Newmarket Era, 16 Feb 1900, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB WIe around the Hob COR- WW will lie hold in liQ Methodist this Friday evening commencing at Wo hope everybody in vicinity make an to of Newmarket an lunt and worthy of congregation we can Dont mm the opportunity of hearing mm Since the above waa put in typo Mr has boon away on account of a death in the family and the meeting indefinably postponed QUEENS VI Carnival which was to have hold week was postponed un til Feb MfeftCs of Keswick were in ting at J J Terry week man got a valentine thin week at von in tbo form of a wife Mrs has had tho trees cut down which in front of her adjoining tiro Thin Spring like weather has reigned lately and beautiful lias once again disappeared but wo not for good glad to hear that Mr ia recovering from rvcent severe illnosa Miss Flora on a iwo weeks visit with in To ronto The Choir will her will it deniable for but alio has earned a holiday wishing to occupy it Mr J was in Toron to a couplo of days last week entertainment in the flehool house bote on Friday evening last Fob waa a decided and pronounced by the beat held in this neighborhood for yearn Mr Frank Jenkins received an ova tion the applause being almost deaf ening Thin was Mr Jenkins first visit to a a and wo it will not be his last Mr Jenkins waa disappointed in his or ganist hut the Committee supplied ill Mists Wna Mitchell of who Jenkins most sat- isfuctorilv Collection amounted to SIC A rumor has circulating in this neighborhood for some that Co did not in tend continuing mess the coining summer I have been informed by the Managers that such not the case not only intend continu ing liuainesa but expect a larger sup ply of milk than for years past It is expected that Mr J Montgomery of will again manage their factory Mr Montgomery as a cheesemaker Heeds no recommenda tion in this part country ha ih reputation of be ing to on the local mar ket and the Co fully intend keeping its good in future Our snow has disappeared It went just as oriels as it came their shall be six weeks more of cold and stormy weather yet Revival services at Keswick still continue with increased earnestness and under Rev J with the assistance of I Gilpin from hero About twentyfive a desire to lead Chris tian lives Some fifteen have united with the Christian Church there All workers should assist these brethren in their good work Meet ings will con tin no doubt until Sun day evening Mrs IS Draper attended the open ing cession of the Ontario Legislature in Toronto on Wednesday Mr Stephen Winch was on a busi ness trip to Toronto on Monday Mrs I is at present vis friends in The topic introduced by Miss Etta last Sunday evening Was ably discussed The attendance although small was very attentive and appreciative CORNERS Wish weather would set- down to and us to got our wood home It that of our young men was married last week Its not true Mr Frank Bain and Miss Ida to ho married Wednesday of this week Dr Noble of Sutton West and Or Graham bold a consultation at Mr J as residence one day last week as to the knitting of his fractur ed limb The advice- was to go to the hospital and tho bones sowed to- a silver wire Mr Curtis is the captain of our hunt club Ho is most daring in bis pursuit of foxes achieved many captures Mr Grant and wife spent Sun- flay at Mr Grants during quar terly services This changeable weather accounts for many colds Soon be sugar making Tub KESWICK Services in the Chris tian Church tins week with increased interest Crowds at service Mr Brown of Hope who is visit ing friends in this vicinity occupied pulpit of Methodist Church last Sunday The Gorman easels are very pre valent in this vicinity just now Mrs Brown and family and her sister Miss Carrie of Toronto Junction visiting at their fathers Mr John si Mr Roy Morton was At Homo with a company of his young associates on Saturday evening last Mr is still troubled with Jobs comforters Mrs was under the care last week out is recovering There is a newcomer at Mr Jesse A son and heir Grand pa Squire York is in over the event Jesso Arthur and Thos Huntley received last week to attend as Jurors at To ronto in March Dr Law is suffering from an attack of lumbago Rev Mr is afflicted with measles Quito a number attended the Con servative gathering at on Monday afternoon Mr and Mrs reached another mile post of life Its grandpa and grandma now Mrs M Mainprise spent a week under her domicile and Miss Aggie Shaw hoc sister spent the same timo at Albert arrived homo on Saturday Rail ton