Newmarket Era, 2 Feb 1900, p. 8

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THE FRIDAY often a tlmt Is torpid or Inactive may For prompt euro of end nil liver iroiiblci they rouse full regular action of they do not or pain do not frrltaUi or inflame Internalorgans but ft positive tonto effect all or by raall of Hood Co Maw of IVIdtip fund Total A of thin BRADFORD When tiro of P- mulct- or Discounting Fanners And Bale At LOWEST RATES for Apply to JOHN a quick cure for COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy la all affection of the THROAT or LUNGS Luge Bold LAWRENCE CO Limited Props EXPERIENCE Marks Designs Copotights Ac our opinion l probably Hind book on tent for nddcriplloo ago A without A Ox of ourximL IS a I Sold York PIASTER that will pain let than any other Put up only fa yard rolls The Utter allows you to cut the Planter any Every family should one ready for an emer gency nu of I DK The leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IK DETROIT CURED EMISSIONS can lo mora to I tbaa of nlifhtiy produce wtakiief a of unfit a hud for married find No whtthtf by tvit hnbtts in joulh Mreyou WO CURE- NO PAY joumwI help larly ibi liter way have yon Vow will 250000 CURED are nd ptrvouB and ion forgetful blotch pimple and the blight your IK milter how your may you may hare will wound the flub CO worthy xo REcmj At Homo given by the hew of on evening last wan well at- tended and a very pleasant time Mr an on tho subject a posein life Mr Bowles gave a recitation choir and church choir were present of an exhibition of swinging The amount ed Lo Children Cry for and concert will Imj in the church here on evening following talent Tim ftuliii of Eva Aurora Mihhch and fitraeh nil Aurora Mitvii and Case Blanch mid A of Aurora will occupy the chair CASTORIA John here diet Tor Infanta and Children CAST NOBIEON he- it a a euro it veiofc to their norm litnco nil ir4io or and bill a CUJO I CURES GUARANTEED rtOhKKT rA VAUICOCKLB i3 KIl A SHELBY StREET MIOH League held a very mooting on Tins topic taken by Janet Send me j and a paper by Alice subject EzckieTw great vision Both papers Mr Da via of anti Nelson and Mr of wore of Mr on Sunday Mary been the guest of her Mrs Davis of A of little bad the of birthday party on Saturday after noon Mr and Smith of are of Mrs BUTTON The annual supper will on Feb 2nd among members only Board of health met Monday evening and appointed Reeve chairman and J Barnard Dr Greenwood is Mr and family and and family intend to leave Sutton about the 1st of April for Rainy River The adjourned annual of and Society held on Saturday The Treasurers read show ing a balance on band of liabilities nil The day fixed for this years Fair is Tho following officers were elected J Davidson J A First VicePresident John Kay Second VicePresident Directors- Bennett Scott Tomlinson Lake E Cuttle Daley The directors met and reappointed P sectreas Children Cry for Mrs J of Newmarket spent several days in town last week visiting friends Mr Ben Harman white working as hodmen at Mr Suttons new house walked into a hole the other day and fractured one of ribs lit J A Burgees has his acetylene plant now in operation and on Satur day evening for the first time illum inated several of the stores The farm of acres Lot 15 Con West became the property last week of Mr Lewis Bateman the con sideration being The musical event of the season was the Orangemens Concert held in tbe Town Hall on Wednesday of last week Hall was nicely filled with an audience of appreciative and the concert was a pro nounced success perhaps equal to any thing of the kind over held here The marsh hay industry has been booming here for some time upon the high prices prevailed During past season a large quantity of hay has been out and several hundred tons stored away so we been informed During the past week or more the marsh has been literally alive with men and teams drawing hay The West Council met hero last week to discuss the advisabil ity of appealing the case of Leadly v West but the matter was left over till next meeting It is said that Leadlay would have accepted 00 in settlement suit was enter ed also that costs already amount to nearly 1000 Children for MOUNT ALBEUT The teachers and officer of the Albert Methodist Sunday school were entertained at the home of their pop ular superintendent Mr Allen A vciy was spent About ilueo weeks ao Mr A Junes of this village purchased farm of Mr Patrick Fox of Centra Mr Jones sold the farm on Monday Mr Robert Glover of llesllcu what could Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets for oil bow few family cannot be readied and treated through the atomacb These of in a box heal alt stomach disorder In old or young- Incipient or chronic axe pure and palatable Bold by fc UNION STREET A concert in aid of the Union Sun day School was held on Thursday of last week ami was a grand success children of the school selections which were very well rendered Miss and Miss favored the audience with reci tations and on each occasion were heartily encored Her A of Newmarket delivered a splendid address The Wat son gave several selections on the guitar winch were highly appreciated County Councillor occupied the chair He is a general favorite with the people of this section and makes an ideal chairman one of the original last week The fun- was very largely attended The north end of J A Todds warehouse at station was unable to withstand outward pressure of a large quantity of and gave way allowing about three thousand bushels to fall to ground While at hockev practice on here on Wednesday night Mr Frank was accidentally struck on bead with puck It was not until leaving rink that the louHiiess of the blow was known had just reached the entrance on his