Newmarket Era, 16 Mar 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH To bo Clears P Co Anniversary Thin Month A Go Tailors Talk Bred ftwLCitkcJi P Jock The PiiiriK iiic Smith Miss Private Notice- Meeting Cross Society Housekeeper Boy Wanted J etropalitanjEiectiic Co Toronto to market Each TIME TABLE North Toronto T 30 am am 9 iKr am am pm pm JO pm IS pm pm pm Return Fare either way 25 Site HUT BRIGHTER DltlOUTKU WITH Pointed Gone to at Friday last a writ was issued by the City Corporation against the County of York for the purpose of do ending the question as to the mentioned in the agreement includes only the cost of aits and buildings and also whether the county to pay its of tho cost of furniture At same time courts will be asked to decide whether county should bear cost of providing accommodation for law library which was estab lished by Legislature prior to It appears to the day not far when a judicial separation from will a necessity EDITORIAL NOTES Tub vacant County Judgeship of On tario County baa been filled fay the Appoint of Mr Noil who for years baa been noted with a prominent in Toronto His ap pointment welt received by eioii At byeelection in Beautiful Plain Manitoba on Saturday Hon J A a member of Provincial Government wee elected over bis opponent by majority of It ia expected the Manitoba will be summoned for within the next couple of week At wood nearly nil home saw is making short work of it Alia of paying fricntfa in North- abort vimH again j your vi- enjoyable All 1 Smith liai just threshing completing a full number of tail ho is hard at it crushing grain sawing wood From the town I inn south on Union St is a bevy of makers all hut the lilt one cant be by her riyah of townline Tint among the party that was capsized coming from certain village ask anything for damages hut the two gentlemen must fix cut- tor Wilder is spending a low with her brother Mr Hutu- Bain A stranger wan caught trying to chloroform a young girl in of night but by her for aid alio wived A punishment of life by water to keep him self from drowning would bo loo for him One of the who attended wedding at is not home yet His horses took sick and by advice of the Vet has to tuy until recover morning not long ago Mr Wal lace Young mot with surprise On opening the stable door be found curious looking object resembling a fur cap On investigation it proved to bo a musk rat that had strayed from lake in the recent thaw no doubt Some of the implements that were left to shift for themselves in the open fields are groaning loud under the weight of snow If they come out all right theyll be first in the field Mr is drawing material preparatory to building a new barn to replace the one that succumbed to lightning last year If the signs of a house were near Id know rest A of roofs of barns collaps ed lately couldnt bear their burden any longer Winters from the West spent a few days visiting at Mr A A very enjoyable event took place at the home of Mr William when a silver- wedding was celebrated day of March and many rela tive and friends responded to the in vitations each one bringing a present fitting to the occasion The was fine and about turned out The day was spent in music and games then a apeecli from the Lord expressing his thankfulness to the many friends who came to help him celebrate Ins years of happy life with his better half Then all were invited to a sumptuous spread prepar ed by Mr Goodyear and ladies The tables were filled three times to overflowing The only part out of place the ministers absence The event wound up by the reports of Column PERSONAL A purse despatch from St John dated It the death of Senator He fti of and came to Canada in He was to the jeara after Confederation Hi a vacancy or the present Government to fi I Aehaivo lo a of a Board of Trade we may Any number of persona than thirty ho are era of bank areata and residents which popalailon of than may together as Board of and appoiot a secretary For particulars of forma Hod necessary affidavits before a notary for taking a vite or Justice of the Peace and also for and mode of electing sea Cap of the Revised Statutes of Can intituled l An the In corporation of of Sale March Mr Graham a sate of Farm on lot coo ftbftrch at octock Smith Aleo Farm for tele March Co will an of Household Furniture Carpets etc in Vfotoria Button commencing at sharp months credit Riven on earns over MO or per annum off for cash It A Sheppard WnrsrcfiMv Marco Dan will have an sale of farm implements end household effects on lot in Oh of Whit church near Vandorf credit except for hay fowl and sums under or off for caah Sale at one sharp Smith gun rattling pans cow bells when the uninvited company shared the hospitality of the host and hostess by eating and drinking to their good health and the crowd dispersed cheer fully to their homes Mr Grant and his bride are paying relations and friends a visit previous to leaving for to live and settle down to farming The fox at Jersey looks sleek Wonder if he lives on poultry There seems to lie a sort of moving of dogs just about the time the assess or is going his rounds Mr Isaac and family paid a short visit at Mr Samuel Holland Landing One of the Boer is telling around that he a Brit ish subject high and dry My friend we hear tell of some being Kidnap pec and taken to parts unknown blow too much Several are making preparations to go to the North- West This is the second trip for some and they may take up an everlasting abode Miss Lottie patriotic poem was well composed May senti ment stir every British subject to arms The Joker