Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1900, p. 6

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEU iV t s Trr the flab frflAT A A of organized hero for merly of Toronto resident of this place The in fimall but wo to double it by of year are McLean Mrs Burton Cor Nellie Taylor J Harvey Superintendent Work of Work among Mrs J Kg id Other oflicors to be appointed at meeting TOWN BARKINGS training order of Wedding will soon be jang ling Mr and Thomas Art of Hol land Landing wore vie J ting hero Thursday I told that Mr Frank flflcurod the contract from Mr Mac of for moving a frame from Landing Mr WO will rebuild it on promises ho at present Mr John Sweeny has new horse- Doubtless will be Wo understand that Mr Rout intends going west in spring Horry to lose him Mr Lambert Hamilton of Bradford has been calling on friends on townline Mr Onirics of Holland Landing intends moving hero in spring The Joker and best girl wore calling on friend re lust Sunday Genera White is at Kes wick this week Miss May Shields has to Ham ilton hut not forgotten Thk Hound in purchased a some record COLLEGE CORNERS Chips from the Ice Our College Corner pupils have constructed a min iature skating rink on promises of It I chanced to pass one night when it was lit up with lan terns and much activity displayed humping to beat the band has also a skating rink Will there bo a carnival The creamery patrons are hauling saw dust preparatory to building an ice house Hows this for modern tactics An uptodate sewing machine agent call ed on of our to de liver shuttle for a sowing machine but alas none in his pocket How- ever after two or three calls they say works Little by little the snow adds to sleighing making it good slipping Mr Willie Hicks intends paying friends a visit before re turning home Nearly a conflagration at Mr near The roof around the fitoe pipe caught and had quite a gait on before it was no ticed Fortunately a good supply of water was on hand and all tho family home The fire wag quenched but it necessitated some new sheeting and shingles- Mr A Beckon and Mr Ed have gone to the district of on exploration business I am told of some petty thieving The parties kept quiet bat it has leak out Now carry clean hands or the next time anything like this oc curs youll not get away so easy War news read with intense in terest around here Mr Jas Peters cradle has a new tenant A little fellow who some day will help to work his farm The talk at present is what are you going to do next spring 9 talk of going to the West and other parts but I think raising cucumbers is the moat industry from past records and future increase of de mands One magnate of the industry of Landing had to take a partner to help him store the profits and assist for all time to come The market is good Several from around bore have disposed of some for a good figure A great moving will happen soon Several will exchange residences for other parts morning an owl was found set ting on Mr Roses chimney A gun was brought on the scene and a few shots followed buttles owl left for parts unknown armors are still hauling grain to Mr J largo flock of about makes a terrible Watting at night A good place for a dog festival Joker Those who for hearts ease should not look to A intend giving it Ball Mr Taylors Hall on the Mr Will flicks formerly of this place who has been residing in Da kota was calling on on Tues day nst Roy Mr Downy of passed through hereon Wednesday last with about team With wood for Methodist church met with a painful accident other day in moving cutting box His hand in con tact with and gave him an gash which will lay him up for a days church excitement continues Last Sunday in with the request of the managers and elders Mr Harvey before a crowded read what be called an apology This so called apology ap parently did not satisfy Clio committee and claims that he was shoved oft tho by some of the mem bers and struck on the nose- Now the typical Irishmen will invaribly turn on bis opponent when latter treads on tail of bin coat and Roland being a son of Erin draw the line equally tight when any per son hits him on nose Mr Har vey claims that ho was assaulted and it is said bo has consulted with his solicitor Mr J Si John in to the matter The authorities it to said also purpose taking legal proceedings against Mr Harvey as tho alleged apology was more offensive than tho original interruption KESWICK snow storm on Sunday was very welcome It has made the sleigh ing fine it is something wo been wishing for The ice is good now Teams arc crossing Several filling their ice houses ice is over a foot thick and is lino and clear for packing revival meetings still con tinued with much interest Eld sermons are having a telling effect Many are ex pressing a desire to live nearer to God came for miles around to hear him and the you go the more you want to Eld preached an ex cellent sermon Sunday morning us for his subject A moral Hero from the Life of which was listened to with much interest He has lost none of his oldtime earnest ness Mrs accompanied him It was a pleasure to them in our midst again The Ladies Aid of the Church met at the home of Mrs Jesse Morton on Thursday there were twenty six present are work ing like heroes Every moating they they planning ways of rate- ing money for the Parsonage Fund They arranged for a Social at Mr P Mortons on Thursday evening March 1st They expect a good lime come and you will think I am right Mr Joshua and Mr John Hamilton have the thanks of the Aid for kind help toward Parsonage Fund Mr and Mrs- Barber talk of soon returning to their home in Dakota They have spent a few months here visiting friends and rela tives Grace Grose is visiting with Blanche Morton this week Mr and Mrs and Mr Ough of Mount Albert are visiting at Mr Win Mrs Charles is visiting in the city this week Mr Leslie Smith and his sister also a lady friend of Churchill are visiting this side of the lake Mr and Mrs Morton have moved into their now house which has all modern conveniences