Bros have returned home Bethel Church Ladies Aid mot at Mrs Stagdills on Wed afternoon and spent a pleasant and profitable afternoon Press Cor excluded Mr purposed going to early in the spring Mr Thompson does not think matrimony a failure at he has taken the 2nd step in its The hoys abstained from serenading him Mr oh Huntley has moved into his new house Mr Jos is homo again from Toronto and Ottawa He purposes returning to Uncle Sams domains in a few weeks Mr F Rose purposes returning to Toronto to live in the spring and Mr Draper who takes place at Mr Mortons will occupy the house ho vacates Miss Serine I purposes spend ing a fow days in tin with friends this week BALDWIN BREEZES UNION STREET the many friends of Mr assembled at his Meeting of North on Feb celebrate the Conservatives was fairly attended here anniversary of his ninetieth birthday on Monday by the leading men- of that party They discussed many im portant matters as to the coming elections I am sorry that I gave a wrong impression last week The lady who received such sfevere marital punishment was not a member of the but the entertainment be ing free did not want to go banded Glad to see Mrs out again after her illness Our genial townsman Mr I Gilpin met an unpleasant experience one day last week while crossing the Lake Ilia horse got in at a No serious damage except to cutter and harness The ice seems in a dangerous condition this winter hardly a day hut some one gets in One man is likely to lose a horse from the effects How Creamery ice has to be taken from Roachs Point Sorry to hear that Squire dick is seriously ill again Hope to bear of speedy recovery It is whispered that arrangements are making for a wedding here next None but the relatives are in vited but as their name is Legion it will not necessarily be small or quiet The bride will be in society and the Societies here Our Legislature meets today and will be up to bis eyes in work The Hon Premier has the chance to cover himself with glory by giving women the Franchise on the same terms as the men He has a strong enough at his baok in the and the country will bear him out in it expected after the ad dresses we last winter to seen petitions to that effect before tins Now theres word for you Go ahead his only surviving brother and sister being among the guests Mr though feeble in body still retains conversational powers and his mental faculties to a great extent remain un impaired During the course of the afternoon he recalled events of his early life referring to his father com- ing from Pennsylvania to East in he having made this journey no less than five times on foot He was united in marriage to Miss Sarah on March and for fiftynine years they faced the storms of life together She departed this life about April Mr at the time of his marriage settled on the farm where he now at that time was a forest He built house of logs cut by him self and rented a stove Being in possession of only five dollars in money he tins amount for a chim ney for his dwelling He labored for five years for his father for a portion of the land he now owns Many were the inconveniences he experienced in his early life Toronto then known as Little York was his nearest mar kets no money nearer for grain He told how he was always careful to keep out of debt and never appeared in Court even as a witness He re members when vicinity about Newmarket Station and the only merchant in the place was Mr Wm Roe Through industry and perseverance Mr baa one among the wealthy men of EastGwillimbury In his declining years ho surrounded by the com forts of life and is lovingly and tend- eared for by his only daughter and youngest eon Before the friends dispersed Grosser of Newmar ket read a few comment and together the company bowed in prayer while he invoked Gods blessing thorn v Who wore those two ladies at the Keswick wedding vaunting that they were old sweethearts of the I plead not guilty Its got into Canada at last What Why the marriage bureau In Toron to News appears this ad ladies many rich want hus bands Address Box our chance boys There is a red hot rivalry for trade between the Sutton bakers had a cinch on Baldwin trade but a passion ate streak caused disaster Aint it moat delightful to be able once more to take tho evening meal by daylight The Belhaven scribe has his or her little respecting Old Bruin or as the red men call him He says that Feb 2nd and not is the day for him come out Our mother us was the 2nd but so great an author ity as the late Peter Milne who kept a tame bear for