i flllAt IK ON ft ABOUT THE ERA FRIDAY MARCH p in the Town Hall tonight for Child Hospital On Monday Mr J Smith told his wTt ftd express business to Mr Tula will necessitate Mr from the North Weal he anticipated Leper a flood man that and wo be- matte a success of It Until return lie has arranged with Mr to run express Mr Smith hen Town flO on Tuesday yen- log when about present amotion to endorse tho Petition of Parliament to prohibit ore and of cigarettes unanimously A Before the closed Richard with much enthusiasm anoth er book entitled Flag received Candy Booth Will bo a for he young- iters at the Town Hall to night Dont The entertainment In Town Hall to- the auspices of Junior in aid S Children Hospital In account of the Choir Concert last week wo accidentally omitted to mention he decoration were certainly very attentive and patriot- Those who had the mutter n charge groat Red white and bloc and the Union Jack in evi dence Depot The returns or ilia past week an Outwards care Wood- If II Goods Scars Settler Effects Oara Floor Grain I car Empty Oil carts Marti Hay cats Ranching total care Sundries care Coal cats Taxi Wood car Coal Oil car fl0oodalotaltt7 The At the Sunday School Review last Sab- Mr CI eland took up Geography Mrs Lesson fiiery and Mr Lehman made the ap plication It was a very profitable to those present The Reading Circle on Monday evening via well attended Readings were given or Martha Hughes Maggie Bessie J Cody Lehman They were all on the of War and comments were the character of the composition Kt in two the residence of ilea Sarah Hall Park Ave April 1 and are Hughes Opening days Choir The attendance at the Methodist Church hit Friday was not as large the rants of the Concert given by the choir rranted The eboir was ably listed by Miss Alberta of Title and with he pipe organ accompaniment were given with grand effect Tho Mr A tally excelled himself in vocal and violin Elections The daett with was fine The Miss Keltic took a very prominent part to the faction of the most and organ aolo Fanfare was specially good Mr Walter Stephens die- himself in the obligate for a walk with God and Church has reason to be proud of their choir fitook fejji the Last night Mr John to North- Weal io charge or Mr to put on a ranch oat there Mr expects to be a month or so Mr Jos Jivanp and brother of Scott left for the North- on night with a car load of There was a good market last and a number of people in town wore plentiful and inclined to go lower was the highest paid butter for eggs for Apples sold from to 3 per barrel There was quite a de for poultry j one pair of for GEN General is Dead Sunday was the and at the conclusion of the lag the Lords waa Mr- Weeks the mi I am that bread of life Man has bote physical and life and both equally real bat the inner life ihe more itnportsnt In evening the wb The of the Lost Sunday evening Mr Weeks preach on the Parable of the Prodigal Mr Herbert Wilson who been of be Sunday School some time has accepted a position in The School showed appreciation of hie services by presenting him with a Bible with beat wishes School fe preparing ftp Service and any visitor who wishes wspendapieaBant will do well to this service Curling interest manifested in finol for Atkinson Cup on Monday afternoon It was a hip and tuck game from lit at to When last was to he played rink Anally winning by three shots The following tho score J a Rev A Howard skip J skip Edgings And Embroideries and open work apron plain Muslins a full at maple Festival The ladles of the congregation of the Christian propose to hold their no Maple Sugar Festival on Wednesday evening April when they promise to a very tempting comprising shortcakes Tea served from to after which a great treat is in store The services Mr Frank have been secured to give his Trip Around the World by the aid of a splendid Views South Africa wilt bo a speoial feature Tiokets tea and entertainment children the Children By attending the Concert to night fl Strong Twelve teachers with date equipment including sixty Typewrit ing Machines combine to give strength and to the Central Business College of Toronto which is now as the leading Commercial School in Canada The spring terra continues from April 2nd into the summer term which will open early in July but members ere ad Into any department at any time throughout the year There are no lions Court One of the outside who make regular appearance on market days with loads of well dressed meat not having the fear of Inspector Anderson before his eyes transgressed one of the provisions of the Market ByLaw declares that per sons who do not pay mamoinal rates in Newmarket are debarred the privilege of selling In quantities than by the quar ter and paid his before Jack son handing over a dollar for purposes and a trifle for costs It looks as if other re had given for the trade and then com plained to the lope or but this is not certain A peculiar case came before Co Council lor Woodcock on Wednesday The man who said he lost the contain ing charged with the theft of it and remanded till yesterday afternoon The money was purported to be snd placed in the Ontario Bank but the pris oners story did not hang together very well It looked as he would be cent down for trial Pretoria March via jtieularly if any should bo Marques Vice-Pie- 1 an at with British ttident and command- of Republicans mili tary force died before mid- A despatch from dated March via March All Our patrols are night it aged OS Wo rushed Boer attack of acute trenclimeixu and effectively after a short illness whole country is thrown into another Wo captured cattle and killed twelve Boers Ouv deepest by his death His loss was two killed and three wound- loss to he irretrievable par- Jed 1 Jiij Jo from 5 to all warranted fast color EMBROIDERIES Largest and most complete stock in the trade Prices upward LACK SILK FRINGE This is the Latest Trimming this sea son We show some handsome Fringes at Very- Low Pricks This has always been our hobby This season we are especially strong in French Serges Worsted Wales and Figured Mohairs we are selling at the old low prices while they last Sheeting Pillow Cotton Pillow Cases Towels Towelling Napkins Specially Low Prices for the Spring Season RUNT Baking Powderthe only Pure CORNER Tennyson Club at Dr Scotts residence next Tuesday evening at Heading begins at Bee of In Improvements Mr F has had his painted and decorated with grille j which adds very muoh to the appear- at Specialty Works in be ing flted with special work Haw Men Mr sold milk business to Messrs Starr and Hughes of who take possession next week fillover White and Black at At he practice on Tuesday niRht the Band appointed committees to carry