Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1900, p. 3

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v- J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB i r Weeks toeal lews WHAT OK fi Promising Monday Mr Geo Thompson with the ft69lntRico of a man from head office disponed of two engines and for mid an tor a Portable sawmill in cluding a Sold Three buyers In Town last week Two Montreal buyers bought and them on Tuesday Mr of The form- erf prloca are looking up Real Estate Sale Mr Principal the residential property and also two vacant Iota from Mr J Dickson on Fri day font at a very low figure and com menced moving therein on Saturday Mr Norman Bailey brotherinlaw of Mr Andrew Hunter jr bad purchased from Mr Jackson two on fjorham Street At Mat Friday No on WaterWorks in a moment Main at was astir however flremon way down the mil with reel when firo out funded and all excitement subsided alarm was caused by a chimney Arc on Rattle The occupied by Mr Moody and paper catobmp fire pipe frightened the but it was without any particular damage Dont miss The Sherlock Quartette on Feb Dairy At a meeting of Directors laal Sat urday they to lor tankers for milk to Factory over the var Bee The Board also engaged Mr of Al bert to make and butter for the corning season Mr Myers comes highly recommended cheese commanded the highest price on Hoard ana experience in for milk on the batterfat system will be of much advantage in introducing system here Hockey The Jumoro went to Rich mond Hill on Thursday evening fit Jast week and defeated by p of to Largo attendance rt the meeting last Sunday a charge of Cody and Mrs Luab organist Mre Watt of Jorgua lovely solo and Mr and Marsh of Dakota read- wore by Mies Irwin Miss loy and Next Sunday provides program In on Thursday Fob let of Dr Robert Morgan to Miss daughter of Mr Augustus Rogers form- of St Tim ceremony was per formed by Rev and wit- by only nearest relatives wore a pretty suit of with bat to and was Morgan left tor Tapper Lake where they will remain for some time Bad a span of tRchcd to ran away while delivering in Andrews Ward up- alt the milk and tearing the top off the The hones wore caught on MM Ave During Winter Weight pant and DouiEaJh Not In Monday night our team went to to play Upper Canada team at Rink but lost by a of to 3 Doyle and Kelly arc praised as doing heat work St To ronto met the Midland team at in a for the Ontario Championship and the latter to The from sart to St Pawls Fob being tho day ap pointed by of in Can ada Almighty God special prayer and interaeesioo that Ho may aso fit to bring ibis war in South to a and peaceful close there will be appropriate St morning and evening Dr of this town has kindly consented to one of hie choice daring evening service Offering in aid of Canadian Fund He is thy Since accepting position of Town In spector throe or four years Mr J l Anderson ban proved himself to be an and obliging that many duties have been him all of which ho has done with tbo greatest cheerfulness Chief has not oven hinted at an salary and it would bo a grateful thing for Council to recognize bin ability by providing With an of clothes It would add to dignity of town of his while on duty CO Int Names la order of merit Annie Nora Collins Herbert Wright Vera Maun Edgar Ego Fannie Edith Mush Stewart Marlon Lillian Percy Matter Robbie Shape Florence Herb ert West too Leslie Verne Sherman Brock Charlie Prior Freddie Agnes man Edgar Willie Mabel Cecil Taylor Cane Stork Jr Frank Elgin Wright FredHo Smith Ernest Edna Amanda Clarence Thompson Stewart Lash Larry Ad Walter Stork Allen Cody Council Regular meeting log All Mr fiomerFille Following passed Johnston drawing wagon to fire Steward stoao Williamson wood for oil Chamber Gray cleaning snow oft j Telephone Manning Electric Light bill of Hunter referred to Fire A- Com also bills of from Can Gen Co A communication asking for cost wiring residence of on was referred to Light Cora report of Collector regard ing unpaid taxes referred to Finance Com Clerk was instructed to reasonable insurance on Corpora tion barn on the flats A bylaw was passed appointing the following officers PoundKeepers A McCaffrey and J iTierheller in addition to toes Fence- Viewers Ward Jos and St Andrews and I M Patricks Louis Armi- and Geo Stone 1st JAnderson 2nd Engineer Geo Engineer Osborne Wardens Mayor Robertson Smith and Medical Health Officer Dr Webb Board of Health Cody flavor and A rebate of was made on feho taxes on Clerks office Council adjourned t T I 1 Reduction in Prices means Reduction in Stock That is is desired this month Many lines of White Goods at the Reduced will be continued during this Stock Reduction Sale EXTRA Special Value this month in Mens and Ladies Woo Underwear Also get their fair share of pricecutting this month especially lines that we are overstocked with GROCERIES The best cooks always use Baking Powder Some Snaps afc In Axes Bell The North York Farmers Institute will meet in Newmarket on Friday February aderooon cession only- of great importance- die uased by practical men Mr fiimpaon and Mr J Ore of These men are known far and wide by tho of products livery farmer this vloiniy should make it a point to attend meet There is and information will be which will be of great advantage Bee bills The children of the Friends Sunday enjoyed their to Saturday into foot farm They made the welkin fine with merry shouts and laughter On returning to tho school room they ready to fully enjoy the tea was prepared for them After tea there was slaving solo by Mies Palmer and a very interesting by Mr