Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1900, p. 2

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j H J J THE NEWMARKET- ERA FRIDAY FEB jyr 1 i jyr Newmarket Starr Homo Bakery Jack it Milk Tenders V To Willis Teacher Wanted Jaac Miloli Cow Auction Sole Duncan Grunt Miller Metropolitan Eleric Hy Go Toronto to market Oars Bach TIME TABLE Toronto am MO a pm 40 pm pm am a in 16 am pm pm pm pm 7 pm Return Fare either way 125 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME a a a en So a a g I en MM is IB CO 3 a fe as fc1 w W AH 5 ecu ga ll of Manitoba of which Hon Hugh John Mao Is off heads ail directions of leanings towards 1 way tables will turn so mo day is understood that petition for of of Kingston has been laid for present as 1Kb does not it a for data from Immigration branch of Department of Interior show that during the past year immigrants settled in Canada Of these tho number from United States in given at or about than in Society Column POINT KING CITY Mr Aurora purchased hogs from Hon J shipped them to Toronto from hero on Friday last hog industry ia got- to be an here It is that Hon J Commissioner of Crown Lands has sotting apart of of Darwin and for colonization The Department of Crown Lands to create better road communication be tween these Townships and Wolf River Station on by way of helping develop that part of tho Province The nay the Star is foraging to front in realm of is partaking of tholnarveUona Under Mr Atkinsons management assisted by Mr well known as of Saturday Night and Mr Hunter an cartoonist tho Star has made rapid for first place as a bright and noway evening journal and Its own telegraph service it equal In this respect lis Independent libera Hern marks it as a for the times ff a ffi on a yTjrtV up I nut AND WITH ISSUE Yhc Pointed all at Home The result tho In Winnipeg seat in Commons to Mr by a smart majority oyer hie op ponent Mr Martin The Coneorvativo press gave the Liberal and done considerable crowing over Mr Martins return on tho day of declaration thoy have had oatorow over sine tho and are now patting Mr on the a the man for Gal- way Politics makes pretty short turns Tub Legislative chamber and corridors Tuesday Qlobe when speaking of preparations for the approaching mooting the Assembly are in the of char women who are getting things in shape Members of House are to worth of stationery session and their trunks are already packed and awaiting their arrival The accounts are well advanced and will be ready in good time Other departmental reports are in an advanced stage FRIDAY FEB Legislation Along lines suggested by the mo of Mr Norman and adopted at the late session of York County Coun cil it is more than probable legisla will take place during the ap proaching meeting of the Ontario As sembly The Province will with more than usual interest the proposition of the Government in this regard The extension of electrlo railway systems throughout important of Ontario if properly guard ed in their powers and privileges may have the effect of protecting the peo ple from the greed and grasping mo nopolies of the big railway corporation which now so potent an in fluence in moulding the railway legis lation of this country We therefore look for such a Government measure as will not only safeguard municipal rights where these rights have been surrendered but will also restore vested franchises which properly be long generations unborn to deal with We also hope if will ids against the overcapitalization of Blocks or bonds of electric railway companies and thereby remove the necessity for maintaining freight and passenger rates in order to insure large profits on watered stock before making some return to he people On this latter point the Toronto has this to say The railway question should bo the all important issue in Ontario politics The legislation of next few years will determine at the profits of the electric railway shall go to pro- in watered stock or to the people in reduced freight and pas- rates the Newmarket the franchise and the privilege of supplying electric energy without any consideration to corporation are two oversights which of this Town to the Legislature to correct before confirming the agree went to say nothing of other detail whieh proposed JJill will probably with in general terms Toronto Star of Mr J Farewell Crown Attorney of Ontario County was at OsROOde Hall to day preparing the in the Ontario bribery cases Mr Farewell issued formal orders to defendants notifying them that payment of their Hoes is due one month from the date of the delivery of judgment and that in of those that accepted a bribe the court would ha will i UK to accept appeal for the of portions of the flnefl It peculiar that an intimation should he given by the in respect W remission of portions the fines Ontario will convene for business next Wednesday when the Hones will bo opened by Lieut Governor The address In reply to the speech from the throne will be moved by Hon Mr Hardys successor In the Legislature for South Brant H Preston and seconded by Mr J Holmes for Unless the unexpected hap pens the debate on the address will be con cluded by the following Friday night on both of the House do not anticipate a lengthy session and those who ought to know express the Opinion that prorogation will he reached by the of April practically a session of two months Ox Monday last Mr Ingram LLP in troduced a bill in the