Newmarket Era, 9 Mar 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY iiim J T I J stem Anniversary Sate ItocKysi Lent Supply Co Special Knit A Good AriiviiiK Why Toronto gfttri Great Telephone Co Licence Notice A J Ilughv J Iter Sain John Farm to rent A It Engine for A A despatch from Ottawa week stales about Hod Mr resigning in Cabinet of finally by an hat ho is to Paris to represent Canadian Govern moot and at Worlds Fair And returning before tho end session for whatever matters may call for his tho of Commons Ho will on and Mr Fielding will Minister Works in Mb a has nee Co Toronto Each TIME North Toronto aui am 0 la 1 Mil o pm a pm pm Return Fare cither way 125 la am pm 15 pm fi pm pm She itewmavhet UP AND ftRWUTKa Willi ISSUE FRIDAY MARCH 1900 rancorous debate week Hon Mr re distribution bill it second in the Commons Oaring the of measure Louis promised hat if the Senate again undertook to bill bad secured approval of some way would bo found to deal with it Oh night last the debate on address in the Ontario Legislature was brought to a close and on a division Government was by a vote of to thus ends first It is to be hoped the members will got down to business now and Instead of talking to the galleries try and do for Province their indemnity Patriotic people are emphasizing inci dents connected with the Booth African Oyer In Viotoria County a new post office has been opend bearing the name of Duller Wo also notice the name of the post office heretofore known as Upper Throne Centre baa been changed to and the announcement comes from Ottawa that two other post offices in Canada will bear name promoters of the and Aurora Railway have given notice that will apply to the next Dominion Par liament to extend railway to the vil of Durham on the nest and to the town of on the east also to have arrangements over Metropolitan looks more like business so far as Ufa line is concerned There nothing in it to simply ran from King to apparently from fanning racial prejudices by both English and French press a scene partaking of character of a riot took in Montreal on Thursday itnd Friday evenings of week and in which the of two College play ed a part bat not to lliolr cred it It to a lengthy in Iarliamom of rather an The that the incident was but had been made to attach to it on part of French Canadians House remember that there were Canadians of French blood carrying Hag in Sooth Africa and not their fellowcount of British origin In doing heat in that assault which brought about the capitulation of Our Society Mr Winch moving back to Keswick ibis week Mr K goes to the on jury in a few days Dr entertained at his on night of last week Mr and Mrs Manning were A Homo last Monday night with friends Mis Maud ia attending Business College Toronto J County Councillor for King was lu town on Monday Mr J- Wilson and also Mr Art Wilson were home over from city Mr Lennox of Colltngwood brother- in law of Mr Clifton was over Sun day on a visit Our duo to I J Could Eta and Hon J Davis for Mr Garrett of Bradford editor of gave the a fViendly call white in town on Monday Mr and Mm W C WtrMifUia enter tained at their palatial residence last Fri day and Monday Mr Pollock has been appointed agent of World Publishing Co of for History of South the Life of Moody Saturday Globe Rev Odery of Broadway Tabernacle has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Wesley Church to succeed Dr Chown who follows Mr at Broadway has prospered- greatly under his pastorate Col Lloyd Capt Allan and Capt attended annual meeting of the York Rangers at on Friday night It la said to have been one of the largest and beat meetings ever held over coming up from the city Reso lutions were passed in praise of the con duct of Canadian troopa in Booth rica and also with reference to the boys of the now in service as well as to Mrs Gillies whose husband has recently loft for bo front It was announced in the Dominion Pari a few day ago by Sir Wilfrid Laurier that Canadas offer to Halifax with a iniliift regiment and thus free the regulars there- for service in the field accepted From a order on Tuesday we learn that Minister of Militias plan is to accept regulars sod volunteers tors are already in that city and rest of the to from the active militia of the Dominion These men will receive the ordinary active militia pay The uniform will be rid and will bo placed in command Companies will he clothed and equipped at points of concentration company being Toronto Ottawa the Tory want to have a monopoly of all the in Bight Opposition take special delight In having a fling at Messrs Monet and Boa- they bold the view thai Parliament should have called and sanctioned sending the contingent to South Africa before Government