Newmarket Era, 16 Mar 1900, p. 4

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J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH rrt Grea Haste fs No A Good Speed people trust to tuck to pall them through and are often disappointed Do not dally in matters of health With it you can accomplish miracles With out it you good liver bowels and Wood by blood purifier I bud in my limb and foot commenced treatment with and in a time cured troubled with and Impure blood A cut on my arm not heal Hoods recommended and after I had taken thrco bottles I fttrtet Toronto Out rim c lire r She Best Advertising Medium In York County per lino for Insertion ftATEH YOU A jo in circulation down bout ftekinjt Township and to action before a voting railway on Br opposition to the bill of tho Metropolitan to It Kington and Mont- real on foot in tin to to erect monuments to memory who offer tip Iheir lived in South Africa In defence of iho for of freedom and Nourish the Nerves and Cleanse the Blood PAIS HI THE BACK CRACK REGIMENTS Daily that iho Homo Government baa to General and to Helena forthwith Thin in where Napoleon wound up his military audio Presidents KruKor will ho Kent to tamo ieland to com They now their In reply to a in Commons wcok Hon General stated that rent of boxes to the postmaster and Other half to Department number of in Canada on March 1st WOO was yearly mileage over which mails arc now amounts to This is Done You secure Diges tion Good Appetite Restful Sleep and Full Health Celery Compound Natures Spring Makes People and Strong Frequently Due to Sluggish Diver Troubles Mr Frank of Tolls of Buffering and How Dr Williams Pink Him Medicines FAMOUS BRITISH FIGHT ING IN SOUTH AFRICA mo mo I M Inch L unnccoiiipniilcd with writ- ion until forbid once each jnonthirdtilrcl limn each month composition he paid for tit rates Changes lor adveitlaeincnts In the by noon on Hales for Notices Farms to Kent Article and found etc A residing will be free for Any Church orBoclctv Jur- taken otherwise cents will up chained for notice No execution to Thos J Robcitson Notary o OrrJosMnlii rttrect Newmarket lo to Loan on s t iioyd Solicitor Solicitor for Township of King Money ffonn Oirwx Division Court Ontario p Barrister Bollellor Convoycncor with Marsh Cataoron o Toronto and tZT Money to loan at lowest rates Sax tons Block Main St Newmarket Conveyancers Ac doors South of Post Of fice Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also he at Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Solicitors J Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora a Icgialalion of the Conservn- lives in years for Ha main lino through Manitoba and under Provincial Govern menu for lines in thai lolal of 2800000 No wonder it quite a boss institution Itsnpoaitiou lo ayo power to Hugh J Macdonald is how Weston Times up the Montreal fracas With the Toronto and World to lav train and and the Montreal Star lo apply the torch it will not ho long Domin ions incest -its- will he by an explo sion of racial hatred our soldiers can from their for of abroad to a similar duty at homo World is making a frantic appeal to turn oat Gov ernment of corruption at two of Weal and North Waterloo and hand over of Ad ministration Conservatives records of courts show lhat Iho Con- liayo ainoors than Liberals in this To Worlds of things and follow Us advice the bo jumping out of the frying pan into firo and our to it evident fancies that intelligent of this do not understand of Rophiatory True vigorous health in portion of man and women who have rich blood and well nerves Poor health disease diseas ed nerves and impoverished blood Celery Compound folly the needs of ailing and run in spring time It drives all closing matter and impurities from stream making its course with freedom and vitality to every part of the body Celery Compound braces the unstrung and weak nor von and fur a nutriment that builds up the entire nervous organization tired thin and body taken on flesh pain in the back is skin becomes clear the kidneys and live are free from disease di gestive organs do their work with un failing regularity and a feeling of now energy and wellbeing take the place of nervousness irrita tion and melancholia Nourish tho nerves and cleanse the blood with Celery Compound and a now happy and healthful life will bo yours Smallest in the A despatch from Colling wood elates thai Town has concluded arraogomonts with a Philadelphia firm to establish Mast in that munici pality for production of iron and steel capacity of plant will bo tons per day and the Company agrees to keep COO men continuously employed for years Canadian ores will be used and means the opening up of the best iron of Sho Province especially of The Corpor ation gives a large bonus and is now seek ing the of the agreement at hands of the Ontario Legislature It willba a big thing for and a flratrato thing for Ontario W Dunn Solicitors Sec Manning Arcade SI King St West Toronto to Loan Barrister Block Money to Loan PAINTING The leadline painter Paper Hanger l years la all branches of the business lino of of the latest designs In Wall Papers 2nd door of tho Primary School Church Street a Paper Done promptly neatly and In I am also associated with a Painter and Writer Orders can bo left at Hardware Store at the residence of Green head of Street Newmarket Ik oar opinion lb suggestion of Events Is a very proper and timely one namely that the Dominion Parliament should levy tax to cover the expenditure the contingents seot to Africa Over United weut to war with special wer icviuti to tile expenses and too corft of the war is being paid oat of revenues The fiuggesitoo that Canada should make special lor up iho cuts f ibo coucinente order he country will have 10 meet in wo current