Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1900, p. 5

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BANK CAPITAL REST II TAD OFFICE MoQILL President General Manager BRANCH A General Banking Business interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED I A AT ATX liter and Drafts bought and told Discounted promptly attended to r fliiped ihu lato South of am to if occupied by St Dr ttp in to a in to and to DENTAL I Block opposite Clio Church Guaranteed p will inn of Dr Porter Brad ford Monday MARRIAGE WOBNBE8 aymoD Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Kit Newmarket Private Paper leaned at rcaldorc It tatted INSURANCE JR Agent for fflre Money to Loan interest at Current Rates R A Ramsay Insurance Agent on Farm Kiaks and Isolated Town Property OriOEOvcrHodgeaTua Shop Simpson Main St Sundries and Fancy Goods Stouter abactor of and Violin of and all String Instruments to Loan At per cent on flratclnw farm security loans effected on Life by Davidson for taking J Conveyancer and Ileal Estate Agent o Agent for the following reliable Companies London Norwich Standard Mutual Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At PI per cent on Security by Es tate Ago convey ferriage Lie tfs tea Etc Also tfaofoUqwfEg insurance Cod Queen of London and Montreal I V J J- THE FRIDAY FEB International School and WiQodornas Feb John 118 Golden For God so loved the world thai ho bis only bo- gotten Bon that be- not but everlasting our Lord with is of the raoat notable parts of Gospel story though not mentioned in the first tbreo Jesus worked as signs of misBion God requires us publicly to confess his name Spiritual truths need Spiritual dis cernment mysteries of the Christian re- cannot ho God and scobs to Toronto better HERES GOOD LUCK Women As Judges As Color say Diamond Dyes the Best in the a by far best- judges of colors Their vast exper ience in innumerable shades tint brought out by European professional dyers in fabric ribbons silks trimmings and gloves give them a knowledge and advance in colors that few men possess As color and judges wo men of civilized lands have long Diamond Dyes the popular favorites for the coloring of all faded and dingy looking garments and fabrics of wool silk or cotton Everywhere intelligent and women after thorough teste and trials found Diamond Dyes to give the richest fullest and most lasting color colors that for brillian cy and durability surpass best ef forts of professional dyers To ease comfort and success in homo dyeing the Diamond Dyes should bo used at all times Working on the great of Diamond Byes some unscrupulous peoplo are putting up imitation dyes in Such dyes aro a source dangor to the dyer and tho materials to he colored Bee that each packet of dye purchased has name Dia mond Mr George Simpson assistant civil engineer of the Northern Pacific has resigned bis position to accept the position of Engineer of the Pro yince of Manitoba Total duty collected at the port of Toronto for January For the corresponding month in it was an in crease all this of prosperity under Liberal rule Barrister has made application to the Minister of Justice to the death sentence passed upon murderer of John Edwin changed to life imprisonment plea is made on the ground that the jury which found murderer Wil liams guilty recommended him to The Mayor during first two weeks of bold attempts to magnify his importance and run things independent of the Board of Control but during the past week the tables wore turned and the Board Control gave him to understand that thoy are boss of situation Game Commission at its in this city last week decided to and Fish Act recast A shipment of saddles valued at was sent last week by Adams Bros of this city the for South Africa The eon- Bigmnent was sent around by Niagara Falls to New York for embarka tion office Southampton England is trouble at the infants Homo over an infant placed there a couple of weeks or so ago It was taken to the Institution by a well- known doctors assistant who said its mother was from heart dis ease but things have since come to light which give cause for suspicions trial of A charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of Mrs Rogers who was killed by a trolley car on Church St has been traversed until the May assizes Kinsolla was the driver of the rig It is announced that annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions will bo in this city on the and at tho new City Hall Prisoners discharged from the Cen tral Prison during January numbered from jail and from the reformatory There are at this date 128 men and women in Toronto jail During January males and females were discharged death of Geo took place at his fit on