oat arrangements for their to be given he middle of May This will something good The band has purchased a lot of new masio including he latest patriotto compositions ho On Wednesday the Plant into the charge of Mr wRa last Friday night at a pwial of the Fire Light Com comes here months trial o a contract providing everything baa a very gentleman- we have no but J he give satisfaction He served time as electrician in Detroit and bad much sxperienoa in in the finest In that city bating the past year of tt plant at and show that he has proven R very competent operator The Fire hight Com and the Town Is to bo palliated the such Wnptodata expert- Mr Jrttei of recommendation ftod wife will be welcomed to About eclook on Tuesday evening a party of attacked a kopje in the 3rd concession of King on which is sit farm but were repulsed and to retreat In the meantime reinforcements were being hur ried on from Newmarket and on arriving at the base of the kopje a was made by the Guards re sulting in the household being taken cap- for evening They all surrender ed down and confessed they had been completely outwitted by the attacking parly which immediately proceeded to with game lor about four hours when Bat down to a samp- oyster supper which had been brought up by the rear guard the evening three of the party were raw- raerlaod ft deal of amusement for a few minutes after all joined in singing patriotic selections followed by a couple of mouth organ solos by Andy thanking host and for their kind the company dispersed themselves sti having spent a most en- evening arrived home Quite a number oi in Town have commenced house cleaning lights were put into last week Bros a good photo of Ontario Bank building last Friday King Council at next Sat urday Sunday is All Fools Day Town Council meets Monday even ing Regular meeting of next day afternoon at residence of Mrs Al len Cody when delegates will be appointed for he Convention at Weatoo week Whitchuroh Council meets at next A very handsome Easter lily adorns the parlor window of Mrs Dr resi dence Delightful sugar weather this week Time to fix hot beds for early vegetables Mr Fred Jones has had delivered at his residence a fine straight tree feet out he intends to make a flag pole carters about Town have taken to wheels again and paper hangers ate booking otdeie for spring work and getting busy Mill reports a large in custom work since pot their ad in the make No I floor Junior League Entertainment in Town Hall tonight Evidences of are eagerly looked for A robin in Jacksons orchard The banks are fast disappearing Sleighing will soon be over for this sea son has been a pretty stiff winter month Now is the time to open water courses and avoid damaging floods There Ie more snow In King Township than in North Some of the side hoes in KingTp are an awful state with snowbanks weeks from Good Friday first holiday for over three months of Audit meets at the Dome Monday when tenders for supplies will be opened A chimney on the burnt out on- Tuesday morning without doing any damage The Array had a lecture at the Barracks on Monday night Commercial travellers are Hying around lively as many as six or eight in a day Our regular letter from the Ontario Leg islature Is in type but out by local news Lots of seed at storehouse Change of ad too late for this issue A meeting of those interested in is to take place tonight to talk organiza tion The prerajsea on Eagle St have been renovated a tenant is mov ing In this week Mr James was struok by a knot flying from a saw at Cane Factory on Injuries were slight A sleighride party including from Tottenham and were grouped at gallery on Tuesday Damages Paid The Treasurer of North York Society received a cheque on Wednesday being proceed of damages from the Hip podrome Co who to exhibit in New market at Fall Fair last year but failed to keep their contract This shows Di rectors folly justified in advertising as I they did The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE Departments Public On evening several members of the Board met a representative from a publishing house and selected a of the works several of them being connection with African rouble These books will arrive a few days and willatonoe be put into the Library They wit be read with increasing interest at the present time as hey contain rmation that the public are Goods Fashionable shades for Gents wear Goods of exceptional value just at McLaughlins Call and see them Insurance Pays Tuesday morning Mr Lehman on of a life insurance company which he represents had the pleasure of handing Elder a for 1 being proceeds of a 15year endowment The Eider received 231 17 more than he paid in and the sav will be a nice lamp of comfort for hie declining years Every young man should out an endowment polioy Co The Directors met on Thursday last weekaod Anally let the milk routes for the coming season as follows st north Daly st sooth at north John Queen et Watson A Lehroao The Board also closed a with the Canadian Dairy Supply Co of Mont real for Butter Plant to be ready for operation by November 1st next And Display of Wednesday Saturday April 4th April 5th April 6th April Everyone is Cordially Invited to Attend Stocks are now thoroughly assorted in all Departments with Wool and Tapestry Carpets Oil Cloths Linoleums Lace Curtains Window Blinds Chenille and Table Covers Wall Papers Prints Laces Embroideries Kid Gloves Dress Goods Spring Jackets and Capeg Dress Skirts Underskirts White Underwear Corsets Blouses Shoes c c c Red Society Newmarket is to be congratulated upon its loyalty to patrlotio appeals The Red Society in response to their circular has collected with further returns to be made Wednesday the Treasur er forwarded to Toronto a for 100 the balance is to go later balance of the fond that was placed in the Ontario Bank and collected by the ladies at he time of the Northwest -Rebellion- and to be used for military purposes baa been paid over to Red Cross Society Some people were away from home when the ladies called this week and those who are willing to contribute to the fund can pay the same to Miss Forsyth the Treasurer who will be pleased receive it The Ladies are to be congratulated on efforts The ladies of the society end any others Interested are requested lo met at he Coonoil Chamber this after argains ROLLS ROLLS ROLLS Some cot out steel Buckle Hughes Ac 4 to rolls to a Bundle Papers that were as high as per roll Your choice while they last per Bundle 9 to rolls to a Bundle Papers that were as high as per roll Your choice while they last per Bundle to 8 rolls to a Bundle Papers that were as high as per roll Your choice while they last 35c per Bundle ont Forget the Sale MB li J ti s 1