departure when ho reeled and fell to floor and lay there about an hour before anyone noticed him He was carried home on a bench and medical aid wan hastily summoned when it was found that con of the brain set in He was uncon scious all night but regained in morning and hopes entertained of his recovery What makes at particularly distressing to his family is that- a few weeks ago they lost a son very suddenly by fever and another son has embarked with the second contingent tor Africa AURORA Wild with Piles 9 A for Dr la a Cure I was wild piles when I began to Dr Chases Ointment It has com pletely cured me This aubstance of scores and hundreds of letters received at these offices from every nook and corner of Canada If you only look over these letters you would bo sure to find the evidence your friends and neighbors- You could not then be skeptical of he merits of Ointment only for piles your neighbor about It j your druggist or dealer- what he knows about Chases Ointment you prefer sent a two stamp to offices to pay postage on a free sample Which will by return mail If you mention this piper Dr Chases Ointment has never yet been known to fail to cute piles It not fail in your case It matters not what kind of piles you have or of ho longstanding if you use Chases freely and it will cure you For from itching Dr Chases Is a prompt relief it also cures pimples blackheads eczema salt rheum and all aching skin diseases It Is of Inestimable worth In every home a box at all dealers or Bates Co Toronto Too lust The annual meeting of the of Temperance met on Tuesday laat There was a good attendance and much enthusiasm in the work Davis presented District with a trophy chain of links to be held by the Lodge doing the of work For the present it held by Divi sion The following wore elected P Rogers A Wood Bro Mean Bio Howard Morton occupied the at the evening when address were given by Rev A and J Walton solos by Mr and Mr Howard Morton duetts by Messrs and Wood and Misses and recitations by Misses Wood phonograph selections and reasons why I am not marri ed proceeds wore about The next District Meeting will be held in in June The com mittee making arrangements special speakers Mr A Love has been appointed assessor for the municipality for the The license fees of three hotels in the town have been cut down from per year Grand Trunk Railway faun an nouDctd its intention of building a modern station on the premises near the site The North York Farmers Institute held a meeting at the Town on of last week Mr v A Hopkins of presided over the three sessions A number people from here attended ft surprise party at the home of Mr I Pearson 2nd concession of King on Tuesday evening of last week The young men of thin place intend holding an At Homo in the Mechan ics Hall on Friday evening February 2nd The Town Council advertised for of atone for the streets and HO cords of wood for water- works When tenders were opened on Mon day evening it was found that there were tenders for nearly of stone and only SO cords there no tenders for dry hem lock The price of atone ranged from to 4 per the wood from to per cord Mr Rock Linton son of Mr Win Linton of this pace has volunteered for service in South Africa in Lord company rough riders Mr Linton went to the North west five years ago and has spent most of that time ranching Shortly before Christmas he came home to spend winter and when volunteers were call ed for rough riders he could not rcBist the temptation and at once offered his services THE ARCTIC MOSQUITO ft Is Aliout the Stoat In World Nothing that Inns ever been written about the arctic mosquito begins to come up to real thins a guest In the St Clinrltd corridor other evening went up the Yukon river the summer of 1600 Alaska and Dominion Trading company and we struck mosquitoes as as wo got Into bills They are twice as as our familiar bayou species and their atlng la like the prod of a hot needle They sweep along valleys dense clouds and If they catch a man unprepared they are liable to blind him before be can I heard stories of children being stung to death and can readily believe them Whenever we went ashore we wore heavy hat and took the utmost precaution but were certain to suffer more or Joes One of our party cut the tongues out of his shoes and a narrow line of sock was exposed under lac ing Next day he bitten there at least a hundred times and his feet were so terribly Inflamed that the shoes had to be cut off Another man a In boat crew got drunk en Alaska whisky one afternoon and lay down to take a nap In a corner of the online room no ticed him a Utile later and was horri fied at the solid brown mass of mos quitoes that had settled on a small ex- specially to diseases peculiar to w posed section of his check and throat In that time Dr Pierce and his as In an hour his face out of all resemblance to anything human he was unable to swallow and burn- log with It was a week before he was able to be I saw a num ber of cattle near that bad been made stone blind by stings near the eye The arctic foothill mosquito with ent doubt be most terrible Insect pest In Hit world New Times- Democrat Ho Would Do a Thing No lady would take watch when out of order to the first perron who dis played the Watches Regulated ana Repaired But she would carefully enquire for a man whose acknowledged skill entitled him to take in charge the delicate mechanism How much more careful should a woman be when the herself is disor dered not to entrust the delicate and complex mechanism of her being to the fir6t man or woman who displays the sign Medical Advice Given No sign is to be trusted which says Medical Advice Given and stops there Medi cal advice can be given only by a phy sician An accredited physician will put his title