Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1900, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH ro If yoMr la oat Sick bum War- f ltiiiiiG4i Hi Co On retiring A Lloyd will Piatt I kit P been all A or morn desiring to for cm tying on of the of fruits dairy pro ducts products vegetables form ft Cold Association by mere adopting a nut of rules and a certificate to bo ipglstcied payment of fifty cents No member can own exceeding and the stock is subject the consent and approval of the Liability of is limited to amount of their share Society PLEASANTLY Bell leaves tor Mr IS spent ft day or twain week Mrs J a thimble- party yesterday Mr Wro Sutherland returned from Electric Co Tie Large Bottle 25 CO J New a pm pm ASSURANCE The Company has now capital Kadi association thus formed week may receive a m Penrose of wit bin sum of and not moro than onefifth of the construct- McDonnell bat acne to the ton and equipment of their building or four piovidid Utter examined by the Public Work Department and found to suitable in structure and Mr of ihe OB at town on Emma of was equipment for cold purposes Mrs Ian week The time during which this aid will he granted in limited to fly yearn Should thin 1 a stimulus to erection of cold storage stations it will do much to increase agricultural prosperity and by to hold products until thoro a remunerative demand for thero and preventing tbo loss often entailed by their they can bo of EDITOHIfllt up year Th t MAROH Dominion Budget Dominion Senate has ajan defied metaphorically its fliwr in face of people by the Commons arm bill a on a vote of to Walt of Toronto in town or three last week Mr and Mrs Martin were At Home on Tuesday night with Mr One Monday for Whore a him Mr Hoover and family At Home on friends Mr and Jae Baiter apent over Sunday with Mr Coombs Wo of the pan week with Geo Mr A Belfry of Victoria Univer sity Toronto over Sunday in town and wore At Home with friend on Wednesday even ing lira from and still nursing her Mr delivered on Friday last in Annual rtil una it is to financial Bonuses A hie nil the countrys financial Claims Paid i clear and concise It treasury laxa- reduced an issued lot volume or STANDARD Canada Canada teen P eiasft the Mother land in the cent to per position to he made Assure now and sect a Canada except Ontario Government Introduced legislation in the Assembly for doubling the jariadlctiou of the An Intimation to the House that it was a temporary measure preliminary ft general BONUS GEO HUNT List Friday the order the trial judges was bribers and one in floeth On tario election and the sheriff of that county baa probably the by this time Only six of the total num ber convicted have paid their Ones A from London the that the Tom of the British Cabinet has been deliberating on political of fioath Annie Lnndy entertained a larjge company of people one night last week Bradford Brook of over in town Mr J Green attended a the Grand Council of at Hamilton last week Mr and Alfred vrere Borne with friends Wednesday evening of last week 7Mr WD Elliott of is spouctiug a with his danghter Mrs J Woodcock homo after spending two weeks with friends at Ml Albert Miss Oliver entertained a number of young people on Tuesday re port ft One time has returned home alter very again doubt as to her recovery has not her for four weeks Mr Is also very poorly and Mies Beaton fa almost laid up cold QUEENS Mr Kavanaeh keeper of the In- Home was visiting hero on Fri day lst Mr Bond was visiting In Toronto a few day last week Mr of Toronto also Mies were viiltmft friends here on Thursday Flora of visttm at Mr last week Miss Pearson visiting at Lloyds In Newmarket over Mist Minnie Watts of Hot I was vlaUlnjt Williams few days week Mr of Newmarket was with Mr Embury on Sunday last Mr J was Toronto on Monday last John Fogg entertained a of boy Tuesday evening last In honor of his tenth birthday The Junior intend hav ing a social on Monday evening next in the basement the Methodist Churcb A short entertainment will bo rendered by members of the League after wbtch will bo A small ad mission fee will bo charged Everybody welcome Next Sunday is All day and on Monday the hired men go to their for the summer months Id spite the warm enow has continued to bat it is getting very It will soon be maple syrup time the boys and girls have snob pleasant times at the camp of some friendly farmer Mr J J Terry in Toronto on Wed nesday last The election of for the ensuing term took place Tuesday night last at the meeting whoa were elected Hon Free Mies J President Miss Maggie Watson VicePree Mr Fleming Secretary Miss Clara Miss Emily Treasurer- Mr Fred Smith Organist Mr Ralph Green Crana at Mrs Cooper The Anniversary Sale Continues Every day this week will crowds of buyers here This sale is bound to draw the people No wonder as yo save dollars on your purchase Remember a cash saving 01 your purchase is a long way