Newmarket Era, 9 Feb 1900, p. 8

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THE FEB Constipation Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate that your li out of order Tin medicine to rouse the liter una all found In Pills cents by TORONTO Paid up Reserved Fund nearly A itt Dunk At BRADFORD received or I and up- We or Discounting Fanners Notes And Not At LOWEST BATES to JOHN ttLLlOTT A ten I around the WIDEAWAKE fiEBtOHlEKTtf il lift two of Jim children luring last two week from that- dreaded disease Little who boon Buffering from is conva lescent A number of young assembl ed oyoniiiK at of Mr EH who to remove to Mount AlborN to bid him A pleasant was and ail preyed regret at llw departure of Mr Mr ami their unli able family Children for THERE 13 OF PAIN OR ACHE IHTEANAt OR EXTERNAL THAT RE- LOOKOUT FOR IMITATIONS THE DOTTLE THE NAME PERRY DAVIS BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trad Marks Designs C Anyone aflkctehanddeacrijitionrnfi Patent ion liken ronpb Co Qen Scientific American A J weekly eolation Terms a four New York I AST CRS5 THE BEST heuS piaster mace tKaSuii w WMSaUWRENCEGOLn DISEASED MEN NO CURING PAY ATMEST with ic will lively cur forever form JHood Or rout of treatment of WE CURE SYPHILIS terror our SEW of Mercury rOlsli ibey may ruin your If veoTln ttiiiiB in joints Jure throat hair op core Of Ihu W ftolifiit I or we for cure our ulcere heal ho hair healthy and CURES GUARANTEED legged jtun Ihvir rigor lipped by tftfty Inter yoiry etc our refuse normal condU life re- hltoull man amour to en it tutted coreall matter ji you We eta CURED EMISSIONS BLADDER CONKULTATION BOOKS PARK If to writ fori Kennedys Cor Michigan Ave and Shelby St DETROIT MICH 1t CASTOR I A School IK OF SO V loy Br George Greenwood Pollock Jr Bruce George Ill Georgia Loon- Wilfrid Hodge Jr Ill Charley Greenwood Ad Smith Viokt McDonald Smith Nellie Hodge Leslie Smith Br II Jr II- Charley Smith Fred John Roy Walter Smith I Flora Jr I Iverby Hodge Mary King Norman Hodge Present every day George wood Georgia Charley Greenwood McDonald M Teacher SHAVING ACCIDENTS THE DISCUSSES THEM WITH THE MAN IN HIS CHAIR members of Lodge will provide an oyster supper at the St Georges and entertainment in the Music Hull on evening of Fob Mr Dennis our enterprising miller has his new piggery which is being fitted throughout by the is Hearing completion and is worthy of inspection by every farmer in this section A enjoyable and worthy event took place Monday January it being the event of a very rare occasion viz the celebrating of Mr Mrs year of happy union in holy bonds of wedlock This pleasing event took place at the homo of their soninlaw Mr Jamas Pearson where they have made it their homo for several years m Mr and Mrs Davis of were the guests of on Hun- day A huge number of members and adherents of the 1 Line Church assembled at the Manse Strange on Friday evening Inst to cel ebrate the anniversary of Dr pastorate During the evening a warmly- worded address was read by J while Miss Cairns presented the reverend gentleman with a beautiful gold watch Rev Dr has labored with very good effect for nearly half a cen tury and the presentation and ad dress but faintly expressed the esteem and love of his flock May he be spared for many years to continue the work of the Master in this vineyard A very pleasant event took place on Jan at the residence of Mr John of this place when his daughter Jennie was married to Mr John Cairns of Assn The ceremony was performed by Rev Miss of assisted the bride while Mr brother of the bride acted as groomsman Mr and Mis Cairns left for a trip through western Ontario where they will visit friends prior to their departure for the far west Children Cry for CASTOR I A The Public School Board has engag ed Miss as their teacher There were a large number of applica tions About young people fathered at the home of Mr and Mrs on Saturday night to spent a farewell evening with Mr J Globe who is leaving for He will be missed by tho young people and especi ally by the Baptist Church The Masonic Lodge held a most successful At Home on Tuesday even ing in the fine new auditorium which was handsomely decorated Visitors were present from Port Perry Uxbridge Aurora Newmarket Bradford Goodwood and other places It was conceded to be the finest affair of the kind ever held here SCHOOL Etta Joe Peter- man Charlie Sr III Morrison Violet Curtis Jr Ill Walker Edgar Annie Curtis Arthur Maud Saw- don Arthur Webnab Hoy Vernon Li- lie Jr Nellie Wesley gene Kitey George lt Smith Vera Morrison Jr Ft Frank man Bert Leonard Curtis Sarah Ruth Br Frank Milton I Eddie Edith McCamum Teacher NO I IV John Hurst Pear Archie Smith IIIMaymo George Bait John Everingham Joe Jessie Smith Jr Ill Dorothy Pol lock Ross McMillan George Com Thompson Theo Crittenden Crittenden Charles Rose EH Edwards Bruce McMillan Maud Fred Willie John Smith Arthur Edwards Charles Draper Ella Willie Terry Willie George Sitae Average attendance for January T Teacher THE EMULSION OF COD OIL may be taken with beneficial