has contracted a heavy cold and feels- very much like as if Miss jvas hugging htm The Jokeh Mr of Toronto was homo over Mr John and of Toronto were homo oyer Sunday Mr Cowan Is preparing to back to in May Mr and Mrs were Homo on evening Mr of Aurora was in town on Tuesday making Mrs If R entertained at oclock tea Friday afternoon r- editor and wife At Homo with friends on Wednesday Mm and eon at this week Mr Mrs A were At Homo with friends on Tuesday Homo Newmarket at tended at on Tuesday MlaaMaiie left for city on Wednesday where a situation awaited her Mies Mrs Clifton fa hero on a visit for a month or two Mr woe in Fort Perry or three days last week owing lotho death of his sister Mr Wra lias moved hero from West to advantage our sohoola Edith Trlyett of Lake is visittDK with aunt J It War ren this week Mies of sister of Mrs- is hero unit may stay a month or two with her Mrs of fichomborjj is v nil ing with Mrs P Irwin Victoria for two or three weeks Mr has been verv sick with erysipelas His sister is hero from Toron to io wait him Mrs Jonathan of Toronto spent Friday with sister Arndtago Millard Mies Lillio of Whitby homo after spending with the Misses Allan Mr John left last for Al Harbour to accept a situation lis all wish him Mr and Mrs John enter tained a company of two dozen at homo on Thursday night of last Mrs Albert of Bolton and Florence Lloyd of Aurora wero visiting with cousin Lehman this week- A party in honor of Mr Calvin was given by his mother near Pearsons evening last week and family of Albert left yesterday for North Dakota where they intend making their homo Mr and Mta Jae of Port Perry were visiting bis brother Rev ft at the Methodist over Sunday Wilson of Toronto and of the guests of the Misses Allan Park a couple days last week Eva la visiting her fath er end mother in Newmarket makes her home at her grandfathers Mr of Mr and Mrs Robert Manning enter tained a number of young folk on Taesday evening In honor of their guests Miss Wallace and Mr Walker Mr Walker Agent at was town of days week finishing up his vacation of three veeke before going on duty again Mr and Miss Wright and Mia May of Qaoensyille were visaing their Mr Nathan of staff and other friends this week It is Mr Will and Mr Jane that deserve the for the or- decorations ao residence of Mayor for the Quarterly Tea last week wo we told Mr Alex a former teach of Newmarket Public School and author of The Maple loaf has contributed an ap to date poem we publish else where in this issue Mr Brown of Montreal son of Mr Brown of Lanes- Insurance Co and nephew of Mrs M A la here on months va cation among relatives and Mr J- A and family of Aurora are arranging to move to British Columbia and expect to leave on the mat is a daughter Mr Frank Morrison whole now on the Ontario legislate Tho story of ilrat division of has ton told Tho of tho Opposition after Mr Davie admirable speech drew off like after a taste of the bayonet and more attacks have been made The diyhdon was a and fthowa that majority like its popularity is growing with the growing time Year afer year the Provincial Treasurer has been tolling story of golden and against such a atono wall he who batters no matter how is life strength must re treat with nothing but bruises Mr How now Treasurer was especial ly fortunate in having of tho sirirzi The Anniversary Sale Continues This feel j Every day this week will find crowds of buyers here This sale is hound to draw the people No wonder as you ifiCVttriBi save dollars on your purchase Remember a cash saving on purchase is a long better than paying a big price for your goods and having some kind of fake premium thrown in Clothing Price A surplus tho province hod in of Such was re cord of now government In tho firHt year of history satisfactory fact is that there now be no further useless debate on tho extent of surplus which the government lias ot assets and lia bilities This has always been the battle ground on which the war be tween Opposition and Government was hotly waged But during the last few months an independent tri bunal a special commission appointed by examined into finances of Province That tribunal decided that the Gov ernment claim was right and just and that surplus at present mo ment is So treasur ers statement bears record of another victory which has perched on the banners of the Liberal party in On tario The report of Royal Commission is an old story now borne in mind that in every item the con tentions of the Government have been borne out To show this briefly it may be pointed out that the Com mission demanded a To submit a statement show ing the actual annuo receipts and ex penditures of Province since Con federation Opposition has stated that the Government was spending money in excess of re ceipts The reported that on October tho has been and ex penditure That for ever silences the guns of Opposi tion in that regard To submit a statement of the moneys out of revenue on public Works Buildings on Railways since Confederation These items as well as others which are by ordinary governments paid out of capital but in addition to fi nancing tho Province the Liberals have expended this much more Public Works Swamp Drainage Drainage Debentures Land Improvement Colonization Roads Aid to Railways Public Buildings Miscellaneous Ms at Mens- Fancy Check Tweed and all wool Halifax Tweed Suits sizes 1042 value 700 Sale price Mens Fine Black Worsted Suits in Cutaway or Sack styles lined with best Italian stitched with Silk all sizes from to price 14 Sate price Mens Very Fine Tweed Suits made of all wool Canadian