They do not oppose Bending tho contingent fearing it establishing a Kiev contend Out ft Parliament should have sanction- spending money But to show hollow of the loyalty W6 Hod Messrs Bergeron and Sir all of Bleu Tory taking precisely the same ground as the abore Literala mentioned and not a word of reproach from either Conservative mem- ben their organs in Toronto or else- where Its all politics these two pictures show how neatly tiie game is being played An Ottawa pa per referring to this very matter says aim of Opposition through this whole been to its loyalty a paying investment and are carrying the thing so far that the ignoble motive be hind all is becoming apparent to tho people and is from Conserva tives of their It is no that Coneorvativcs are becoming with fiir Charles Topper but the trouble is to find Toronto Men was the of a very charming little on Tuesday evening Covers were laid for twenty The tab was moat charmingly and effectively decorated in pink and A graceful bridesmaid roses formed the centerpiece while from center were wreaths of effectively twisted with broad pink ribbons reaching able were twisted in effect Handsome silver candelabra hold ing pink candles prettily shaded by shades threw a warm glow overall com lei I a moat delightful decoration Mrs Jones a daughter of Mrs P Ir win of town Stan residence of No street was the of ladies on Tuesday afternoon last upon which occasion Mrs entertained at progressive in honor of Mrs Lead lay who has very recently come to reside in our city and also as a farewell to Mrs Dr awing- rooms were bright with lights and pleasant laughter after the guests game we begun Mrs Sboppard re- her guests in a handsome gown of black china silk the bodice being most charmingly trimmed with block chiffon Mrs was formerly a resident of North We clip the following from Bradford Witntisi Tuesday of this week local was favored with a visit from Mrs Ed Cane of Newmarket for York County Owing to the severity of the weather there was not a large attendance of ladies bat the interest was none less real as Mrs Cane proceed- the details as to manner of working which might be taken along the Hoes of several very interesting do- A Parliamentary Drill was noted by all present taking part It consisted of a discussion of of women but was in reality a as to methods of conducting a meeting including tho proper manner and time of moving resolutions etc duty addressing the chair and matters of like Interest Before the close of the meeting the Onion extended to Mrs Cane their hearty thanks for her kindly end At Home lust night Mr Jack Hodge is homo from Miss Lush spent over Sunday in city Miss Keller Mr and Mrs A At Hume one evening last week Hughes attended the mill inery opening in tho city this week MIkb was At Homo with nu merous last week Mies Maud Wallace of is the guest of Mrs Maiming for week Miss Anderson Bitcrinlaw of Mrs leaves tor Manitoba today Mr and Mrs A were vis iting in for a few days lost week Mrs Thomas llaanegaii was quite low last Saturday hut has been improving this week Mr Marshall North Dakota with Mr A inane Mrs J- P Craig of Sandhill spent a few days this week with her Mrs 15 Wootten was with bronchitis Inst Sunday and is under the doctors care Mr and John wont to the city yeiterdoy owing illness of a relative Mies Wilson entertained a largo company of young people on Thurs day night of last week A took at the residence- of Mr Coombs MA last Saturday Mabonoy and Mary Curtis wore guests of Mrs Samuel on last week Mies loft for her homo in yesterday for a months visit and her sister Bertha is bore to take her place Lawyer was in Wednesday night attending tho dinner given by Sheriff to members of the Ontario Cabinet The Pickering of last week re marks Mr was horridly called to Newmarket on afternoon owing to severe illness three of his Mr Mrs Trent who have beon here on a visit for time left for home in on Tuesday and Mr Stephen of Holt loft for Winnipeg same day Mrs Vernon of who has detained at her fathers Mr John Rogers for about six weeks on of illness of her children re turned homo on Wednesday We are likely to loose Mr Wm Boll family in a few weeks we regret to say Mr Job Bell has been engaged to make butter season at a near Woodbridge they are all going to move there Mr Guy Fox formerly of Newmarket has taken of the dress goods and also buyer for Van Dozer III paper adds He is well known In Modern Woodman circles having been for as sistant forester with the team at He is popular among his as- that lodge and will doubtless do very well in his new position in this News has received here that the Northwest Scout Mr Ross has been appointed to a commission in Lord Roberts Horse and was in the relief of with Gen Frenchs