THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB JT T tJTl Prices Co How Do MoiilROiiierys China llollilt A Smith It Mclaughlin Mftniturlo Grand Trunk Horses Wanted Card of AHoti Tool Pig Win Smith House Wanted Metropolitan Electric Co Toronto to Cars Each TIM TABLE Toronto Newmarket am am pm 40 pm pm pm pm am am pm 3 pm pm pm pm Return Fare either way 125 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY S3 p ft w pi a a c CO a a a a to IT HO IS fl w CI Men i h j OP I BUI AKD WITH EACH ISSUE Spirited all FRIDAY FEB Bill With the view of removing the gerrymander from the Canadian atatuto book and in moot of a upon the Liberals attaining to on Friday Mr mem ber for North and Postmaster General again his bill to representation in the House of Commons la doing so he called attention to the fact that the bill came back as an old acquaintance in the House It was in the same words as the one introduced last year but was one year older The redistribu tions of and 189Si were made by Parliaments swayed by party feeling and were travesties of the principle of representation by population but in the measure now submitted by the Postmaster General the boundaries of constituencies and the question of equal representation was left in the hands of the most independent and moat im partial men in the country In further discussing- measure Hon Mr went on to say The bill last year met death on motion of the Opposition in the Senate if in that body it could be said that there was an Opposition but he trust ed that now with the years the new members who had entered it and who might be able to present the case so that they see it in a different light the Senate be able to heartily endorse this very important measure He was satisfied that when it reached the Sen ate it would receive just and impartial consideration If its merit prevailed it would becomo law and satis faction late as it was now of having wiped out the old improper and wrong legislation and also of assisting the Government to carry out the only un fulfilled pledge of the Liberal conven tion of would become theirs If this measure becomes law the Hiding of West Ontario will be blotted from the roll Canadian will bo busted and its influence scattered if by po litical lyddite in changing party power in at least three Hidings re moving doubts and creating certain- lies in harmony with the political sentiments of the electorate Ontario There was nothing differ ent in connection with the opening the third session of eighth Assembly on Wednesday lust from the procedure of previous far occasions attendance was large and in this respect quite that any former opening of House On the floor of tho House looking from galleries tho scone was a brilliant ladies in occupying the seats of members About hour of three oclock the Sir attended by Commander Law and ac companied by a guard from tho Royal Grenadiers arrived at the Parliament buildings and was mot by Premier Hon and conducted to the from which he read the Speech Upon its conclusion new members wore and tho gubernatorial party then retired from the com mences with an allusion to the Trans vaal war and is very patriotic follows an allusion to the lumber industry and states that the operation of legislation requiring saw logs to bo manufactured in Ontario has proven wise and time ly Attention is then called to the de velopment of New Ontario also to an OrderinCouncil requiring pulp wood to he before ex portation Allusion is likewise made to the desirability of preserving forests in not adapted to agriculture go as to keep up supply Next in order attention is called to the mining industry its healthy state being shown by the growth of the to venue from fales and rents etc Tho Province is next congratulated on the favorable condition of agricult ure the improvement in dairying and the increasing importance and value of our exports in cheese butter and fruits Legislature is informed that owing to an increase in number of insane further accommodation has lccomo almost a necessity Legislation will be submitted by the government meet the wants of settlers in New Ontario and steps taken to more accurately explore and determine its and mining adaptations Also in reference to the jurisdiction of the courts in Ontario and with the view of greater efficiency at less expense in administration of justice The House is likewise in formed of the two commissions ap pointed and the speech winds up with usual promise that the public accounts estimates reports etc will be submitted Our Society Goiumn Tub Ontario Minister of is in receipt ft petition from lord asking to have the holidays in schools Jesaened from weeks to three Mr W Toronto was last week Mr Thompson is home from Belt of Toronto is visiting with Mies Mr Walt Sutherland of Toronto was in town on Clinton is visiting her Mrs p Lloyd Mrs Church si was At Homo on Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs Geo entertained company on Wednesday evening Mr Lyman of Toronto spent Sunday in town and vicinity Mrs gave a oclock to a few of the other day Mr and Mrs were At Homo with friends on Wednesday evening Mr of Fergus spent Sunday with his Mr Hughes of Clarksburg ie visiting the MIsaeRichsrdaon this weak Miss Edith of is hero on a visit with her aunt and also former friends Mr and Mrs J were At Homo on Friday evening to numerous guests A was at Churchill yesterday taking port in a Sunday Convention Hi Worship Mayer Cone and Mrs Cane At Homo with friends Last Mon day evening Stiles Mount was in town over with Mrs It Morton Miss Clara took part in a cert at