Newmarket Era, 2 Feb 1900, p. 6

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the J tL V the flat to DRY TOWN MrKolmrtanil of visiting at Mr J last Quarterly Dry Town two from Burning are once more favored with in this Tito rumor was circulated re- flirting of to Toronto Hospital last week was false she visiting with mater Mrs People should bo more careful About tolling tales to dents A vouiicMHIov come to stay with Mr and Mrs Ml Hoc of Jet- soy Congratulations Weddings surely are the of the day at present Wo noticed no less in list last week Some of the not far away will need to hustle up or will he left in the eoup While Hie Joker woe Hie lust Sunday with a dull razor he made euoh a face that the glass foil from window and smashed into small pieces Seven more years of had luck Mr Frank Bain of Young Si was visiting at Mr John HolSorng lest Sunday Quite on amusing at Mr Hoods last Tuesday Wo are pleased to hear Mr Will is recovering from a recent heavy attack of inflammatory Farmers will have to hustle their wood homo this swell of snow lusts The for good will soon he over Mr Grant intends calling on all tbo members of the Church soon for the purpose of supporting their pastor Mr Grant makes things move when he gets in earnest pink Tho funeral of Sinclair was largely ftUCiidcd for such a Id day Some As years Ago Mr and Mrs Sinclair moved to NorthWest but for some time she been in poor health About six months ago Mrs Sinclair came accompanied by child hope that the care of her mother Mrs Case and the surround- ioRS of youth inightrcnow her strength her hopes not realized and she away last Saturday night deeply regretted by relatives and acquaintance Her husband and other relatives from a distance attend ed the funeral BALDWIN The services in the Christ ian Church on the are still in pro gress and much good is The regular fellowship will take place next Saturday at SO when some will unite with the church services in Christ Church Kot- tlehy will bo held in the future at pm instead of in the morning A Sunday School has boon organ ised in connection with the congrega tion of Christ Church enrolled at the meeting It will ho held in the evening at The Sons of Temperance will hold an oyster supper on Fob and a play entitled Out in the Streets will be given after The play takes up hour A program of music and song has been secured from to of have recently made further improvements to their hall and lodge by putting a tbo basement and equip ping it with cooking stove eta and have now without a doubt the most convenient and wellappointed quar ters of any society in this part of the country The annual meeting of King Re form Association met at on Jan The attendance was large and enthusiastic The following were elected Joseph Rogers Kettleby 1st Phillips Aurora 2nd Vice Hall King Vice AY Anmtage Treat Kettleby for each Polling Division Hon Wm and Hon J Davie of Crown Lands were present and delivered ad dresses were passed en dorsing the Dominion Govt and the Ontario Govt and pledging hearty support to their honored representa tives The occasion also prompted a spontaneous outburst of patriotic sen timent After the was com pleted a banquet was tendered by local and two hours was very pleas antly passed The new president Joseph Rogers presided at his right was Hon Mr on his loft Hon Mr Davis The new officers and other prom inent local occupied the table of honor- The following toasts were duly hon ored- Tho Queen Don Govt responded to by Mr Govt- responded to by Mr Davis Crown Lands Reform Munici pal Institutions Manufactures The were responded to by local gen tlemen At ft oclock a large public assembly was addressed Messrs Davie and others in the halt which was elaborately decorated for the oc casion I We expect to give the speeches end resolutions in full next week This kicking up a racket in our must cease boys Go outside if you feel pugnacious Another citizen mourns of of oats bags and all He reckons lay a trap for the thief and would much like to give him a free to Kingston by rail fence rail and also to him a a coat tar and feathers free What sad and solemn thoughts cross the minds of us old codgers when we see the of spirit with which young enjoy their sports and we realize that wo no longer are young thus musing day the vanities of life my good fairy Queen waved her wand oer mo and again I was a roaming through the fields romping and shout ing coon holler like a wild Indian and greeting with welkin delight squirrels and birds Of all joys passed in those few moments in dream land I cannot tell Tho possibilities of bike what ore They are so great it would he jolly to hazard Mechani cal genius will no doubt contribute to their attaining a speed of sixty miles per hour even in our time Another problem which I often con- eider is the future light and heat sys tem My idea is that the electric power generated the rapid revolu tion of the earth will supply both But as some may say thats a very ad vanced idea I will hot further dis cuss it but direct my thoughts to question of the Century which