Saturday For years he had been connected with the Toronto custom house acting as examiner of baggage on St wharf This Friday evening at the ar mories- the presentation of the medals to the men in the of will ho made by Acting Commanding officer Col Peters The ouch a the Or a word exchanged A glimpse of a face fa street And life Is Incomplete A picture painted And we old or llic new A remark or a aonga refrain Arid life la aire ajtlo m A friendly love apark flano and iarkj A He to rato And pick up llic thread ot again Thui an act or a word or But ftllh fa For liulhl up eternity And Ijlaeon m for an fiat for nil that wo mustnt let her know of little ere any more If We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We bo warrant four bottles will per manently the most obstinate case of Constipation or no pay wnen Wills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Mutual in Con federation Wf To- tin toil to OaiiuaOld lteitlairy of Halo Street FOR COUGHS and COLDS The market building at Three Rivers Quebec valued at was destroyed by fire with the con tents of tho and hucksters stalls SB The Death It Spared to Many a Home Because Dr for the Heart Pails to Heart Disease Minutes The pall of death has hovered oyer many a diseased heart looking for the last flicker of the candle and Dr Cure for the Heart has stepped between the patient and the grim hand and nursed the sufferer baak to perfect and permanent health of Quo had heart disease for five years to work The doctors gave him up to die many a time for the Heart gave relief in thirty minutes and four bottles cured bim Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket If the Pits Wear It yoii are from tho for Alia DAVIS CO Props Perry Hew York To our aid THE consequences of blood holla pimples- If your food does not digest or you suffer from catarrh or rheumatism you are the one should take Hoods It will fit your case exactly make your blood pure and euro salt rheum scrofula catarrh and give you perfect health HOODS PILLS cure all liver Ills Nonrl Fob War Office gives the list of the British casualties by announcing names of missing men of various regiments Including members the Lancashire Fusiliers This makes total casualties of alone as follows killed 185 wounded missing The total casualty list attending the flanking movement was therefore the largest in any action since the war began Fishery Terry baa been around lake forbidding the spearing of fish Barbie Feb Yesterday morning the County Council adopted a novel scheme for equalizing county assessment Councillor James Rosa was appointed to visit every township and there farms best med ium and five of each and assess thorn at full value the average assessment of the fifteen to be the unit- of equalization for township will be followed in towns and incorporated villages Mr Boss will be assisted in every munici pality by one councillor who must nob however be a representativo of the municipality under consideration Health World Magazine written plainly for home showing how to prevent cure diseases of the human frame No post free has on bow to be beauti ful how to rheumatism lumbago sciatica consumption gout diseases of men and women deafness and head noises the hair St London Madrid Spain Jan Terrible snowstorms prevail the pen insula In some places the snow is yards deep There have been a num ber of wrecks on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts There are cases of influenza in this city DR A CHASES CATARRH CURE direct disced fey the clears dropping and liny Fever I THE DRUMMER AND THE DRUMMER A of and Peace BY CHARLES DAY l Why youre a you That was what Gladys Clayton a Ut ile southern girl salU one morning io a small boy In blue who upon her approach had half risen to a sitting posture beside a patch which led both to a a negro cabin within hailing distance of the spot where the reclining uniformed was gazing In- open eyed on vision of Juvenile loveliness Vch Im a replied the boy saluting You can tell thai by iny blue Then tie paused for a and aid hesitatingly Of course you arc are a The boy In blue blushed and the lit tle maid with a twinkle lu her eyes said A little rebel Do you surrender Hardly replied the boy an endeavor to take his feet but falling back until he supported himself upon his elbow An expression of pain swept over Ma face which startled the child as she exclaimed lo sympathetic tones Ob dear what a pity are wounded and only a boy Then as a she nddod You neednt he afraid boy wont hurt you and all the gray soldiers are gone Where IV asked the drummer boy Yon is on the Clayton plantation Yankee My mother says that It Is miles from nowhere the last place that was made Theres been a big fight the boy Which Mother