i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH felts teal WHAT IK OK TOWN Club Will Tuesday at el the of Dr Reading bo- BO In A la Better Nearly out at night have that much brilliant tlio past Alter on arc dynamo boon and Is llio pawn and wore on market unlay per wore paid for but dropped to and iCc A wore unjtrtcblyat a ami a Cow wore sold at Wade of beef told but no fit prices Sympathetic On learning death Mm Job Hughes whiobaad occurred at mi of Heard of which Mr a soul to tho oily and procured Floral Pillow to adorn thocatket a tri bute of in groat bereavement and alao attended the in a body afternoon The riot been nearly many applying for corporation pa usual winter but to have dropped down like a the part lew was hero day on ttonday two on Monday night and two on night They have to out thoir own wood or freeze and they invariably out it hut they leave anything ready for the next fellow Some Big Bargains In fitting poll Blankets cut and Handles at Hardware V Collection la been beaded m to respective moolcipllifafl The Red Crocs invites all ladles of town to at next Tuesday afternoon to organ a Red for Newmarket of this ie to for and wounded In the South African war in affiliation with Rritleh Society Club married and tingle men two rinks played against each other on Monday in atne men being Victorious MAnniEf Harry J no A Alva Jack Kelly J skip fltowartekEp Col Lloyd W A Mao J skip skip Total Total Count On Tuesday Allan Rotors jr and wore before Jackson with having feloniously taken and away six bags of mixed clover seed from lot in the con- of the property of It allowed the seed taken to and there of but in of the atorm on Monday night it was found to serve an im portant and the examination was enlarged till next Monday afternoon On All Weut Wheels Every ear greater demand for Tiro until now one seldom of buying a unlets it a very cheap affair Indeed without Insisting on right to an option of Duo- tops The Company do pots all the Provinces in Canada and In every civilised country In the world In Canada is controlled by a company with Every tire they they guarantee At the commencement of tbo year they took of their now factory On Temperance street Toronto a ftveatorey IciiDj In thoy a ca pacity fot making day and they are readynow to supply the largest demand There will no for tires by asking for them on all now wheels Heavy Snoot Storm The two weeks have been the worst of season for blocked roads but feat Tuesday is the only day that the railroads have been really blocked It was a quarter to one oclock when the first mail train on GTR arrived from Toronto on day having been blocked near The Road did not fare well The Toronto car got far York Mills when it ran Into ft enow bank eight feet deep About forty men were engaged to dig the drift Arrangements were nude to drive mail up to meet tbe Newmarket car the were taken back to Toronto and their fares re- thus them to home by the The Newmarket car same evening only not far as tho Aurora cemetery and it was minutes to when It got with mail Wednesday morning the Newmar ket car was coming to the Metropolitan Station for the first trip when it ran off track at the Water however they were not long getting it on again The trolley did not get the road open up to time of going to yesterday and everybody fit is ft fright to drive on Success Quarterly Tea of the Methodic Ladies Aid at of Mayor on Wednesday evening was moat successful yet hold Ovor were pres ent and proceeds amounted to The throughout was elaborately decorated with flagn and tho artistic Mis and presented ft charming patriotic Various parlor games were provided mid everybody to enjoy of tJo During evening Miss Irwin Miss Miss and Mrs Merrick gave pianoforte selections and the latter also a mandolin selection It was after eleven before the company separated The Aid are also at work on an Autograph Quilt which promises to be ex ceptionally beautiful Already over are collected for it the proceeds likewise to go to the Pipe Organ Fund organ gives such satisfaction that the whole church is interested in seeing tho debt wiped out Several new members joined the Aid on Wed Public All the members were present at meeting on evening The Committee appointed to consider the request of the Librarian for increase salary reported other localities where the library might be at the same rate but all things they favored a slight increase rather than a removal as the present premise are centrally located and the librarian has given excellent satis faction in the care of and attention tho wants of members Ao increase of per year was voted and a bonus on the sale of tickets between now end the 1st of October when all member eh tickets expire will be sold for the balance of the membership year at the rate of Co per to the la of How If the time to take advantage of the library Tickets for sale by the librarian Mr Wright opposite Book Store The Treasurer was Ibttrooted to renew insurance policy at tbe same amount as last year The President end Secretary were in to examine of published with to the War In South Africa report ftt next meeting that they can be added to the library shortly and thus the present internet It ia gratifying to know that the library about onethird more a couple of years ago The President was requested to the Council for two eleotrio lights for the library Methodist Church The twentieth of the open ing of the edillc in New market will be commemorated by Special Sermons