Newmarket Era, 16 Feb 1900, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB r- t Haste Is Not A Good Speed SOfany people trust to tuck to pull them through and are often disappointed Do not dillydally in matters of health With it you can accomplish miracles- With out it you are good tho blood healthy by faultless blood purifier had acut in my limb and foot I commenced licalment Hoods fiarsapariiu and Hoods and In a short cured Brentford waa troubled end Impure blood A cut on my arm not heal Hoods recommended and after had taken bottles I was well Toronto 1MB It is understood a bill will be the consideration of along line of for good From reports to bo well- founded Moating about of it thought bit will contain a provision Statute labor in future Only a Womens Story Bat It aim Bring Silent to JOSH ON Friday deputation of Ontario waited upon the Provincial Gov ernment and ilul for lojjlelatlon that would Mop the exporting of tan bark and have regulation wliioh apply to and pulp wood apply to tan bark taken from timber lauds replied that Government would quest into coneidcrntion The grind- in up of bark is all that to manu facture can and that would not amount to much by way of funnelling employment to labor para floodf Trite to JACKSON Prostration Heart Agonizing Such as Mrs- Thos Hoars a Burden- Advertising Medium On York County per lino for 3Wia breach ho 1 JW mm SO Inches Advert Isemcnta ten Instructions Inserted unll forbid and charged Advertisements will be once each month For month the composition must he paid for rates Changed for contract must ho In noon on Wednesdays for Notices Parma to Kent Articles Lost and Pound etc hiaertcd free for any Church or Society where potters arc or when take cents I by No execution to this rule J Public Ac Main Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm s Tun will ho in again during the of Parliament Mr Flint has a bill on order paper to provisions of fkott Act in a way to local option to the it now does local municipalities Borneo weak points of tho old in wayof more machinery for its will ho in hill enforcement to private considered by friends of poranco as a defect in tho old hill what is coming to light through press it would appear that the now Manitoba of which Hon Hugh J haa missed Hon J from civil In order to a fling at his son who occupies position of Minister of Administration dismissed gentleman was at time of and achieved long hie aon Hon Clifford was heard of as a politician Ho never taken the part in poli tics since his appointment as chief clerk of the Public Works Department and has always been regarded ae a most competent He is a prominent member tbo Methodist body a host of warm friends who it ip said will strongly resent what they consider a groat wrong Just a womens it happens day not or but just a story miaory and sufioring such as unfortunately too many women endure in sileoco For years Mrs Thomas Scare of St Catharines felt ill ness gradually hut surely gaining a firmer hold upon her system and ul timately she almost despaired of re covery To a reporter who called up on Mrs Bears said What I have suffered is almost be yond description My illness has been gradually growing upon me and eight- months ago I found myself al most helpless My wore up on that could get And jet Itnt one In til lot That tells a id In It Is not to tit Tor IT And I cannot fled all books call to mind A tingle lice gives a worth a vboop agabiBt a plat of coup IVIitii fetfera dine Anil for eating inatrrati a think that thats A fool- lib tort of rule When I eat I Ill do at I darn And what fa more till Im a snob Ill cat my corn off cob And cat I Have done In da a gone by A of dandling from A aort of gift from heaven Held twill my finder and my thumb And as for those peculiar tilings Called I vow by lngf 1 will not em as they The ton today If my hands aint both good and clean The la it alwaya And far I could It plenty good enough for me I dont much on etiquette Im too to my At table Spit of aoctal law S at Sharon it Opening Exercises lesson for following Sunday DiscuKsion on Teaching Open Conference on Teachers to Scholar Mr Day Provincial Appointing Committees Closing Opening Exercise Heporlsfrom Schools Open Conference on How to Interest Young People in the Nerves 1155 In Prostration end JJibk- Normal Lesson on The life of Teaching Review for present Quarter Reports of Committees Collection and Mr Elmer Davis Rev Weeks Ill J Xj FORGOTTEN J A Tragic French Revolution Some few years after of terror a man of middle age entered a shattered heart weak and my en- email inn In Germany and called for Barrister etc Solicitor for of King- to Building- Ontario p Conveyancer f Late with CumoroD 1 Toronto managed and promptly Money to loan at lowest Block Mala Bt Newmarket Iiennoi o South of Peat As Ottawa despatch informs us that thoro is now no question respecting tho success of postal introduc ed by a little a year The therefrom which during firat of months only touched between five and six and dollars has now over eighty thousand and it is expected will not be much of by the end of the fiecal year to the successful postal department the Toronto Telegram epcoial says The heart of Ron also ladden- by the almost phenomenal growth of postal receipts When the rate was cut to two cents it was thought that deficit a year hence would be be tween seven and eight hundred thousand dollar As a matter of fact the deSoit is only about and while it was ex pected that it would be four years before the receipts would attain their normal size it now seems probable that the revenue will have entirely recovered tiro years Of- Cboppln doors South of flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Saturdays and Court Solicitors for J Co and Oatario Bank Aurora to xVonn DUNN ff o Mann fog Arcade Klng8t West