liabilities as they accrue in of piling up our public debt An Sole To all who have felt the evil effects of deranged It Is interesting to Know that A- Chases KidneyLiver are meeting with enormous sale and success In this district Backaches and aching kidneys are fast becoming a thing of the past where Dr A Chases KidneyLiver Pills ore known One cent a dose cents a box at all dealers Bolton Practical House Decorator It car Street Millards Lane and AUCTIONEERS Duncan AucUoneer for the Co of York Goods sold on commission Terms able Farm to Street Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones- Before Ordering March Mrs aged years broke her leg by the ice her door THE MENTHOL in the most largely cold Id Canada For backache and All muscular pains theres nothing equal to It Each plaster In an airtight tin 25o Davis Law rence Co Ltd makers Hemlock lumber is selling for a thousand in Chautauqua couuty which is the highest that it baa ever been There is in Berlin a man who the proud possessor of a timepiece which is considered to ho the most marvel lous piece of mechanism that human skill over put together Ingenuity and human skill have boon brought into operation with the result that a watch has boon construct ed which measures less than one- quartet of an inch in or one with a face of the size of the head of a large sized tack or nail The case is made of the very finest of gold and the whole watch weighs than two grains troy In troy weight it takes grains to make an ounce and ounces constitute a pound This wonderful piece of mechanism weighs only part of a pound So great a curiosity was this midget considered that its owner paid for it and would not sell it for twice that amount numerals on the face are in Arabic and if tho hands were put end to end they would not measure five twentyfourths of an inch in length the largest being less than one- eighth and the small one less than one- twelfth of an inch long It has be sides just as an ordinary watch or clock a second indicator which is about as large in diameter as small hand is long and tho hand of the second indicator is Jena than one sixtciiith of an inch in length The numerals hero are also in Arabic but are engraved in red to bo more easily discern able The works and hands are made of the finest tempered steel and are set throughout in diamond chips It is constructed on the most improved plan wound by stern and set by pulling the stem out short distance by a persistent rasping cough quickly cures the most severe It soothes heals never falls to cure Manu factured by the of Perry Davis From Mr Frank Walters is it young man known to of the re of Exeter where lie has lived nearly all his Mo Talking with ihe editor of Advocate recently Mr Walters said In justice to Dr Williams Pink I think it my duty in view of what thoy have done for mo to add my testimonial to the thousands of others that have been printed months I suflered most severely from pains coursing up and down my back It was thought that these pains were due to liver and kidney trouble but whatever the cause they frequently left me in agony The pains wore not confined to the back but would shift to other pints of the body As a result I got little rest my appetite became impaired and I fell off great- ly io weight I tried different reme dies suggested by friends hav ing no ftffect almost mo with medicine Then a persona friend urged me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills I was not easily persuad ed I had about concluded that medicine would not relievo rip but he insisted and finally I decided to try them I purchased box at ret and to my astonishment before it was finished I was greatly relieved Then I got couple boxes and these restored me to my former ocd health I do not hesitate recommend ing this that others may pro fit by my experience and not buffer tortures as I did Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by go to root of the disease They renew and build up the blood and nerve thus driving diseaso from the system If your dealer does not keep thorn they will bo postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Williams Medicine Co Iormntlon of Synonym Handed notrnThc Cor Con nnd by can not put an army of any size In the Held without Including some of reglnicnts One reason for this the peculiar composition of British ar my where regimental des ignation covert trot six to each a unit In the United Is to any an which hud taken shelter reformed made a second effort to carry the eastern spur of the ridge where the lay This effort was alo repulsed with fearful Two well aimed Boer shells the head of column The Black Watch bears the distinc tion of having been the Hist kilted regiment In the British army Origi nally an armed police force stationed In highlands to prevent cattle steal ing the made a record which led the government to form the scattered companies Into a regi ment As the men belonged to differ the Urine KldreytTo Kidneys healthy ins Or KldnoyUvor Pills The uptodate physician of the kidneys by an examination of the is not however to be an txptrt j order to tell if the kidneys are An conduct an examination Allow the urine to stand for twentyfour hour in a bottle or vessel- If at the end time it contains a sediment you may be certain that the kidneys and and that they are leaving deadly clans It was necessary to adopt a combination In order to give uniform- prions in the system will In time produce to the dress The one adopted was j terribly fatal complications chiefly black end their color and As an Invigorate of the kidneys Chas I KidneyLiver Pills are of inettiniabh value Ihjy act directly and naturally and caused them to be called by the clansmen the Black Watch The first officers of the regiment be longed to the nobility