Newmarket Era, 16 Feb 1900, p. 8

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I -J- THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY FEB WJbf tor I cat oleic lbcaUcbo etc in- to a- cold or break op a Mild certain they rue confidence Parol can bo taken by children or delicate women Price 26c at all medlclna or a Hood A Co YOUR PAWS WITH PainKilter A In Itself Simple Safe and Cur DIARRHOEA COUGHS RHEUMATISM and OF IMITATIONS- THE PERRY DA VIA YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Designs c a war our opinion an is probably Handbook on Vint Oldest taken Co without In Scientific of any ft Jrurnnl New York I A QUICK FOR COUGHS COLDS Very vaiaable Remedy to ail affections of the THROAT or LUNGS Luge J limited Perry Hie WIDKvWAKE AND COR TO llihiiy Ilia wrist through a heavy fall on walk while ictmnirig home from The friends of Dr A will regret learn of DOsa which noccHsiiitntctl hie retire ment from active practice Wo hope his sojourn south may prove very hone- lieinl in the restoration to his former good health The remain of the late Mr Alice beloved wife of Mr were to the horn of her brother Mr Cooper Monday hat from hu sua- to a second of Her wen buried in the Lloyd town Tuesday afternoon and were followed by a large circle of sorrowing The K oyster and fowl on a Children Cry for CASTOR I A- We the Rev Mr Law rence will shortly leave hero Messrs John and Win of Newmarket in town tills week The special meetings at held by the pastor Hain- are being attended with increased While at tchool George Martin was by another against the hot atovo and had ha hand severely burned who died last month willed in reality and in debts and notes to his widow and en MOUNT Our Patriotic Concert will bo hold on Friday Feb A good program is being prepared Dr Wesley has purchased the lot to the west of the Miller Block from Mr J a A Miller and will a residence thereon for thin spring The held their regular meeting on Thursday evening last One proposition was received The auditors report was presented and showed a membership of and a cash balance of A number of the young of Mr and Mr J invited to their now residence on Friday evening last and spent a very enjoyable time and were well represented While working under a running belt ill tittles factory one day last week Hugh Peters lost a piece of hie scalp We understand that revival services are to be commenced hero shortly Preparations are being made for a patriotic concert to be hold in during the present mouth It Alunyn to the sufferer from stomach awl the which he directly traced there neglect or Ignorance may have pro duced the darkness but so sure as follows day just so surely will Dr Vop mans Pineapple Tablet a In the sup blue and back full brightness of perfect health tbls Is taking strong ground hut proof Is to bo bad one eating- CO In a Sold by 4 A Leading it 20 Years hi Car ill of rtcd trouble if I I ji jltftrp cutting at liuu II it j fit or Kan lUcy you you turn vMV i the a pcimatiui t JA Iertofi t cur nerved th of ME rut r J you men aw and vitality fW v the weather there was a large at the Oyster Supper and Concert given in the Methodist Church at this place Oysters hot and cold with other delicacies were served in the basement and the supper was to the stand aid At about the meeting was called to order Mr Herbert Len nox of Aurora made an ideal chairman The Mendelssohn Choristers of Rich mond Hill several selections the Misses of Aurora and the Misses also sang Miss Fetch elocutionist of gave a selec tion Mr Sanderson and Sir Mason ok Hill sang solos little Miss Ji and Master A Hutchinson contributed a couple of musical dialogues A Brass Quar tette from Richmond Hill played a couple of fine pieces and another tette from the same place furnished vocal The proceeds of the entertainment amounted to Children Cry for ASTORIA button The ladies of Knox Church hold an oyster supper in St James Hall on St Valentines Day North York Institute will meet in Sutton at hall on Saturday Feb at pm In fulling a tree on Tuesday at Way camp it fell across a shanty smashing it complete ly No one was injured The annual glim and Association will be held in the Metho dist Church on the and of February Miss had a surprise party Tuesday evening it being the occasion of presenting her by the members of the Methodist Church with a well filled purse as a recognition of her ser vices as organist The annual meeting of the Conser vatives of will be held in had on Friday evening Allan and T Len nox will add res the meeting TwentyJive car loads of ice are stored daily in the houses at the Point and fifteen car loads leave daily for Toronto While working at the ice Tuesday had a cold bath School hi or roe Minnie Annie Br Ill Annie Jr Ill Lucy Kelly Beatrice Wesley Pcgg Arthur Roy Watson Edna SMtor Robert I Dorothy