Toronto Barrister or Block to Loan PAINTING The leading House and Paper Hanger years experience In all branches of the Pull line of of latest In to see them door North of Primary Church Street ft Ac Done promptly neatly and I am also associated with a Car- lege Painter and Writer Orders can be toft at Hardware Store or at the residence of Mr J Green head of Street West Newmarket ft We the do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used Druggist Newmarket J Druggist pat Scotts Pharmacy Main Newmarket Ont lire system seemingly broken down I had no rest night or day the little sloop I did got did not refresh me I was in constant agony and only a woman what I endur ed as tried to do my household work Any sudden noise would me and leave me in a condition bordering on At times I experienced attacks of vertigo and heap for a time to affect memory The least exertion would leavo me almost breathless and my heart would pal pitate violently I had no desire for food of any kind and yet I had lo force myself to cat to maintain lifo I treated with three different doctors spent much money in this way but without avail and was in a condi tion bordering on despair I was urg ed to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and in December 1898 I consented do so I first got four boxes and noticed a change for the batter after I had finished the second box When the four boxes were finished there was a great change for the better after then procured another half dozen boxes Before these were all used I was again enjoying the blessing of good health can be no doubt of my cure be cause months have passed since I dis continued taking Dr Williams Pink Pills and during that time I have never felt the slightest symptom of the trouble and I and strongl urge other women who- are suffering to use this wonderful medicine feeling sure that it will them as it did me Dr Williams Pink Pills are a speci fic for all forms of weakness The blood la vitalized the nervous system is reorganized irregularities are cor rected strength returns and disease disappears Bo remarkable have been the cures performed by these little pills that their fame has spread to the fat ends of Wherever you go you will find the most important in every drug store to be Dr Williams Pink Pills Tuesday Evening Service Sharon Quartette by Retiring President and Introduction of President Elect Rev Mr Address Mr Address Mr Day Secretary Collection and cloning Womans work is never done early morn III late at night many a woman tolls on day after day week after week and year after year with no no recreation and not oven change of work for it Is tame monotonous round and again wonder that system run down and racked by and Little that tho aches the digestive Impaired and delicate organs become Irregular Llltlo wonder that beauty skin becomes and sallow and tho body thin weak and worn out To correct ailments lo renew hi vitality of the body a restorative and there is no greater restorative known to ma Dr Chases Nerve Food It is a new wonder of medical science that gels down to foundation end builds up gradually but surely until the whole system is revitalized and disease becomes a thing unknown Dr Chases Nerve Food is put up in pill form and if taken regularly according to directions and permanently the serious nervous disorders of men women ana children a box at all dealers or aoa Bates Co Toronto Book free a Brother one of the Brothers ab St Henri Que was killed almost instantly by a lump of ice falling from roof on his head in school playground Practical PaperHanger and House Decorator Corner Church Street lane and A Chicago women has sued a for damages for the loss of her sense of taste due to a mistake ad ministrating AUCTIONEERS ppank tittneati Licensed Auctioneer for of York on Terma reason able Farm Sales attended to Street Newmarket NEWMARKET IN DESIGNS Monuments and Head Stones Call before Ordering where Allen The Opinion of Women who have the merlta of Dr A Chases KIdneyUver Pills re turn the verdict that for backache and kid- there Is no preparation In any say equal to great discovery of Dr la Chase America a greatest physician This great kidney and liver cure la sold by dealers at cents a box and has prov ed most effectual as a remedy for the many Ills to which woman Is subject Word from India that tbe famine there is the worst that the country has over known and that people aro affected by it Not only is there a lack of food but the country is practically dried up for want of rain and many villages have been deserted as a THE EMULSION Of COD OIL will build you will make you fat and healthy Especially beneficial to those who are all run by the Lawrence Co Ltd Here and there lifes journey Facts arise which gloom appease For the pump cant help the milkman When it comes to making cheese and Throat Irritation Is most annoying to platform people and prevent this us well as hoarseness and sore throat most singers end speakers carry with them a bottle of Dr Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpen tine It promptly and positively relieves and cures all dryness soreness or hoarse ness In the throat tightness In the chest bronchitis asthma and all kinds of coughs and colds cents a bottle family CO coots Good Iambs are worth apiece fa Now York State THOUSANDS OF CANADIANS can vouch for efficacy of that peerless cough remedy It cures a cold very quickly of all druggists Manufactured by the of Perry Bray Metempsychosis No sir I think its a horrid belief Fancy my becoming a donkey in my next incar nation I Funny Monotonous eh CHILDREN WILL GO SLEIGH ING They return covered with snow Half a of In hot water will pre vent 111 Avoid substi tutes theres but Perry Davis and If there is anybody who deserves hanging on general principles is the people who are always whispering