Commons to amend the Dominion He proposes among other things that deputy reluming officers and poll clerks must be resident in the constituencies in which they The bill also does away with the deposit of from candidal at nomination and with the deposit of from candidates seeking a recount fleyeral of the designed to prevent personation in stealing of ballots and other kinds of frauds are made stringent Many of the features of this bill are design for good bat we apprehend the doing away of the deposit in oases of re count is not a desirable change The per sons who demand a recount should put up the coats smart men make peculiarly funny lenses the action during his re marks in the on the Speech from the Throne Mackenzie leader of Opposition in the Upper made this observation The Govern- meat credit for the In they bad reduced the rate the result was due to the of population Continuing his remarks the very next sentence he is reported as having stated Immigrants brought in were mostly of the pauper element Now if this be true is it likely that the cor res pond of tins pauper would ihe admitted inthe department The story Mnt hold good one position or the other must bo abandoned Mr John is in range this week Mrs fly has gone to Alien- daloto visit her ulster Mrs Mrs J Wilson of Toronto was hire last on a vIbII with Mrs Ban- Mr V son of Mr C M Hughes has accepted a situation In the Miss Millard of Toronto was vieiting with Miss Millard last week Mr Jos Meade was from this on account of the doath of his daughter Mr Ghee Hilts of Toronto formerly of this Town was hero on call ing on old Mrs Angus Williams her Bohool Class at her on last week Mr Herman of Mao visiting at- Mr Browns on Prospect over Col Lloyd and a number of Newmar ket young men Bachelors Ball in Aurora last Friday night Mr and K If Toron to spent over Sunday with Mr N Mo- and other friends in this Mr Harry Habftood of Colling wood was in Town on Monday his way to Button to make his father a visit for a few days Mr and Mrs Marsh from Dakota wore at Mr over fclrs Marsh is a of Mr returned home from Central Business College Toron to on Tuesday night to attend his uncles wedding Richmond Hill Liberal Mr Clare Smith of Newmarket spent Saturday and Bunday with Mr and Half a dozen men left for the shanties by way Montreal on Tuesday among whom wore and M Miss Harrison flil I was staying with her slater who is ill at Mr Starrs for a few days and return ed home on Wednesday came herb yesterday The Misses of Toronto came home to attend their brothers wedding Wednesday will remain on for two or three weeks but Miss will return next Monday Mr was in the yestar- day to join a deputation to wait on she At torney Goneral with reference to certain grievances In connection with the adminis tration of the law by Justices of the Peace Mr Walter J of Toronto formerly of Newmarket in Town this week making his home at the Royal Wall is now engaged on the taking the run between Toronto and Owen Bound Mr son of Mr at Albert was in Town last Fri- day He has been travelling In the North- West for the Piano and Organ Co and is home on a couple of weeks visit He report sales good Mr EUaa Rogers of Toronto formerly a Newmarket boy who returned last week from a trip of inspection to the oca mines in the Crows Nest Pass was badly burned on the face and hands by ex plosion of gas in one the on Jan There were three explosions Hon Lyman Melvin Jones and Jones gave a delightful dinner last week was as unique it was en joyable It was called a din ner party and after every second course at the sound of a bell the men moved up or down one Beat while the women re mained seated The nine small tables were decorated beautifully with flowers and rich broad ribbon garnitures The most admired table wag that at sat one of the- seasons brides Long ends and lull graceful bows of white satin were held in by great misses of white rosea showing so pure against their green leaves After dinner the guests enjoyed a very merry dance until the small hours Mrs is a daughter of Mrs Ave Newmarket and resides in Toronto Mr Samuel Miller of Maple Hill Bruce Co writes I can not do Without the Era When I was living down there the Ebi was a luxury now it Is a Ox ten times this year I have got loi ters from friends down there and they would mention something that had hap pened but they would simply mention the and would say you will see all about it in the I sometimes wonder how you get all the news but it simply shows the reliable class of correspondents that contribute to the We have had the finest bore that has been known for a long time splendid sleighing ever Christmas and the weather has been very mild With the of fall wheat the were splendid here the past year and prices almost the aame as at New- Wishing the ex much success the future I remain yours very truly Mr Ira Shaw a King Township farmer had his cut off in a cutting fodder on Thurs day of last wan running at a high speed and hand was chopped off to above A Valentino Social will ho hold in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening Feb 10th at pm The ladiea will bo to tako a large enough for two and a val entine and will attend to the A cordial invitation ia extended to all and a very pleasant is looked forward to Dont this as it only comes onco in a year A deputation appointed Newmarket of tho Bible Society composed of and I Jackson is to address a public meeting here on Friday even ing