Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1900, p. 2

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I J r a THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH i960 i VvrstpvT merits Photo Co than Ever Bros War and lot for Binder Twine 1 Farm for Sale or to Hand John trie Co to Cars Each TIME TABLE pa Society Golamn North 20 am SO pm pm pm pm W pm W i IS ii in pm pm 16 pm pm Return Fare either way She up with kaom The Enaia Pointed FRIDAY MARCH Ontario On Monday last livening cam to hand in a now and in a banned form It lc now a neatly primed noway and bright an Govern moot defeated and Mr Martin under- a Government will an immediate peat to oil two or three before the people Rod Cross under whose from Toronto Booth Africa baa received a cablegram from him coo Inn intimation that flushes is now Deputy Adjutant at having received the appointment the of Feb in reply to a law deputation the Alliance and of conventions at Hon J Mao ireraior Manitoba gave a dis tinct promise a bill providing for prohibition of Intoxicating liquor a far had power would bo introduced by the Government at first the Legislature having re- Committees of Legislature year will find changes in the moo compared with year It is understood Hon Mr will take Hon Mr Gibsons as Chairman of Bills Committee and Hon J Davie will replace ex Premier as Chairman of the Committee We also learn Mr been appointed Clerk of the Municipal Committee in plaoo of Mr Irwin A tanas to eastern from Winnipeg dated Feb states that Mr for Beautiful Plains wbo resigned seat the Manitoba keg- in order to open been appointed to a clerkship in the Winnipeg Title Office very over Mr Ennia action in resigning The Tory press do anything in this transaction but can attribute all sorts of maladminis tration to their opponents for happenings over which admittedly had no con- The Ontario Government has decided apart acres of crown lands surroonding Lake and Lsdy Evelyn it district as an forest reserve Also for the same on north Lake Superior This forest- was burned over some thirty years ago Along with the above it is understood some will be proposed in a bill to be introduced by Hon Mr Davis to compel mining to look better after the health and safety miners lot March a photo engraving of Miss Mary the beautiful English on the front cover This number contains three color ed plates the first one a handsome walk- costume also the usual array of fine illustrations of patterns of erratic design with timely articles Early Spring Fash ions New becoming colors new wrinkles dress skirt not pretty frocks for young folks etc of interest to feminine readers is pnbHabed at a year with a free to each by filcCali Company 188 to MS West New York City Willie To vngenrj aged 15 met with a terrible death Monday at work in the at Junction while oiling a shaft- His clothes income in a moving pulley lie whirls and round body coming in contact with the wall and every of clothes be loin off and hearty every bone Hut body Death was in Flo Williams of Toronto is homo for a weeks holidays Miss Brown was with Mrs Cyrus over Mr mid Mr At Heine with friends a few fifQ Mr Miller of Toronto was visiting with Mr Neil Dyke over Sunday Miss Florence Gray left for Toronto on Wednesday to accept a situation Miss from Co is guest of Miss Palmer for iv of weeks Mr and Mrs I were At Homo with friends last Friday night Mr Limdv has been con lined for a week with rheumatism Mr Harry and Mies of aro visiting at Mr Geo Hughes this week Miso and of To ronto arc spending ibis week with Mrs Keller A load of wont to King City on Tuesday night and were treated to an oyster sapper Wright of Mas visiting in Town this among old acquaintances Mr Frank Is homo from To ronto Buffering from a swollen arm pro duced by vaccination Mr drove to Wood fiuuday and came home Monday with hie face and fingers frozen Mr Gilford has accepted a in city and the family pack ing there tomorrow Mr Geo was hero oyer Bun day for his belongings having struck a I tor ma no tit job in a factory at Richmond ill Literati Miss Violet Storey is spending aooupleofdatsin Now market wiilt cousin Mies Mr of Vachelt was in Town on last Wednesday Ho there now in Mr and wife returned from on Monday for a few days Mr fall somewhat Mr A Elliott his staler Mies Elliott and Miss Stiver all of are visiting week at Mr John Mr of from Hill Brace Co after spending a with Mr Sam uel Miller Hill Liberal Mr A- Davidson lnapeotor paid an official visit to the Public School here on Monday and Mr Hill sod family of down on a viait with relatives in QueouayUle and are aome time Mrs Silver is visiting at Mr D Silvers Button She expects to visit elsewhere returning home about the 1st of April Mr Jos- Bell is carrying hie arm in a sling tula week a sliver from a saw at Canes Factory injuring his hand consider ably Two stitches were required Mrs Latimers mother hero from Manitoba and also two li sisters Mr Latimer la the on the electric car that stays here over Dr writes that there is no whatever in report that be in tends to remove from Sutton and asks us to it a moat unqualified contradiction Mr J an employee in the Office Specialty Works has moved his family here from to house on Street lately vacated by Mr Levi Rogers Mrs got a vdty bad all last Friday afternoon in front of her own door She slipped on gome ice ana hurt back but fortunately no were broke Mr and Mist also Mr Brown and Miss Elliott all of Tottenham ware of Mr Coombs Principal over Sunday together with Mr Coomb of Bradford Mr Peregrine of is newlyelected District Deputy of the for York County Lodges The choice is a good one and wo may look for a large increase in membership this tbe comiog year Dr Co a tea of Cleveland Ohio writes I am proud of the work wbioh our Canadian