several years declared it came out every year on Now as we have most excellent rea sons for knowing the Dutch are a superstitious people believing in witches spooks etc And this bear fake is nothing but an old Pennsylvania Dutch tra dition Old Bruin like other hybc-r- animals comes out as a down east Yankee would say when he gel darn pleases chiefly depending up on tho temperature The Oracle will please note Mrs- Crawford and Miss Crawford we believe intend moving to the Fair- bairn farm Frog Ave Duncan an nounces he will back it ably as sisted by you know who An insulting joke One of our nice young ladies received a parcel pee post On opening what was her indignant surprise to find the appendage of a porker nicely wrapped up in tissue paper Thomas Clarke Happy Tommy is canvassing this section with some very interesting new books subscription we hone that those who can afford such luxuries will patronize- Mr Clarke as ho is a perfectly reliable man and most devoted christian How fa your teacher getting alone I asked a Gum First rate was the reply my children like her Ho you see theyve got a jewel The who advised us to go to a warmer had best watch out for fear his advice may act as a erang and refect upon himself That sultry climate is what moat folks anxious to avoid but the road is so broad and easy that many many are there The intended removal and tire family from Sut ton will create a blank in Sutton so ciety that will be difficult to fill Mrs is a most indefatigable worker in the Methodist Church and James is one of most popular and best young men in the town Joe Taylor or a practi cal hand at dehorning cattle If you have a bossy or ugly animal get to takeoff tho horn Thatll take out of fttid make them gentle as Tho Little Fiddlers entering a neighbors homo recently I came upon a pretty and unexpected acene Heat ed side by wore one of our bud ding men and a handsome- rosy cheeked damsel They looked so happy I hated to disturb them young gent was giving his fair companion lessons on violin I know a lnafdon air to Beware can both also and Take Miss Mary Taylor has some most de lightful Coon songs for delectation of her friends Zephyr has now crossed the Rubicon and like the children of Israel entered the happy land of Caiman married life Well done for little tailor There individuals in this busy sphere who such a supremo idea of their importance that if no one happens to notice them theyll stick in their bill if to say Dont you see here a one stuck in recently and insinuated a number of Owl included were in the habit of publishing falsehoods On our behalf we challenge thorn to prove their statement I he observes am very careful to write the strict truth roe dear scribe for a mo ment call your attention to mortal words of Aunty Self praise is no accommodation Aunty met recommendation Draper sold a fine specimen of the great horned owl on the market last week The purchaser resold it at button market as the Simon pure Baldwin Owl caged at last I suppose those including Neddy would fall on it tooth and nail and rend it asunder but the old bird is still on deck at Baldwin and long may be live Yes dear Judge a guilty conscience needs no accuser and we stand con victed before your lordship of being hopelessly wo fear in love with dames to whom as old friends neighbors and schoolmates we under deep obligations for favors and in the past but they should not have given me away I await your lordships sentence Market Murray was on deck look ing as a lark and ready to tho bevy of fair lassies who await his coming with smiles His Many thanks for another batch of now subscribers The Owl is evident ly a favorite in Baldwin and else where Editor directors of Ban quo Marie at Montreal been rearrest ed upon charge of conspiring to de fraud depositors shareholders and people generally by declaring dividends and opening branches when knew institution was insolvent WASTES DAVISON G R April House la locality Apply to IIP Newmarket Brick House for Sale Newmarket also Lota either acre with or to and Enquire at Era Card of Thanks I to thanks to the people who so nobly In ray property ihe Are which de stroyed toy residence and who bare since ua many yropathy LEVI of If you have not already tried our Celebrated Rolled which are now up to their old standard again insist on procuring a small package for trial Every person them is pleased Will be one lbs for We have the Leading of Canned Vegetables freshly at lb We are selling DELICIOUS ft The Best Salmon Two Cans for Cents On or myself and In our bereavement