Mary Trus ty Jr I Ethel Belter Present every day Annie Minnie Pegg Lucy Kelly Beatrice Alfred B J John Taylor Taylor Harry Small wood Jae Ill Geneva Arthur Taylor Alice Arnold Guy Taylor Jr Ill Lucy Herman Silas John Janet Ada Taylor Annie Jr Monro Sadie Bur- Stanley Armstrong Roy Stiles Roy Taylor II- Maurice Alice Tay lor Charlie Mabel Thomas Bertram Owens I No Ernest George I No Elmer Lome Burrows Norman Cameron Maggie Cameron Edith Stiles Nor man Taylor Johnnie E Teacher it man must ask wlfeo to make a success a saying of a wise old clergyman who knew that marriage was a in the broadest and that there can no in any in which the partners do not contribute equally to make possible For this if for no reason every man who is trying to climb the ladder of success should be interested In his health A healthy woman always helpful A tired nervous woman depicted in strength and depressed in mind can contribute neither mentally nor physically to a husbands success The remarkable rem Pierces Favor ite strengthei Si Prescription organs am Secularly feminine up debilitating drains heals ulcerations end inflammations And cures female trouble that the causes of ill health arc thus entirely removed and the healthy happy wife becomes a genuine helpmeet to the husband was tick for twelve year and for I had to together writes Mr Bell of Oakland Co- Maryland I was treated by five different physicians who pronounced my case Bright disease conditioner the blood and uterine trouble I suffered a great deal in both tides and much tenderness jo the womb I was bloated at times in bowels and limbs troubled with a discharge from the organs 1 could not steep and was troubled with palpitation of the heart a great deal of In my head temples forehead and eyes ana 1 pain at monthly periods Since talcing eleven bottles of Dr I have enjoyed better health than I had for more than twelve years previously and have gained in weight pounds tak ing your medicines Sick women can consult V Pierce by letter addressed to Buffalo lutely without charge letter la read in private its statements held in sacred confidence and all answers are mailed in plain envelopes without adver tising or other printed matter It is a good thing to keep Dr Pleasant in the house One Pellet is a laxative two a cathartic do The Grandest Offer Ever made an Will Not Occur To introduce the lightest Grade of ft limited number will bo placed on the market at A Price Never Before Heard of This Offer Continues for but DAYS Therefore at Onee All applications considered according to date of receipt with whom moneymaking contracts will bo made NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Address Wheel WINDSOR I- BRADFORD and fflayj2 dt on you- Consult ana Dont have no expertCbce in I fa dont Women A vil no euro you EH do of dollars accept for moderate S GUARANTEED home DSTSOir Gold Best Gold Fill 150 Gold Fill Glares We OPTICAL CO Streot Toronto county to Kit- hi heir own uiy yearly cm payable weekly with un usual opportunities envelope A JIulMlntf Chicago timber being hauled from this to Newmarket for- Messes Monday lon m were the of imyosiiifr a heavy line on Henry Lowe for disorderly conduct in the Hotel on Wednesday night of last week The disturbance occurred near the hour of oclock The Agricultural Societys dinner was in progress at the time and the dis turbance had the effect of greatly marring the proceeding he magis trates imposed a fine of 20 and cost8j in all Yesterday a very pretty homo wed ding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs when their daughter Mis was married to Dr Smith of Lawrence Out The ceremony was performed by the Rev Smith father of the groom in tho presence of the imme diate relatives of the happy couple Tho bride looked charming in her travelling dress of navy cloth Site was attended by her sister Miss Fanny who wore a pale green Mr brother of bride acted as groomsman After the nup tial knot had been tied Mr and Mrs Smith received the congratulations and good wishes of their friends and all sat down to a dainty wedding break fast time passed very pleasant ly until the departure of the happy couple who left on noon train for Lawrence their future home The high regard in which the bride is held was indicated by the many and presents of which was re cipient They certainly with them good wishes of the whole community Children Cry for Did you ever try to dodge the raindrops Did not succeed very well did you Its just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption You cant do It They are about us on every hand and we are con stantly taking them into our lungs Then why dont we all have this disease Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot hold In a strong throat and lungs Its when these are weak that the germs master The body must be well supplied