Newmarket Era, 23 Feb 1900, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FEB JtJ- V the CO WKBP0MDKHT1 KIND SOUTH Owing to of the teacher public school was too or three days laet week- hull passed of very Jam night Mr Coombs make an excellent chairman The Lading of Church will hold a at the residence of Mrs Spink Kcttlobyon Wednesday Feb Among other features of will bo of the latest selec tions phonograph Mr J Davis has rented farm and moved hereon of Jlarriston will hold a Missionary Meeting in the Christian Church on Con of King next Sunday at P SUTTON IMHI a What with ice good market and train whistles fro- blowing villain seems to awakening Many of our cifens have lately shown their sympathy and love for needy by practical help Wool and s have gratified some who greatly inserted them Methodist Church Choir are their friends to help them in equipment and are giving a Social Tuesday at Mr Frank residence A very sad occurrence- took place week When Mr Josh who had visited here reached his home he dropped though pre viously in ttppaw health Ladies of Presbyterian had a very successful oyster supper in St James Hall on St Val entines night Every seems to have been pleased with the evening Miss Richards who is shortly to leave hero offered her effects for on Saturday which were greatly appreciated much to her profit The League of Moth Church intend furnishing a popular debate on Monday March and settling a much vexed question Re solved that the facta and arguments go to that the twentieth century begins on the 1st We learn that Mrs Brace is grad ually recovering health feels grateful for the universal sympathy and kindness shown ROACHS POINT The sudden death of Mr Joshua Willoughby has cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood he having many friends here Mrs Daniel Grant of Toronto is the guest of Mrs Tillett for a few dove- Mr and Mrs P Lyon have re turned to Barrio Mr Lyon has pass ed his final examination in Marine having obtained Chiefs papers which enable him to take charge of any loat in Canada Humor- of a wedding bete in the near future Bachelors will get caught at Miss Boyd has recovered from her severe illness and is able to he around again PINK Minn Cora Conner spent a few days Inst week at with Miss Jordan Mr Bert Starr has disposed of three of horse at a very handsome figure Bros with their mill have commenced operations in J IT Mr Mrs Brown spent Sunday with their daughter Airs at Bothesdu Miss Rachel Lloyd has serious ly ill with inflammation of lungs hut is now improving quite rapidly Mr and Mrs of To ronto up to the farm on Tuesday last MOUNT ALBERT Tho wife of late John Stiver died on Saturday night and was in toned in cemetery on Tues day Mrs Stiver had been nick for a long time was member of the Presbyterian denomination and died in the arms of Jesus Wo arc sorry to report that three parties from this village went to New market to do business and came homo intoxicated Mr son of Richard Kay of Holt was threshing at John Frenchs when he hud a linger taken off got hi hand in the cylinder Dr Forrest dressed it s Mr Patrick Fox of Centre road is seriously ill Mrs Sen is recovering from a attack of in Humiliation Miss Amy was in Roachs Point on Sunday on a visit to her sister Mrs Win A surprise party from Newmarket paid a visit to Mr John Grose of Hart- man on Friday evening A grand patriotic concert will hold in the town hall on Friday evening February Tho Sunday School hero intend holding their At Homo on Tues day evening next in the Temperance Hall and preparations are being to make it a notable event QUEENSVILLB Wo arc is to hear that Miss gradually owing The Ladies Auxiliary here in aid of the Anglican Church Mission is doing splendidly under the superintendence of its worthy President Mrs Frank Young and the amount and quality of work turned out cannot be surpassed Miss Marie entertained a few young friends at her home Saturday event Jesse has leen suffering from a lame back past week Hurry up Jess you viNsoon lie on the old Bach elors list and that would bo such a pity as we know you love all the girls old or young Mr Willie McDonald of Sutton West has been visiting his grandfather Mr Miller for a few days Travelling on the ice seems remark ably good this winter there not cracks as other winters George Young seems to have entirely recovered from his severe ill ness and is gaining in flesh rapidly We regret to learn that Col Lloyds well at Orchard Beach has caved in and is a total wreck cost the Col about that is all lost now reports we hear Orchard Beach will have more stir thonever next season Somebody has bought three lots and intends to put up two cottages next spring to rent The remaining three lots which comprise