to ma appears as simple as ABC Now lot us assume that all will grant that it requires complete years to make a century When docs first century begin and end You will say It begins year one and ends at the of not Tho second begins years later 1st the 3rd century 201 etc until you come to the nineteenth which began Jan 1st 1801 and ends 100 years later Thus the begins Jan 1 1901 A large of young folks held a wake at Taylors on Tuesday evening of last week They waked the baby which caused it to be some what fretful but they enjoyed a gay According to notice a wedding was celebrated last Wednesday the con tracting parties being Preston son of Wesley and Miss Maria daughter of Miles all of Gum Swamp They drove to Newmarket to get Uncle to tie the knot but didnt cotch him to home So Mr we trust and believe did it just as satisfactory The happy twain will reside in the suburbs of the aristocratic Long may they and thrive Love sickness is raging rampant throughout this section Being no of persons it is attacking prince and peasant aged and young bachelor and spinster widow and widower alike It the young and aged as well The spinster arid maid ltd potent power to try to quell afraid Our hat again returned to and wo liopu it will con ToDay Friday is Day BO the old pioneer say I am of opin ion that the Hear will sec shadow and will return to his den lor six weeks more Homo people Fob in the day hut such not cor rect Revival Services at Keswick till growing in interest and enthu siasm The pastor is certainly all he can to bring sinners to Christ His sermons doing ft power of good Mr Howard Morton attended North York District Annual of Bona of Temperance held at last week Ho reports good sen ions and much Wo understand Mr Diaper has resumed work at Toronto Ho has been in Ottawa in Mr Sydney for three months Wouldnt it be funny to eo him P some day Such may he the case Mr Nelson moved to our vilhge from He has en gaged with Mr Henry Shaw Bookman of is viwting with Mr David Draper The Twentyfifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs Duncan King was celebrated on Tuesday Jan About were entertain ed by the host and hostess The many presents received were very fine Mr John lrawer lias gone to Mich- visiting his friends for a few week Wo notice that Miss Rhep- of this vicinity was successful at recent examination at the British American Business College at Toronto Congratulations Stock taking in progress at Post office store We do not envy Howard his task Wo noticed an article in correspondence recently statin that they believed the correspondent here the same person who has been for some lime past Now my friend you know you cannot prove that state ment Of course majority of only entertaining hut excellent object Icion Rev Mr Brown of de livered an excellent address on cent School Lessons and de lighted girls end boys by asking them questions intelligent an swers showed a decided interest in work in this vici hearty applause showed that the address was highly appreciated The recitation by Miss who is also a popular elocutionist de lighted audience Miss Kavanaffb is always a favorite and a cordial re ception is always assured Mr and Mrs Longs singing was very entertaining Their dual rendi tion selected a The final number of tbo program being reached audience joined in singing God from whom all blessing now after which the Rev Mr Brown offered a very impressive prayer During the spell of good are busy hustling up wood Quito a number of young people from this street attended the skating rink on Saturday night in Mr Thomas Miller has gone on a visit to his uncles Mr Miller of Hanover Gone but not forgotten ore A very enjoyable time was spent at the oyster supper last Wednesday night Mr Peter Arnold and Mr John Andrews had a very narrow escape while falling a tree lost week We are pleased to learn that Mr Albert Peregrine is slowly recovering Mr has recently been visiting in our vicinity The change of occupation must agree with him as he looks hearty Mr J of Preston has been visiting his uncle Mr Smith I rifle in our ranks and from an absolutely enemy perfectly appalling Item fore ore on ts were hurried up by Gen Warren but had to cross a stretch of fiat ground which literally torn upby the flying lead of enemy The unfinished trench on tho summit very questionable shelter as the enemys machine were so accurately ranged upon the place that often sixteen shells fell in trench in a single minute Mortal men could not permanent ly hold such Our gallant fellows held it tenaciously for twenty hours and then taking advantage of darkness abandoned it to the enemy like you including Owl Joker are all alike just put it in fill up Now in re gard to 1 never male a state ment unless I can positively declare it to bo true I should the Owl would seek a warmer climate Jack Frost must trouble him considerable these cold nights It would he a good thing if ho were with General Then too he find one of those Boer to keep him com pany Mr has a little dish washer and come to stay too The at Button is hav ing their annual