Newmarket Era, 16 Feb 1900, p. 7

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r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB CHINA Iioeal flews WHAT IB OH IK HALL Junior to of Be par Mo School number from School noon Club at Dr Tries- rffty evening Rending All interested in St Pauls Church The special services held In Church on last wore very well attended and during the at tho Dr Thou nigh with excellent 1900 In reviewing past year Unci a vory satisfactory in- crease over Our trade is not built on soiling lino of goods at Cost Price and trying to public belie wo can buy so much closer than other live business all lines sold equally cheap Our motto is now and est in Quality AND A Living Profit TJiw year we want to do still bettor Our customers can always rely on getting full value for their money Our Spring Shoos will soon be coming to hand Styles and Quality the best wo over hod especially the Empress Shoo the most uptodate Ladys Pino Shoo over shown in New market China and Glassware Estate Sale Saturday Mr Meade of hi property on John to Frank and packed up his household effects preparatory to roraovinjj to where ho boon for three or four a Parlor lit of I on Friday evening of next week jirofttm and refresh body treading Circle a attendance at Tarry- Ed on Monday oven In y in connection with Literary Readings given by Mr Mr Will Brown Mies Clcland and Took followed by Jt Written finally for Bra About Things in General The future of Canada in a very promising one but result of development of Ontario is so plainly to bo seen and certainly will bo voiy satisfactory and gratify- to electorate of province resources in and nickel of On tat arc almost boundless in extent system of develop ing these resources so that great- est benefit may bo derived has been carefully considered by the Ontario Government and it has been decided that instead sending the nickel abroad to bo refined that it will ho dono in this country if which there is a great demand will he manufactured by Canadians When wo consider increased Toronto letter In Town next Tuesday night Political Convention of North York an nounce a In New market on to be by Mr J P Whitney leader of the Ontario Opposition Hon Clark Wallace and Dr Candidates for both ate to be in the morn- Five Brigade Tho Hook and following for the Ing year Captain Arthur 2nd Herb Harry Travis have Churoh of the pastor last Sunday were excellent and the congregations largo Id the evening The tenor solo by Mr Walt Stephana wan quite a bat he well There were at the Sunday School leachera There was quite an improvement in the Bible taught by Mr Hollingshead County Changes A short time sinco Globe had a wellconsidered editorial on the juris diction of our County this week another article appears suggest ing further changes in the County Court system of Ontario which we re- value of manufactured or refined The Beat That money can procure the Sherlock in Town Hall Fob No Fall Caught Trout at Close Figures in Kegs or half Keg lota Leading Grocer A SMITH Telephone AVE i MONEY By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Shop A full stock of Black and Blue Also a Choice Lot of Fine for OVERCOATS and PANTS The continued rain on Wednesday night Of last week and all day Thursday caused quite a flood on after noon the overflowing their banks and in some making travelling difficult for pedestrians No particular damage was done A meeting was appointed at the residence of Mr St on Thurs day afternoon but bridge was over Sowing with water to such a depth that the ladies could not cross and were com pelled to meet elsewhere Royal Templates Meeting was held In the Temp Hall here a few days ago when following officers were P Nelson Aurora J Newmarket Sister Holder Aurora Chap Bro Jos Albert Secretary Sister Aurora Treasurer Dyke Newmarket Herald Sister Lash Guard Sister Swain Albert Sentinel Newmarket Rep to Grand Duncan Newmarket At the Lodge meeting on Monday night the gratifying statement made that during the past year certi ficates had been issued and after meeting all death over had been passed to the Reserve Fond During the evening Mr Willis tang with all the fervor a true Eng lishmen The Beggar A grant of 816 was voted to the National Fund and to the Child- Hospital The Master- Workman A Pet- will represent Newmarket Lodge at Gran Lodge in Toronto next week as very desirable and people of this Province will readily The latter article suggests that the County Court could be made much more if in addition to increasing their juris- provision were also maae for ho trial of County Court nonjury cases at the regular sittings of the va rious Division Courts To the work complete it is likewise sug gested in order to meet the necessary demands this change involves that tho County Court office at each Coun ty Town might serve a purpose simi lar to that which central office at Hall serves in respect of the High Courtthe cases and records being transmitted by the County Court Clerk to Division Court Clerks at the places of trial The proposition this change involves is very farreach ing will save large costs to litigants and also the judiciary expenses of respective counties of the Prov ince We trust the outlined will meet with the approval of the At torneyGeneral of Ontario and that the same may be into law In Globes second article on the subject of law reform referring to County Court Clerk serving a pur- pose to Division Courts that Hall now servos in respect of the High Court makes this further observation The absurdity of maintaining present dual inferior is only emphasized by the fact that the same Judges dispense justice in both If Smith living at Sutton which is in this county fiftyfive miles from Toronto ho has a also liv ing at Sutton for say for a horse they may have the matter before Judge Morgan at Sutton with or without a jury at a cost probably of or But if Smith values the horse at he must if he desires to recover that amount bring his ac tion in the County Court and then he and Jones will both have to come to Toronto and bring their witnesses with them and after they have waited their turn their dispute will be heard before the Judge and if when they have succeeded in getting the judgement of the court the costs of the