the whole of Mr front have been bought by Mr A Davidson of Newmarket All of the lotholders south of the lane have purchased foot more at the rear to extend their lots some to build stables other for gardening purposes Mary Glover Mr and Mrs George White of Port Perry were the guests of his brother Mr White Mr and Miss Homer of Mu tual Cornels spent Sunday at Mr John Miss orris has returned to Sutton after spending a few days un der parental roof Mrs Atkinson of Sutton re lumed homo this week after a pro longed visit with relatives The residence of Mr John Hoi born was the scene of a merry gathering on the fourteenth inst the occasion of which was the marriage of niece Miss Ida Louisa Atkinson to Frank lin Bain Rev Brown A small concourse of people Wed to Witness the marriage and punctu ally at two oclock the bridal party arrived amid the sweet strains of the wedding match played by Miss L Davison of Newmarket The bride looked very sweet and pretty in her handsome wedding gown of lavender with white satin and pearl trimming her beautiful bridal veil caught with orange blossoms carrying a shower bouquet of cream roses as she came slowly into the parlor leaning on the arm of her uncle Mr John and followed by her bridesmaid Miss Nellie Noma wearing pretty gown of white organdie trimmed with satin and wearing a boueuet of red roses Mr Bain awaited the wedding party in the parlor supported by his best man Mr After the ceremony they all proceeded to the diningroom refreshments were served At halfpast four the happy couple left amid showers of rice to catch the train at Newmarket for Toronto where they will visit prior to taking up their residence near Brad ford Sirs Bains travelling gown was a stylish tailormade of steel grey cloth with silk blouse to match and Mrs Geo Fogg has boon quite ill for weeks with lagrippe but is getting bettor wo are glad to hoar Miss Clara from Buf falo also been quite poorly for last few days The Juniors of village have con verted the basement of the old hotel into a skating rink and are having a merry time of their own Mr James of the con to go to the Toronto General Hospital soon with a leg as the bones to knit Messrs and been chosen to select the place for village scales Mrs Rob Pollock of the con also Mr son of Mr are both quite poorly at present Bettor eldest son of died very suddenly on with pneumonia and the rupture of a bloodvessel in the stom ach the blood gushing from his and mouth in a stream Throwing up his hands in bod ho exclaimed Im going up anil died almost medially Although poorly all winter he was working till within a few days of his death Much sympathy and kindness in the neighborhood has been extended to the family Funeral last Thursday to Cemetery Rev Mr Minor preaching the sermon in Free Moth Church on the Mr Phillips of Raven shoe who was reported dead from effects of sen- injuries received while unloading a car in Toronto la home soon from city sympathy is felt for his moat unfortunate case Wedding bells at Mr John last Wednesday when Mr Bain and Mr Holborns niece Miss Ida Atkinson were united in marriage Many guests honored the occasion Much joy Miss Ella of Nowuiarkct is visiting at her uncles Mr Fred Miss Minnie White of was visiting here a few days last week Our Carnival was a complete success in every particular The list of prize winners is as follows costume BALDWIN BREEZES How it that nearly all Marys arc attractive maids Its re markable Hero in thin neighborhood wo have black Mary Mary of the auburn looks petit Mary sweet Mary Highland Mary Ihe stately Mary and Mary all the very sweetest of maids The boys are just more than courting them Mr Charlie has complet ed violin No and its violin par excellence for of tone end finish So many of our lads are anxiously longing to get a squint at the love that created such a hubbub in a fond bosom Oracle published a re garding Ran Phillips death no doubt has inputs of as long life and prosperity as Bo careful Oweto and gave your Tis the old old story Absooco makes heart grow fonder of other coon A young man went a far off country to toil and sweat to lay up wealth to build himself a home But Miss Spectacles was when the absent lover return ed the dovecot was looted A more lucky suitor had won her smiles and hte heart is now a will leave the discussion of the down in nigger land to the able scribe merely pausing to remark that I am agreeably ur priced at the patriotic feeling and allegiance to our gracious sovereign displayed throughout the entire Do minion A most intense interest is manifest ed here in the progress of the war The not Boars have no here What wild winds Breezes are saying Oh how delightful it is to bask in the sunshine and smiles of a sweet little