oyster supper tonight members around here will attend Oh My if we were only wouldnt we have a feed Mrs A Winch addresses the here next Sunday evening annual Convention of East is to be held here on Tuesday the of Feb A very interesting and practical program has been issued and it is ex pected will be circulated in all schols of the next Sunday so that there will bo ample to select delegates Wo look for a large attendance and a very profitable time Among tho who are to lake part we notice that the Executive has been fortunate in se curing Mr Day capable and en ergetic Secretary of the Provincial Association also Revs and of Newmarket Mr Elmer Davis of King besides local talent Rev nf Newmarket has consented to preach anniversary sermons in the Methodist Church here next Sunday afternoon No doubt the will be packed as the gentleman is more than an ordinary preacher Lomos Jan General has forwarded a that in fightinjf around Kop 22 officers were killed and wounded while several are reported missing No figures regarding the among the rank and file are yet to hand Lord cavalry force which was rumored to have met with disas ter is with MajorGeneral Warrens division on the south bank of the River MajorGeneral Frenchs force is actively engaged around Kimberloy reports a renewal of bombardment- Jan The arsenal at Johannesburg was blown up on Jan is said by military ex perts to bo irreparable to the Boers as ail their shells were made at that place It wag in fact the only shell factory in ihe Transvaal General assured his troops yesterday that ho holds the key to and expects to reach the town within a week London Jan The War Office has issued casualty list of the battle of January and of the engagements at Venters Spruit Jan to The addition al list numbers killed wounded and a total of With casualties given for the fighting at Venters Spruit the total loss since the begin ning of the war is place at men killed wounded and missing A party of the Australians and Canadians left Belmont week ago five hundred strong for a reconnais sance in the district The enemy were found in force at on the an arm of the After a smart fight in which none of our wen were injured the rebels were cleared out and Col Boyd the commandant at Belmont ordered establishment of a perma nent force at Richmond twelve miles west of Belmont- r If you have not already tried our Celebrated Boiled Oats which are now up to their old standard again insist on procuring a small package for trial Every person using them is pleased Will bo one lbs for the Leading Brands of AS g Canned freshly packed at IK nana far The Best Salmon Two Cans for Cents Special Venetian Pott Jewel Plates At Half Price op Less ICO of JAPAN SEA tobesoM at lb on GO THE GROCER TORONTO JOBBING HOD Pairs Lace Curtains The men oft observe Beneath it spell They as though they were daft Ah well Ah well well think they have it When they havent it at all But jaet a trifling spoony fit Or an overplus of gall The balance this rhyme will be unpublished until next century has been advan tageous improvements in the mill He shipped a car load of Golden Rod flour to the city last week Another car ordered The reports of the dreadful famine in India illustrates the truth of tho Bible account of famines in and Josephs days We are so abun dantly blessed in fair Canada that we have but ft feint conception of the ter rors of famine John is attaining more than a local reputation with Chalk talks Phrenological and entertainments Ho gave a vary successful one at Donald Mc Donalds last week When our town hall is dedicated John have to help Information free gratis Those Roachs Point young folks who took in the dance at Button didnt see Old simply an invisible spirit being No doubt he was present Charles has sold his frog avenue farm to the Crawford Bros Thanks to Dame Fortune were having a spell of weather and fine too UNION STREET delightful audience on Thursday Jan was present at Union St Social and Entertainment The ladies of this vicinity had not spared any pains in preparing a sumptuous social nor in preparing tbe school room for the occasion with patriotic decorations After due attention had been given to the bountiful repast the program was introduced by singing All Hail the power of Jesus name and God Save the Queen followed by an earnest prayer by Rev A McGillivray of Newmarket Mr the chairman de lighted the audience with a few well chosen words and without preface or ceremony the series of exquisite num bers was proceeded with An exceedingly pleasing number was the rendition ofa Greeting Bong hy the school The girls were enthu siastically applauded The recitation by Sixes was well rendered and delighted the audience as also did the by the pupils The guitar duet by the Misses Watson de served the applause it brought forth The patriotic song Soldiers of the Queen sung by Messrs Dike and Evans was one of the best and won for them a tribute of admiration The Rev Mr in the course his brilliant address impress a number very important thoughts on the minds of girls and boys theme was