Newmarket Era, 23 Feb 1900, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY FEB Weeks WHAT IB NO OK ABOUT annual WOfTJ Social will place ibia evening at Iho residence of the editor will bo games followed by program nod refreshments All In sym pathy with work cordially invited to ftbuiiii by tholr contributions 1 iTCJO Reform meeting Central of the York la notified to in tomorrow afternoon Am of import fin will bo present sod both Hon Mr and Hon j J Davie are announced to bo presort a full is anticipated Patriotic Committee wound up busmen Monday night proceeds 8 follows Bale of tickets and donation total piano printing postage and telephone total leaving balance of which was forwarded to Toronto on Tufes- cream A Hove Net design and another piece of nice- Muslin for aprons and Hughs this week Last Friday morning a team belonging to Mr Silas bad a lively run Thoy wailing on the pond foe a load of ice when the oclock ume along and frightened ran Main Street as far as fitarra book store and to sudden bolt running of a polo harness was broken considerably A litilo before oclock on Friday even ing Mr had a runaway His horse to a down Main a pace The drivor thrown out and rig smashed fixle A Newmarket young man drove two ladles to the Carnival night last week On the way home front axle of the buggy broke about two miles tins side of Sharon The occupants were all thrown out Fortunately the escaped injury but the driver was about SO on bis shoulder and also Buffered a bad on his Mr came along and part of the Kood It is said that another rig attended the met with a perplexing casualty The horse be came restless while tied under the shed and broke the harness considerably Implements This is the time or farmers to place their orders for now so as to have thorn delivered of work comes on Har rows Cultivator a and Drills advertised In this reputation in North York and wide farmers will not buy without Bending new On the Rise Horses are apparently- in demand and prices are going up Mr John of sold a horse for last and Mr Alton Howard of same township sold A farm or In refused for bis team and sold another young horse for Mr II Millard of eight more horses in this vicinity last week Mr is to be here tomorrow again Hockey The team of Newmarket Club play ed against the Richmond Hill team on Thursday night of last week when latter were defeated by a score of It is said to have developed into a game of shinny An game in the of the Patriotic Food was announced to take place last night between the borne team and Wellingtons of Toronto When Wellingtons played here last they de feated the home teira by one goal A very exciting match was anticipated The lee Horneat More than ever is being taken from Fairy Lake this year There gangs of men and hauling Mr Hunter has for blocks and boa put in Mr John Collins has blocks And about delivered Mr John has out over and has still on order Mr Bloc arid baa BOO more on order This makes a total of al ready and blocks still lobe cat Mr Blue claims to bo the fastest having sawn blocks in hoars pi- ii i 9 The Board of Health met on Saturday evening sad passed a resolution aakfng the Council to pass a ByLaw for Compulsory so as to be prepared in case an should break out in the County It was also decided to a setting forth what aotion should bo taken in ease an infectious disease of any kind should its appearance together the prescribed by the Act The Circulars will be by the to every house Town This action is taken owing to an oat- break of smallpox reported at Toronto Junction Club Will meet at the homo of Mr Coombs street on Tuesday evening at reading will begin at see All are The Pegs Suit Judgment last wek by Sir Win for in favor of and the against the was dismissed Judgment on several other minor points was reserved While cutting ice on Pond last Monday Mr fell broke bis Depot The movement of freight is fiO cars past week here as follows Work J Grain Screens Hay Inwards Sundries Pall Wood Coal the Ordinary market last Satur day for this time In the year Batter still had a tendency to rise In price as high as a lb being paid to the prices Eggs from to to lb and both If an Pressed from to pair Large quantity of dressed beef was sold from to Co per lb The The Quarterly Services on Saturday and last were attended and very Boot of Indiana Moore of and Albert Wright of were present and gave valuable service Missionary meeting on Saturday evening was specially Interesting Mr tolling of travels in Norway and Mr Wright speaking on Foreign Missions gen erally every night this week and will remain here over Sunday Last night Mr Thompson was to accom pany a load oat to tbe Holt mission to give an entertainment and is to be here tonight The Trolley A of rates into force last Friday a of County rot urn to Toronto ft now a reduction of but fare to Aurora and Is increased from to The electric road la not giving at advantage over the rates on steam railway for the use of the highway at was anticipated by lb Gospel Temperance Templars provided pro gram st Sunday and Hall was wolf rilled Mr J Green In and Lush organist Reading by Miss Jones by Miss Garland singing by Royal and duett by Miss Lush and Miss The provide the program next Sunday includes an address by Rev Oar Toronto better J I in flllionec The annual meeting of North York Prohibition Allianoe took place in the Temperance Newmarket on Satur day afternoon and was well attended After routine business following were elected for the ensuing year President 1st Vice Is Newmarket Vice John Keswick Secretary Landy Aurora Treasurer J Green Newmarket Kieoutive The above officers and Holland Aurora