cresteyed redheaded Putting this and that together as near as I can tell the next fortnight will make startling revelations Dressmaking and tailoring going on night and day surely forebodes some thing specially interesting in half a dozen families These patent outside or maiden area class of journals I have a mighty small opinion of A man who has not suf ficient ability to get up news for a paper has no business to assume edi torship Judging by what J read in contem porary journals I presume most of our journalists are teetotallers What a J A A Shis Opportunity for Bays Only to Saturday Night 3rd Will Boll lbs OR MIXED Will Bell pound of Prices will not warrant this sale We bought heavy when prices were right We want to turn it into money Regular Laundry Soap same size as all Bars Its a splendid soap We will cloae this Sale Promptly This Tea contains the Indian and Ceylon Teas crown and imported direct from Gardens by the Davison Thursday will be the first flay for out New Blend It is Pure Coffee and wholesome It will please It has taken two months to perfect this blend of Coffee Mi Rolled Oats r a humiliating sight it is to see a drunk- J Power representing a editor perfectly oblivious of his dc- hat of steel grey with stylish cream ostrich tips and offspray aud trim ming of ribbon and velvet The bride received a number of presents Mr and Mrs John Wed- del silver pickle castor Mr Rues and Miss Flora Glover ruby glass set Mr George and Miss Davison sil ver desert spoons Mr and Mrs Geo Bain table cloth Miss AlmeJa Bain glass berry bowl Mr and Bain silver pickle caster Mr and Mrs Wilder set Mr and Mrs Walker carving set Mr Atkinson Minnesota a handsome clock Mr Atkin son lamp Mrs sil ver salt and pepper shakers Mr and Mrs James Bain china bread and butter plates Mr and Mrs J Norm silver fruit spoon Mr and Mrs White china dish and two yards of lace Mr Fred Glover one dollar Mr Win parlor lamp Miss Mary Hoi- born two dollars Mi and Mrs Wm and Maggie Glover one dollar Mr Mr Geo rue Miss Nellie and Mini combination silver sugar bow spoon holder and teaspoons Warrior Ladys costume Miss Pearson representing Boys costume Howard Brown represents a Chinaman Girls costume Stella Breckon representing Star Queen Comic costume Fred representing a Dude Clown costume Oscar Johnson representing a Clown Boys Race under 15 years Norman Newmarket The remainder of the costumes were all ex cellent showing a decided improve ment on the last carnival Mr Embury way in Port Perry last week and on his return home found a small dog in his buggy winch some person gave to him without his consent Miss is visiting in Toronto Messrs Fogg Graham Mae- and were in Toronto on Tuesday laH Mr J Turner has been taking Rev Mr Phi misters place for a couple of weeks Mr Pbimister has the German measles The sudden death on Saturday of Mr Joshua Willoughby cast a gloom over our village He was a member of Lodge AOUW The Workmen conducted funeral ser vice at the Cemetery on Tuesday Mr W was in Toron to last week attending the law suit and IOF Jim deserves credit for the way he keeps Ins rink Qui a game of hockey on Monday night Mrs Aderkirk and daughter of To ronto are visiting at their fathers Mr Grant Miss Pearson visiting in Toronto A large number from here attended the Sunday School Convention at Sharon on Tuesday They report a good time Mi and Mrs Lowig are leav ing us for Northwest We wish them Godspeed L manufactured in Canada sold at Grocery We are very particular in this line of cereal food Another fresh Jot of goods has just arrived including the Best Gold Dust Corn Meal Rolled Wheat Flake Barley Buckwheat Hour Wheat Germs Fine Oatmeal Graham flour lbs Corn Meal for Choice Confectionery Just Arrived lbs Boiled Oats for tin Jul Choice French Boasted Almond Chocolates A zrzrArn X lbs of Delicious Candy To Sell Special at lb J k- ffgig 10Q lbs of a line of Chocolates We procured Special Oof lb I graded condition and even poked and jeered at by the kids on the street You can see such if you are on the watch Physician heal thyself The Oracle remarks if the Joker and the Owl would but use their common sense Ac Pardon me my friend but their is no use to recommend thee to do the came for how can one use what they havent got else common sense would teach thee to the Owl alone A racket occurred one of our stores last week in whioh one of the lads used his fist as a piston rod to draw the ruby red fluid from the snout of his opponent The authori ties bad best send Squire his commission as fats services may be required as a J P ere long Our Geo is the possessor of a rare violin a very old relic It is of marvellous fine workmanship and material On the inside back is thin inscription l Cremona primo Anno Domini