on the seats at church or at an entertainment For Infants end Children it refreshments Ills manners were timid and shrinking and ho looked as if ho might Just have recovered from terrible Illness he was so strangely ghastly pale The supplied his wants and half curious half In kindness he made some remark as to the strangers ap pearance coupling It with question Do you want aught else for your com fort Kay nothing the pale man hastily I have food and light and air what could- 1 want more And he sighed deeply My friend said the landlord seat log himself you speak as If you had known the want of these tilings Have I guessed aright His guest looked up Would you hear my he asked For years I have kept silence hut today It seems as If It would lighten my heart to speak and believe If you can Less than seven years ago was a gay light hearted youth la this our quiet fatherland Having no near relative was led to visit some distant ones who Mad lived for many years la a town France My uncle as called him out of friendliness was a kind good fellow well known and respected In the place where he carried on tbe craft of a watchmaker and he proposed that become apprentice and part ner liked tho little town liked my liked my aunt and soon gave tar consent had no children I thank God for that now but aunts kindly could not content with out people around her so kept and clothed two Trim and they looked too wearing the costume of that part of Germany my aunt a pretty fancy of her own It quaint enough In a strange land It was a happy little No wonder I wae glad to belong to It But alas It was soon to be away by terrible affliction For time we had heard of strange troubles going on Id Paris and the large towns but our little place quiet morning however wo woke to find everything In ualon Our may or had been ordered to resign and place wae to be ailed by one sent from Paris Stllh we never dreamed of that fear ful misery of this was the fore runner Wo had no time to dream ei ther the blow fell There had been a stir going on In market place for two days fol lowing the arrival of tho new official but my uncle and I were busy oyer a discovery which wo bad made In our trade and wo less than usual in the streets At noon on tbo third day however he went out for a to rest eyes and look him for a few momenta My aunt and her maid ens arranged as usual the midday meal and wo were all ready to sit down only my uncle was missing He was usually so punctual that we dined without him At close of meal I stepped out to look for him I had not got a dozen yards from the house when I met our bakers wife her eyes out of her head Go back said go back it Is too The monster 1 The wretch He has executed the honest man without even the farce of a trial on his accursed guillotine yonder I I stood petrified with horror Could she be speaking of my so re spected bo quiet as be was It was too true The wretch In office had lost no time but hod begun work of bloodshed and my uncle the first victim bis only crime being was of foreign birth and had sheltered under roof some months a poor Swiss I retraced my to the house anxious face met my troubled gaze She bad begun to suspect evil The two girls waited in the background I tried to speak but I turned away and burst Into tears I was young then Master Landlord and had tears to abed My aunt passed rae by and rush ed Into the straight to mar ket place I could not follow What happened there told me later Wild with her ljusbando fate my gentle loving aunt bad hurst Into a Hood of reproach of Life murder er In these days this was enough for heaviest punishment Heart to Boll or acres on Town Line of East half a mile from Newmarket depot Young bearing orchard or SO trees market farm Apply to Newmarket and before evening she had shared same fate as my uncle The reign of terror had Indeed he- gun with us The girls bad fled terri fied at the fate which had befallen their protectors and I was meditating In a half stupefied way tiiu aame meas ure when a knock came at the door and two men who had often eaten and drunk at my uncles table came In made me a prisoner confiscating all the possessions of the family to the state li those days a mans foes were often members of his own household I offered no resistance The shock of the day had completely unmanned me made certain that I too should die hundredth part of the heart trouble that night But my time was not yet V hear about vere real the would be filled in a month A In consequence of the of the hour taken to the town construction is put upon com- on a dismal building which I had toon ailments in order to humbug known to be occupied There I was the people into the belie that heart thrust into a deep dungeon and left disease is prevalent whereas real total darkness till morning when It is fashionable today to have a heart scare every 24 The commonest symptom dys pepsia or nerve trouble such as pal pitation weak spells loss of appe tite and poor circulation are magni fied and distorted into serious signs of heart trouble with the object of frightening the public into taking this or that heart remedy If a Farm for Sale op To Let Lot con of acres good clay loam about W acres cleared Excellent and dwelling A bar gain for prompt purchasers or will let low to good tenant For particulars apply to Len nox Lennox Stouffville or A Smith Newmarket BUY CORN CORN CHOP And FEED of all kinds doubted not I should be conducted to the same cruel fate as my poor rela tives had met But morning came as 1 guessed by the sound without and still no sum mons Worn out with suspense and waiting fell asleep When I awoke hunger and thirst oppressed me Hap pily I had stored some bread and meat anil a Email bottle of wine in one of the pockets of my coat preparatory to my intended flight Of this I now ate and drank No one came