Building and was made very interesting by quo tations from Longfellows inspiring poem The Builders With a few complimentary remarks in regard to the school he closed an address listen ed to with much interest and atten tion The recitation by Miss a popular elocutionist was well render ed and she was called upon to respond to spontaneous of a lighted audience The guitar solo by Miss J Wat son wag pleasing and elicited a hearty encore A church exercise given by a number of pupils brought forth a hearty applauGs This AURORA In pulling the cork of a bottle on Monday evening Mr- A Love nearly severed the thumb from the hand to the neck of the bottle snapping off Prompt medical assistance stanched the blood and it is not ex pected that the injury will leave any bad permanent effect Mr Linton son of Mr Linton has volunteered for the death of Captain a contingent and hopes that Royal Horse Artillery of his five years ranching in the North- SELLING m ts on the Dollar TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Wat fleuus News has been received of the in the fever at JJe on Jan About two years ago he was appointed Staff Captain of Remounts and was sent out to South Africa on July He was present at the battle of Mag- ersfontein with the Royal Horse Ar tillery and just after Christmas was struck down with typhoid London Jan A special des patch from dated Friday Jan pm says I have just ridden in here having left Gener al forces in the new positions south of the in which they re tired in consequence of the reverse at Kop The fighting both before and after the occupation of the mountain was of desperate character is a precipitous mountain overtopping the whole line of kopjea along the On the eastern side of the mountain faces Mount Alice and Pot- Drift standing at right angles to the Boer central position and advanced position The southern point descends in abrupt steps to the lower of kopjes on the western side opposite the of Warrens force It is inaccessibly steep until the point to the main Then there is a gentle slope which allows easy access to the summit The nek was strongly held the Boers who also occupied a heavy spur paralletLwitb the where the enemy concealed in no fewer than fiVe rifle pits and was thus enabled to bring to bear upon bur men a damag ing crossfire only possible point for a British attack being the south side with virtually precipices on the left and right A narrow footpath admitting men in single file only to the opens into a perfectly flat table land where the ridge descends to another flat which was again suoceeded by a round stony eminence held by the Boers in great strength The ridge held by our men was faced by a number of strong little at all angles whence the Boers a concentrated ire from their rifles supported by a cud a big gun What with rifles and the machine guns the converted into a per hell The shells exploded west will qualify him for a position Sale Register Feb Mr Bentley will have an extensive norecerved of stock implements etc on the front of lot 28 in the Con Whitchurch months credit on of and over except for and roots Sale at one Feb Mr will have an important of valuable farm implements on tot east side of St- about from Newmarket Ten mo nth a Credit on Borne over 10 ex cept for Fat Cattle or per cent dis count for cash Sale at sharp Smith The steel department of Phillips Nimick Companys rolling mill at Pittsburg completely wrecked and a dozen men were injured hy ex plosion of a battery of four large boil- Five deaths are reported and it is others will occur If We Tamed Out photos we could to oat we hart to touxAketfvlojr The quality of our work demand the price ff for It It about one half you pay for same work Jo other galleries with styles and to can autt anybody A call SMITH BROS NEWMARKET Metropolitan at the Office per lbs Looking back I see I never saw before This is the exclamation of satisfied customers We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation iru Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Store NEWMARKET to WINTER R PACIFIC COAST VIRGINIA ItOOJSIAfiA and SOUTH CAROLINA Wholesale fie Retail Tickets mid all from Agents Grand Trunk Hallway A DXCUHOV Dial Do you reili Its Possibilities Two North Store Main St A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park Coa Same Lard The best Cared on the Market today A trial cod- virjee Also Floor Boiled Corn Meal Batter Cases Salt Canoed Cora Pickled Feet Bologna flam and Honey Soap Orders filled on th shortest notice to public Unit he hits to axton House and ho Loo in to date bo la to etc Hat Work in tVllftnS your Wi in Farm ftp Sale op To Let Lot Mb con of IMruubnut Wacrcfi dwillog A Ar- Kult tot prompt purchuer or Good tenant apply or A THE placed you of la Ontario and Quebec vfltftldln the United States profit by tblt- WHY NOT YOU STRAYED tot Into the of on or A Stwr Doming Year old owner requested to prove property pay tbo animal away NICHOLAS to Soli or gent ICO on Lin bury hilt a from depot orchard of Apply to

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