better than paying a big pries for your goods and having some kind of fake thrown in and of the Boer republics in particular an on lines which wilt j keeping house for her brother for over two involve the creation of a new viceroy The years in 3rd lASi the eHstsln And loiwt that means something to citizen of the Dominion an fluted for intent fiscal Year dealing and Minister to last fe of Conservative rule there aggregating deficit of From 189G to 1899 the three years of Liberal rule there surpluses amounting to or an average annual surplus of To make the showing nore complete and putting the state ment in another form the Minister went on to adding the de ficits of the three years under Con servative rule to the surpluses under tho Literals there would be a better ment of and the show ing would te greater if the plus of of the current ar were added thereto Under the fcit eighteen years of Conservative the annual increase in the public amounted to Since The present Government assumed of including the extra cost opening up the Yukon the Coverage increase had only been Tho trade statistics were equally gratifying settlement will provide for a Governor General of the whole of Booth Aft lea on Canadian lines with a House Common a sitting at Capetown and legislative assem blies in the various provinces the and Orange Free State after a period of probation Mens Fancy Check Tweed and all wool Halifax Tweed Suits sizes to value 700 Sale price Mens Fine Black Worsted Suits in Cutaway or Sack styles lined with best Italian stitched with Silk all sizes from to 42 refr price 14 Sale price Mens Very Fine Tweed Suits made of all vool Canadian Tweed tailored in very latest style lined with I a splendid bargain Sale price Mens Black Beaver Overcoats Sale Anniversary Boot So Shoe Bargains A car was backed into the river at Windsor the engineer failing to notice that the car ferry had left Mars of Saturday is very suugftstive Charles Topper and Hon Foster are represented as standing in of a portly old gentleman John Ball pulling his coat tails Tapper says I want to draw your attention to the fact Mr that the preferential tariff favor get from Canada is utterly worthless and visionary Foster on the other hand looks vexy beseechingly while he exclaims And to remind yon that you should grant us a sabstantial favor in return for it This is Just how these two men talk in the If the Govern ment preferential tariff worthless as Tapper says why ask the Mother coon try as Foster argues to Canada a substantial return leaders are oat of harmony on 1 i i Cold Storage Of years a great deal has been done in the direction of developing the produce export trade to Britain where the demand for Canadian farm products has been steadily The principal in the way of farmers participating til reat advantages of this profitable market to the extent that they should has been the lack of cold storage facilities The essential to- building this trado on a permanent basis is that the shipments should be of first class quality and arrive at their des tination in good condition The latter can only he secured by cold storage access of the pro ducer r in order to encourage the establish- storage stations Hon j introduced a Bill in- Legislature providing ft it- ol SHARON Frank Wesley went to Monday to accept a situation Mary of Newmarket spent Ban day with her parents Mr Jones of was the of Mies Phillips a few Jasi week Mr James Smith has moved to New market Turner of Brantford a in our last Come again stay longer 3w Mr and Mr Henry Trayiss paid a to their daughter at Allendale over Bun- day Mr T has recently moved into hie beautiful new hones and on Friday night of last week a party of about friends made a when a lively time wan Everybody ed themselves There was a large number present to witness a very pretty wedding ia James Sharon on Thursday afternoon Ma rob when Miss Annie married to Mr son of Mr Abb The cere mony was performed by Roy Mr The bride who was given away by her father Mr J wore a handsome green travelling suit and car ried a of white bridal roses The bride was assisted by foe Georgie Will pod of the wore a pretty fawn suit carrying a bouquet of pink car nations Mr Montgomery of New market acted as groomsman After the ceremony about forty returned to the residence of the brides father where a was served The bride was many beautiful and costly Mr end Mrs Will son took the evening Newmarket for a thru Western Ontario amid one- shower of rice and old if I P Jji It A convict named viciouB Went the money Li Mr Ward left on Monday for Kempt to take of he electric plant at thai place Mr Christie who has been laid up with erysipelas is still very bad this His case is very serious Little had a ju venile party last Saturday which was greatly enjoyed Mts Drown and daughter of Lodge Richmond Hill were Mrs Coombs last Saturday Mr Caldwell la going to bury to accept a in congestion with the