nigh and yet I could hear as If wretched prisoners were being led forth out of neighboring cells doubtless to death for they wept and pleaded vainly as It seemed to But tho third day a great stillness fell on prison could not under stand it My senses were enfeebled for want of food for my small stock had long been exhausted and 1 almost lacked strength to wonder why was left to long Presently arose an awful terror this should bo my to perish mUerably for want of food In this damp dungeon Death on scaffold appeared light by com parison I clamored at my prison door I shouted as loudly as could All to no purposel Then burst Into on agony of tears fate was too dreadful to bear With the soft nature of youth I pitied and bemoaned myself sorely All at once words came Into my mind that had learned ago as a text In the school thou not for am with thee bo not dismayed for I am thy God They came like a ray of light Into my prison and clung to the promise as If It had that moment been made to me by a pitying God I felt toothed and hopeful and in this condition I conk back In a dore or swoon How time passed I could not tell day and night alike to mo in my cell up to find tight and warmth and kindly faces- about me regained consciousness enough to understand what they told me I had lire days forgotten In ray prison The stillness I had noted third day was accounted for fact that the news had Just reached our town of the death of one of tho greatest leaders of tho revolution and the consequent decline of party In fear of his life our terrorist mayor had fled and the old mayor resuming power had ordered the prison doors to bo set open In my solitary cell had bee forgotten and but that some had been sent to examine all the and collect tbe fetters used therein I might have perished miserably As It was I was carried out perfectly ess and brought to life with some diffi culty I am safe now as you see coin rade la my own country but the an guish of days will never bo forgotten I hear about with mo In my face the remembrance of It Dally thank God for light and air and food and yet these good gifts of bis fall to my heart rejoice Still those dreadful days En the dungeon hare given me a firm reliance his mercy and I know that shall one day be joyful again In the city of which the gates are never shut and where there Is no darkness Ex- change The municipal palace at Is being remodeled coat ca era heart trouble which is so saJly and suddenly fatal when it does occur is a rare disease Lopsided arguments cannot convince an intelligent people Iron is the vital element of the blood Too little iron means weakness lack of spirit pallid cheeks shortness of breath sleeplessness nervousness loss of vital force ending in general breakdown The iron in Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills is in the solu ble form you need in combination with other curative agents in such a manner that disease cant resist their action You feel yourself getting well when you take Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills In fc Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry GOAL AND WOOD AT J WILSONS Cor Main and Huron Do you realize Its Possibilities THE A course in our College will be one of the most enjoyable exper iences of your life and the im portant and valuable knowledge gained will fit you for lucrative employment and you the means of enjoying the ben things of life Write for particulars You may enter any time No vaca tion Central Business College TORONTO 8HAW Principal AUCTION SAX OF Valuable Farm Property There be Auction at offered for by Public Hotel fa the Town of Saturday March at the hour of 12 oclock nooo by Harvey Auctioneer following valuable property In on parcel namely East halt of toe North half of lot In the first con Weat of Street of the Township of In the County of containing- fifty of land more or property fronts on St and la within about a mile of the Town of Newmar ket On the to be erected two frame houses and two frame barns to gether with driving shed and other out build ings There aro two wells and about acres of orchard The Is a good cla property la locally known as Lodge and Is a desirable one places you within easy speaking distance of subscribers In Ontario and Quebec besides a vest field In the United States Others profit by this WHY NOT YOU Wholeaolc Retail fill Two doors North Store Main St Newmarket loam high and very attractive be held fiubject to reset be situation The sale cent of J iiioiicrlobopAJdtolho Veudoror Ms Solici tor Gt the time of and with in thirty thereafter without further particular and conditions of apply to DUNCAN GRANT Solicitor fur tho Vendor St- Toronto A Fresh Supply a Week of Park Blackwell Famous Brood Lard o beat Mildest Cored Meats on today A trial will con vince Also Floor Rolled Corn Meal Batter Eggs Cheese Potatoes Pickles Salt Canned Corn Tomatoes Pigs Feet Bolpsoa I Bam and Tongne Honey Soap o Orders filfod on shortest notice In the Surrogate Court of THE COUNTY OF Estate of Joel Phillips Notice is hereby given pursuant Cap amending acts that all and othera having against of the aald Joel Phillips who died or about the day of September on or before The day of February to by prepaid or deliver to Jauu PoftreOD the of the deceased their description and full their claims the of their nature If any of in held by them And further take notice that after the last mentioned drfte aald will proceed to distribute tho of thcalddtv the partus entitled thereto having regard Only to claims of they snail then and that will be liable for asset or any thereof to any person or persona claims notice not have boon re ceived by them at the time of said dlitrl button or Joel Phillips toiste- Newmarket Executors To fiaad may by our aid etc

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