I desire to express our sincere to our friends And relatives for their kind through the short death wife for In the funeral arrangement ALLEN TOOLE Pine Orchard Stray Pig Came the of lot IK lii the 3rd or Rani on Feb Tib a Row Owner to prove prop erty pay and take It WM SMITH Retreats the never Idk forward Cull at fice their Hoe fin of The quality of their work be In SMITH BROS NEWMARKET HORSES WANTED Special Venetian Glassware Puff Jewel Trays Plates At Half of Less- DA ICO SEA to sold at lb ON GO THE 00k News Depot -0X0- I Balance of our Diaries for at Cost EGYPT Special services have going on in the Methodist Church herd and give good Evidence that the revival is abroad Mr Brace is continuing them on through this week and we dont know when they will end Last Sunday the church was well filled and new evidences of blessing were mani fested There was no service in the Metho dist Church last Sunday on account of the illness of Mr Harry Martin is visiting old friends for a couple of weeks Mrs At Home with a number of friends on Saturday evening Mra of Manitoba was visiting her aunt Mrs J Ii Wesley last week Mrs Brown of is visiting her daughter Mrs Job Hughes Holy in St James Church at a m next Sunday The League had Social Evening among themselves Monday when a most enjoyable time was spent POINT Brock Fred John of Newmarket spent Sunday at Point having from Landing in less than an hour which is making good time considering the unfavorable state the ice was in Charlie Sheridan Bob Hamilton and accompanied by their sisters were the guests of Mr Roy Morton Kcswiok on Saturday evening and report a very pleasant time- There were about thirty young people present and after a sumptuous repast served in exquisite style spent the rest of the evening in games etc to the utmost enjoyment of all The company alt join in thanking Mr and Mrs Morton for the kind hospitality shown them and also complimented thorn oh their lovely mansion which is truly elegant and wish them many happy prosper ous in their now homo Mr and P M Lyon and son Gordon of are visiting her mother Mrs for a few days Ice cutting is order of the day We are to heir that Mrs Levi Miller ia able to bo around again after her severe illness Mr Marsh nursing an ulcerat ed tooth The be prepare- end BOSSES weighing from These mutt bo Sound In Good Con dition And from to run Will following beacons Hotel Mil oclock on Wednesday Feb SI St Hotel till on Feb Hotel Bond Head at oclock on Si Hoy a I Hotel Newmarket until noon Saturday A- MA lit IE Montreal We Believe a Now is the time to renew your subscriptions Bee if you are in arrears and up We are the Authorized Agents to receive subscriptions for the only weekly agricultural journal in Canada The Farmers Advocate The Westminsters a paper for the home and all Toronto and Montreal Dailies and And all Popular Journals and Magazines at publishers rates Central Telephone We close our books at the end of February our month and we must have ail outstanding accounts settled before that time- rox There is no place like the More this when money it Scarce every throughout our at prices t people who fire In need of will appreciate- We have ft large 10 select the the Call and tee for realise MCLAUGHLINS FOR Private J J pajiy in Com- South Africa died at Orange It Colony locomotor of Best Estate la There will be Offered for by Public Auction the Hewitt Hotel premises la Town or Newmarket In County of York 3rd oclock In the forenoon the following freehold property North half or the west of to the Estate of Coatea Tali con soil with from to acres of good bush There the premises and lie of ttie Aurora and New market markets 2nd That acre lot of the School on Prospect outride of the the late Thomas Coat ti lived There is a good Brick Clad Route and a house There la alio an orchard most of which are good winter per Cecil with lundaya after day of properties will tie torr da by the Uttoutora particulars of w for the ltGlo TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Looking see 1 never saw before This is the exclamation of satisfied customers We have fitted successfully casts that others have failed in Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation free GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co- Young Bulls for gale Stock elate butter cow iX P Its tin The Grand Railway com- of of track the iDot and beautiful parts of ONTARIO WHINE tapping all the Olio itahtanch3aml a direct route to all of the ana Statu the and 1iwMu

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