Tweed tailored in very latest style lined with Italian a splendid bargain Sale price Mens Black Beaver Overcoais Sale puke 4 50 Anniversary Boot Shoe Bargains Mens Overshoes sizes and only price t Sale price Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes Special Sale price Ladies Fine Kid Buttoned Boots Special Sale price Ladies Fine Button or Lace Kid Boots J Kings make Sale price Mens Strang Lace Boots solid leather Special Sale price Mens Fine Kid Lace Boots Special Sale price Mens Hot Shot Lace Boots J Kings make Special Sale price Bargains this week in al kinds of Rubbers 69 Dress Goods New Prints New Carpets Wall Papers Groceries H CEiQ EBB as nay Hon of Interior ia off for Europe and as he is an important factor Manitoba politics it does not look at if contemplated an early appeal to the we may that Hod Mr before leavlog com pleted all arrangements for dealing with he claims half breeds born in the North west Territories between and the end of the year March Mae March Ed ward Ryan employed at works of National Biscuit Company was cleaning last night and instantly March Abb Willed Ho hud inserted his head ami part of hi in miser in noma manner machinery up he was to pices by the- rotary Of will a vAitlttbte farm ft per ii for All Wheat per bushel RfA Wheat per Barley per fihcepakliiaa Wool per per mmmmV Beef per Chickens per pisnwiu Pilaris a a a a a a a a a IB a a a a a a a WOO a a a a J IT To exoojine and report upon the liabilities of the Province This has already been done Every trust fund which the Government claimed to be an asset the Commission decided to be an asset To examine into the Books of the Treasury department and report whether methods of bookkeeping adopted set forth clearly and with such reasonable details as are usual in case of largo financial institutions t no business affairs of the Province The Commission reports that methods of bookkeeping are excellent and exhibit in as full detail as an or dinary financial institution all the fi nancial transactions Such is the report of the Commis sion which the Opposition has for many years clamoring for It shows a most complete and thorough vindication of the present administra tion The budget debate as was before was ono short glimpse of a large golden surplus The past we have a surplus year of future Mr Ross considered as equally bright The for next year he estimated would reach the handsome sum of and the expenditure With that surplus of the of de veloping New Ontario will be prose cuted in earnest The development work under the careful supervision of Hon Mr Davis has already been progressing very satisfactorily In theso few months a mono gratifying advance has been made Mr the director of colonization has just returned from North and finds that the people in the district are looking upon the movement with utmost enthusi asm People from Old Ontario are looking upon development of the new parts with great Besides settlers men of means aregoing north One man is about a dairy oil 11 Very huge this short lime a vast number U dentil been Arranged- If docs nothing and Cattle Men Will find it to advantage to have their Condition Powders Cattle Spices Liniment etc made by us We wish to induce more horse owners to use Our Yorkshire Remedy and to do this we place on sale Saturday 25c packages at package Try a package be convinced it the Beat General Condition Powder you ever tried Our at is well worth trying A fi- Household Remedies and Sundries Hopes Tiny Tablets Springs the great blood purifier and strength Lehmans Liver Pills Combs Brushes At all prices A good to choose from LEHMAN IBB ECS Ed than inaugurate and carry to present state the policy of colonization it will live in history The Government during the week has announced a portion of its cold storage policy The intention is to make to cold storage warehouses which come up to a certain standard a grant equal to onefifth of the ex pense warehouse provided that the grant shall not be more than This will meet with the approval of all The Department of Crown Lands is the great earning department of the government That this true may he seen from a glance at receipts of the Province in Those receipts subtracting regular subsidies amounted to 2598839 Of that sum the following was from the Crown Lands department Crown Lauds Rent 111- Railway Lands Lands 3C25 Common School Lands 179 Grammar School Lands University Lands Woods and Forests Money Ltceno Miscellaneous Re funds Total This means that more than per cent of the revenue comes from this m department Since Confederation 31495827 com from the Id Acton on 8th to Mr Mr John a bod Mr Brown a of Mr of tad both mother and child doing well Noble on March the wife of Geo Noble of a daughter At Sharon March fiih to Mr Thomas Brown a The Tomb Indiana Saturday March 3rd of conges of the A William Formerly of Toronto Junction on March Edward Wheeler too of late Edward Wheel of At Toronto oh March David firaiih Rosa formerly agent at Holland Landing nil Mr and Archibald died on S St J ROflDHOUSE St north According to private letters from Paris smallpox epidemic in French capita Rituv Cm the of at of the brides father by Rev Mr J to Mies Nellie Welle diop ter of Mr John Wells all line of King At the residence of lt brides father en the coo of on the of March by Pro Newmarket Mr Herbert wards to Eva Terry David Terry ibe At the residence bridge on March by Hey A Brace Robert J Glove oM E Fair barn both of Keeich At 10 Eli A Row of North bury Leading AND House 11 i will rictiyr r- rtnri Prompt

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