Fob Hope there will bo a good attendance PINE ORCHARD Wo to learn of death of an old resident of this vicinity in person of Mrs Allan Toole on Tues day last Miss Case spent a days last week with friends in Mount Al bert Mr and Mrs Jacob Rose have boon visiting in Mr Luke Doyle has decided to re- move from our midst having boon compelled to retire from farming on account of ill health We sorry to lose him and his estimable family Mr Wesley is spending a term at the Central Business College Toronto Mr J Spalding has been confin ed to house with of Jobs comforters Miss Sophia is seriously ill with typhoid fever NEWMARKETS LEADING STi On Saturday morning we put Ihe following goods on sale Read every item You will certainly find something you need and the saving in the price will certainly be to your advantage Mens Storm Rubbers at 35c pair Mens Plain Rubbers at pair Mens Heavy Rubbers at 125 pair Mens FirstClass Overshoes at pair 11 I Misses and Childrens Overshoes at onethird off the regular price Ladies Warm Wrappers regular 150 at 1 If Ill ladies Jackets reg 5 to clear at 345 ie not always tho lettor that has the postage duo on it that is the most valuable A man Uvea by thing not by debating and arguing about A Kingston man who kissed a mar ried woman baa been fined and costs by a magistrate These luxuries of life come high Mies Cooper with Lloyd ngwood woe King Gen advanced again to wards on Monday and cap- turned a strong Boor position The enemy made an attempt to regain it but was defeated The first carried at the point of the bayonet with utmost gallantry British loss about Tho Canadians been ordered to join Gen forces at front The Suiia At Bradford Oat on February daughter to Smith Ont The was performed by the Frederick father the groom At the raaidenoa of the brides on the by Eider eon the Calvin to Sadie youngest daughter Mr all of East On Tuesday oven in Feb by Key Hill of Tabernacle To ronto at the Methodist Elliott St Mr William Edwin Florence Lilian Rogers of Bradford -IN- Line of Opposite Hotel Newmarket and and vol salary monthly matt with etotupe4enve- Caxtoo TO I Ladies Jackets in Colors reg to clear at Misses Ulsters reg price 5 to clear at 250 Ladies Top Skirts reg price 275 to clear at 2 Mens Best allwool Ulsters close price 6 to clear at 5 Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats do 650 do 5 Mens Best Tailormade Beaver Overcoats our leader all season at 10 to clear at 890 Boys Ulsters tweed lined well made at 295 Boys Suits all 2 250 Suits this at 150 Mens Heavy Tweed Pantsat 100 Dried Apples Potatoes Goose Feathers White Beans Highest price always paid for Farm Produce r H a South American Rheumatic Cure South American Kidney Cure South American Nervine Tonic Dr AKnevs Catarrh Cure Dr Heart Cure for Horses Cattle Condition Powders Bath Boom -i- If you have never tried sea salt you have missed a good thing it makes the bath more freshing and exhilarating loo Youre Another Sufferer from a bad cold and cough Try our Cold Tablets Cure a Cold in a day LEHMAN til Captained Ottawa Feb Extradition pro ceedings have already been commenced to bring from Baltimore Antonio alias Anthony Decker leader of the band of counterfeiters trapped by the Dominion Police Great satisfac tion is expressed here at the capture of the gang as Docker called himself in Baltimore was formerly ar raigned there yesterday and remanded tilt February He is said to have told a companion of a scheme to manufacture Canadian counterfeit bills Would his friend put up to start it Decker is well known at Montreal He moved there from Philadelphia years ago and was for some time before he quit the city two ago employed by the Bank Not Company His son Paul under arrest at Woodstock went by the name of Rose a civil engineer em ployed by the Government to make a map of Oxford County In a cottage the police had a week ago fol lowed Paul and a companion was found a full outfit An old-fashion- hand press was there ready to bo sot up and a full array of coloured ink The die was found buried in the cellar It was an excellent piece of work for fives Using Pauls telegraph code the wired to London and Pauls pal Frederick who is also known as Hans promptly jptled Pauls is under arrest at Hamilton and she more than dinner platen in her possession Tomb In on Monday Jan Ezir beloved wife of Hansford Etq aged yen and a months Tool At Pine Orchard on Feb wife of Mr Allen Tool aged year took place yesterday after noon to Friends Ground Orchard Deceased was greatly afflicted with and though left many relatives and friends to mourn her departure yet none her days here to continue longer in Buffer ing In Whitchurch on Feb J eon of the lets John mo and days The will take place today at the at one oclock for thence to Newmarket Ceme tery In Town on the Groa- LunzLU daughter of Mr Joseph aged tor Interred at Cemetery yesterday afternoon Feb Bed vTheat per bushel 0 CO per per baaheJ sOa Io per huahel Feu per Bye per Hi OK IS Potatoes per big Wool per lb a CO Fore per Beer fore J to Gesaperlb pair a a a a a a a a a a fit J OH a 9 a 9 SO a a a a J All will receive Feb barrel White Wheat per Bm Wheat per buahel 0 Goose per to Buckwheat Barley per buahel per 0 Peuper a a a a a loo 1T CO 0 07 I CO a a a a a a Bye pet a per Butter roll per lb 1 Potatoes per be- Wool per lb Hay per ton i Beef Ciitcliwis pair ptrpilr A 1 a 23 a a a I 1U a If I J

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