THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH Boiled Good Road fact ABOUT Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills j No remedy ever introduced in Canada has gained so many words of praise from sufferers all over the coun try as these thoroughly effective pills WHY Because thcypositively cure all dis eases brought on impoverished blood such as Heart trouble nerv ousness rheumatism dyspepsia ALSO Because they induce sound healthy sleep and restore VIM VIGOUR and VITALITY to the body ALSO Because their use enables the system to successfully resist attacks of colds and the inseparable re sults viz lung and troubles a fact of especial importance at this season the year W fl tout All Co lv J It GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY DIVISION a apises Si gift a I 3 D 5 5 K a a ft CI MO- op i a We Believe Bargains SllUllI More Hi season Ecavce are offer throughout our at uoh who are in cwl of We have a larc slock to from the In the woolen trade Cull mid hoc for what Bargains at JAS iaWLv Youll Enjoy It A course in our College will ho one of the most enjoyable exper iences of your life and the im portant- and valuable knowledge gained will fit you for employment and give you the mean of enjoying the best things of life- Write for particulars You may enter time No vaca- Central College principal During tin wvek deputation ly the recent held Toronto nil the tnlcy John fvom York J It tiiid- ami inter the and met with a reception from the and Borne In the views of the con vention the delete informed the that legislation was de sired favoring county systems of main roads touching the parts of each county and towards the construc tion and maintenance of which it was urged grant should bo given by the Province The Premier manifested a warm in terest in views presented and ask ed the deputation a of practi cal mentions in relation thereto One of the great was jealousy oil the part of townships which might not satisfied with ap portionments of the rood with this delegation agreed but tho latter suggested that possibly by submitting the question to a vote of of the county it would settle the matter oven though local township councils should not bo entirely satis fied I Ion Mr suggested that statute or commuted money in lieu of statute labor due from the lands fronting on the main roads aid ed by the Government should be de voted to improving the back roads of the municipality was accepted as pit to satisfactory to the deputa tion f of good roads wo in which Government felt n deep in and in closing up the interview Mr finally announced Una the province was prepared to grant a million dollars for improving the roads distributing the appropriation over a period of ten years providing an equit able system be- devised province could afford to do it and tho Government thought that by fiO doing they could make it much bettor for tho farmer He could get to market much more easily and quickly and comforts of rural life would be greatly increased Large grants had been made to the railways hut railways of little use to the far mer if he could not get to the station The Government was working on the bill and would be glad to receive any suggestions The deputation left well satisfied with the result of visit Referring to this interview by Good Roads Convention delegation the Globe points out two or three very significant facts It says the of energy wasted and money thrown away According to data collected the Bureau of Statistics on million days are annually in tide Province in keeping the country id order addition councils are lined in order to in a condition to spend from a which equals a total expenditure for the whole of Ontario of In the pas ten the people of Ontario have spent ac cording to Mr Campbell who has done in the cause of Rood roads eleven million days of labor end in The results have been unsatis factory The people have not been getting for their labor and money ex and it in time for improvement in system The contribution that the Ontario Government is prepared to make we understand towards of county or trunk roads and for keep them in good order twothirds of the total but sum saved to the counties by this aid must bo devoted to improving the condition of con cession and side lines throughout the municipalities The whole scheme must result in immeasurable advantage to tho rural districts About a Things in Wtiltii for the It is to note with what in- creasing intensity school children Canada watch reports of the movements of our troops in South Africa Not only war news calls them to read the papers but thov an gradu ally branching out into other Knee urn the average boy or instead of his or her time- in childish or rending worthless novels is today found to be well posted in several ton ics of the day A great deal of along this line of is being giv- on by parents and teachers assisting their children by explaining morn difficult articles and bringing the news- paper into more prominence counted and examined before a Judge in Hall end why should anyone winh destroy ed as the Opposition would try to make the people believe and the How do Pay you Buy Where do you Buy And what do you for your Clothing Boots Shoes Mens Furnishings and groceries There are a number of Bide issues in connection with the present war and all nations are linked in some way with rumor that there may bo fur ther wars But the that is most important and may bo the moat inter esting to Canada is the predicted Fen ian This is absurd but we have to ileal with the absurdities and some really think that there may be war of this kind Canada could not be attacked under more favorable cir cumstances or when she bettor pre pared for war than during the present year Wo who are not very closely connected with the military may not be aware that a report is being