doing in Booth and while we hear of Sympathy lor the the majority of old American citizens are with the British Kindest remembrance to all old friends On Tuesday evening a party of drove out from Mount Albert and spent a Jolly time at residence of Mr Jack the new baker Hero It was one be fore they left for home Mrs Jack was a member of the Methodist Choir at Mount Albert and ft principally the other members of that body that made the notice by a paper plat the Furnishing firm of Adams Co is removing from their present flvestorey building to a palatial home running through from one street to another and covering an area of square feet The in quite a lengthy article says that the business has reached lie present magnitude through the super vision of genial manager Mr Montgomery who a Newmarket boyaon of Mr John Montgomery and wile waa a Newmarket girl Miss Fanny Hewitt many frienda will be pleased to loam of his remarkable auccees Vftvli the exception of ten men from the Yukon mo now and will leave for on Mutch Written specialty for the on tho address in reply to the speech from at tbo hour of writing presents of the signs of a siege The debate bow- over it must ho added of an order above that which ha been heard in Legislative Assembly for some years But the spirit do- parted and the close is awaited During the last week tho opposition has not advanced at nil Mr Whit ney in bis 4 J hour address exhaust ed ammunition of the forces and left but few practically not bullets for his lieutenants and for that reason Messrs others were to a great extent lifeless or to carry out figure deathless The interesting feature in debate is attitude of Conservative morn bora Liberals have long ago declared themselves built a platform have displayed it to view and have explained the full moaning of every part of it speech of Mr Ross though an exposition of that platform was not so as itself inas much as words cannot bo compared with deeds But Conservatives bad refused to give their opinion of this platform and now that they were forced to express their opinion of it to a fight or surrender Government wore not on trial fur their acts are an open book hut Opposition was brought to face with a policy and bad to take a stand and without shirking make a declara tion That which was more interesting in he of tile Conservatives the which was not No in Parliament cue take two stands either bo must disapprove or he approve Tbe Government in Speech its bill of faro and left it to Opposition to and when Mr Whitney and bis followers failed to discuss item by Horn many of the suggestions of the Government it is evidence as plain evidence can be that tho Op position that which it cannot condemn The debate now in the second week and many of the Opposition have spoken that have not criticized must looked upon as haying the end of all people The Speech mentions a measure which will be introduced providing that out on Crown lands shall he manufactured in Canada Mr Whitney in dealing with this subject objected on the grounds that as cut on other lands would not be subject to the regulation a bonus would be thus given to those lands and would be dis couraged But Mr Ross in reply pointed out that a duty might bo placed on all cut and a re bate would be given to that part of it in Canada In duty is and rebate 160 After this explanation no ob jection has been raised Mr Whitney raised the same ob jection with the Governments nickel policy which provides for the reduc tion Canada Mr made the same explanation and now no is urged The Department of forests as well ae that of mince is under the control of Hon Mr Davis The desirability of preserving forests districts not adapted to ag riculture so as to constitute a perma nent of timber supply has bean recognized by the Commissioner of Crown Lands Accordingly districts capable of being reforested are being set apart as reserves Against this very satisfactory determination of Government not one word of disap proval has been raised Measures will be submitted for the improvement of public highways At every step which Government has made tbo direction of good roads the uncompromising opposition of the Opposition has been incurred When Mr Campbell was appointed director a clamour was raised Year by year the Government was assailed for the of the Department and year by people of through the work of Mr Campbell became better informed and more and more convinced of the value of the Governments sug gestion Throughout the Province the people are testifying to tho wisdom of the Government and in the House no word of opposition is raised to a proposed measure for the better ment of public highways No comment made in the de bate on a measure foreshadowed in the Speech from tbe Throne regarding the drainage of Swamps nor of the determination to further explore the territory to the north Mr Whitney said that cold storage stations could not be satisfactorily en- by tbe province and that the question one to be dealt with by the Dominion When Mr Boss in his reply explained that the Province could bonus municipalities which en cold storage stations and encourage cooperative cold storage companies there was no adverse com ment One of greatest if not the great- cat question before the Legislature and before the people of Ontario is that colonization of Now On tario That it oYorshadowa nearly everything which has or will come before present parliament may bo understood by those who know of the groat possibilities of that great district necessary at this place to attempt to anticipate what the future in for the extensive territory It may bo noticed however that the first vigorous effort which has been made to great estate was made by Hon Mr Davie In the matter of colonization hands of any province are more or lees