Friday night and was cordially received Mr and Mis Marshall Whitby were at nephew Mr over Sunday Norman of King City has sold out and is going to the Old Country to rako a course in hospital service A number of witnesses have been in oity sevecal days this week on another of Mr lawsuits The Misses entertained a number of young people at a Valentino Party on Wednesday night Elder loaves today on a Homo Missionary tour and expects to preach in on Sunday Mr and Mrs Isaiah Johnston enter- a of friends last Monday in honor of their visitor Mr postmaster at Brad ford made hie son Druggist a visit on Monday also a brother Mr Geo loft on Monday for Toronto and intends going to the States unless ho strikes a job in the meantime Mr Tool of Man who was here on account of the of grandmother left for home on Monday Mr A got word Wednesday of the death of a relative Winnipeg remains are to be brought here for burial Rev Mr of London spent a couple of days here thiB week ith his brother the pastor the Presbyterian Mrs Bonner of Toronto nee Miss Williamson of Newmarket spentover Sun day in town visiting with Miss Toole Pros avfl Mr Frank Millard youngest son of Mr Job Millard has home sick and Marlon ot Toronto General Hospital a few days with Mrs Johnston tola week V Mr Frank of Winnipeg eon f Mr Win spent Monday in town with Mr A It Watson and friends- Ho is a railroad and accepted a in yard near Toronto Mrs has been con fined to all winter and part of tho time to hoc bed Is slowly improving Mr Is better and Miss Sea ton is able to bo around again as usual Saturday Ghbc Quarterly Board Davenport Church has passed a flattering vote thanks to Matthews for his work and invited hi to return for another term la in a flourishing Richmond Hill Liberal A Coombs of spent Saturday in with her aunt Mrs Elli ott She in evening but loft little Alice France in the care of her for a week or two Mr formerly of Sharon writes from Vancouver BC that lately has been very fine but all through and up to middlo January it rainod nearly which was very detrimental to business Mr Wright spent over Sunday with his cousin the editor is gaining considerably in health and since ho came back from Northwest over a month ago Ho expected to spend a couple of weeks with friends here but a telegram Monday stating that bis mother was very low Ho return ed to Toronto the same evening accompani ed by his aunt Mrs Jackson Though wo are not permitted to eand paper to the Yukon during the months the people Dawson send them this way by paying letter postage Mr has our thanks for a batch ar riving on Tuesday In the Sim of Jan wo notice that on the previous day standard thermometors registered bo low zero while of were reported Save us such a frozen Rev If writes from Ran dolph Vt ag follows We are all well and much pleased with new homo The work is shading very satisfactor ily We received a number of members Though at present a resident of the USA my sympathies are with the British in the Booth African War Why shouldnt they bo We are having quite a Canadian winter here Two feet of snow and the thermometerhas registered several times from 25 to SO below Rev Stewart formerly of Newmarket writas from Lucas Man as follows We afford to bo without the Era not only for the home news but the editorials are There never was such activity in work in history of this country Cen tury Thanksgiving Fond has aroused tho from one end of the land to the other It is boa to consolidate Metho dism We liave appointments bat only one church two more to bo built Mrs Stewart la in love with the country and goes with me every Sabbath On Jan ft was be low zero NEWMARKETS LEAD IN We pride ourselves on having the most complete in Newmarket From the lowest to the most expensive goods all here and in addition to a big stock the prices are always tempting Thats why business is growing and why it will pay you to buy your here These go on sale ToBay pairs Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes sizes to a Special Bargain at pairs Mens Solid Leather Lace Boots a very neat shoe and worth 125 our price 98c Mens Fine Kid Lace Boots special at 175 Mens Long Felt Boots reg 225 reduced to 150 Mens Buckie FekBoots reduced to 150 he J We are sole agents for Kings Fine Button or Lace Boot at Kings Fine Turn Button or Lace Kings Great Leader for are the Beat in Canada Sole agents for the Celebrated King Shoes Kings Fine Box Calf for Men at 2 Kings Fine Buff Lace Boots lor Men at Kings Shoes for Children at low prices and are always the best Many lines below Rubbers of every kind and every size at pikes to please you wholesale list price According to a laid before Parliament last week of warrant by the Governor General there has already been expended on tho Canadian contingents a total rf It la understood at Toronto that the Ontario Government has recently appoint ed Dr Bell of to the position as alatant at the To ronto for the Insane to succeed Dr Stafford Ho will enter upon duties on the lei of next month from Ottawa that the Re lief Committee of the Canadian Patriotic Fond desire to make It ally known that they are prepared to con- aider applications made to them for re lief in oases of distress arising oat of the participation of the Canadian contingents In the war in Sooth Africa These appti may be made to the secretary postage free either by the individuals themselves requiring or by Forma on to make appli cations may bo had by addressing the sec retary at Ottawa and all applications be accompanied by a certificate from eome responsible person Urgent cases of need will receive