Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1900, p. 7

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J I I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB CHINA FEB Dinner Sets 5 to 20 Toilet Sets 150 to 6 Special Value -IN- Lamps Fruits Peels and Spices This is our Strong Point as wo a Specialty of Keeping Very Choicest and Boat Quality No need to enumerate Wo have quality and quantity and at Rock Bottom Prices Weeks Items ON ft Sooial The are falng for a of Mr J A Friday Dont delay your orders for Binder Twine We are again the cola- Plymouth People who order early Price A Club On Tuesday morning two from hero played Toronto end won by In Ilia afternoon Direct Africa -OXO- Newmarket Boy Writes Home Yells His Experience Fire By kind permission of wo are permitted to tho following extract from a letter which He received this week from his son now in South Africa with the Canadian Contingent Belmont Jam Well I ho boon under fire at last an you will probably ho by llic I am sending a copy of an African paper printed the played Maple and by together with the Silver Cap which who hold year by Newmar ket Oar players wore Messrs A P and Br Father Morris Taylor and Produce was only a email market lent Sat urday were inclined to drop but butter and poultry took a re loo lb paid for turkeys a as high A little scrap took place and the blood ran lively from the on the Where The Homo Bakery passed Into of Mr Jaok of Albert on Monday Issue of En ho makes known among the business people of Newmarket He comes to tie well and is do novice In this line hav ing spent in the beat bakeries Toronto and Hamilton We have pleasure In commending to- our and wish sacoesa Both Mr and Loaf I tor It really not give our a fair but will give you some ac count of the affair follow la a brief of the ac tion On the Sunday before New Years we word from one of the that of the wq tried which wan the fit at It soon silenced the our Hide Meanwhile the had around to right and left behind the big Kopje and bad quite a hot Two of their inch were killed and one officer badly wounded Sec under Lieut was now ordered forward and in conjunction with the they took the height at the point of the bay onet The Boerw threw up the in the afternoon with follow ing force two Royal Ar tillery gun Mounted Infantry and our Com pany Of the Canadians We about to a place Cooks Farm where the night Next morning at four oclock with fifty rounds of ammunition each wo inarched about eighteen miles Then wo advanced In extended order Sections and firing line and and reserves I was in Sec Wo proceeded about three miles in this way when enemy was sighted The artillery took position and loyal had rebelled I white flag but usual fired al oud we started out at two oclock iter they- had done We cap- FINE- ALSO Rubbers I MITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts AVE MONEY By buying Early at Tailor Shop and wilt make many friends Cupids One of happy events that have been quite of late took place at residence of Mr Eves on Queen East last Wednesday afternoon in about Elder the ceremony united in Mr to Miss Eves The bride looked very pretty dressed in cashmere with cream silk and pearl Miss May Wed del the groom and Mr Walter Eves brother of the bride attended bappy couple The bridesmaid wore muslin over blue with lace and pate blue silk trimmings Mr Edgar Jackson played the wedding march Ibe bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents Mr and Mis Wed del left spend the honey moon amid the of the company assembled School A meeting of the Trustees took place on Wednesday afternoon when Mr field was elected Chairman The report of auditors Mr J A and Mr showed that flnanoos were satisfactory the outstanding indebtedness having been reduced daring the year by Mr brought before the Board the matter of Form work As the Primary Certificate is abolished lowest certificate is now Junior Lug It was thought that the demand for certificates would accordingly be greater than formerly The various members of Board expressed their opinions on the matter and on motion of Messrs Hose mad Pearson It was that the at organize a class after mid summer If at least six pupils for that work present themselves The staff is to be commended for their willingness to me this extra labor which will no doubt add to the popularity and attendance of our High School camp It was a complete surprise to them for you could see them jump up from their dinners and swarm up the north spur of the kopje extending as they ran Then we got the order to double across the open were all so tired that did not make very rapid