says she reckons they both got all they wanted and then withdrew In good order answered girl Where Is your father Licking Yankees was the reply with a great deal of energy thrown the words ho exclaimed tho hoy and then In of himself he permitted a groan to escape his lips Oh dear said the girl coining close up to him Are you hurt much little Yankee boy For tho moment the boy la blue bad forgotten himself as be asked In anx iety Ptease little girl have seen my drum The girl looked up and down the path on either side and at length she discovered the wreck of the martial Instrument Here It la little boy said the girl with much dignity Thanks miss said the soldier boy Ttaerebstiove shot it full of holes and no good Throw It away The girl threw the shattered drum Into the bushes What can I do asked the girl somewhat perplexed at the situa tion III tell you replied the boy And I want yon to do it right quick I want you to get me out this right smart for a scouting party of might come riding this way and capture me or Yankee boy mamma would have a fit If she saw you In that blue suit She bates you all Let me me see Then she clapped her hands and ex- claimed- 1 know what Ill do Ill go to old down at cabin He and auntie are the only ones of all the slaves who have not run away to follow the Yan kees will do anything for me Be as patient as you can while am gone for It wont be long It was not long that the lad had to wait but when the people returned with the two colored people he was quite faint and gasped Water Bring the gourd from the sprlngl commanded auntie who had arrived In advance of her rheumatic husband The labors of years and perfect health had given the black woman Im mense strength and the drummer boy was little more of a burden to her than an Infant Gladys ran on ahead to the cabin Auntie strode oh taking such Immense steps that her husband In a vain en deavor to keep up was taken with a fit of coughing and was obliged to take a long rest by the wayside When he did arrive at the the boy In blue was snugly bidden away In Its privacy and receiving the of the colored woman who had had many years of experience to nursing- Now that the wounded drummer boy was made as comfortable as possible auntie closed the cabin door and said as impressively as If slip were one of her gbbst stories Vou hoar Miss an you miin Von both done mouth shut bout this ore young both all know that the missy at tin Mu lnini J on ll for all Sim divllul good worn- fZ Lines Raid the head of the house to a favorite commercial traveler who had Just returned from an extended tour do you knew anything of the A little was the reply How far south have nrchmorid Ahl exclaimed the head of the house Long getting there Pretty near three years time thai ever heard that you the late return his employer Never heard about your adventures thai line Well Interrupted the salesman you I ui the only man engaged In the civil war who Is not for the magazines tn many banks asked the manag ing partner Yes Wounded Twice once In the leg and the other time In the heart Recovered from the effects of both wounds Recovered from the shoi In the leg the wound In the heart is still open Um was the or this running conversation The salesman nodded and then the converse became strictly business The desire of the was concisely this to renew a southern trade pre viously held by the house which had been Interrupted by the civil war and never regained never regained be cause the house had never made an fort to resume business relations with that section Walter said the senior partner be coming familiar we must win all that trade back again I not only want the city houses but those remote planta tion stores at the crossroads which car ry such big stocks of our very Hues And as for the salary commission the bouse will guarantee that your trial trip In the new section shall be no loss to you When the day for tbe de parture for Virginia came the head of the house at parting said Well you are advancing on Rich mond this time under somewhat dif ferent circumstances Not so very different Interrupted the salesman with a quiet chuckle was a drummer then and Im a drum mer now Just at dusk one night he drove up to the store on the Clayton plantation and walking into the establishment announced himself and his business by presenting his card as he said I want supper teed and keep for my horse lodging for myself and wlU talk business later A young mou behind the counter re plied Thatll be all right Mr Lines The proprietor will be here In a moment Then he ordered a lounging darky to take the horse round to the barn The drummer was Just going to ask the condition of trade when a woman entered Clayton the proprietor said the clerk