They cele brated their twentieth wedding anni versary on Monday Feb A very pleasant time was spent Mrs Thompson of Township is visiting relatives here at present Mr and Mrs E cele brated their china wedding on Mon day evening in their new home Mr and Mrs Mann of Newmar ket are visiting friends here this week Also Mr Win Mann The many friends of Isaac will bo pleased to hear that ho has improved considerably in health dur ing this week The good sleighing is being mado use of now by those having wood to draw The revival services are being con tinued in tho Christian Church this week Rev Mr preached an ex cellent sermon in the Methodist Church last Sunday morning There was a wedding on the Lake Shore Wednesday at Mr Ceo contracting parties be ing Mr Leopard and Miss Ida We wish them BALDWIN Mr Kay were pleased to is now OK Wedding bells are ringing singing of mlatlo- Mary and Duncan got to on each other thus Owl got news Dunk says thatMary has so charmed Robin that it comes at her call Mary Punk fears thunderstorms and is going to put a lightning rod on his bouse as a precaution and folly of fashion It is really laughable to notice extremes to which tho femi nine devotee to fashion will go in or der to be in touch with snobs of fashion For instance ob- an ample matron her efforts appear slight as a maid of sixteen She dons a shirt waist of material designed for such purposes I do not know as I can directly express myself than by quoting an old song force of folly and of fashion Coold not You must con ft- a that ladies At present id With and staffs Dame Nature defy do liko When the to fly Hal day will come ffben every hello Will with simple taste Shu wont puff out figure Or draw in her dainty waist heels low bodies dross hnproven fckelt deary Drop powder and all When the begin t fiy cur Lady Brown ably support ed by tho cover of sugar barrel won laurels Eggs butter and fowJa were the chief commodities on mar ket Monday Two owls a Puree floar t a kept fur lot In the horned species and short eared will ho of present great horned was a lino bird Mr Eddy Straslaer of came as Murrays substi tute The Owl i Young Bulls for Bale AT Jersey fitoclr and butler from firEt- tot Apply on lot W con of They do grind out somo queer speci mens from mill of the medical colleges oyer iu Uuclo Sams ranch A young lad of not very liberal edu cation a sort of recently wrote me that farmin didnt soot him ho had taken tip medi cine No doubt this professors discovered they have soil to work dont understand it do you I read an article recently that said some of greatest geni of the world really had not slightest idea of music All sounds wore alike to thorn Wo a genius amongst who declare ho hasnt the remotest knowledge of distinction of sound and yet his bet ter half ploys How to write ft letter Use ink or rather no ink at all then there is to compromise you in case of a suit for damages We must really protest against young men courting our girts keeping late hours Their dreamy ways and red eyes are a dead away to the girls Its all right at night at night Bat what a difference in morning Air Joker youre mistaken Its not the wedding cake make Breezes blow but a will do it every time has been an outbreak of ma lignant sore throat so much diph theria in this section that the doctor has quarantined as a precaution Doctor says- its really diphtheria Uncle Sam was yelling a happy little coon the other day The reason for this outbreak of exuberant spirits was thinking how he had the hucksters with his fresh Aint ho The class of persons who are- most ready to tender advice are those who are least fitted to give it a a usual thing Youll find a class of individ uals who are ever ready to advise the matrimonially inclined but as a usual thing they lead a cat and dog lifo in their own homes Were having a lovely mild winter The Sharon weather prophet has no doubt discovered his signs are G time ago I read n Compare Era with other local papers for homo news I did so and the result of the examination is Era 1st the Leader and Recorder a close 2nd rest all bunched The Shin plasters not in it If I couldnt say so truth fully Id keep my mouth shut Mr Wan Aird celebrated his birthday on the 1st ultimo frosts of seventysix winters have sil vered bis locks He is a son of tho land cakes married a High land lassie fifty years and emi grated to Ontario early in life His rendition of Scottish songs is worth going far to hear Three of our lads last week were sporting lugs resembling boiled lob aters Inquiry elicited the fact Jack Frost had nipped them while sleighing the girls home from Will Taylors A Mount young man has been laying in a stock of furniture Whats that for dye An idle rumour tbat Johnnie had got the and had got his over blooming was dis pelled by investigation Miss Woodcock and Mr of Baldwin now one The Misses and Clara Camer on and Emnaelino Yates throe of sweetest maids were guests of Mrs Goo on Friday My but theyre lively and to enjoy to its fullest extent His that a young man and Lady Brown got into a jangle over a 4 Pleased to hear our brother scribe from more I will leave him to my friends Owl and Joker to deal with Bulk la moving on to the relief of forms usual head ing for War News in most of of today It is to bo hoped that he will soon reach there Too much fault is being found in re gard to movement of British in South by those of us who have a poor idea of situation For instance we are constantly being asked why did not send out scouts and locate the enemy before bo forced his men into death trap scout would be of very little to present army If ho was do wo not suppose Butler would have used him long ago without waiting for suggestions from the Canadian press When we consider the fact that no scout or one else can go within a of of those bluffs without en dangering his life and bee ming liable to be picked off by of Boer sharpshooters it to reason that the best and only method to adopt to attack these hills with sufficient force to compel the to uncover and and show