Cane Newmar ket Holland Landing Mr Silver Sut ton Geo Peers Ira Morton Keswick Jos Stephenson Sharon J Walton Kettleby Stephens Bog- and all resident Ministers Tbe President VicePresident and Secre tary ere appointed to draft a letter to ihe prospective in both Local and Federal Elections asking a reply to following question Will yon agree to do all in your power to obtain the immediate enactment of legislation as will se cure the total prohibition of liquor traOio in at least those provinces and terri tories gave majorities In plebiscite The replies to be in the local papers and sent to all temperance organi sations in Hiding On behalf of the Cane President of York County Union was present and appealed to the to sign a Petition to House Commons for the Prohibition of the manufacture and sale Cigarettes in the Dominion The following resolution was then car ried unanimously Whereat the use of tobacco by growing hoys universally condemned by physi cians educationalists and patents to pbyslotal strength and dovol- to mental progress and moral And Whtttat cigarette Is the pernicious form of tobacco yet widely and increasingly need by boys of this Province it therefore that the danger to our coming citizenship is sufficiently grave to demand banishment of this pest end we thereore unite with In Dominion to enact legislation prohibiting manufacture importation and sale of cig arettes and the materials for their prepara tion And furthtr all reason able ways we will aid proposed educa tional campaign The Alliance then adjourned to meet at the call of the Relief ot There was great rejoicing In Town on Wednesday wben relief of Ladyamitb became known A telegram was received about oclock and the report being con firmed by telephone Mayor authored the blowing of waterworks whistle in addition to the other steam whistles In Town and the ringing of the Town Bell Numerous flags were hoisted in every di rection Trustees Pretty Scott and announced victory to the school chil dren who and sang God aave Queen scholars then went into playground and surrounded the flagstaff As the colors were being raised they again for tbe Queen and the grand old flag alter which they were given a half- holiday in honor of event At Canes Factory Alderman Trivett gave all the men bis employ an ex tra hour lor dinner Witb all the rejoicing there was a feel ing of over lose of Canadians killed wounded and missing in last Sundays battle Tho heavy casualties that oar di1 shrink from duty and bravely nphld toe of Canada The War Office has not yet confirmed relief of Ladysmith Canes This of industry is with work from one end to the other This is the week that men are engaged making doors and windows besides those who are getting The faotory is turning now doors every day and between and GOO screen windows shipping them away by car toad The carpenter department has com pleted the contract for seats for the Klein- burg Methodist which are all ready now for finishing The psil and tub departments are just as busy as ever use from 33 to cords wood per day and on Wednesday there was only one months stock on hand Pall coming in at the rate of Mr A Abraham lately connect ed with the Woodstock Sentinel Re- vim has been engaged on department of Toronto Star ExAid Geo been ap pointed landing waiter of the Toronto Customs Department in place of Gen Monroe deceased Hall Law Society will have an At Homo this Friday evening a kind of conversazione Sir Ralph Meredith likely to be Hon Edward Blakes successor to Chancellorship of Toronto Univer sity and Sir John Boyd to be or Mr as Vice Chan cellor Ermine stock looking up as both of the proposed gentlemen orna ment the The death is announced of Mr John Leys formerly a wellknown citizen of this city but for years past residing at the city of Mexico Ho represented Toronto ip the Ontario House from 1800 Entertainments will be given in Hall Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week in aid of the Patriotic Fund These en tertainments will be given under the auspices of Military District No The annual meeting Indus trial Exhibition Association was held on Tuesday last The financial state ment of treasurer showed a balance over all expenses of Ad mission fees arc given at The total receipts footed 109085- Of this wat paid in prizes to proprietors etc as their proportion attractions cost Reduction in Prices means Reduction in Stock That is what is desired this month Many lines of White Goods at the Reduced will be continued during this Stock Reduction Sale EXTRA Special Value this month in Mens and Ladies Wool Underwear GROCERIES Also get their fair share of pricecutting this month especially lines that we are overstocked with BRUNT The best cooks always use Baking Powder CORNER I THE CHEAP STORE The Leading House Years AAA Weeks Frioe for cords a day just after last snow storm Farmers are bringing it all the music tattoo way from Hill on South Zephyr on East and from miles West of Bradford Last year the firm cars of timber besides all farmers brought in The snowstorm yesterday will revive tbis trade again The Two rinks from Newmarket went to the on Thursday of last week to for Governor Generals prize and found that clubs were after tbe honors New market was pitted against Forest and for late they were penalized ten shots They down on car and were delayed The match resulted in favor of Forest by points The score was as follows Christian morning last Mr Weeks from familiar All things work together for good to them that love God substance of dis course was that requires comprehen sive views of all things an overruling power in all things and to best for