Newmarket Era, 23 Mar 1900, p. 1

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J The gives more home news every week thin combined and is acknowledged to be the County Paper J j Li AND ADVERTISER Give to know and to freely according tojeoriacience above alt other liberty No paper sent outside of York pill in No Copies Newmarket Ont Friday March or annum vl i if paid in advance a Steel Sap Spouts per hundred PANS Steel inches Steel as cut t 00 per hundred BUCKETS homemade 10c BUCKETS flarcing each SKIMMERS all sizes Galvanized Pails from to FAINT I GLASS Try our Coal Oils read Trade coot in he laet Why not us call on you We now ckll on over pii hundred and sixty families in also carry variety of cakes including Tart Shells Cream Prop Puff Droits Hootch Bread Fried Cakes Cube- Buns Cheese Keens and Ted Wine Cakes and Tea Canes each day BUY YOUR CORN CORN CHOP And FEED of all kinds tLJ We Believe Bargains ARK Manitoba Hungarian Family and Pastry COAL AND WOOD AT J WILSON Cor Main and Huron J Colonist Excursions r TO THE Canadian North West win Toronto via North Bay At pm March April Cars for with will train at to when money Is our whole Establishment as people who are in need of willapprwlaie We have a to select be fabrics In the woolen trade Call and for am are at MCLAUGHLINS For the Era The Home in time of year has como when the pupils High viowinc have begun final nroxaration tor midsummer exam inations Good work at this stage is than at other Early in time by months- now we count by or by hours and this is a fact we should not forgot A failure in an examination will likely mean an extra year at school work during the year will be insipid than when it was now and consequently interest will wane The result will bo that energy will droop ambitions will falter and will disap pear Then it will mean too that the boy be one later in enter ing his profession or trad or sphere in lib There will be in fact a year lost and lost in such a way that it can never be recovered We assumed here that a fail ure to pas an examination is due to lazincs or carelessness on part of the pupil This of is al ways true but provided that papers are fairly and teachers are fairly the of an examination generally a question of industry on the part of the pupil What wo need then is to make our pupils industrious and careful in their work Teachers must ever he responsible for this from to and possibly by an examination of must they be in a measure responsible for the pupils work from pm to am But never be wholly respon sible for how a his when away from the school- room To insure success the home must here cooperate with the sohool must find out how their children spend their evenings and whether their work is being properly done also see that- when a child has done a reasonable amount of study that he gets to bed at a reason able hour and girls who aro wide awake in the day time We can not have such unless have slept the night before I once heard a parent after son had failed on exam ination ask the beadraaster how he could account for the failure The teacher told the parent that he never expected the boy to pass as he had not worked hard enough This made the parent quite angry and he scolded because the teacher had not reported the fact to him early in the year I was an assistant in the school where that incident occurred but resolved that if I ever became headmaster would try to keep parents posted on the way their children acquitted themselves in school I believe that that is the way things should be and if parents any doubt about the progress their children are making a word of enquiry- from the teacher will Already quite a number of bills been introduced into the Assembly to amend our Municipal Act of a special and altogether local char acter with which the general public arc not concerned but others are as broad as the Province and in some cases as objectionable as they are far- reaching We purpose giving a sy nopsis of those of a public character as opportunity offers so that our muni cipal councils may bo prepared to take action in regard cither by communicating with for the Riding or by deputations before Municipal Committee of the The first to which we direct atten tion bill introduced by Mr Burt which contains two or three important innovations and along the line of which we believe the Legislature should move slowly of this bill proposes to abolish yearly elections in Townships and Incorporated Villages and extend the term of Reeve and to two years the same as County Coun cillors commencing with Clauses 2 and 1 amendments in conformity with this Act provides for fillin Toronto Rev Morgan Wood lias publicly denied that he entertains proclivities On the contrary Britain unqualified success Hunters after disloyalty are doing harm than The Presbyterian now in its 16th year of publication has changed hands It is now published by a syndicate with Hossack at the head On a vote of to the congre gation of Knox Church Queen de cided to sell to sell property for and to authorize tho trustees another location Transfer from day night cars at one fare into effect on Street Railway last week A petition has been presented to the Legislature praying for the incorpora tion of a company with power to con struct and operate an Elevated Rail way in tho City of Toronto and sur rounding municipalities within a ra dius of miles Fancy an elevated street railway from Toronto to New marketand thats what it means opposition to the and Metro politan and probably both will right against the charter being given in the trial of James Ross on a of correspondents send long stories with only hour of the entry into the Free the Times correspondent Stale capital The that Gen Roberts sent to demand the surrender of the town was a captured member of the Council named Palmer like John Presidents In other a willing prisoner Tim scene of the formal handing over of