progress The bullets were whistling about us the mont lively style but none of our fel lows were bit bad a very narrow escape When reached the kopje we opened fire at yards but fell short so prisoners but about managed to get away While this waft going on our Section and reserves moved along the front of the kopje to the camp under a heavy fire had been without water for twelve hours and you would have laughed to sec us righting with Iioikcs mules and oxen for a drink out of a dirty trough I was on guard over the prisoners that night and I tell you I was tired They were a dirty mot ley crowd The next day we went on to Douglas about fifteen miles away You should have seen enthusiasm of the people when we got there It was monsc left there the next morning for getting there on Thursday afternoon well played out prisoners were sent to Orange Silver and I be lieve ringleaders arc to shot Last night we had alarm and were out from p till a We expect to be in the next general engagement with Lord column The general Impression here Is that the war will be over in about two tho widow rest of her life Ho will not bo with people want to bargain off hie hands at that price Our neighborhood has had a perfect epidemic of weddings and of late and digestive organs are io danger from abundance of good things Another Social in the near future time at Frank Mor tons For any part I agree with the lady who proposes concerts or lectures instead of so much eating but all to their taste If money has to bo raised and people will fill their stomachs in preference to minds so be it were At- Home with their friends on Jan Elder a temperance in his style which says much Miss a recitation which was excellent and render ed Mrs a reading which wax ho aptly pointed to tho question before the meeting that many wonder ed if she not writer as well the reader We hope to often her in same capacity it was first to a audience A discussion on work in township drew out several speakers After program refreshments con- of coffee pies sand wiches all in great abundance wore dispensed outcome of the above was un fortunate for one of the hostesses as her liege lord was so at her for taking a pie he dealt her a severe An application of lash would bo a good antidote for such con- duct A great deal of sickness in our neighborhood the result of changeable weather most likely A now writer this time Mr Raven- shoo scribe bona fide now Hope it will be received THE LEADING HARDWARE ST Winter Goods JUST OPENED All the best makes in the following lines IN AND SETS POCKET KNIVES SCISSORS KINDS AND SIZES Alto ft Hoe of TABLE KNIVES PORKS AND SPOONS a Special Line of Razors which we warrant to bo Bee oar CRUMB TRAV8 AND BRUSHES BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER We are selling Co Toronto a line of Fur Coats and Robes Prices Paid for Raw Fare J A WALLAN CO Successful Mr Elgin of town showed Wyandotte at week and won throe let threo and three One of latter tor the scor ing bird in the American and Includ ed all varieties of Rook and There were over 175 birds to compote against He also won the prize for the exhibitor going the greatest This finishes the show season In all took firsts thirds and specials He thinks com the line next season Club The next meeting of will be held on Tuesday evening Fob at at residence of The reading will at Section of Tennysons MemoHam oppor tunity will be given at this meeting for the of the as to shall be read by for the rest of the All Intereated in good will be welcome A full of Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS W If Turned Out we could work demands we wo elk for It we would have to make a living- quality of our Is about one half of ly for the aame quality of work In With thirtytwo wo the same quality of work w With alze to from can suit A SMITH BROS NEWMARKET WAKXJJO- vol for salary fcWW a NAG M bWsr There a snap in the weather that keeps everybody on the lamp enow have had a move on week and sleighing la greatly re vived Division Court In Newmarket today Couuoll at Sharon on What la cold wave sister trie whole day It saya In up the furnace for Im rolliu in good and School meet next Tues day night The Reading at Tarryall next Monday night Both the Ontario Bank and Post are authorised to receive suhaoriptlooe for the National Patriots Fund St ValenlioeV Day Mr Taylor a and to the n Friday morning a tied fn front of drag at and broke strap but further damage waa prevented by the prompt action of at the poet The Bona of are arranging for a Concert at the Orange Hall on Friday evening Inst Bee been laid op Cor week a sprained ankle by Bargains in