and the rank and file were chosen from the higher walks life As the physical were high the Black Watch liver and hovels regular active and healthy Dr Chases Pills positively per manently and promptly cure diieae kidney and liver disorders backache and all the painful and torn plications of the filtering organs of the body Written specially for the Ontario out to a army that gallon like the Coldstream guards or the Watch includes two battalions of regulars two of reserves and two to five of mili tia and volunteers The and volunteers are given local synonyms Addition to their regimental designa tions as for Instance the Bedford shire regiment called also Bedford- shires has now In the field two battal ions of regulars and two of militia called the Bedford and Hertford militia The Royal Irish regiment has the and Second battalions on duty and the Third Fourth Fifth bat talions also known respectively as Wexford North and the Kil kenny In motion for the front One of the Aral commands to Into prominence In South Africa was the hussars which had the unenviable luck to suffer the loss of whole squadron cut off and cap tured at the battle of This experience was especially humiliating at the time or It because then British went In expecting meet boys but found urn solves van quished by men The hussars has a record dating from the Peninsula Its flag beans the Inscrip tions Peninsula and Waterloo the latter because with the Tenth hussar It completed the final rout of the French The headdress of the Eight eenth when upon parade Is the Busby bag and plume of the pattern worn In Wellingtons time The second heavy capture of British by the Boers which took place at Nicholsons Nek near In cluded part of the Royal Irish also called the foot When captured the were engaged a daring flanking move ment and with the and a battery stood fight until hopeless ly surrounded noted for Its line looking soldiers j sale of this great kidney remedy is When drat called upon to tight outside merit is proclaimed by scores of grateful cured One pill a dose 35 cents a box at of Scotland the regiment refused and was taken to London by a ruse The matter was settled with some blood shed and In the first battle the wiped out whatever odium re mained In fact the whole affair was more creditable to the regiment Chan to the government and the leaders of the mutiny who were executed were afterward held In high honor After the mutiny the Black Watch was sent to the continent and fought their first pitched battle as a regiment at where they opened the famous attack ordered by the Duke of Cumberland upon the Impregnable position of the French Firing one vol ley from tiller muskets the Scotsmen threw aside the guns drew their clay mores and charged a regiment of French guards Although veterans of the wars the guards vrvn not accustomed to the rushing tactic of the They fired a scattering volley took up the bayonet hoping to make short work of the Impetuous moun taineers The result was that the bay onet gave way before stout claymores and as the Frehch refused to yield be fore new troops they were almost an nihilated Through the blunders of the English commander who lacked he ability to cope with Marshal the British were terribly beaten and forced to retreat with the Black Watch cov ering the rear After the campaign In Flanders the Black Watch passed ten years garri soning the with head quarters at Albany they fought the French Cape Breton and about a year later fought Id this battle they impetuously rushed the some of them mounted and gained Immortal glory the Cost of much heroic blood In Napoleons wars the Black erved every where even in Egypt and was recalled Toronto dealers or Co CURE ALL YOUR PAIRS WITH A In Simple Cure for CRAMPS DIARRHOEA COLDS RHEUMATISM Y1CURAL0IA and Bottles OF IMITATIONS ONLY THE OEHUIH6 PERRY Good Farm Sand Wanted term or month Apply House and Lot Fop Sale In on Wellington St Apply VERNON Newmarket PO Brick House for Bale On Newmarket eo Lets acre with and 10 suit purchaser Enquire Era to Soil or Seat acres on ho Town Line of Urn Giltc- a mile from Newmarket bearing of trees Good market farm Apply Newmarket CAUTION Beware of substi tutes for There la nothing Just good for cute sprains and Internally for all bowel disorders Avoid substitutes there Is but Per ry Davis 25c and In County Michigan vir ulent is prevalent and ban taken nlaco per cent and the lower country demor alised Looking back I see I never saw before This Is the exclamation of satisfied customers We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed hi Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation free Co Jewelry Mr detailed work being carried out at the present time in the lumber woods of North There arc now men employed in the camps and teams of horses in hauling This the cut of logs was estimated to be 000 feet of logs All this was cut by Canadians The supplied for the camps purchased in Canada and so were those for tho milling This in a way was giving prosperity to tho Province The Speaker told the of his visit to Sudbury to interview tho min ing men previous to forming a mining policy He had one there had a meeting called which was well attend ed and explained to tho mining men that he wanted to hear their criticisms The Government was anxious to get motion for the purpose of dealing with amendments to mining laws this session The Ministers knew there was dibsatisf fiction at Sudbury and that is why Mr Davis hud gono there A visit had boon made to Cut aJa Copper mines This Co had done much to develop the nickel devel opment of the Province Tho Gov ernment had obtained a great deal of information by his trip people in Sudbury had asked for a mining otlice Tho Government seeing the necessity of it was having one opened there