ourselves we must cooperate with God In absence of organist Mrs very kindly presided Sunday School Bible conduct ed by the pastor is The people of the especially should not miss opportunity for bible study class affords The Ladies Aid held at Mr Albert Collins last Friday night was a suc cess in every The house was fill ed games and refreshments in and a good social time Rev Mr Weeks is in special services again at Union St It that there will be a baptism of from Toronto accompanied by Rev P Fletcher next Sunday ing general managers department treasurers printing advertising station ery and postage nearly fire works and illuminations electric light wages fi- dogshow ami other things making total expenditure including on buildings and repairs Isaac who died at New Toronto last week was a member ol the Army and Navy Veterans While he was on his deathbed a deputation from the society presented him with his medal Deceased was at and was the man who carried Captain oft the field when wounded Burglars entered Memorial Baptist Church last Friday night and secured a small sum of money from the infant class room also a few good medals There was a great feeling of sadness all over the city on Wednesday and flags were flying at halfmast for our boys who lost their lives in South Africa There are about members present at the fifth annual convention of the Toronto Conference of worth Wall Paper Remnants Regular price to for 150 patterns to choose from to rolls to the remnant Ladies Shoe Bargains pairs only Ladies Kid Juliette Gaiters reg price 150 this week Sizes and only Ladies and Misses Overshoes and Felt Boots This week at Cost Price GO pairs Womens Lace Working boots worth 125 This week Ladies Dress Skirts only Ladies Homespun Plaid Skirts regular price This week price Ladies Costumes Skirt and Jacket Clearance Brown Tweed Silk Lined for Navy Serge Silk Lined for Fawn Ladies Cloth regular 1475 for Fawn Ladies Cloth regular for Fawn Beaver Cloth regular for New Blue Cloth for 10 Red Hot Dress Goods Bargains Goods for 25e Pieces comprising Plain and Fancy Black and Colored Cashmeres Serges Cheviot Arc Special This Week yd Dress Goods for Pieces only Black and Colored Plain and Fancy special This Week yd 100 12S Goods for Josthalf price pieces toe 7Se Dress Goods for 10 Pieces a Variety of Goods choose from this week yd Only Fancy Braid Trimmed French tutou Leugths marked to sell at and 00 Your choice This week for Grey Granite Wash Basins Special Snap Price each Stationery Bargains War Map this week Paper Square Envelopes package Lead Pencils this week each Cloth Bound Books prices to your Ladies- Jacket Bargains Choice of Our reg Jackets for Our Jackets foe Oar Jackets for Our Jackets for Our Jackets for Our Jackets for Owens fif Sparling Geo Walters Smith A Steel VanYfttkenbuxg sk Total Dr Scott Rev sfaO Bin Stuart Total Last Friday a friendly match was play here with teams from Hill and Newmarket was again defeated by shots The following Is a summary J Downs Boyle A W P Savage Col Lloyd B A Howard A Be v Morris J Palmer The newest kind for making Linen Lace at Total Total 2G Mr Walter settled tea By Co for and rather than have any trouble over a His wagon was struok oar North Xork Farmers in New market this afternoon Friends Beading meets at Mr next Monday night King Council meets at to morrow Lent men next Wednesday March comes In on Thursday A young man named George lost a finger at Canes yesterday morning Mr bought horses in vi- on Tuesday and It that the Directors of Factory at the list Saturday postponed regarding purohae of butter plant The Sherlock did not draw a very foil bouse on Tuesday night not paying expenses bat they gave a Que pro gram Mr preparing to a handsome llf3etnff which to float Queens colors and good titn Sale Feb Mr P Pearson will have unreserved credit of farm stock Implements eto on lot 2nd King at pm sharp 0 months credit on approved Joint Stokes and era J W Stephens Clerk itafiPiY Feb ST Mr will have a large sale of farm stock etc on lot west side of the of East credit on sums over or per cent off for except for Fat Cattle and Range Bale at one oclock March Extensive sale of arm stock implements furniture etc be longing to the late Edwin J oa lot In the miles North on Fat hay grain seeds and sums of cash credit on sums over amount- Bale sharp E Smith March Mr John Baiter will have an extensive farm stock implements end lot 2nd con of Willi If of Holland Landing credit on oyer except cattle end hey or off tor cash fllc et Sharp CrossGut this week at Cost Price Ladies Fur Lined Gapes only Fancy Red Brocade Squirrel Lined Black Trimming on Collar and Front regular price for 1 only Blue and Black Brocade Grey Squirrel Thibet on Collar and Front a very handsome gar ment regular special this week Fur Coat Chances Black Black rfilk Lining Colored Stitching regular price from to 30 This weeks price Seal Heavy Brocade Silk Lining regular price This week price Black Heavy Brocade Lining price This week A Fur Coat Clearance We cannot hold on any longer so here goes only Mens Russian Reindeer Italian Quilted Linings special only Mens Wombat Cloth Lined regular special 18 Fur Chances Black Goat extra large size regular special Grey Goat Indian Also Grey and Black Goat Back Robes reduced to and Bilk Pompoms I or Fancy Work regular prices from to a This week your choice at ISc dozen Grocery Bargains tins Tomatoes Com and week only tin- Navy Cloth Skirts at Plain or Braid Trimmed only week Drug Section bottles Vaseline this week So bottle bottles Tooth Powder this week tins Perfumed Powder tin A

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