Thompson of Toronto on The hand of was listened to with great attention by die children Mr Thompsons brother assisted in devotion exercises and all present felt that it a very time throughout A Dairy Jeeord Sir Willie of Pine Ridge Farm Coo of informs us that bis herd of six Jersey cows two of were only averaged lbl of each for the year for which he received a trifle over per lb air Willis has ah eye to still proving his herd and should raise some fine having recently purchased a young Jersey Count of Pine Ridge from If Ralph of It is a grand son of the great cow A of St which gave lbs of milk per day and lbs of milk or twice own weight is record for any Jersey cow Now that the Factory here intends to pay according to the percentage of butter fat ft is important for patrons to introduce the Jersey breed end improve the quality of their Sherlock Quartette Town Hall Newmarket JFobOth College The fact that this excellent had an average daily of mem bers under the care of regular teachers not only evi dence of the popularity of sohool bat the general demand for practical things id education The reputation of this not confined to Toronto and immediate vicinity although the business men of the Queen City now look almost exclusively to U for such clerical assistance they require aud also send their sons and deugbterB in largo numbers for the spooiel training this school affords The present term nods representative in Attendance from every province of the fiominion from of the neighboring States Newfoundland and the Bermuda Islands The school remains session through out the entire year bo that may enter at any time and complete any desired without forced interruption from holidays The College will be sent free to any one writing for it THE CHEAP STORE Ji J J INI A As advertised last week we intend to make this month one of our busiest months in place of usually the dullest in the year This it the way we are doing it Price for One WeeK Six or cases or smallpox reported at Toronto Junction An ounce of wife that bought is worth a pound than in taught Mr George Rosa kilted at the crossing of the John Stewart fell the pit under a locomotive at the North Bay machine shops and was killed pessimist not only thinks things as bad as they can he but really expects to be Every as well every hoy should be taught to do one thing well go well that if need be she could earn her living by it Private J Farley St Thomas a member of Company Cana dian died- at the hospital Orange River of fever Lark Harbor Newfoundland was devastated by a tornado and twenty houses were blown down including the customs station and the icsidence of tte customs officers Three schooners were wrecked Mr Flint will reintroduce his res- Saturday was an day in the annals of this It opened with a very sympathetic Love Feast at a After an earnest by Pea or a number par took of the many for the first time Notwithstanding the stormy day there were in attendance at the Bohool In the evening the was crowded The pastor gave an excellent sermon on Christian after which wore re ceived in membership Six of by letter several had been for years but had cot themselves with the church and the remainder on profession of faith The church in- deed had a revival of religious life and every department been into activity faithful and earnest labors of the pastor with the assistance the- workers have been greatly rewarded and the outlook is exceedingly promising At a meeting of the Trustee Board on Tuesday night Mr Arthur was appointed caretaker at a salary of at this session House of for January Mabel Stork Maggie West Johnnie Violet Wait Oswald Emma Holmes Frank OBrien Martin worth Kennedy Frank Leslie Jennie Albert Ada Rota Freddie fir Pi Johnnie Lush and Ethel equal Mary Smith Frank Phillips Meyer Millard How- era Potter Jobpnle in drder of merit Karnes of pupils neither late nor absent during January Cameron Hots Johnnie Roy Oswald Georgia Frank OBrien Rowel Stork Otto Millard Ola Smith Laura ftin Violet Maggie West Eva Emma Holmes The Committee who the matter in hand to arrange for the Patriotic the Town Hall next Tueeday evening are to be congratulated for the excellent talent they have secured Capt said to be a Mies Brown the reputation of being one of the best contraltos in the city Mrs latMwnlUa a of merit Mies Snyder ot Toronto made flrat appearance in Newmarket at the Royal Concert last month and fairly the audience The mere mention her name is eomeient to guar antee a fine program One of fa Kiplings Beg gar which baa become oo popular and everybody should hear it Then there is Mr Fax of Toronto whose name a household word in section who stands above all others a comic vocalist He hoe some new bongs and be sure your buttons are well on or your clothes may with laugh ter Besides all these our home talent are none the leas loyal and worthy of apprecia tion Mies Margaret and Dr an together with Clara Lundy Perkins have kindly contented to contribute to the program A feature of Importance will be the presentation of to North who took part In the Fenian Raid All Military men are requested to appear in uniform and the stage will also have a military aspect Mayor Cane will take the chair prompt- at oclock and a Metropolitan oar will return to after the ore to all parts of the Hall audit expected that with the excellent program and the in that our will crowd the Gall to its fullest capacity Other places doing It and none the loyal to the Canadian Volunteers and the British flag per year hie tender being the lowest decided to invite Mr of Book Room Toronto to preach the anniversary sermons