prepared showing the ime required to mobolio an army lime transport them to and coat of each man Let them come if they wish but they had better secure return tickets The Province of Ontario has been greatly developed during the last three years but present indications of prosperity arc very encouraging and signs of it are to be scon on every hand We are just beginning to re alize the immense value of our pro vincial resources but every one does not recognize New Ontario as one of the moat valuable and promising dis tricts in tho Dominion This country contains many valuable minerals Several large zinc mines have been opened up near on North Shore of Lake Superior Very few people any idea of the in creasing value of this article owing to various uses to which it is being put In manufacture of brass thousands of tons are being in making shells for rifles and pistols for use in the present war The market value of zinc is from I AS A Marshal who re sides in the United writes to New York fndtpwhnt The whole matter of my tribes anti pathy for the Boqm depends upon tho present barbarous and inhuman treat ment accorded them at the bunds t My people are extremely sensitive and are in every way able to distinguish between the treatment which belongs to a that which should be given to a free man Since has been nom inally British territory but the Dutch have exorcised uninterrupted control ft is because of this despotio control and the inhumanity practised upon the ignorant natives that the Dutch afraid will take ad vantage of the present situation and either join the English forces or ex- an insurrection knowledge of present chiefs am expecting only that he will join his forces with the He would not take sides with the Dutch Only once has that been and then the ostracised their chief The tribe is entirely opposed to Doers iiokks the first place are a people who seein lo know nothing of right and justice I this from the manner in which they treat the natives in the Transvaal A dog in the Trans vaal treated lhan a ntive Why I gay this is because a dog can walk on beside Ilia Boer master can stay in the Dutchman house and is at liberty to go where he- desires a thing which ishardlyatlow able if done bv a native There is a law which prohibits natives from walking on pavement The say we are not good enough to paea to their women and speak of us as creatures along with their domes tic animals This law is both men and women through Hundreds of our Customers answer We Buy From and we Hundreds of others will give the same answer after once dealing with us We have the largest stock of Boots and Shoes We have the largest stock of Mens Ready-to- Wear Clothing in Town We have the best selected stock of Mens Furnishings in Town We keep the most Stylish Hits and Caps in Town and our Groceries are always fresh You may be among the people by buying your goods from RY j on or not walking along the street the police will and ask you for the paper io the badge If your paper is over a month old you will be arrested and hurried to the magistrates office and a fine exacted If you ever wear the badge on the wrong place you will have to bear paying about line or of being imprisoned Besides there is another law for the natives which is the oldest of them all It was instituted by the for just purposes in Cape Colony But it has been grossly prostituted by the lioers This law known as Pass Law Under it the native has to pa about twentyfive cents sometimes fifty cents regularly to secure a written paper similar to the above bearing the name of his trade or occupation or if he working under a white man the name of employer must bo written on it This paper must regularly renewed This rips he has to show every time he Accosted by a policeman If 0 Bed Wheat Wanted Bushels White Wheat Wanted 20000 Bushels Oats Wanted Bushels Transvaal except in able to show it be is our women are allowed the use of no pavement Hut no respect is is lined five and to wfirhfe filx dollars or confined for ft month them and they compelled to wedge their way through tho crowds being careful not to cojou in contact with any Everywhere the natives have to walk in the broad streets along with the cows horses and carts no matter how muddy it is A 3500 to per ton and experts The have to wear around their at hard labo REMEMBER WE DO CHOPPING- EVERY DAY from Belgium who have recently ex amined mines say they have greatest deposits of zinc blend in the world and that with a few months the output could be made at the very least tons daily When wo take into consideration the fact that one mine near there ship ped over worth of ore to Bel gium last year and that each ton net ted over after expenses were paid it is quite plainly to be seen there is a growing industry in this dis trict which promises to be of vast financial importance The Hon J the new Commissioner of Grown Lands has already made a move to improve the present condition and is doing much to develop our National Wealth It is very fortunate that Ontario Government has such a roan at the head of one of its most important Departments as we know his high character and eminent ability and a man not of local ideas but of aspirations Now in the time of so many bank robberies bank failures and other- nailed misfortunes there is time think In our quiet moments we be gin to wonder where oar money is safe According to the bank statement Issued last week the de positors in any bank have no guaran tee for their money as it showed that there was worth of nils in circulation while there was less than worth of speoie in existence Should there be a run on the banks where would the depositors be This is a serious state of affairs but never theless true- The only security given banks is the deposit they make with the Government which gives them the privilege of doing business