immediate tern relief A of Justices of the Peace of York County waited on the Attorney Gen eral last week and urged aome in regard to fees in proceed- By an amendment to the Code of some years later persons with theft where the value of article stolen not exceed may be tried with consent before two magistrates and disposed of instead of merely a preliminary bearing and com mitting the alleged offender for trial at the Sessions Under law as it now elands receive pay- for this although Coimiy all expense attending the trial of prison- before averaging from to magistrate consider they should be entitled to fea at least to eases of common The Minister thought tbe unreasonable would it give has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks Mr Ed has been down to the on Jury for the past five weeks His sister bliss Richardson is also visiting in the Mr and of were visiting their brother here last Sun day and the in the Metho dist Charon Mrs Carrey and her brother Mr fiamer of Aurora attended funeral of the late Mr at Cor ners on Tuesday It is rumored that Mr P Flanagan has rented the Eagle Hotel to Mr Luke Doyle of Tine Orchard and a going back to the Northwest Mr and Mrs who have been visiting in Canada for the past three months leave for their home in Da kota morning Rev received a telegram on Tuesday announcing the death of his sisters husband in Durham County left next day to attend the funeral A very pleasant reception given to Mr and Mrs at their home on Queen St East laet Saturday evening About were present Mr Beatley of Toronto Junotton a former resident of this town was here on Friday on old friends He is travelling agent for a Gasoline Engine Company Mr Millard was called other side of Bradford on Sunday owing to death of Mr a highly re spected farmer in West in year Mies Florence and Miss Mag Lane of also Miss Ingta- cousin of Mr Gyms were visiting rotstives in town and vicinity the past two weeks Mr Adams of kethbrfdgo Alberta Mr and Mrs Adams of Toronto are visit ing with their Mrs ford st Mr Adams on his retorn to Alberta was com pelled to return home from Pickering Col- on of a severe attack of say is improving nicety and to to college in a The flltQlt At the home of the bride Cherry Grove Pleasant on Wednesday Feb by the Rev Mr Sparling Mr Alexander of West to Miss Annie Johnston daughter of the late Mr Johnston Bruce At the residence of the brides aunt Mrs Truman on Feb Mr James Bruce to Mies Sanders Rev A Bedford officiating Woodcock On Jan at the parsonage Sutton West by Rev A Philip Brace Mr of Brock to Mies Margaret A Woodcock of Albert On Feb at the parsonage Button West by Rev A Philip Brace Mr of North to Miss Ella of Zephyr 3 pSPJ ma South Rheumatic Cure South American Kidney Cure South American Nervine Tonic Dr Catarrh Cure Dr Heart Cure Lehmans Cough Syrup for Horses Cattle Lehmans Condition Powders Sea If you have never tried sea salt you have missed a good dung it makes the bath mow re freshing and exhilarating box mm file J Youre Another Sufferer from a bad cold and cough Try our Cold Tablets Cure a Cold in a day fill inrrrigpaa Mrs- Richards eon and daughter of fitrood also of spent a week ago Sunday at A Dykes of Toronto Inspector for lb York County Loan Savings town Morton ae the collector in place of Mrs J Meade removed H J Gould Nix A Barker and Anderson of Oxbridge at the regular communica tion of Lodge F AM in Wednesday evening Special Line of Fancy Chairs Royal At Rev and stillborn The Button West Jan to A P Brace a sot Tomb In Motto Albeit on Monday Feb beloved wife of Anthony Miller Esq aged years and In on Sunday Feb the infant son of Mr and John Miller Bond In Toronto on Feb 11th at the family residence Church Street John Bond agtd years Interred at Aurora on Monday after noon We heartily Mr in todays issue regard- tog Redaction of Court and will have something farther to say on the sub in the near future An Ottawa despatch elates that a depu tation from Fort Hope visited the Capital this week to interview the Government in respect to the Trent Canal They urged upon the Minister of Public Works the advantages of making Port Hope ter minus instead of Trenton LIT Main St North AH Orders will Careful and Prompt Attention BARRIE The Ice Races came off on Sat urday JQst were a decided success as was clearly shown by the of the large crowd of spectatora The was hotly contested by the horses namely- Walter K Spunk and Chimes Walter won in three straights best time The feature of was the fast named in which there were seven competitors namely Prince Vale McCarthy Jar Boy Whiter Dale and Dan The first heat was won by McCarthy the champion colt of Canada who holds the Canadian records for yearlings and two years old But a surprise was in store when in the second heat Prince Vale pulled out and led the party home also winning the forth and fifth heats and the race with Dalton McCarthy second third and Boy fourth best time Valft a and is fast be coming a sire of speed WANTED or woman to tra vel for lare salary monthly Toronto Feb a pi White Wheat per bushel a Wheat per bushel a Barley per bushel a Oats per bushel 29 a Oil Peas per bushel bushel a a Butter roll per lb OB a a i- a M 8beepklUA a OK a a Pore per a Beer fore IW a SW a SO Qeoseperlb a Chickens pair a Qi a Turkey per lb 12i OH expeneos with a 15 a ft W White Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per a a Barley per S a OMflptr a Peas peri bushel oh a per dot Butter roll per lb 0 a a ii ICO a mm Wool per lb uuiu a day per too CO CO or CO a per W a Ducks per a T per lb ll a per ton IS 00 a W