next Sunday The Trustees have been exceedingly fortunate secur ing the ot Rev Dr Toronto a man of moral force end natural ability with the gift of oratory We no sitfttion in prom ising exceptionally tine discourse morn ing and evening A rich treat is for tho people of vicinity ana cordially Invited It was intended to have a leotare next Monday evening on The Boer War but owing to the death of Rev J of Toronto Aid failing to get a suitable supply for date previously announc ed bar been unavoidably postponed The attendance Sunday still keeps op The weather Sunday was to be blustery yet there were present Mr P Pearson who baa moved to Newmarket addressed the school Celebrating In rcapouta to a petition signed by the of High Chairman dlfleld gave them a half holiday on Thurs day of last week to remember the Relief of Ladysmlth Badly Hurt While playing on the at the rink Saturday night boy named fell and sprained hie leg ao badly that ho had to home in a rig and bo was In bed for two or three days It was fear ed at ft rat that Ills leg was broken but that fortunately was not the Basic Agreed At a meeting of of the Society and tleulturat Society Monday night a basis of onion was agreed upon and the two societies will amalgamate this year in holding exhibitions Service of Song of he Presbyterian will give another of its popular services song on Wednesday evening next will have the assistance of Mitchell Soprano and Mies Contralto of Toronto invited Stove Snaps at Box heavy S3 in Box Fancy nearly new SO Upright neater coat Upright Heater wood Depot Returns for the past week show oar Flour Gears sundries care goods cars cars grain 2 cars stock cars marsh hay oar screen doors total Inwards care cars nail oars coal car implements- total 26 Christian Church Last Sunday morning Mr Weeks preach ed from the text Be still and know that I am text was in keeping with the lenten season which was an antidote for tbe evils of indulgence Lent should laet throughout the whole year A part of each day should be given to meditation soul most be hushed In submission in order to know moat of God All our point to Almighty wisdom Nature it parable of If tarry day with we shall receive the spirit of victory In the evening the subject was the par able of the rich fool Luke 12 Too pastor it was hard to lift the thoughts tome people from the earth It would be Interesting to know what the people were thinking about the sermon should not project selfish thoughts Into holy places The man par able was was guilty of covetous What ore have we for the world the the ministry Are we to use them for selfish temporal advent ago or Mr Weeks was to get after noon appointment on account ditto of the next monthly social will be on evening of April at the residence of Mr and Mrs Lehman of the Season On next the Hockey Cub of Toronto will play here heal team All season home club have been trying to arrange for a game with the St as the match played year with them was said to be tho played on rink j game will close the present season 1 Gospel Temperance Program provided Sunday by t Mrs Cody in the and gave a read lot MIbs or ganist Mrs gave a report of Missionary work singing by Quintette and reading by Mrs Cane The Endeavor of Christian Church is expected to provide the program next Sunday Agricultural Societies In having the Deputy Minister of Mr James present at the ftttnaal meeting of the Canadian Fairs at Toronto the other day mnch valuable information was elicited Mr James told the Association that it was doty District and Township not only to hold annual exhibitions but to experiment In seed growing and by the purchase or importauou of stock to ad vance the interests of all farmers who connected themselves with these Associa tions Another legal point brought out respecting Government grant viz every Society must have here resident within the boundaries of the district and every Township must members resident within the local munici pality to entitle the same to Government grants Mr James during remarks also stated it might be possible that legislation would take place confining ex hibitors in grain roots fruits and every- except stock and agricultural imple ments etc to the district or Township In which the exhibitor resides aa the case may be East Council meets at Sharon next Saturday Regular meeting of the Public School Trustees next Tuesday evening The Dawson homestead was knocked Saturday at snow made some grand Canadian scenery last Saturday morning and no doubt some excellent were taken On account of a car load of hoop steel being delayed by snow storms of men ftt Factory were thrown off work a day or two this week Atkinsons Jewelry undergoing a renovation meetings have been contin ued in Friends Church every night this week and fairly attended consider ing the weather A farmer from East got somewhat boisterous In a store down Town a few days ago over the Boer War upset- tine some goods causing damages to the extent of Unless by tomor row there is to be some trouble Mr Crake of Sharon is opening an the House Mis on street sect dentally slipped while going down cellar on Wednesday evening end sprained her ankle badly of our popular young gentlemen had an In front of Mayor Canes residence on night but the snow was too deep to hart anybody- The Place buy your cook clove to at Hardware stoves from up St Lenten at this evening Out Baldwin Breezes received too late for this will appear week Alto repots Indue trial Home Tho