introducing the newcomer greeting of two was so hearty the clerk almost fell over the counter Why Walter Why Gladys- That clerk was He his business He hurried out of the store to feed the drummers horse la Inclosing an order for a large bill of goods on the ensuing day the drum mer in a communication to the head of the house wrote 1 have entirely recovered from that wound of the heart In Miss Gladys Clayton 1 have found an old acquaint ance a new woman of the new south whom I shall have no trouble bring ing Into the Onion At present her mother Is rather a hopeless case but I era Quite sure that she too will be come thoroughly reconstructed In due season Charles a- Day In Home Magazine FOUL BREATH CATARRH of the Decay of the lining of and Throat AtgelaWeleparationrorAs- simitallng iheroodandRegula- the arid Bowels of andRe5tContains neither nor Not THAT me SIGNATURE Or Remedy on Sour StornachDiarrhoea OF SL Simile Signature of NEW At IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVERY BOTTLE OF Is op la titles only It la told balk alio fcyeio to anything els tie or it If gee and will pose rBte that FOR Winter Dry Goods OR Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap No symptom of catarrh more annoyance than foul breath This offensive cornea from the ulceration of the membranes and an Indication decay which la taking place in the of the nose- and throat To the victim catarrh well as to hi a assodtea tola foulness of the breath la To counteract bad breath and to eradi cate catarrh from the system no treatment Is more successful than Dr Chases CatarTh Core the only remedy that can be relied to entirely cure chronic catarrh Dr ChasVa Catarrh Cure sent direct to the diseased parts by Improved blower which accompanies each box heals the ulcers clears the air relieves the pressure which causes headache stops decay which fuses foul absolutely core catarrh and prevents con- a box blower free at alt dealer or Bates Co Toronto- call anybody bad names no matter what anybody else calls you You cannot throw keep your bauds clean For Infants and Children The Leading House MOUNT ALBERT Mr John Smart- of the con bad the misfortune to cut off one of his fingers with an axe while chopping wood The concert under the auspices of Mount Albert Orange Lodge was successful one Mr- Hurry Ben- net the comic singer kept the audi ence laughing at his funny songs and the Orchestra under the leadership of Mr Walker furnished a choice selection The vio lin and piccolo solos of Mr Sanderson were highly Mr John Moore the worshipful master of the lodge occupied tho chair Sicklr Children Some pale weak and puny birth others become so a of disease all are fully restored to health rigor by a treatment with Dr Chases Fond It Is natures greatest restora tive for pale weak men women t and children It gtres roundness to the form and color to the cheek of the pale and emaciated new vigor to every motion of the body In ihe Surrogate Court of THE COUHT OF YORK In the Estate of Joel Phillips Deceased to SSm creditors and having claims the Estate of the Joel who died on or about the day of September re quired on or before The day of February prepaid or deliver to James PO of Pearson avu the thplr ana lull the statement or their and the natorelf any of security held by them And further take notice that after Ihe laet mentioned the proceed to distribute the assets of the de ceased the partita entitled thereto rmri to be claims of have notice and that the will not be for the aaeeta or any part thereof to any persons of whose claims notice shaLl not have been by them at the time of the said JAMES PEA STEPHEN ARSfiTAOB Every now and then come voices from the far north indicating that the rea adapted to successful farming in the extends of miles north of the present limit of set tlement we are told that at a distance of some mites north of Edmonton at Fort Vermillion in the Peace River country Mr Lawrence has carried on farming suc cessfully for a number of years Mr Lawrence went into this region far be yond the present limits of regular set tlement twenty years ago Last year he acres in crop yielding bushels of grain including oats and barley The season was an un usually wet one nevertheless his crop matured was successfully har vested Children Cry for StORIA solicitor for Executor STRAYED the premises Of gooo6 on or abou NOV lot A Years la requested to prove property expense and take the animal may NICHOLAS Firm to Soil or Bent on the Town Una of East half mi- depot bearing orchard trees market firm Apply to for Sale op To Let Lot unci A or will tat low to apply iia- A In ibis rouoty to their anil ANTED Honest iuhd or Ira- with with

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