results by those who are run down or suf fering from after effects of la grippe Made by Davis Law rence Co Ltd Dayton Ohio had a fi week let Office county to tfaiploymcnt with misery Hospital Rheumatism Made Life a Burden- South American Cure Lifted It A Permanent Cure The life of John E Smith of Wood Hospital Thomas was one long round of misery he was with He tried all manner of without much benefit After having taken half a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure he found great relief and four bottles cured permanently Sold by Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket If all fashionable people knew as much about history and spelling as they do about hordes and dogs it would be a very good thing CROUPS COUGHS AN COLDS arc all quickly cured It cough almost Instantly and cures read ily the most obstinate cold Man ufactured the proprietors or Davis If so there must be some trouble with ib food babies are plump only the sick are thin you sure the food is all right Chil- cant help but grow they must grow if their food nourishes them Perhaps a mistake was made in the past and as a result the di gestion is weakened if that is so dont give the baby a lot of medicine just use your common sense and help nature a little and the way to do it is to add half a teaspoon- ful of SCOTTS to the babys food three or four times a day The gain will begin the very first day you give it It seems to correct the digestion and gets the baby started right again If the baby is nurs ing but does not thrive then the mother should take the emulsion It will have a good effect both upon the mother and child Twenty five years proves this fact I SCO jtC- ill SCOTT Toccata to Throat That Not Often Of Prom A Fathers Did It ever strike you nsked the barber how cany It would he for die tliat shaves you to kill The men la chair eat up quickly carefully at be barber who was feeling the edge of razor with linger barber smiled to reassure customer and said It seems a queer question I know but It Is a wonder me that there arc not a number of people killed In that way every year It would be easiest thing In the world for tbe barber as be wielded his razor to make one sweep with it and sever jugu lar vein and you would be dead almost on tbe Instant Suppose for Instance that the barber should go There would be nothing to prevent his doing such a and you would have no warning nor any opportunity to save There Is always a chance of a seri ous accident to the In the chair have seen a number of audi accidents and have a horror even the man I am Bbavlng In fact sucu no occurrence makes mo feel out of for the of the day It was only a few days ago that I almost bad an accident that gave me a great fright and completely un nerved me was shaving a young man In passing from one side of the chair to the other a button of ray waistcoat caught In bis hair It pulled a trifle and be moved bis head sud denly just as I went to put blade to his face came within an ace of slashing him and only a quick jump back saved blm The perspiration stood out on me and I had to call one of the other men to shaving my customer But the worst accident ever saw a barber shop occurred while I was working In a small town In west One of the patrons of the place was a business man whose 8yearold was lying at the point of death tier father put most of his time at her bedside One afternoon while she was asleep he came In here to get shaved He was so exhausted through lack of sleep that he fell asleep Immediately after he had taken his scat In the chair next to the one behind which 1 was at work He dreamed that some one had come Into the place to him that his child had died With a cry of alarm he started up Just as the barber laid the razor against his neck Into the flesh It He was yet thoroughly awake and as ho Imagined that some one was holding him hack from bis child he threw out his hand to free himself and his fingers closed over the blade of tbe razor Ho dazed was he that he could not realize what bad happened but sat there In the chair with the blood streaming from his throat and lingers The man who hud done the cutting was the to act although half crazed He hurried for a doctor while we stanched flow of blood the best wo knew how as doctor was work sewing up the wounds a messenger came to say that the little girl had- died suddenly in the greatest agony calling for her father just be fore she died He was under the in fluence of ether at the time and did not know but afterward when be heard of the circumstances attending her death he insisted that- be had heard her coll as he lay there asleep the chair and that It was her cry that bad caused to make his sud den movement For years after the accident he con tinued to shave the same shop where it had occurred and it never mentioned He carried a re minder of It for the remainder of bis life In addition to the scar on bis throat the lingers of his right hand were all drawn up and useless Sudden movements while In the bar bers chair apt to be attend with serious results and I could