their strength This is being done in every case and on some occasion the Boer force is very large and well fortified and the result that the British rather than loose their men withdrew Then tho press pub lish a statement of British repulse when in reality it was only a strong scout sent out and when they find the strength of the enemy they return to advise their relief corps and prepare for the attack in precisely the same manner as if one man went out and came back to report his discoveries National Fund is attracting the attention of large numbers and as a result the amount subscribed for this causo is reaching a very hand figure Patriotic concerts are being held throughout the Dominion for the benefit of this fund and the feeling of Patriotism is beginning to throb in every bosom of birth A physician once said that love was in tho heart Now if that is case several of the families in and around our little burg should be quar antined T3 Newmarket PO m teacher Wanted- SNoU male or female for duties to on or Applications received up till Feb If you have not already tried our Celebrated Rolled which now up to their old standard again insist on procuring a small package for trial Every person using is pleased Will be one Mount Albert Ilk A meeting Newmarket Dairy will be In the Council Chamber ON Saturday oclock for the purpose or tatting the different Milk North No 2nd St South No St No Union Uonle No No Orchard Home Offer not necessarily of the whey tanks will he for Bate lbs for gffiSa5S35j We have tho Leading Brands of Canned Vegetable freshly packed We are selling J The Best Salmon Two Cans for Cents at lb IS DELICIOUS Special Venetian Glassware Boxes Jewel Plates At Half Price op Less- ICO I to bo sold at lb- I ON THE t AUCTION BALI OF Valuable Farm Property Then- will he for Mile by Public Auction at American Hotel in tho Town of Newmarket on March Mr Geo Fogg who has been sick for the two in able to be around again Mrs Draper is visiting with her daughter Mrs J Miss Wight who has been visiting in Aurora returned homo on Monday last At the hour of two oclock on Wed nesday afternoon Mi J of Zephyr late of was united in holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Ida of Kes wick Rev A Brown performed ceremony to thq satisfaction of all present Congratulations Harry On Tuesday of last week Mr Held Lewis had the to have his finger jammed in the chopping mill Air J Tate of Mb Albeit wag vis iting Geo on Sunday last Master Ralph Green who had tbe misfortune to break his wrist several weeks ago was able to start to school week but one day as he was crossing the road he slipped and fell on the icy road and broke his wrist again in the same place This is rather hard lines as Ralph is hard to ready for P Leaving Exams next summer What thing it will be when all the nations of the earth become not only civilized but christianized And what a power the press as well aa the Church has in the accomplishment of this great work Bee in Tuesdays Globe one of the best editorials we have seen on evil influence of the presa and espe cially on a bitter article in the New York World against England The press of Canada is generally temperate and reasonable but how more powerful for good would paper bo were its pages pub lished under christian principled as this article in Tuesdays Globe would seem to prove it to be and as we per sonally know the of New market Era which is of the cleanest and most moral pub lished in Canada The good sleighing this week is peoplo to get their wood up verdict of Queensville ladies is that tho Owl is hopelessly in love and that ho is not likely to recov er this century Fred Embury and of Now market vmting on lust t the hour of oclock by Auctioneer the following valuable properly parcel namely East or ttic- North half of lot In West of Street or Hie Tourist of Couuty of York containing of land more or The properly on St and within about a the Town of On the premises are to be erected two frame and two frame to- with driving hed and other out build- lav p There are two and about acres of orchard The soil a good clay loam The properly is locally known aw eon Lodge ad a desirable one the high and very attractive The will be hed to a reserve bid Ton cent purchase money paid the Vendor or tors at the time of tale and the balance thirty days thereafter without For further particulars and of Rale apply to DUNCAN SKBAKS MILLED Solicitor for the Vendor KlngSt Toronto A course in our College will be one of the most enjoyable exper iences of your life and the im portant and valuable knowledge gained will fie you for lucrative employment and give you means of enjoying the best things of life Write for particulars You may enter any time No vaca tion Central Business College SHAW Principal jVi J- A raakc3 a Tho cutting and lit fag quite w important fi5 you made ell three will bo all tight Our prices not too but theyre high to Injure you the workman my W HI Bakers Eureka French Rolls Cream Jenny Lynn Vienna Twists Whole Wheat The the names of different kinds of Bread we make We use the Best Manitoba Hungarian Patent Flour in the manufacture of our Bread which gives Graad Results We would like for YOU to give our Bread a trial Our drivers Mr Thompson and Mr Rielly will only be too glad to wait upon you We will have Hot Bread every morning for the wag ons to take out We are gaining customers every day We ask a comparison between our Bread and that of other bakers airs Lace Curtains SELLING AT on the Dollar TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Looking see I never saw before This is exclamation of satisfied customers We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation free OPTICIAN A Co Store NEWMARKET of fit the per lota aver in lbs In RATES SO R COAST RURQRJflR and SOUTH Tickets sod ll Information Agents Trunk Hallway stew A IS Dial Agenf WeaNdsig Isaac to Inform be baa to and that lota Co all to to bo 1 to do Beet Work In Cutset Call ad nee Head In antJs

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