greatly in advance of that deposit arms what is called a badge made of tin something like a dogs tag This badge has a number stamped upon it and is issued with a paper on which are written the name height ago and featurc3 of its possessor This paper you to carry in your pocket all the time and it must be renewed every month There are street policemen who look after this ordinance to see that it is rigidly and cruelly enforced It does not matter whether you are Solid Gold Gold Fill perfect GLOBE OPTICAL Toronto- The business man who advertises in his search for favorable points In his business to announce soon gets into the habit of increasing the num ber of these favorable points He be comes more courteous and accommo dating to his customers He learns to give them just as for just as little money as he can He gets into the habit of his customers interests as well us his own consciously gets into the way of doing this the little as welt in the big This the self educating effect- is reason why advertising pays National Printer Journalist Usually debate from the Throne in the Ontario Legislature lasts two or three days at the opening of the Session but this year is an exception the House has been open two weeks and that has been the only topic of discussion both day and night Of course each party branches oat on line when speaking on this question as they can on no other and as a result much political capital gained One of the most agitating questions the Opposition are dealing with West Elgin byeelection and they are using every effort to make the believe there have beep great irregularities in connection with unfortunate occurrence of the burn of the ballots for said election It is quite evident to everyone who understands circumstances that this of burning mistake I ho ballots bid been carefully re- Ask your physician this ques tion What Is the one great remedy for consumption He will answer Codliver oil Nine out will the same way Yet when persons have consumption all fatty foods yet fat is neces sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- liver oil The plain oil dis turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite The dis agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen durable What is to be done This question was ans wered when we first made OX Natives are not allowed on the streets after nine oclock at night To walk after that time they have to have a written No native is per mitted to purchase liquor of any kind I and any native found intoxicated is I severely beaten by the person who de tects him Only house servants are allowed to reside near the white people All the reEt have their own location set apart in the most undesirable part of the towns in which each man rents from the city government at very high rates they are almost constant ly in debt to the collectors Ever month the Boers have what they call a certain number of rid ing Boers to go to the natives district and see how they behave and to ascer tain if all their passes and badges These are very op pressive and repeatedly injure the na tives the Transvaal a native never gets good position only that of mean est house drudgery under a Dutch man no matter whether he is a high- class tradesman or an ignorant hunt er The highest paid ore to men not over six dollars a week and to women not over five dollars But the greater number are cheated out of this by be Boers who hire them to those slave in the families no wages are paid The natives not allowed to learn to mid and fines are exacted from any one who is found them The more educated the native be comes more Dutch bate him But if he acts like a crazy man they like him The are satisfied that their condition would bo yastly improved under English and go far as- I know the opinion of the natives in the Transvaal I do not think they will ever be on the aide as long as tbe Boers keep theso abominable rules and practice such cruelties upon them The Greatest Aid i of CodLiver Oil with Hypo- phosphites Although that was nearly twentyfive years ago yet it stands alone to day the one great remedy forall affections of the throat and Itmifs away oil Jttth his partly diluted aid to It rarely in fen can and the plain oil Nine out of tin can take EMULSION end di gest it why ft cures so many cares of early consumption Even advanced cases ii tring and greatly prolongs life- I SCOT HOW You give paper is your local news- Job Printing If you do not feel able to run ad rely you afford to your give the Cards Dodgers paper j Bill Heads Letter Heads and Envelope to print Symbol of Freedom A custom fa observed In the tillage of Great Bookman Surrey England When the wife of a trades man goes off for the summer holiday to the seaside one or two ex pert climbers ascend at midnight to I tbe roof of the bouse and Insert old brooms In the chimneys as a sign that the bead of house baa tbe super vision of domestic arrangements in addition to hi ordinary work wife of worthy landlord at the Grown hotel bavin departed no few- or than eight brooms adorned tea Bulletin The Newspaper Man Need it and it helps him to pay the printers for putting in type the thousand and one free notices he gives you and town The Era will you nice work and the prices compare favorably with any place in the country ft Try Us f CHASES CURE 5S J ilftjf in ra Ifcroii It A W When I consider what soma- book a for the world and what they doing how they beep up hope awaken new and soothe pain give an deal life to those whose ii hard cold and foreign lands now worlds truths Our fee iS tod of any invention will promptly receive our opinion coaccrniuif patentability of ame- How to Obtain J patent lent upon request blessings ere of bring down heavon I give eternal for thfa gift ate 1 an illustrated widely consulted by Investors bend fur maniple copy FREE VICTOII J A CO I even