the keys of the public offices was the of a kopje such as the Boers know so well how to defend Here Gen Roberts awaited the deputation the muzzle of his guns towards the capital When the delegates had climbed the hill and salute Gen Roberts respectfully they received with sleep hut ays every man force is willing to vofk until he drops for Gen Roberts Every march every movement every victory in creases his popularity and strengthens the arrays confidence in him The correspondent ascribes high credit to the commissariat that daily furnishing provisions and forage without a hitch for horse The Time corespondent confirms the report that General with men was prevented arriv ing at the capital on by the tearing up of The occupation was extreme or derly and well managed The when the thru in that like the rift rest of- the army it had covered from any sense of hours forty charge of throwing vitriol at Jennie of Council Boards which may 1 before the Sessions last week cur by death resignation or removal In the Vacancy occurs six months prior to the expiration of the term for which the person was elected another election shall be held to fill the vacan cy but if less than six months the remaining members to do the work for the balance of term It seems to us tho extension of the terra is not desirable Any move to wards lessoning the hold people upon those who administer our muni cipal affairs is not in accord with the spirit of the Act or in harmony with public sentiment Sooner far would ratepayers make County Councillors amenable to the electorate annually than extend the term of local council lors to two years The time of hold ing the is not a particularly one for rural districts if men the jury returned a of not guilty but it took them seven hours Co agree According to a return by the Chief of Police this city has drownings and fatalities by trolley cars during Lieu Governor Mowat had a couple of dozen members of the Legislature to dine with him Thursday night loth March very attentive to the exhorta tions of Rev A J Baldwin the man Henry Williams condemned to be ex ecuted Here on the of April re tains his composure and no al lusion to the awful- crime for which he to he Mi born at New market but now manager of the big cooperative store on Queen St has The British found no wounded Boers in the town There no scarc ity of common foodstuffs in the March It was announced today that the casualties at March and the district is full of cattle J and wounded Forage however not abundant deluding one Canadian wounded The British found in the town most General Roberts reports he of their convey which the capj found British officers and 13 men tured at river wounded in the hospital at also secured the dynamite magazine two waggon loadsof Mauser ammunition and much railroad plant and bridging material and many pris oners Numbers of burghers surrendered their arms Many had already fled for their homes and numbers are trekking east and north with their cattle and goods Seven wounded British officers and sixty men were found in the hospital The correspondents eulogise the en- durance and energy of the The brigade marched from pm March to I pm March and that they had been well cared for He adds rejoiced the wounded by telling there they would be allowed to return to their homes instead of being made prison ers us soon as they can leave the hos pital My proclamation is already having an excellent effect Several hundred burghers have expressed their intention to surrender their air and return to their occupations resident Commissioner of reports that Boers lately arrived from Bloerafon and that a further contingent from was only waiting to know the of my proclamation to surrender are satisfactory they can returned fhissoniii by acclamation Voters lists will winuh tells the Laly- fin School Girls Idea of Canada From the Journal The following have to be prepared whether the smith demonstration The young change is made or not while the op- a student at the Royal School Wftg to discuss the affairs of municipality at the annual meeting worth all toe and affords for Flying Fox 1 March At sale today of the late Duke of minsters string of race at Kings- curious- England Flying winner in M the Derby the Two Thousand and will run forimrnOifcrti travel- Iiikou same five stock will be Sleeping for all the trouble it occasions A bill to amend the Ar bitrations Act has been Introduced in the Ontario Assembly by Mr Smith He wants so amended that Council of any municipality which has passed a bylaw tinder SCO of the Arbitrations Act the same by by-law- passed- at any time after the expiration of six months from soon eUcit the facts of the case and passing of firstmentioned by- to leavlntf Toronto at ami will rim through tOAVInnlpOK- will bo free In Ihosc can be soured by on application to Trunk nil information from Grind Trunk Railway A mm mow Two doorsNorth ftlore A Fresh Supply Twice a of Park Lard o Cured on the Market today A trial will con vince Flour Rolled Corn Meal Butter EftgBt Potatoes Bait Canned Corn flarn and Tongue Honey Soap Orders filled on shortest unties Not so Low to Photos off us Premiums with Soap Brushes Shoe etc to work but if J turned out poor inferior work would have to deal ft off in some way would to make a But I give people Vory Best Grade of Work at City Prices and Is Increasing Call you 111 save money and he better pleased by dealing with Graham Jones Old Stand NEWMARKETS may them very useful informa If a pupil reports at home that work to do the parent may always be that child is making a He has either failed to hear or tbae forgot en what the teacher about home Now for the conclusion wf teachers you parents want the children en trusted to to do well It is your interest It our interest It is their Thus far we have had little cause to complain of unprepared lessons But our work hag now reached the stage where more effort is