Newmarket Era, 16 Mar 1900, p. 1

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The Era gives more news York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper 1 J YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER freely according liberty No paper cent outside oi North York imkea paid in advance a Single Copies Con to Each Newmarket Ont Friday March Grand Jewel Cook Stoves Sold To Date They are Fuel Savers Coal paired A PAINT TO Try our Coal Oils The Home aKery Haying purchased Ibid business from Mr Albert and retained the services of Mr Clifton whose Bread baa won a reputation in market and vicinity I hope by at en ion 10 and the of the Best Material to merit continuance of publio patronage Special attention will be given to Fancy of all kinds nod par ticularly for ordered Pastry as well Wedding Cukes A trial JACK Opposite Pip he House For the lira The Waff There is a sandy battlefield Near be Indian Ocean shores and British And shall the Boers Boors are with mighty force Our men a band Yet with men all bravo and Our British firmly stand Our Canadians on strong and firm To do their will But many of them shall return For some are cold and still Our on the field proud Whoso troops night and day And to see the smallest points And ready for the fray Our men are going to win that fight And to end endure For the Transvaal is by right And they will make it sure of that battlefield Where toil shall bo forgot That land whore fighting once did reign Will be a hallowed spot Then cheor for our Queen and Country And for our Soldiers true For not give up the fray its won through and through March Toronto heifer Special to the Era About a Things In General BUY I CORN CORN CHOP And FEED of all kinds FLOU Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry COAL AND WOOD AT J WILSONS Cor Main and Huron Believe Bargains Colonist Excursions TO THE Canadian North West Kill leave Toronto via North Kay at pm each Tuesday during March April if oilers More fit this season when money scarce Consequently otter ing everything throughout our whole such as people who are In need or clothing will appreciate We have a Stock to select from the I Meet fabrics In the woolen trade Call and see for yourselves and realize what Bargains at It MCLAUGHLINS tin rjjj with ordinary will be attached to train Sleeping Cars for pm and will run Toronto at through to Winnipeg Colonist Sleeping Cars for travel Hug on train as their five will he to train at tf00 pm and will run through to Winnipeg Berths will be tree In cars and can be by on application to Grand Trunk and all information from Grand Trunk Hallway A McCLELLAN Agent Passenger Agent Wholesale Retail doors North Furniture Store Main Newmarket Not SO LOW An to have to deal my Photos as with Soap Scrubbing Shoe Blacking etc to In troduce my work but If I turned out poor Inferior work I would have to deal It on in way as 1 would make a llvlnir But I give people Very Beet Grade of Work at City business Increasing Call and you will save money and bo better pleased by dealing with A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park Famous Bacon Hams Lard do The best and Mildest Cured Meats on the Market today A trial will con vince Also Flour Boiled Oats Corn Meal Bait Canoed Tomatoes Pickled Pins toloa Ham and fougue Honey O Order filled on ike shortest notice Graham Jones Old Stand NEWMARKET- She palls in a and a wit can talk about astronomy and lav In and the mathematics adopt mortals oversaw With Kipling Doyle shes intimate and free And viowa the world the mad dening But with all wealth ology from to She never darned in her life She can play all scales chromatic plain and simple idiomatic A pianos just a victim to her touch And a harps a pleading poor thing when trembles on its main string And she hugs its arching frame loving clutch And tbe neighbors they are praying and to each other they braying Things she never heard as maiden or as wife But over all tbeir praying piping voices they saying Bhe never darned a slocking in her life Virgil Homer Horace Cffiar not one of them can teaee her In thought they gave the world borne time ago Latin Yiddish Greek and Russian French and Dutch and All come tripping from her lips in cents low Rules of order and disorder wealth par loro Points of privilege in couples rushing drive As she sits a queenly chairman still yon know a very fair one Though she never darned a her life Oh shes strong on all reforms politics and astral And on all ownership shes great- Water telephones and light lectrio cars that run by night And in the borough and the state Wonder how she knows it all on this gay terrestrial ball And is now the brightest star in all club life When with a simple thing as a needle with a string cant learn to darn one stocking in her life J in Republican To Urn may be by oar eld THE PATENT RECORD WANTKDHoneflt manor woman w for house salary with position per Mid with position raped en v Hunt is wanted in Michigan on a charge of forgery was arrested at Aurora by Chief Cry CASTOR I A Josephine Bennett a 12yearold Hamilton girl was severely burned Thursday by the explosion of a lamp It has come to be a settled busi ness principle that advertising and success go hand in hand time has passed when a man could estab lish a business and little by little build it up to a very profit- able proportion without the aid of ad vertising Competition is too fierce We have abundant evidence of this in Newmarket whore they make mid winter as active as the summer be cause they the precaution to let people know what they offer city uses a daily gallons of water from tho cor poration waterworks citys percentage on the receipts of Railway for January amounted to for February Of the latter month had three days lead in it which accounts for the difference Every Street Railway should pay a portion of its receipts to corporation in which it operates for they always cost municipality a good many dollars in a year indirectly on tho streets An evening paper hero says there is trouble between city and coun ty of York over the payment of the constables who are keeping the death watch over the condemned murderer of The city says the county is liable the says city is liable In the meantime the constables cannot get money from either