mining industry Mr Root of of Mr Irwin left for on Tuesday and may he gone all snramer of Toronto came up Tuesday to attend the party of her cousin Mies Oliver and remained a few days Dr Richardson mother and sister went to Saturday afternoon to as- in hie brothers birthday Mr John and Mr T Crou ton attended a meeting of the Conservative Association at Bradford on Monday even ing While going home from church on Sunday evening Mrs C E slipped on the sidewalk and hurt arm quite badly Mr the popular barber at parlor who has been in town for six months leaves for the ibis week Mrs P Sinclair Franklin who been under medical treatment in Toronto for the two months was in town over Sunday with friends Mr Alex Caldwell who has been an invalid for to be slight ly improving took dinner at Mr A Watsons the other day Mr brother of Mrs William Collins who has been down from the Northwest for the past three months spent over Sunday with her and left for home Tuesday Mrs Hopper celebrated her one hundredth birthday Sunday last Hopper is quite smart and has all mental faculties has ms and 3 daughters living the daughter being about years of age be sides a large of and great grandchildren Mrs name from Devonshire and is grand mother of Mrs Matt Brown of this town The many friends Mr will be pleased to learn that he arrived safely at his home in feeling none the worse tor his trip He found they had not enough snow for sleighing and were drawing wood on wagons Green poplar fs selling for per cord and for dry Ho wheat moving as the elevators are all full till navigation Pries per Trade is rather dull on tide account There will be lota of building this summer principal among farmers men are beginning to machinery Club bad a hookey match with and came out best score The Leading Mens Overshoes sizes and only price 160 Sale price Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes Special Sale price Ladies Fine Kid Buttoned Boots Special Sale price Ladies Fine Button or Lace Kid Boots J Kings make Sale price Mens Strong Lace Boots solid leather Special Sale price Mens Fine Dongola Kid Lace Boots Special Sale price Mens Hot Shot Lace Boots J Kings make Special Sale price Bargains this week in all kinds of Rubbers I I I Dress Goods New Prints New Carpes Wall Papets Groceries A Undertaking House sad a Specialty Telephone J MADDGCK The In Sing March to Mr and Mrs a daughter Both doing well In Town on the of March to Mr and Mrs a daughter In Town on the 28th to Mr and Mrs Keith a son The Altai At the Methodist Par sonage by Rev A Bedford on Tuesday Arthur to Miss Mary Holtman both Whitohnrch Kerr On Wednesday in the rectory pond Head by Rev A Watt of parish of Mr James Artbor Kerr the Township of to Maria Gwillimbory At Mount Albert on March Slot at the rest of the father by the Rev George Arnold Mr J Moore of to Miss Clara Thompson On by Rev at the home of the brides father Mr Job Palmer Kiur Mr Job of to Miss Henrietta Palmer At St James Sharon on March Mr Frank Wilson eon of Mr Abb Wilson to Miss Annie daughter of Mr John alt of Sharon Rev Mr v The Tomb At Holt on Wednesday March John Hogg aged years aod days Welir In on Saturday March 17 Arthur At Gormlev on March David youngest fon of Patting ton aged years In on Mrs Alex Hardy sister Mies Model School teacher In on 21st Job Welder aged years 8 Mr married the widow of formerly who on the here of for many years pi FarmBPS Cuttle Hen Si Will find it to their advantage to have their Condition Spices Liniment etc made by us We wish to induce more horse owners to use Our Yorkefiiro Remedy anil to do this we place on Saturday packages at 10c package Try a package nd bo convinced it is the Beat General Condition Powder you ever tried Out at bottle is well worth trying Household Remedies and Sundries sr Hopes Tiny Tablets Springs the great blood purifier and strength producer Lehmans Liver Pill CA At all prices- A good assortment to from LEHMAN SPi box attack on Mary Smith I S J- it are now patron at nton The I en- my very Kind to ell WAY marl Jit North Careful art LEADING tjij Just Extra good Values in Anbred Hah Tftate partner With Prof Hand of fireworks was blown w atoms tVis afternoon about Just at caused the explosion wrecked three buildings in with big will lo Tealeas in the wis building when the explosion caused an explosion is another building and the second ft upset a stove in a started a fire The first blown to pieces no h nothing standing but trie post arts of body were fount away and windows in every louse in the block were broken I Prints Lavus and Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere For Bale BERKSHIRE It icUUrl iqiiq liny A STATU lf per In a Manual ra In to A- 0V to P March per barrel Wheat per Wheat Goose per per bushel Apples per per lb 113 ton flW Beer per lb nut pnJr Varkeyapurlb too a a fli a flOU a a a Ml 1 a a A 1 fiT r fesa

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