of Iron on fitone as be was turned abruptly and the quick short steps which were bringing biro toward the window Air seemed to have stopped circulating Her breath would hardly come as she drew herself to her feet A shadow came through the window as a rough hand grasped Iron bar Next said a hearty voice Is this tbe little woman gave some thing to eat yesterday Im glad to sea you again It was devil of a time you bad out yonder and I hope another wont come like It You are all right now and will soon he as fat and pretty as ever again Well good- by must hurry on Hope to see you again And echoes of hoof beats died In the distance Certainly such a as that is not calculated to overturn the common sense of a rea sonable girt There Is In It nothing ar dent nor inspiring but heart too big for her body before sound of It was out of her ears leaned on casement for support Quickly body became rigid and all the passion of her soul surged up Jose had come from out the house opposite and the house was not his borne eyes were malignant as be stepped Into the narrow street and followed after horseman followed with intent gaze until be was lost to view She knew what those burning eyes meant She turned to a door leading Into the courtyard and leaned against framing but she did not bear rip ple of tbe dilapidated nor amell the pathetic fragrance of tbe neg lected flowers Her eyes pierced past the future and then paused at present She to the street window and leaned against the bars Her body was quivering checked emotion Presently a horseman came gallop ing down the street She knew was her trooper she called In an excited low voice Mills would not have beard bad he not looked toward the window to see If the girl were still there There was something wild and eager In the face which made him pull horse up roughly lie rode up to bars The girl spoke rapidly and her tones were hoarse You are in danger You are to be killed I must warn you but not now Come mid night to the spreading tree behind bull ring I will be there Will you comer Mills was almost at camp before he ceased wondering why be promised to meet girl It absurdly foolish he said Why did she not tell him of the danger Instead making such an appointment trooper had been seated under the tree half an hour when be heard soft footsteps In tbe shadow beneath the wall of the bull ring He stepped forward and met as she passed Into the gloom of branches She clutched his arm and hand trembled violently He followed me she panted But for bis support she would have fallen Who asked the wondering soldier Jose she replied the man 1 came to warn you He wants to marry me but I will have nothing of him He saw you at my window to day and says you are the man love and that he will kill you He watched the bouse all day I tried to elude when came out but he saw mi and came after She drew closer to the trooper I am afraid of she continued He will kill me You wont let him kill Her arms clasped him about neck and she placed kiss after kiss on lips and cheeks Mills was thor oughly astounded at the whole pro cedure and struggled to protest He tried to put the trembling girl from him Over shoulder he saw a body creeping through the grass At each movement something long and whit gleamed in moonlight It was a stiletto The flgure stopped crouched aa a leopard for a spring Mills thrust tbs girl from just In time to receive shock The knife was burled In his shoulder and drawn out The trooper grasped the upraised wrist It was descending toward Ms heart Jose was light of weight bat active and strong Pain and loss of blood told greatly on Mills The strug gle raged fiercely Then there was a heavy fall and a moment after trooper dripping with blood staggered out to where his horse was tethered A dark form lay still In shadow As Mills drew Into the saddle a girls flgure turned corner of the bull ring He never saw ber again Next day the watch found body of Jose with his own stiletto In bis heart A gold ring lay In the pool of his blood New York News y The Grandest Offer Ever an Opportunity Will Not Occur Again To introduce the highest Grade of PERFECT Wheel a limited number will be placed op the market at A Price Never Before Heard of Offer Continues for but PAYS Therefore Onee All applications considered according to date of receipt figents Wanted with whom moneymaking contracts will be made NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Address Frontier Conveniences I feel sorry for Cousin Amanda moving way out west 6b dont know She can learn to throw a lariat and keep her children at borne Record Needed nt Little Dear you ought to take cod liver oil Dont you think ts pood thing The BruteYes the York Prase Wheel WINDSOR ONT takes the lead in furn ishing Good Sweet Bread and We on hand a fresh supply of Sodas Zephyr Cream Sultana Sweet Wine Tea and other varieties of well as our own make of Cakes have given the best of satisfaction your order and it will receive prompt attention ALBERT South End Newmarket FOR Winter Dry Goods OR Clothing Every Week or two Cheap Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains The Leading House Sharon Our fee returned we fait Any one tending ketch and ol any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning fie Bow to a J Patent request secured patents taicn oat rough us receive with out charge in The Record n illustrated and widely circulated consulted by Manufacturer and Investors Send for sample copy FREE VICTOR A CO Attorneys WABHINQTOM NEW TERM January 2nd la each department of Central Business College PATENTS SECURED Write for our Help How you are Send rough or Invention or and we will you oar opinion to whether It Is probably paten table of appUctioos rejected In other hand Highest furnished experts Graduates of the School in ippllM Patent Law ArnfrtcaaWaljrlVorki Water Worts Safety of mtim I ltfI Aim In the Surrogate Court of THE OF la tho Estate TORONTO The Unrest and school Canada why Write for It SHAW Principal Joel Deceased a that at tended to with more j keep a supply of Italian cry on hand We can give you Heads Letter Hcada and printed your fancy at will you Call at the Era L Office and Notice is hereby given pursuant to and otbera having the Eatato of the said Joel who died on or about the day September are red on or before The day of 1900 to by prepaid or deliver to J Pearson PO one Of the Execu tor of the deceased their christian aud add description and full their cfal ma the of their and nature if any of the held by them And further notice after the aatd last mentioned date the aaldRj ecu tore will proceed to distribute of the de ceased the partite thereto only to the claims of- which ben have that the aaid Executors will not be liable for the asset or they shall any part thereof to any person or persons of claims notice shall not have been re eel by them at the time of the said distri bution STEPHEN W JAMES PEA Executors of Joe T LLOYD Newmarket- solicitor for Office Managers county to their own and to pay yearly CO pay able- unusual c J I weekly- Desirable opportunities References exchanged envelope a A Building

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