retail price of butter in this city has not been as high in ten years as during the past week assign ed cause is that Ontario has gone ex tensively into the creamery business and creamery butter finds a good mar ket for export to England Three years ago Canada sold about a million and a half dollars worth of butter in the old land last year this country told three millions worth This lias lessened tho make by individual and caused the price to tise for local consumption Canadian cheese is also on the rise to meet the export demand The Industrial Fair Board and two or three other Associations are dis cussing plans for holding an extra- traordinary exposition in this city in a sort of Worlds Fair The city council Parks and Exhibitions Committee the purchase of new boilers for machinery hall at the fair grounds In railway circles about tin Union depot it is understood that the us- koka Express train will leave Toronto minutes earlier than last year and tho steamers on Lakes are to roach and Port much earlier than hitherto train will run from Jan- til Oct 1st The has taken voluntary action in respect to wages of and laborers of section men and rained their wages cents per day each Tho increase to take effect from the first of next month Quite a number of accidents occur red during the week following the big snowstorm arising from icy sidewalks Dislocated arms and legs and in two or three instances broken limbs make up the chapter of mishaps The Council Board of Control has struck out the item of from tho current years estimates for music in the public parks The luxury is not to be continued next summer Singular isnt it the Ontario Gov ernments majority on the first division since the ntW Premier assumed the di rection of affairs was seven the per fect number and Adams who are understood to bo dental surgeons waited upon the Ontario Government last week and advocated legislation to compel compuhery inspection of child rens teeth It looks as if the profes sion was overdone and they now want ofiice to on the public Some body will bo the Government to formulate a bill of fore at hotels or the number of days private families may have soup in a week With some people they want a paternal government to have a hand in every thing It seems funny to talk about lake navigation in the winter but the an nouncement made that the steamer Lakeside will leave Catharines for this city on the 2nd of April The Lakeside was the first vessel to enter Toronto harbor last year The big snowstorm at the beginning or last week cost city between and for removing snow from streets and public places It is a hard matter for some people to believe that laying to the north of a settled portion of this Province there is a vast tract of fertile land adapted for all kinds of agriculture all sorts of industries and also rich in minerals In a speech on the debate one day last week Mr of Ottawa said ho know of a case in that district where a farmer had raided at the rate of nearly four loads of hay per acre on a piece of acres If this kind of crops can bo raised with such little the proposed plan of the Ontario Government to open up and this vast area is a grand movement and one that will meet with the approval of all classes of the people It is said that during the last six yearn the crops had been affected by frost on one occasion The per annum if paid in advance Battle I Dead goers or Field prisoners March via Kim- from Lore Roberts Boers who were holding I enemy opposed us Nov is the time during the slack for the farmer to prepare for his spring work If you have harness to fix machinery to repair or grain to clean have it done now and do not wait till the blacksmith is too busy to properly wait upon you We notice a marked improvement in the pulpit oratory of today The subjects that are being dealt with from time to time are applied to practi cal questions with very good effect WMat the people want is a sermon that will apply to every day life and the minister who adopts this principle is the one who succeeds in reaching the people hear many appeals to young men not to smoke not to drink not to do this thing and that of the many evils that come in their way we seldom think of explaining to the boys the great danger they are in of falling into bad habits which will in many cases follow them all the days of their lives We do not refer to drinking as much as smoking as the proportion of young hoys who smoke unknown to the outside world is very large indeed Another evil which is the reading novels You see the young men of today especial in towns and cities constantly reading this trash which will s infatuate them They lead the young men to such a hi state of excitement that it is hard for them to keep their mind on their work I that some means should be adopted whereby those trashy sheets should be prohibited from publication Fresh from the Press The Illustrated Diamond Dye Rug Book the De signs and Floor Rugs There still people suffering from Rmallpox in Ontario Of this number are in Junction thro each in Toronto and Amherst- burg and ouo each in Me and Sandwich in Essex one in end Middlesex county A copy of this novel and useful lit tle book will be sent free to any address in Canada It tells you how to make pretty and useful Door Mats and Floor Rugs from cotton or wool or from yarns and gives you full information how to procure the designs which are on Scotch Hessian linen all ready for hooking You cant be happy until you see this book Wells Richard son Co Mountain St Montreal The tenth annual convention of the West York in the church proved one of the successful in the history of the March Fire which broke out this morning in the Saloon consumed forty build ings before it was extinguished and caused a loss which estimated at To the Deaf A rich lady of her Deafness and Noises in Head by Dr Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent 1 to his insti tute so that deaf people unebte to pro- euro them may have them free Ap ply to Department The Insti tute Eighth Ave New York A positions extending for miles along tbe kopjes and ridge3 south of the River where were care fully and skilfully entrenched evacu ated their after a few hours desultory shelling when they saw eight thousand British cavalry and fortytwo moving