Soap at Change of ad too late for paw At the regular Convocation of Doric Chapter AF No on Wednesday evening last of- fioera were installed and by Ex P Lee Past Grand Regis ter of the Grand Chapter of Canada lei Ex A tfnd Atkinson 3rd Comp Lloyd Hughes J Porter Trees J Pain A Webb D J J Tyler Rose After the of taste tat ton a moat pleasing and interesting feature took place the chapter showing its appreciation and good will towards by presenting him with a Apron and Sash pertaining to hie office Grand Chapter The presentation was made by Ex a very address Last subject waa The Great The pastor a sermon to the host when bidden to a great supper and the invitation refused but what people give Sad npw8 has just reached us the death of Phillips in Toronto We he was unloading some horses when a shunting engine struck him nearly severing from Mb body a leg and an arm During the opera tion he succumbed Much sympathy is felt for the relations in this vlcin Mrs A Irwin has returned to her home in Hamilton after several weeks with her father The YPSOE led by Mrs A Winch last Sunday evening was a success Her remarks were very ap propriate and appreciated by all Miss Etta Davidson takes the topic next Sunday evening Seek first Kingdom of God Mr and wife spent Wednesday with Mr Mr has been all over the North West and the He tells some amusing exper iences The past few months have been re cord breakers for silver weddings china weddings and original Still there are rumors of many more to come off before long We noticed The Joker hero on He is no doubt look ing around for our fair sex but oh who would be so foolish Mens Winter Mitts all kinds price and now dozen Mens Winter Caps price 50 60c now Mens Cardigan Jackets regular 125 now for Mens Blue Flannel Shirts price now Mens Boys Clothing MensSuits 3 button doublebreasted Sacque Scotch Tweed deep French Facings satin piped best Italian linings sizes 36 and regular price 12 stocktaking price Mens Overcoats button single or double- breasted Beaver Cloth best Italian lin ing regular price 700 stocktaking price Boys Suits in grey and brown Tweed all wool nicely made reg rtj stocktaking price Boys Reefers made of blue and brown cloth doublebreasted buttons close to the throat deep sailor collar trimmed with braid regular price 275 stocktaking price S Mens 3doz Mens Extra Heavy Knit Shirts all wool collars attached in plain grey regular price stocktaking price 65 heavy when to great It strange that the Owl at the or land Joker are situated so much the It Wat parky alike but not so when you or a on prayer meeting night God pat last of first j or If a friend with on Sunday or weather is a Utile Inclement Ihea we we are Id staying borne How often aro refused yet He promise a great if we partlolpate in sarvloaf with In the there was on The are grow more arery Bnnday Dr Lund y sang a solo The Women Foreign flo met on afternoon Next of the Lords will bo dispensed come to think of it It simply because they have not used their common sense Mr of Toronto has bean visiting at Mr David Drapers the past few days has greatly im proved the steam power at tho Chop ping Mill exchanging his old en gine tor a new power one Mens Fine Colored Cambric Shirts ried also white Shirts with colored cambric bosoms and cuffs neat check and fancy cross stripes sizes to regular price and 125 stocktaking price Mens Heavy Underwear all wool all sizes regular 50c for Ladies Boots Ladies Felt Congs leather foxed sole common sense toe regular price 125 stocktaking Ladies Felt Slippers leather sole stocktaking price Mens Boots Mens Felt Boots Laced and Cong ftather foxed heavy sole regular 175 stocktaking price Mens 4- Buckle Felt Boots leather to the top leather heavy sole regular stocktakihe rtjl 7L price price YS r HOLT The enow on Sunday Monday last- was a boon About fifty- teams I are drawing wood from The ice work also in full blast Wo learn that of taking timber out Zephyr of this place hits Sohomburg Mr liid- bought the of the file John had leg Collin i Us Ales bought the acre farm from Mr Jacob Thompson East one day week He intends to work along with own place on the opposite ride of the road -V- of Gilford organized an hero on Thursday let A very pleasant was in speoebca etc Mr gave a very able speech cud succeeded on list The Home Bakery Ha purchased from Mr and of Mr Clifton whort Bread bat won a reputation la New- market and vicinity I hope by attention to and the Best to merit a of patronise ftll end elicited attenMon be to ftll kirn ordered well A tiial J Opposite j f fc v vLt4rfeiliUr fav

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