with his name Suppose a sign reads Medical Advice Given by a Man What woman would not in stantly iy The fact of being a man doesnt qualify him to give medical ad vice He must be a physician to do that But suppose the sign reads Medical Advice Given by a Woman Is not the fact just as patent that being a does not qualify her to give medical advice The woman must be a physician to do that Medical advice by an unskilled woman is just as as if given by an unskilled Mail In inviting filclc and ailing woman to consult him by letter without charge Dr Pierce points to an experience and practice of over thirty devoted omen associate staff of medical specialists have success fully treated more than half a million women All correspondence treated as strictly private and sacredly confides- I Letters are promptly answered and MiOlW to it like I lit 1 li J rrft4lc1dftiYi fl 4 I fcr Jit let fit I At A te It Mi no your tooV or J Ca a FALLS HUMBLED THE SENATOR the answers are mailed in perfectly plain j K envelopes without any printing upon I oj taw rtit4 wilt linen them Write without fee and without fear to Dr V Pierce chief consult ing physician to the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo Be Tried to Independence but Palled The writer remember a good many years ago when the late Clarke was a member of the state senate from Johnson county It Is well known that the senator or member from Johnson county Is always expected to get a large appropriation for the state uni versity To fall won III be political death Senator Clarke was anxious to succeed and during the early part of the session voted for everything If another senator bad a bill all ho had to do was to go and whisper In ear and ho would vote aye however came Into the senate with hair cut and a clean shave He sat upright In Jits and began to slaughter right and left State Senator George Wright look ed across to where senator from Johnson was sitting ami Inquired what change had come over the senator from Johnson county The other sen ator replied that appropriation bill for the state university had now pass ed both the senator from Johnson was going to make up for lost time Clarke kept on punching heads until the senator from Jefferson Moses A rose and solemnly introduced a bill for an act entitled An act repcnllog the appropriation for the state university A broad smile pass ed around the room and everybody except the senator from Johnson saw the Joke But the spirit of levity pass ed away from Senator Clarke He at once assumed his humble attitude and the other boys voted biro as usual dur ing remainder the session Moines Capital may bo our SONGS J for rk fori HIS I MUyninilwiTjTKii Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write ifl ElI NEWMARKET ONT And get prices Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AND ILL Artistic Effects i I in Inside Woodwork UBUfc A Park takes a man to draw a cheque a horse to draw a cart a pretty girl to draw attention a toper to draw a cork a free lunch to a crowd and an edvertiinont in he home paper to draw a Thin girls need a fatty food to enrich their blood give color to their cheeks and restore their health and strength It is safe to say that they nearly all reject fat with their food CODMVER oil One must wonder why It really is that so little Is said or thought about architecture grandest the mother of all arts a great a most useful sci ence one in which a greater revolution has lately token place and In which more progress has been made with more stupendous results than In any other remarks a writer In The Inter national Was It not Richelieu who paraphras ing an ancient writer said If It la versatility you seek go find an archi tect He must be an artist or bis buildings will offend the eye an engi neer or they will crumble into trouble a lawyer or he bis patrons In to trouble a doctor or his buildings will be unfit to live In and last but not least be must be gentleman or we will have nothing to do with him Largest Factory in Canada for the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc OR A W CHASES CURE to clean topi drcpplogi In ltd threat and Jcnnainntty Catarrh aid flay Add i1crir IV Is exactly what they require it not only gives them theinv element codliver oil in a palatable and easily gested formbut also the hypo- phosphites which are so valua- in disorders that usually accompany anaemia SGOTTS EMULSION is a fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form of fat A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health You can get it in this way We have known per A sons to gain a pound a day while taking It SCOTT Time to Give Up An Iowa Judge recently related an amusing Incident that bad occurred In his court when a colored nine was brought up for some petty offense The charge was rend and as the statement The state Iowa John Jones was read in a loud voice colored mans eyes bulged nearly out of their sockets and he seemed over come tenor and When he was asked if he had anything to say or pleaded guilty or not guilty he gasped SVutl do whole state Iowa Is dls one pore Im to give up right now You scoundrel said the fa ther seizing his disobedient son by Ill show bow to treat your mother Ami he at once proceeded show young Hopeful way by longing across Hie ear two or three times and shaking him until bis hair began to fall out tbe Teacher How do you account phenomenon of dew Boy Well you see the earth re volves on every hours and In consequence of this tremendonn para HighGrade and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co Ill TED fi Shannon Cabinet manufactured by the Factory Ne Specialty Mfg Co 122 and Bay Noire Dame P Q you are no- a subscriber to Bond Ma a Mai trip of 2

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