cavalry di vision When the war broke out Ross hurried to Ottawa to get into the first arrived too late He had many friends in the city who had served with him in in the Northwest and they set to work and secured his passage to Africa on the first which carried Canadian hay to the Cape Ross had let tera of introduction from Gen He had a interview with Kitchener resulting in an appointment in Lord- Roberts Horse an irregular force Canadians Australians and Americans similar to Horse and raised at the Cape fir Sale Register Owing to snow storm the sale of valuable im plements etc belonging to the late Edwin J miles North Aurora St was postponed till this date Fat cattle hay grain seeds and all sums of and under cash over that amount credit or per off for cash Sale at Smith Friday March Mr John Graham will have a sale of Farm Imple ments on lot con Whit at oclock Smith Also Farm for sale The heavy fall of caused the collapse of a portion of the roof of the Norwood Skating and Curling Rink Queen has ordered that in the future on St Patricks Day all ranks Irish regiments shall wear as a distinction a sprig of sham rook in their headdress to commemo rate the gallantry of her Irish soldiers in recent battles in South Africa Babbie March shocking acci dent occurred on the railway about a mile north of herd yesterday morning Payne an elderly man was approaching on track from Shanty Bay on his way to when a freight train ran him down instantaneous death Both were badly crushed and his head and back terribly wounded The un fortunate mans hearing had en tirely gone for a number of years could not hear train rounding curve behind All prisoners wore pa yesterday after noon man who wo off duty visited the Boer and crowd of curious Tommies spent day searching nook and corner After what might prove useful to the army had been secured the allowed to toko any thing men carried off clothing kettles cups and oven umbrellas Sir Wilfrid announced in to day that Canadas offer to garrison Halifax in order to Impe rial now stationed there for elsewhere had been accepted Cam March The Cana dian artillery has just started for the front loyalists gave them an oyation The batteries referred to the and batteries which sailed in the London March Among wounded soldiers who arrived at Southampton today South Af rica was whoso case is remarkable He was shot in head at tho bat tlo of Colon so lodged in his brain speechless sightless and paralyzed was despaired of but William president of the Royal College of Burgeons who was acting as a volun teer surgeon with the British army in South Africa removed a portion of tho wounded mans extracted tho bullet and has since practically recovered his lost senses Suggestions have been earnestly pressed upon the Ministry from South and that after the war the should be left in the hands not of English garrisons of soldiers but of soldiers of Can ada Australasia Cape Colony and Na tal under the command of two com missioners who are more than soldiers and would bo trusted alike by the Dutch and British such as is Sir Charles Warren Mat CD telegraph wires to and Lady- smith are congested with business messages for and from those places being received in very large numbers from Great Britain and elsewhere Nine tons of letters wore delivered to- day The correspondent of the Toronto Mail rode into shortly after fche long siege Had raised by General Butlers forces There were many interesting sights in the vicinity of hill and along the railway There was evidence on every hand that the flight of the Boers had been very hurried and that had order ed away without giving them time to prepare for a retreat They left behind them a great quantity of sacks tents and saddles The that they abandoned their riding accoutrements leads to supposition that their hordes had stampeded by the shellfire of Approaching spruit the cor respondent found a huge dam that was only half completed Thousands of bags of sand had boon placed in the bed of the creek In some places they projected for a considerable distance above the surface of the It ap parently had been the object of the in building this dam to Hood the valley in which among other build ings are the hospitals used by the British The when they retired left a hundred shovels at this place and a number of filled with sand The railway had been broken in many places and a large number of culverts had been blown up It will be necessary to do considerable work before the line is fit for use again Two engines were seen the gear of which had been removed by the Boers thus rendering them useless There are three hospitals in the val ley with patients The number of sick men in propor tion to those wounded is to 1 London March Surgeon Treves cables from that