action are only the average cost of heard in the County Courts of the Province the parties will have paid more than twice the value of the horse to discover which of them are right We venture to that it would puzzle anyone who will trouble to think about it to give a reason why Judge Morgan could not try any case within his jurisdiction as well at Sut ton sitting in the Division Court as at Toronto sitting in the County Court or why a difference of a dollar or two in the amount of a claim should make t- necessary to apply an altogether different system of legal procedure But a more sorioua aspect of the case is that under the County Court prac tice the parties who appeal to the courts for justice are punished for their temerity as though they had been guilty of some offense against the law What is evidently needed is not that the old system should be up but that both should be abolished and that the new County Court should cover the whole ground with added jurisdiction and given a procedure adapted to the requirements of the times nickel in line country as compared with tlio raw material can readily see immense advantage this policy will ho to workinman of Ontario who been accustomed to Reeking hi employment in the United States and elsewhere The policy of the new Govern ment has boon cordially received by both parties The time is rapidly ap proaching when old party cry will be a thing of past The rising generation are becoming educated to the fact that it is not to be to the welfare of thin country to consider a leader political standing but they are look in to the records of lead ers of our Government and we feel safe in saying that the members of present Ontario Cabinet will hear the minute inspection With the Hon J Davis as Com missioner of Crown Lands the develop ment of vast area of New Onta rio will receive the best attention and as a result there will ho opened up to the world a country rich in miner als and composed of the best soil suit able for agriculture that can bo found on tho American continent Hon Edward Bloke Chancellor of Toronto having regard to his continued absence from the coun try has tendered his resignation In doing so ho gracefully acknowledges tho confidence so accorded during the many years ho has been honored with the office Commissioner J left this week for Paris Franco whore he will superintend the installation of Canadas exhibit at Paris tion The Ontario Municipal Association deputation will hold a conference with Premier Rons next Tuesday to discuss certain amendments to the Municipal Act A lot more tinkering of the law will be urged The Hunt Club will give a dinner this Friday evening to tho farmers of York over whoso fields tho Club ran last year at the Albion Hotel Her Excellency the Countess of Minto and party of ladies arrived from Ottawa on Monday to attend a meeting of the Victorian Order of that day The jury in the suit of Elijah Rose against Arthur Milne both of villo gave a verdict of for plaintiff Last night sneak thieves entered Broadway Tabernacle and carried off the evening collection The appeal of three bribers and eight of the in South Ontario election cases for a partial remittance of their fines was heard on Wednesday Poor and liable to temptation was their only plea Judgement reserved Host Council iiTi THE LEADS NO WAR Winter Goods OPENED All the best makes in the following lines CAR VERB IN AND BETS PEN AND POCKET KNIVES SCISSORS ALL KINDS AND SIZES Fine line of TABLE KNIVES FORKS AND SPOONS We handle a Special which we warrant to be Class See our CRUMB TRAYS AND BRUSHES BREAD AND THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER We aro selling for CoToroDto a line of Fur Goats and Robes Highest Prices Paid for Raw Ears J A GO When Toronto University ac cepts ihe resignation of the Hon Edward as Chancellor which they certainly will have to do that Institution loas a very able man and one who has been of great benefit to the organization of the University Although the reason given that of continued absence is very good still it seems too bod that wo must lose such an efficient man as the honorable gentleman mentioned It was fully expected that Hon would ho next Chancellor and a better selection couldnot be made but Mr declines to take the office The keeping down of spread of con taction in its various forms is a very important feature in our country the government is using every possible means for prevention that is possible A complete system of quarantine has been adopted and whenever a case is found to be con tagious it Is isolated Then not only in disease but in the spread of injur ious insects and pests of various kinds A inspection is made of all fruit trees brought into the country from outside Nurseries to prevent the spread of San Jose Scale and other destructive insects that destroy our fruit All vessels bringing emigrants from outside countries have to be ex amined before landed BELLE Boers should bo able to keep order They have so many About Ontario The re port of the Bureau of the Industries of Province of Ontario for 1898 lias been prepared by the Department of Agriculture report shows that the population of the province in was tho total assessment total taxes for all pur poses per head mills on the dollar 1511 WANTED- or woman to ira- for laiKQ salary monthly with increase per- Inclose atauapea pveexe out trie An exchange in alluding to very railroad town and village In the Pro vince la more of troubled with a pack ot pedlare and travelling agents who give endless annoyance to housewives taming the tables upon them It Freeze oat these pack pedlars Give them the marble heart and patronize homo merchants who pay taxes and rent help to support the and news papers When patronize a pack ped lar just show him a snbsoriptlon list and Invito Mm to his name for a dollar for yonr or for a sick fami ly on yonratreet Your request would be regarded as so that the pedlar you have just patronised would think de mented after buying his wares and paying him you sometimes take Hat to a homo merchant and expect him to place name thereon Lot ped lars alone pay your to the local merchants DRY TOWN The Quarterly meeting in the Free Methodist Church was largely on Sunday Rev Reynolds deliver ed a very fine