tied for question of immigration which in times past lias been the basis of colon ization is really a subject within the jurisdiction of Dominion But Mr Davis has propounded a scheme which has met with approval of every critic io Ontario it has the people of the north it has been fav orably commented upon by many newspapers in Canada and unfavorab ly commented upon by none It has mot with approval of citizens of Old Ontario for no legislator dare of it Do minion Government economical as it is settles North- West at a com paratively largo cost but tine policy of Mr Davis will cost practically nothing That section of which refers to the bills respecting tho revenue elections education and min ing has not boon criticized nor were those suggesting a second and the in accommodation for insane Thus nearly every item of this Speech which according to Mr a Conservative member has more in it than any speech delivered by the Lieut Governor for years mot with no unfavorable common That prac tically every plank in forward platform should have received such a reception ie a reward which seldom falls to lot of any administration NEWMARKETS LEADING We pride ourselves on having the most complete Shoe Store in Newmarket From the lowest to the most expensive goods all here and in addition to a big stock the prices are always tempting Thats why business is growing and why it will pay you to buy your Shoes here These go on sale ToDay pairs Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes sizes to a Special Bargain at pairs Mens Solid Leather Lace Boots a very neat shoe and worth 125 our price Mens Fine Kid Lace Boots special at 175 Mens Long Felt Boots 225 reduced to 150 Mens Buckle Felt Boots reduced to Sale Mr John Baiter will an sale farm implements furniture on lot 2nd con ast of Holland Landing credit on same oyer except for fat and hay or per cent off for cash Sale at one sharp Kay- f Tomb At the realdenw of his father Newmarket on the G Franklin Millard eon Joseph Millard Bag hie year At Wilfrid on Asm relict the late Calvin aged year months and Stiver In relict of the late John GO j care and months At the residence of Mr Whitchurch on Feb the 28th Joseph Randall brother of late John aged years on Saturday from resi dence at oclock and Friends Meeting House at of Feb 1000 Hoe of in the Co of Ramsay Esq Deceased was eldest of late George Gait Ramsay the place and of Lodge Co Tyrone Ireland He whs the great grand- sou of the Charles Gait of Cole Rain Ireland The good who entertained King George the 4fch hie Mayoralty of Dublin de ceased mother was a daughter of late Captaiu also a late Colonel of Sharon at the deuce of her daughter at west Toronto Auk widow of the late of Aurora in year of ago Funeral on Tuesday last from residence of her son Dr WJ- Aurora to the Aurora Cemetery J King We are sole agents for Newmar ket Kings Fine Button or Lace Boot at Kings Fine Turn Button or Lace Kings Great Leader Ladies at are the Beat in Canada Sole agents for the Celebrated King Shoes Kings Fine Box Calf for Men at Kings Fine Buff Lace Boots Men at 2 00 Kings Shoes for Children at low prices and are always the best Rubbers of every kind and eery size at prices to please you Many lines below the wholesale list price I MADDOOfC I u r J -IN- South American Rheumatic Cure South American Kidney Cure South American Nervine Tonic Dr Catarrh Cure Dr Agnewa Heart Cure Lehmans Cough Syrup for Horses Cattle 50c Bath Toilet ft Lie Sea If you have never tried sea salt you have missed a good thing it make the bath more re freshing and exhilarating 15c box Lehmans Powders Youre Another Sufferer from a bad cold and Try our Cold Tablets Cure a Cold in a day W LEHMAN mm m iftf Special Line of Faney Chairs Opposite Hotel A terrific snowstorm raged in Buf falo Sunday and one man Jem- Hon a market was frozen to death Joshua a farmer of who died a abort left an estate valued at of which 10000 is in real estate All the household effecU are left to his widow His son Charles the farm and farm implements subject to payment of legacies of 300 to the widow every year and within a year to Howard another son Norman Van Norman a grand son gets and John Van Norman a sis The King on Feb Mr and Coulter a eon In town tbe oh to Mr and John sod King Feb to Mr and Mrs Geo a daughter At Rose on Feb to Mr and Mrs Frank a The At on filet Mr Thomas Brown Ma rietta Lloyd of PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs J re- turned to Dakota on Wednesday after a visit of several weeks with relatives here and in Mr A Day of the Provincial Association was announced to speak here on Sunday evening last but on account of the inclemency of the weather no service was held Miss attended the ball at Markham on Friday night Mr has been quite ill with neuralgia fiOEaTflKltjQ Main St Worth All and Prompt Attention March 1 Jied Wheat per oca White Wheat per bushel a TO Goose Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel- ili a per buahet a Peas per bushel a A si Bye per bushal OH Butter roll per lb a Potatoes per bag- a so a iw a 17 a CO a W A CO a Beer fore CO a w a 8 CO a Chickens per palr a i a SO Oil March barrel 3 Wheat per Wheat per flows per bushel Co 0 if Barley per bushel bushel bushel By a pei Bethel This is exclamation of satisfied Butter roll per lb CUStOmerS Potatoes per big We have fitted successfully stubborn Appipbbi cases that others have failed in Looking back see never saw before a ft CO a old or Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation free Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Cu Store per lb per ton CO Pork per Beef SCO per Chickens per pair Pucks Turkey lurlb an Iftjtu per It ivi a a a a a a a a a a 4 ton I I 11 w 31 a CO a a o 1 Ik 1

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