the state of the town is most deplorable There are eight hundred cases of typhoid fever Near Dordrecht March Yes terday our pursuing force followed the enemy for ten miles in the direction of We took four prisoners a large quantity of cattle and sheep We found the a laager at Farm and with two abandoned waggons a wag gon load of rifles and ammunition and considerable loot Seven dead Boerfl were found on the hill shelled the first day in front of our position and two under cliffs behind the breastwork One of the prisoners ad mits heavy losses during the retreat He says there were nine casualties among forty men near him alone The Boor strength is stated to have been between 1000 and whore our force never exceeded 1100 and guns The casualty lists show that wehad killed and wounded London March Lord Roberts as follows March Our oper ations today promise to be a great success The enemy occupied a four miles north miles south of the River placed Geo division north end- Generals It gives us great pleasure to invite your attention Assorted Stock of Boots Shoes to our and Clothing Hats Caps We have to Undersell evqry house in the trade no matter what their Pretention may be We now offer pairs of and Wisses Fine Oxfords at Less than Wholesale If you want the Best Goods for the Least dont forget the Cash til L J 21 InaiiiEJinugi IBB ma FECIALS South American Rheumatic Cure South American Kidney Cure South American Nervine Tonic Dr Catarrh Cure 5c Dr Heart Cure Lehmans Cough Syrup for Horses Cattle Condition Powders Bath Boom Toilet Sea If you have never tried sea salt you have missed a good thing it makes the bath more re freshing and exhilarating box Youre Another Sufferer from a bad cold and cough our Cold Tablets Cure a Cold in a day I LEHMAN and Tuckers divisions with cavalry on the South bank The cavalry di vision succeeded in turning the ene mys left flank opening a road for tho sixth division which is advancing without having been obliged to fire a shot up to the present time enemy are in full retreat to wards the north and east They are closely followed by cavalry artillery and mounted infantry Geo French turned the southern part- of the position of the Boers who fled incontinently leaving a gun quantities of forage and their tents A special despatch from Durban says a flying column of British troops from has entered the Trans vaal and has been daily skirmishing with small parties of Boers Two more Canadians have died from wounds Council Adjourned meeting at Ho tel on Satutday March The following bills were paid service as auditor Lloyd service as auditor Joel Edwards was relieved from collating in in the North Division and J Wells from col lecting in the South in case there being nothing on the rated premises to distrain Mr John Burns was instructed to from Wilkinson Plow Co bottoms for road to re pair those that have become worn John was engaged to op erate road machine this year at a day of ten hours he to furnish be sides himself one man and team and to operate in Southern division The auditors report for the year ending Deo passed The tender of uundy for the township advertising and printing for the year ending March 1st was ace Next meeting of Council at Bonds Do we do the Black Dress Trade We have the Largest Range of roods in Town JOBBING HOUSE The Cradle CoTE8 At on Feb to Mr John Co tea a da ugh- J ter In town the to Mr Mrs Wilier The Leading Furniture As a result of a fire that broke out at St a suburb of Paris France in a collection of alcohol and oil stores a series of explosions occurred spread ing the flame until a block six im mense warehouses was involved A large number of people were more or less injured The Altar Gsose At toe residence of the brides the lost by Eld Mr Fred of Rich Hill to Miss Ursa BGrose third of Mr Kes wick At residence of the brides the of March by Rev Mr Mr George of Mount Albert to Miss daughter of Mr Cast er of The Tomb At on Thursday March lit J wife Mr Job Hughes aged years mouth and 13 days The eervico by Rev A MoGUIivaryof at boose to New market Cemetery for Toronto fiedWHeatperbiubel White Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel- Oats per bushel bushel- Bye per bushel OH Butter roll per lb Potatoes a j Wool per lb 17 W fi CO Beef Mod Chickens per pair and a rohdhoush House I iy All Orders win receive end a a i31 J 51 13S ia a a a a a a liking- sad a J wiflAjkot March flour per aft White Wheat per bushel Red Wheat Goose jit per bushel a tf Buckwheat a Parle- per bushel 55 a per bushel a OH bushel a a 5 a Butter roll per lb a Potatoes per a 5 Apples per lO a JO Sheepskins- i a Wool per lb IS Ray per ton a a Beef a a OW Chickens per pair a tS Turkeys Oil a UN a o

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