The Opposition Mr Davis said had condemned tho present min ing policy of tho Government yet they went about the country baying it was atolenfrom them made of establishing of rafiheries in the Province at Hamilton and the other at Marie These were tho beginning of a great industry If there was any blame to be attached over tho charter of the Canada Copper Co it should be placed on the Domin ion Government for they had granted the charter without restrictions Thin Government did not wane to now kill any of the present industries The Government had not allowed nickel lands to bo gobbled up as the Opposition had It was tho in of the Administration to de velop the mining industry There was also to be a vigorous colonisation policy and before five years a remark able development would be noticeable in this Province DR A IV CHASES CURE Nicholson Nek was the third field of humiliation for Irish hundred of the regi ment were captured by the French Id the Netherlands lu when the regiment was new In Brazil In a small detachment was captured by a ruse guerre Organized In also called Clear Ways first saw service They next appeared In the West In dies where fever carried off enough to make a roll regiment In the com mand v- 1- to India and remained active service there over GO years with a brief visit to 1325 For their faithfulness In India the crown grained the title of Uoyal as a pro lix to the original name Irish For an adventurous career the which shared In the humilia tion at Nicholsons Nek stand second to none In the British army They fought In Canada side by side with American Colonials they battled against Wash ingtons ragged bands in the States and bore their flag on the burning des erts of Egypt and in the mountains of Spain and Portugal The noble Wolfe fell at the head of regiment the plains of Abraham and Its officers to this day wear a thread of black In their uniform lace as a memento of that day And they were with Sir John Moore when he fell at Coruna an event celebrated In one of the finest poems In the English tongue begin ning Not a drum was heard not a funeral note When Washington was at White Plains the Gloucester charged with ebon swords and carried an Important outpost by the act the name of Slashers which has clung to them ever since Among the great battles of the Glou cester during the years of regiments ex lute dee It siege of one of the bloodiest In history Waterloo Alma At the tenth Ire regiment was completely de stroyed by death and capture Farm to Rent of of Aurora farm contains hundred acres And In so excellent state of cultivation GCKxJ barn at able and dwelling are on the It Is well watered And Wheat and of Rye- balance baa all been fall ploughed Kent per annum April Apply to A Aurora Rag Weaving Isaac lndyvrIabco to Inform tile he has moved to Saxtood House on mi and be fltill baa that Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with the late improvements to date and that he prepared to do Best Work In ling Carpet weaving- Call and see Send your In Early 3m11 lbs or Dr A W Ctiij Co Only men out of a nominal of of the Royal highland or the Black Watch answered to their the of belongs to the with General Methu- ens army nnd Its commander was killed at while lending the charge which cost bo Scottish blood Taking a favorable position at night tbp landers forward at daybreak but soon ran an ambush where the slaughter was so great that they bad to retreat Then their leader fell At the time of meeting the first of the Boers the j within yards of the foe but jknov I Cut At 10 oclock Original type Modern OF THE BLACK from Ireland to marcb to Waterloo In the frightfully desperate charge up the slopes at Alma In the Crimea the highbinders were led by a Campbell and In all their battles have bad a Campbell or a Grant among the lead ers When the headgear of the Black Watcb was adopted the men asked to be allowed the distinctive mark of red heckle upon their bonnets but It was not allowed In one of the early bat ties In Flanders there was not an un wounded man in the regiment and the men dyed their heckles In blood King George bearing of this ordered them to retain the red When the Highland brigade met with Its stunning repulse at the Gordon Highlanders of another bri gade took up the tight They made two charges upon the Intrenched Boer kopje meeting with the loss of Colo nel and many men Anoth er battalion of the Gordons were among the most conspicuous fighters at where charged to the crest of the main kopje with their pipes skirling and the bugle sounding the highland calls They wore led In this attack by General French the officer who got out of before the Hoe was cut off and Cape Colony to luke up an Independent command The of are the as those at the scene of the famous charge Afghanistan They constitute the First battalion nnd wear for their distinguishing mark a scutcheon of the royal tiger commemo rative of service Id The Second battalion which Is with Methuens col umn and fought well at Magersfon- wears the sphinx as a souvenir of the pyramids At EInndslsagte a lieutenant of the Gordons dashed forward with a hand ful to flank the Boer line As usual the Boers lay low and at the proper time showered the British with The lieutenant was three In the right arm also in the hand flnd and his sword and were perforated left handed be still fights do with Kims Wholesale Brokers Shippers All who do outside their own Town or should Long Distance Equipment The cost many the Local PROMPTLY SECURED j j trl Writ tor our interesting books Invest Howjyoti are Bend us a or lot jour or prove hud wo to patentable Wo of Appucatloni In oil t A rtilit Af Kclilha Wort of c c ion ail tor fit Co la Scieitfffic Mmertcaii A kaU0MeJ uMr iUva ir

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