needed we make this appeal to parents and guardians In these days of hookey and baseball of skat ing and wheeling there is a danger that too much time may be devoted sport To insist on work first and next may be of great importance if done now will be too late law upon the passing- of such re pealing bylaw this Act shall cease to apply or be in force in munici pality the is to be estop ped reenacting the original by law and shovel which is thn emblem of school Young Canada every time Word has been received that Mr fJoklwin Smith will sail for Canada early next month The Irish Protectant Benevolent Society dinner at the National Club on the evening of St Patricks Day was a great success Anionic the speakers were Premier Ross P Clarke M PP Dr Parkin are about completed for holding the Annual Canadian in this city will take to the girls of the Kent Street Blanc is the school as the parties most near the founder of Monte Carlo and guineas Aon answering to the terms of the Roland erscnption in the bidding for By- Dear Colonial I expect you be who written American this letter from England AY ell I am a fifth standard rl I live in a quiet of re- little village called If you look at the map of England in j County of busses you will find marked afc UDl two towns Bright ami Worthing amid We live two ana a half from excitement- Worthing ana about ten miles from Among those present were Prince of- Brighton school play Wales Prince Christian of ground we can see the South Downs at the Armouries on the They are the nearest mountains but I and April iWhen a man is always bragging about the mint money he is making you may depend Upon it that theres a good deal of counterfeit about it W uiaii or woman to tra- v salary monthly and wecltBddrt6 toe rtve- Wilifhlcugo infants and Children Legislation along the line of to the and extend ing father than tbe use of the is a in the Assembly by of proposes provides that shall have the right to serve liquor to guests daring prohibited hours This is point Secondly it provides that at pal byeelections shall not bo compelled to close bars j The present state of the law in cities where the ward system exists produces curious result that while every bar within ward where- the elec tion is being held is closed hotel keepers in the adjoining wards reap a golden harvest A third provision proposes to make the Governments license fees throughout the province payable halfyearly thus extending to all a privilege now en iofod by n cities only The Health Worldk Magazine written plainly for the home showing how to prevent and cure diseases of the human frame No post has article on how to bo beauti ful how to rheumatism lumbsgo consumption gout of men and women to be to George Arthur and Idea hies and head noises the hair to Harvey two other Eons 0 London 0 Dont throw your Faded suppose you would only call them mole hills I expect they are nothing to your- Rockies We graze sheep ibe Downs We have read about you in lessons and books lately have beard how splendidly loyal you Lord and good prices were twentyone hundred guineas for Luck and for Manchuria was sold to Wolf Joel for guineas Calvely brought guineas The Prince of bought Vane The Co of Cleveland has closed a contract with the Nickel Steel Company of Hamilton to design and build the largest steal and iron plant in capacity of the plant will be con structed a blooming mill of the largest size a billot mill rail mill and two plate mills will of the late James Robin son a farmer of King Township was for Ho a farm val ued at to son Arthur Robinson subject to the pay ment of yearly to wife of ceased and 100 to the daughter Charlotte Ann sum of is DIAMOND DYES to Old Oattments That faded and dress skirt blouse cape jacket cloak or your ribbons that you are think ing of consigning to the rag bag can be made as yooji as new if dyed with of the fashionable and seasonable colors that Diamond Dyes pro duce Your husbands sons or brotber s dingy and faded overcoat can be re- rowed for another seasons wear by the coat Diamond Dyes work wonders and save scores of dollars annually for homes on this continent All well homes the Dia mond Dyes and and Guard against and substitutes See that your tve you Diamond Dyes when you ask for for guineas J bid- guineas for Plying Fox and then left too contest to and Gilpin who represented William of New York The sale was the greatest on record of its kind The total were sold for guineas Gilpin pur chased Alderney and Mail for Mr Whitney the former for guineas have been to our Queen in sending troops and money to Sooth Africa BraVOGariada we want to ask you some ques tions and we hope you will be very bind and answer them ami we try to answer any that you ask us How far do you have to go to school Do you wear Do you ever meet any nice tame wolves or red Indians What is your settle ment noted for What time do you n go and com home from Are your so tall that it takes two men a boy to look to the top of one Do you ever go canoes on the rap ids Do you drill at school or cooking I am twelve of age and I am interested in the of your country Now my dear friend I hope your mistress will allow you to write a long letter to us for we shall watching for the pose- man every day and shall so disap pointed if it does not come I am Your English Friend Edith Sampling School The Flaherty block Arthur was destroyed by with cap tion of thn Motion or old one that tampers with whiskey under- impression that he is strong enough to avoid excess is as foolish an if ho should toy with a rattlesnake Halifax Twenty thous and people saw march from the Armories to transport and the scones along the line were marked by intense enthusiasm Never before were business of Hal ifax more gaily decorated by bunting and tho hundred vacancies in the contingent were at just to by Lord Seymour The the liiiit imw JVm

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