shin month to be followed by a lecture Word has be on received that Key Mr bad a splendid opening Exeter Sunday With some of the gift of that most celebrated of all evangelists Moody who recently died at his home in the Rev Geo Brown of Toronto who has spent life in the ministry one of the ablest revivalists who has worked in this section of To know him to love him to hear him to recognize at once hie wonderful an audience which ho can move to laughter or tears His apt illustrations one after another from his own experiences In life his wit and humor his pathos hie deep interest in the welfare of his hearers hie earnest appeals to the have had their- effects many hearts and brought many careless and indifferent to and a christian life In the feat hereafter there will be many to rise up and call venerable and good old man- blessed Rev Mr besides the ardent labors of the services here last Sunday preached in Sharon in the afternoon At the Quarterly Board meeting Wednesday evening the reports showed an improved condition of Reso lutions were passed express the appreciation of the Board at the manner in rer vices were by the pastor also the zeal earnestness and enthusiasm with be labored and at the same to remain another year Mr loch returned hie thanks for this exprea of confidence and of the success of the meetings wan due to the hearty and assistance of the membership would give him pleasure to to the request A latloa was expressing apprecia tion Rev George Brown In connection with revival The proposition from Queens ville circuit to Sharon to Newmar ket service on Sunday after noons not entertained Were and Boys all wool Undershirt sizes I to special snap price each Were only Mens Wool Cardigan Jackets special snap price Marked to sell Mens and Boys Fur Caps special snap price -145- Be lingular cut price lied Salmon special snap price tin tips Our regular price 15 pieces Eng lish Dress Lining all shades Special Snap Price yd Regular price o only very large Bleached Turkish Bath Towels Special Snap Price each Were only Mens Frieze Pea Jackets special snap price 105 each Commons calling ypon to introduce legislation to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor for firago purposes in Provinces which have declared for prohibition Ottawa Jan The contingent will comprise three squad in Manitoba and British Columbia and will be made up of twentyfive officers noncommissioned officers men or of all ranks There will be horses arid five per added for possible or in all To the will be added three machine guns and the requisite com plement of waggons Cornwall Feb Mrs George Ferguson senior of dropped dead in Thomas photo studio on Saturday It seems that the old lady had never been photographed and bad gone to with her aged husband to sit for a picture While the photo grapher getting ready she fell over on the floor stone dead Heart disease was the It is remarkable that her died in a manner while attending the Cornwall Fair last fall Marked W sell at 3 Boys Navy Pea Jackets special snap price Regular price Berlin Wools all shades Special Snap Price ounce Regular price to pieces all- wool German Cloth Special Snap Price yd Regular prite dozen Pure Linen Table Napkins Special Snap Price SOc dozen Regular price Linen Damask Knotted Fringe Towels or Stand Covers Special Soap Price each Regular price piece only Linen Bleached Damask Table Linen Special Snap Price yd Regular dozen only Pure Linen Damask Table size Special Snap Price So do Wholesale price J retail price 175 Chiles Imitation White Storm Collar Muff Special Price to clear set Regular price only Ladies Fine Kid Bed room Slippers soft sole special snap price Regular price lbs Ceylon Tea special snap price lb Dentist If You Intend Building The at Hard- and Get nail order early m Tuesday Feb Mir have an important unreserved of valuable farm etc on loiOO east of St about 2 from Newmarket Ten months on sums 10 ex cept for Fat Cattle or cent dia- count for cash Sale at Smith Feb 7ihUr P W- will an credit of farm stock Implements etc on lot 2nd can King at pm 9 months credit approved Joint Notes Stokes and Slough Auction eers J Clerk Feb will have a largo farm clock imple ments on lot of the 4th Con of on enrnfl over StO or per cent off for for Fat and one oclock Were Ladies Fine Fine Slippers Special snap price Regular 10c fine Chits English Paste special price tin Regular price ends Fancy Trilby Blouse Velvet special snap price- yd Regular price i SI Ladies Black and Colored Kid Gloves snap price Regular price only Mens Wombat Fur Coats Special Snap Price Regular Price was and 150 10 pieces Fancy Trimming and Blouse Silks special snap price yd Regular price 150 ends only HomeSpun Tweed Dress Goods Special Snap ice yard Regular price and only China Tea Sets Special Snap Price Regular price fioc only ft Patent Clothes Horses Special snap price 1 each Regular price only Clipper Boys Sleighs Special snap price Regular price your choice of Ladies Purses Special price Regular price to only 97piece Gold Stippled Din ner Sets Special Snap rice Usually at only Grey Granite Wash Basins Special Soap Price each Regular price only size Star Hockey Skater Special Soap Price Regular price ends Homo- Spun Tweed Dress Goods Special Snap Price yard Regular price up to 125 prs Spring Hockey Skates- some slight ly rusted Special Snap Price pr Regular price Fibre Scrub Brushes marked to sell at Special Snap Price each Regular marked price only Hockey Sticks Special Snap Price each Regular price was Fancy Plaid Silks Special soap price yd

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