rapidly south between thern and their reinforce ments without whom it impos sible for thern to hold their long irreg ular position The force that was iso lated between Gen French and the river probably did not exceed men Poplar Grove March Two bri gades of cavalry with horse artillery and KellyKennys division marched today miles eastwards The Boers were quite taken by Bur- prise yesterday moved off hurriedly that they left cooked dinners behind Tho Ninth Division including the Canadians captured a gun on top of a kopje Durban Natal March Lieuten ant who commanded a sec tion of the Natal Naval Volunteers at has arrived here In the course of an he said that towards the close hill engagement the naval guns threw lyd dite shells on a kopje yards dis tant When the place was evacuated by the Boers be yisited the trenches and counted therein ninetyeight dead Boers who had been killed by the con cussion of the lyddite not one of them having a wound of any kind Lieut declared that the fumes of the lyddite turned the hair and beards of the dead men to a pe culiar greenish hue whilo the color of their kin was a strange yellow Fiftytwo Boers were captured in one of the trenches They were un able to flee having been paralyzed by their fear of the lyddite shells Feb 19 Horse meat now a considerable part of our rations There is little grumbling The firat pinch of the siege is over and the town has settled grimly to stick it out What may be typhoid malaria has out in the womans laager and dysentery due to the absence of vegetables is rife among the garrison Two hundred and ninetytwo persons have been killed wounded or died of disease The garrison is so small that it would be criminal to make its weariness public but there is never so much as a whisper All the outside forts except one have been taken by the Boers March News just reached here from Petras- about miles west of this city that a Boer scouting party while re- connoitering In district captured horses They found that the British had remained station ary since the Poplar Grove engage ment Cape Town March The Cana dian Mounted Rifles have to the front London March A despatch from Lorenzo Marques states that Kruger in a speech to the burghers at told them that he did not know whether arbitration or inter vention would bring the war to a close but it would end quickly He was strongly of the belief that fighting would cease within the next month Of all forms of exercise walking is the best because it acts on the whole body and acts evenly It is the beat of doctors for its sanitary in fluence moral as well as physical should be in tho open air at least two hours daily and if in or dinary health should walk at least miles daily not a dull rigid consti tutional walk but a brisk joyous ex- iterating walk and if possible a walk with an object Be it understood that shopping is not walking nor is 11 countering You must use activity enough to the blood faster thru the veins to bring a glow to cheek but you must stop short of actual fatigue March A despatch from to tho War Office says Tho days march and from their intimate knowledge of the country gave considerable trouble Owing how ever to the admirable conduct of tho troops the enemy were unable to pre vent us reaching our destination The brunt of the fighting on Gen KellyKennys division two battalions of which the Welsh and turn ed the two strong posi tions at the point of the bayonet A second despatch from Lord Rob erts under the same date says I cannot get the precise number of casualties before I march but will communicate it as soon as possible The Boers suffered heavily of their dead being left on the ground We captured about twenty prisoners The following telegram has been addressed by to their Honors the State Presidents of the Orange Free State and the South African Repub lic Another instance having oc curred of gross abuse of the white flag and of the signal of holding up hands in token of surrender it is my duty to inform you that if such abuse occurs again 1 shall most reluctantly be compelled to order my troops to disregard the whit flag entirely The instance occurred on a kopje east of yesterday evening and was witnessed several of my own staff officers as well as by myself and re sulted in the wounding of several of rny officers and men A largo quanti ty of explosive bullets of three differ ent kinds was found in Commandant on jos laager and this has been case after every engagement with your Honors troops Such breaches of recognized usages of war and of the Geneva Convention are a disgrace to any civilized power A copy of this telegram has been sent to my Govern ment with the request that it may bo communicated to all neutral powers Aasvogel Kop Orange Free State March pm dawn this morning the British have been collect ing the Boers who were killed or wounded at The dead were buried in groups one numbering another and a third They hod mostly been killed by the shrapnel fire that was directed against a long hillside that was subsequently taken by the Battalion The ambu lances found dead elsewhere Gen Brabant proceeded to Aliwal North at dawn Saturday On Sun day he was at Rifles and ammunition are flowinggin steadily Two rebel field cornets fiave submit ted Tho general feeling is that game is up Steam in Hugo steam drays are now a com mon sight on streets of London They run from to miles an hour and can carry trenjendons burdens The steam drays are feet long and wide while the on which the is a step frame by feet The front wheels are of iron two feet and nine in diameter and the tires are four inches wide rear or driving wheels are three feat in diameter with tires five wide Steam is generated by liquid fuel and the engine is of horse power By the use of these drays all the space occupied by the hordes on ordinary vehicles is saved and the Re sult is a great relief in overcrowded streets 1 A reduction in Canadian Railway passenger rates in Manitoba to three per mile is announced to take effect on the 15th Miss of St Thomas was awarded by a jury in a suit against a young named Broad- foot breach of promise George a farmer fell from a load of hay to the frozen road near London Thursday and sus tained severe injuries to his spiuo 1

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