If a genuine Cremona it is worth a fabulous figure Only an expert could say Madame has been doing some very tasty rugging proud result of her labors is two large homelike rugs and it is Sweet Home over which Mrs presides you can bet Sandy Crawford arrived home from Montana on Sat evening Ketch probably have some thing to say this week about some lads throwing stones on his house a man who minds his own business and would like others to do likewise I think the lads might get more bene fit than they from the Egypt re vival if they tried Nathan Thomas has had a child very sick with inflammation but gener ally speaking tho here en joying robust health The Owl- DAVISON CO Main St Newmarket Colonist Excursions TO THE Canadian North West Will leave Toronto via North Bay in pm and d pm each March and April if offers Colonial Sleeping Car for with ordinary baggage will be attached to train leaving Toronto pm and will run through to Winnipeg Colonist Sleepf Can for 1 ravel- ling on train as their live stock will be at to train leaving Toronto pm and will run through to Berths will be free in these card and can be secured by passengers on application to Grand Trunk agents Tickets and all information Grand Trunk Hallway A Agent Diet Passenger Agent The Universal Favorite Disc Harrow The Disc Harrow that has adJuttabiC pressure springs This feature is in valuable on hard or uneven ground Mob Sectiunal Spring Tooth s Memorial services in commemora tion of the second anniversary of the death of Frances founder of tho T were held in nearly every city on Saturday in the States The chief game warden recently received word that venison was being supplied in the lumber camps in the north and he determined to put a stop to this As a result word was sent to deputy wardens to bo on look out This morning Mr re ceived word that Holland o Emery lumbermen at Parry Bound had been for serving venison in their camps Store and Dwelling in Sharon FOR General Store doing good country Iradc- attached Everything In re pair Hard and water and good PPy Improved Boar Market Boy No For on lot Con Whitchurch I t BALED TENDERS addressed to un- lerslRnc and endorsed Tender for Codsi of Wharf ill be received at this office Thursday March next for the or a Hawkeetone Co Ontario according to a plan specification charge Harbor and River Work Confederation Life Toronto on up- to the Postmaster at and at the Department of Works will not be considered unless made on the form supplied and signed toe actual of tenders An accepted bank check payable to the order of the Honorable the Pub lie Works for three hundred dollars must accompany tender The cheque will be forfeited If the truct or fall to complete the work contracted for will be returned In of nonac ceptance of tender The Department does not bind itself to ac cept lowest or any tender By J It ROY Acting fitted with and grass sowing attACfa- reversible points also thistle cutters if Ordered The lightest draft best working and operated cultivator The teeth work directly under axle and within the wheel line See the Hew Spring loft THE Steel Drills Our reliable Drills are so well and known they for themselves There are- now ever In use fttnong the farmers of this country We invite the closest Farm Implements machinery which we ate a taring tor the coming season In addition to the above we call attention to oar New Victoria Binder and No- 14 Oxford Clipper Frontcut patent and Spite Tooth Harrows and Damp It will amply repay intending to sea oar lines before placing order Send for our flow Catalogue THE CO of Works February W t liirtfti this vrltbout authority the not be paid Sot It Brick for Bale Sale of Heal Estate In the of Whitchurch- never Looking backI see saw before This is the exclamation of satisfied ri By the firt of a In flood lie market Apply Pt Newmarket also cither acre with and to Bull purchaser Enquire at fitted that others failed in ic onic Satisfaction guaranteed free upon the East Half In the on Got- pi up- pay charjfa It Airiif SMITH PO There will be offered for by Public Auction at the Hewitt Hotel premlsea In the Town of Newmarket in the County of York Saturday 3rd t the hour of 11 oclock in forenoon be following freehold property The North the acred of lotaooa2 Whitchurch to the the Coatee coo- eletaof fine clay with from hardwood There is a Barn and House on the and within easy of the Aurora and New market That acre lot lying South of School on Prospect Just oilnlde of or Newmarket e late lived There a good Brick Cia3 House and a frame driving There Is an orchard bout- apple trees most of which are good winter and butane- SO days after day of tale flkcd by the For Bale apply cor

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