re call dozens of Instances where It baa been only the merest chance that has prevented serious If mishaps Nine Times out of ten where the person getting shaved receives a nick and lays the blame on the barber he should thank the of the razor that It was no worse The probabilities are that it was quick action by the barber that prevented a bad cut A slight pick often would hare been a case tor the doctor or coroner were It not for the watchfulness the barber yesterday I happened to draw bipod from a young fellows face near his car and be made a great usa about it until showed him that It was only the sudden withdrawal of the razor which resulted In the slight nick that prevented him losing a good part of his car Then he grateful and thank- me besides to be more careful In future But there are ways the barber has of getting even continued the Ut ile barber after relatherlng one side of bis customers face There is no need of his slashing a man He can inflict Injuries that wll make his victim de cidedly uncomfortable and at time latter wilt not be aware of what Is being done What the barber meant by this last remark fyn victim did not ask New York Sun The fanner who bees plants buckwheat handy lo hives He un derstands that to put flowers rich in honey where the bee get them with least effort means an increase in the quantity and quality of the honey garnered in the hives It is on this principle that Dr Pierces Golden Medical increases the quantity and quality of the nutrition of the body The ingredients of this medi cine are selected to furnish the blood and stomach with the essential materials for body building in a concentrated and assimilable form They make the con ditions under which the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition must work as easy as possible and so reduce strain and waste As the strength of the body is disease is thrown off It is due to this fact that persons with weak lungs obstinate cough bronchitis and other diseases which if neglected lead to consumption find a complete cure by using Golden Medical Do you think of j If you do write GUI THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT iscovcry Dr Medical Discovery is blood purifier thai I ever used Mrs M artricfc It is ft bo l three since began to fail September nave out entirely what physicians pronounced of liver My bade rae all the time ir I not in fact I not ride walk hardly Ml could not lie on my right side commenced taking he Golden Medical Discovery mad Pelted look the in for three mouths and continue the Pellets will be if l My anything to help those The People Common Sense Medical Adviser pages is given away by the author Setid onecent stamps for of customs and mailing tor tile edition in paper or stamps for the book bound in cloth Address V Pierce Buffalo And get prices Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Dpors and Windows Artistic in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct and Repair all kinds on notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co newmarket ont t4 or m J Cur Bm If you are not a subscriber to the Era Bend for a trial trip of months has been for sixty years the popular medicine for colds coughs and oil diseases of the throat and lungs It cures Asthma and Bronchitis and to soothes the irritated tissues that a refreshing sleep invariably follows fee use No mother fears an attack of Croup or Whooping Cough for he children with Cheny Pectoral in the house It is a specific for that modern malady La Grippe It prevents Pneumonia and has fre quently cured severe cases of lung trouble marked by all the symptoms of Consumption It is for and At of twenty a severe left with lungs a terrible cough and nearly all the symptoms of consumption My doctor had no hope of my recovery but having read the of Cherry I determined to try I did so and mce that time I have used ho other cough medicine I am Years old and I know ihat at leiit fifty years have been added my life by this incomparable ion A J I used Cherry Pectoral for nearly fifty years and found it to be an excellent remedy iot all bronchial and throat diseases Editor Ala remembrance of Cherry Pectoral back it for colds coughs croup and sore throat She no years when in I have sold Avert Medicines for fortyfive years know of no preparation that equals Cherry Pectoral for the cute of bronchitis It never fails to give prompt relief C SHERWOOD Mich I have used Avert Cheny Pectoral both in my family and practice and consider it one of the best of Us class for la grippe cold coughs bronchitis ami consumption in its early A WRIGHT MD Didnt With Beat What were ho heartily got off of hi Why didnt you the re tit Crown It Some years ago Aver Cherry Pectoral cured me of the asthma after the best kill had failed to give me relief Edi ditor Table Rock Advice We have organized a Medical Department with a physician of the highest standing at its head invite tbe sick and ailing to write and receive the best medical advice absolutely without or cost

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