sermon is on the sick list again Hope she will soon be around Wo are sorry to see the snow all gone still it is fine wheeling in our part of the country The boys had a little fun on the on Saturday Old cleaned them all out Come next Saturday and see tho race John says ho can clean in the Township Ire is being stored in good condi tion One of our villagers had a serious accident last Thursday being thrown from a load of hay and striking his head on the hard ground He is now in a critical condition Our neighborhood was alarmed evening last week by a loud call for help from far out on the bay Men could be seen hurrying with lanterns and several rigs rushed out Mr Tromby went forth with rope and a load of men Soon the lights lost to view in the dense fog that pre vailed that evening after a rainy day but voices and noise of the drivers urging their horses could be heard above all that continuous call for help Finally a young man belonging to Roachs Point who had been im bibing too freely was found quite lost as to his whereabouts staggering and splashing about first one direction and then another He was brought to Belle Ewart and kindly provided for until morning Sharon Feb 10 Meeting of Council held this day All members present Com reed from and J Forest Med re Alex Traviss I Hoag Bill Trustees of Consumption Sanitarium J Scott re Municipal Guide Petition received from A Mo- Kenzlo and Weigh Scales The following persons were heard before the in re of matters as follows Geo Wright and Silas re Weigh Scales Thoa Bible J Hunt ley and John French re opening of Bide road between lots 20 and con On motion tho Auditors report with detailed statement attached of Township of 1899 was adopted and accounts finally audited and al lowed Tenders for the years printing were received as per schedule prepared from the offices of the Era Express and Leader and Recorder Mt Al bert branch The latter accepted at being the lowest tender The Reeve and were instruct ed to take legal proceedings in Court to collect unpaid taxes re snow bylaw Application was made by trustees of SS asking to have East J4 of lot con added to said The Clerk was instructed to notify the Trustees of said as also those of Whitchurch and being the only other affected bat the matter would be considered by the Council at its next meeting on pm of March The Reeve and Councillors and were appointed a Com to decide on the location of Weigh Scales in the village of The Reeve and Councillors Boyd and Moore were appointed subcorn re the opening of sideroad between lots and con for public travel The following payments were order ed viz lumber and Consumptive Sanitarium Council adjourned to meet on March 10th in Sharon at one pm The Horn oxo Haying purchased from Mr Albert JJogart and retained the service3 of Mr- Clifton Bread won such a in New- market and vicinity I hope by strict attention to business and the upg jfe of the Materials to merit a continnance of public patronage Special attention willbe given to Fancy Cakes of all kinds and par- for ordered as well as Wedding A is I solicited JACK Opposite House Watt London Feb Gen re port of the casualties incurred in the recent fighting in the upper district is dated from thus indicating that he has moved is head quarters to that place The total losses in the operations were of which the killed number only The Scots Greys attached to Lord Roberts force and under the command of Elliott Wood have Drift on the road running to the base of sup plies for the Boer army at British refugees who had to pass district the scene of Gen recent fight in or der to reach River camp saw of Boer dead and wounded around a temporary hospital They estimated the total Boer loss at London Feb A despatch to The Daily Mail from dated yesterday says There has been hard fighting for two days near Coles- berg the Boers making strenuous ef forts to outflank the British left The fighting has been very severe the last few days The West Australians and had hot fighting but held their positions against long odds The Boer losses were considerable The Boers are burning the farms of the loyalists but the latter has con trived to get away with their stock I Drift Feb General I French left this point at yester day morning with three brigades of cavalry horse artillery and mounted infantry including several colonial contingents in order to seize a cross ing of the about miles dis tance He reports by despatch dated pm that he has forced a passage at Clip Drift and occupied the hills north of the river capturing three or the enemys with their sup plies while Gen Gordon of 15th Hussars with his brigade who had made a feint at Drift four miles west has seized it end a second drift between that and Clip Drift to gether two more Frenchs performance is- bril liant considering the excessive heat and a blinding dust storm which raged during the latter part of the day Owing to the rapidity of his move ments Gen French met with but slight opposition and his losses were small Feb About ten oclock this morning a child of Rob ert living street to death out and left aged 16 months with another child some years older The older one was playing with matches and the babys clothes caught fire i How do you Buy Where do you Buy And- what do you Pay for your Clothing Boots Shoes Mens Furnishings and Groceries The will of Robert Kennedy farmer of King TownBhip has been filed for probate It disposes of an estate of of which is realty The personalty goes to tho son William who also gets sub ject to the payment of 1500 within Snow Flake to a daughter Mary sum of 2000 also left to her Another daughter Margaret When a man boasts of things hearers know nothing about can ho he grand- is willed Five classified as a safe blower grandchildren receive each tfwjniA Hundreds of our Customers answer and we Save Money Hundreds of others will give the same answer after once dealing with us We have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes in Town We have the largest stock of Mens ReadytoWear Clothing in Town We have the best selected stock of Mens Furnishings in Town We keep the most Stylish Hats and Caps in Town and are always fresh You may be among the people by buying your goods from

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