with fat The danger comes when the blood Is poor and the body is thin It your cough does not yield and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore you should not delay another day Take NO May Ambrose III Leslie Huntley Louie Allan Jr Willie Mit chell Allen Olive Crittenden Herbert Crittenden Mary Ben Evelyn Ezra Charlie Jr Ethel Charlie Rye Allen Albert Crittenden Ed die Sutherland Leslie Kel son Crittenden Ethel Albert Skiorb Teacher S WHITCHURCH IV GusBie Bert Haw- tin Emily Starr Millie Willis Jr Etta Sheridan Simpson Sadie Howard Willis Lena Rogerson Edgar Starr Ill James Joe Sheri dan Frank Cupplcs Ben Hughes Thomas Albert Jr Ill Hill Nellie John Hill Frank Druery Angus Milton Sheridan Maria Moulds Annie Victor Vernon Mary II Walter Hughes Sane Jr II Louis Wesley Joe Carrie Elgin Fisher Francis Sheridan Art Vernon I Eliza Sheridan Percy Gup- pics Bertha Sheridan Howard Frank George Stewart Victor Wilfred Gladys Vernon Leslie Named of who attended every day in the month Emily Starr Wilson Bert Etta Sheridan Frank Cup- pies Angus Charles Sheridan Louis Haw- tin Francis Sheridan Bertha Sheri dan Average lor month A Gray Teacher EMULSION all It NO or lofts OP APPETITE By ike aid of The I have gotten rid had me over a gained la weight WIKGHAM CE Montreal per y CO Limited Teacher Wanted Do you think of Socond or third cIabs wale or female for 8 No If duties to on let received up till Feb I8AAC HOSE ecTreas ii1 Mount Albert Nellie Penrose Willie Lundy I Clara Miller Jes3 red Penrose Kuniw Hoes Teacher A Rod was one of Englands famous whipping schoolmasters At in autumn small boys used to buy chestnut and roast litem In a shovel over the ire One day a boy named l- who was a gient favorite of had a lot of chestnuts and as a special favor was allowed to make of the pupil while pupil room was still was in and out of Tin room while we working ami on one occasion coming in quietly be of kneeling over the tin Lis The boys was irresistible to any lover of the ai of Not Seeing bis face fupioslug it was one of the other hoys stealing the chestnuts John tool his aut from his desk ami forward on tip toe jiave the wittehcd a most ire- meiidoust The hoy jmiipd up with a yell his hands him Tlen the tutor saw who he was and said him Oh my floor hoy I am so thfiihl it was Mlti wi Hi Sen Helen Norman Morton IV Martha Brooks Alice Ill Gladstone Lloyd Russell II Bessie Cole Isaao Percy Cole Raymond IA Of CodLiver Oil with at once it will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them well The digestion becomes stronger the appetite better and the weight Increases The whole body comes well fortified and germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold Its this nourishing sustain and strengthening power of SCOTTS EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting diseases SCOTT NO VLela Winnie Spalding Alfretta Jess Dan Kenny Frank Oliver Glen Case Walter Brown Ban Br III Beatrice Harry Spalding Minnie Allan John Case Leta Jr Ill Delia Leslie Annie Swan Ira Hannah Wright Lavinia Lewis Chester Littlejohn Stephens Walter Earl Leh- man Rose Br Edna Spalding Delia Lehman Allie Penrose Levis Dews- bury Jr II Velraa Lehman Lorctto Bertie Colin another hoy stealing all delighted and The Great Prescriptions of Dr A Chase If you do write THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ILL THE Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork i Factory id Canada for the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We and Repair all on short notice The Wm Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT If you are not a subscriber to the Era Bend for a trial trip of 3 months Chwes Dr Chafes Ointment for Dr Catarrh Cure a bos Wovvtrfrei Dr Liver Cure Dr Chiles Smp of and for coughs a bottle r Ah county to represent own ynd suouudi CcJcIy Will log to pay yearly ecmployuicntwiib chunked En- Btir A employ lUrcreoctv lose aTkDCiiKtonDulldmChlcasp Cabinet manufactured by The Office Specialty Co limited Factory Newmarket Out and 124 Bay St Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal P Q Our fee returned if we ail and description any invention Any one sending receive our opinion free concerning patentability of to Obtain a Patent upon request Patents through us advertised for sale at our expense Patents taken out through us receive special without the Patent Record an Illustrated and widely circulated journal Consulted by Manufacturers and Investors Send for sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J CO Patent Attorneys PROMPTLY SECURED J for our Looks Invent Help and How you arc or jour invention or improvement and Vic vim you our to wlictlicr it patentable We a of applications rejects In other i PATENT SOLICITOR of ftciool of At filled ILlrtrnty

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