bills pissed Saturday amounted to is larger than caused by the wood bill the being per cord A deputation from Victoria County is hero today Churns Leader Daisy and Dash at Names in order of morlt Herbert Wright Nora Willie Annie Tonoh Marlon Stewart Grade Cane Fred Davison Conwell Edgar Willis Herbert wood Lillian Edgar Ego Roland Cecil Taylor Elgin Wright Wee ley Lush Vera Stork West Verne ion Brook Flossie Garnet Kirby Mann Florence Leslie Rosy Marsh Carson Morton Agnes Lundy Jr Class Jones Clarence Thompson Edna Cane Larry Harry Basil Walter Stork Allen Cody Snider Arthur Roy Aman da Stewart Ada Wright fire About seven oclock on Tuesday evening alarm of fire was sounded vry- clearly and distinctly at the Water Works the box at tho head street on pcot Ave being indicated The Firemen responded with great promptness but the first reel only got as far store when the Fire No was more thankful than the firemen for it was no fun to drag the heavy reel up Timothy street in deep enow fho alarm was given by a young man ft sheet of flame in one the ftTerrace houses occupied by Mr and bo thought the whole- inside house was on fire but it only window curtain which had accidentally caught fire from a lamp that had been set too near it A faleo alarm was from box on Wednesday night quarter to eight was annoying There is a fine of or for this kind of work it should be enforced Tho first thing we know a big fire will break out and the will go to it manifested by a glare of light- i Yesterday the Injector the of fender It wae a young girl who appears to have been unaware of the wtotff She to the aod was let off virtually on suspended sentence Dp Dentist gm QROCERI Extra Sugar per hundred ft Pigs Feet Quart Bottle Fine Tomato Catsup Canned Tomatoes Canned Stovo Lead Canned Plums Largo Bottle Pickles with Patent Glass Stopper Pure Epsom Baits per lb Pure per- lb Canned Salmon a ft ft IB 10 The Best Goods are none too good for our customers so you can always rely on what you buy even if the price is low Wa You never fail with Baking Powder DRY GOOD SPRING GOODS l Just to hand this week a Dress Goods Prints Embroideries Muslins Art Sateens Shirtings Ginghams CORNER STORE The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE Departments I Our Free Photo Has been such a Splendid Success that we have arranged to continue the Photo Gilts days longer or until Our Toronto Letter Thursday March the 1 This date will positively be the last day of this Remarkable Inducement Sale member from all Sections the Store count except as noted Why Not do Your Spring And Get 1 Cabinet Photos Re the sudden and unexpected de mise of the Rev J E a Methodist clergyman of more than average ability a bright aod shining ornament in the denomination has been removed from church alto the church spiritual In the prime of lire aged 52 with mental powers alert vigorous his removal has left a blank it will difficult to flU his was secretary of the Century Fund fishery law has been consolidate by tho Government and will be presented for the consideration the Assembly soon Daring March and April special trains will this city every Tues day taking passengers to the North west it is new stated in the corridors of the House that owing to the time wasted by the Opposition in discuss ing the address till everything is than threadbare the Government will not present the Good Roads scheme this session was before the police court this week About a month ago Albert aged was married and with his young wife went to board on Adelaide St Saturday he stole a couple of watches from another boarder was arrested that night and on Mon day tried and to the Central for fiye months The prisoner broke completely down when ihe sentence was wages of sin are terrible Provincial Detective caught on Monday evening Chester who wanted in Kalkaska Mich on a chaise if forgery was run down at Whitchurch He had in Toronto for about a month and is alleged to have spent money veiy freely lit Whitchurch he WW working on a farm Ho intends to fight extradition to end and de clares his innocence of tlic serious We are very much pleased to announce that we have made arrangements with MESSES Photographers Newmarket Whereby during the time mentioned above only we are enabled to give to our customers Absolutely Free Photos of themselves or their friends Customers will be dealt with by Messrs Smith Bros just the same as if we had nothing to do with the matter Photos will be their regular highly finished article mounted on the very latest sty IfcoMucfhdass cards Customers will be entitled to two sittings which can be any time during March No limit to the number of persons at any sitting Sample Photos and styles can be seen at our store IT ION to 4 All Cash purchasers to the amount of oo will be given a ticket entitling them dozen Smith Bros Famous 300 Full Cabinet Size Photos All Cash purchasers to the amount of 8 will be given dozen Photos 50 Customers the 200 or HalfCabinet size will dozen on 400 purchases hi dozen on purchases dozen on purchases Purchases from all parts of the Store count with the exception Groceries and 1 stent Medicines Is simply to sell more goods than we otherwise would this quiet part of the year innocence crime Chicago March Miss Butte the daughter of a retired lum berman of Minn mar ried last Saturday to Albert tin a with whom she from Minneapolis ft week Is a pleased customer is always a customer At Special Prices during the continuation of this Sale