Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1900, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH si CAPITAL TAD NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A General Banking Allowed on Deposits iVtfTsr DRAFTS ISSVEDi AT ami American iriibi nnO Colli Sulci i Dr Attired Or that of Ioat T A I Muck opposite Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp p will lit tin of Dr JI Brad- lord every Monday Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES I At lie Newmarket r Paper Issued lit private rcaldeiice J 1SSUKB OK ARMAGH LICENSES I SUTTON WK8T INSURANCE J Agent for Fire ft ml to Loco Curicnt fl Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low Bate on Farm and Isolated Town Property Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS flips Simpson a of SightSinging Voice Culture and Violin Tuner of and all String Instruments Sunday School Lesson Prepared for the Era by The April MnUIV26 V Bleated pure in heart for they shall boo God Matt V Vorno 2G- Jesus is the on and need of soul Jesus holds nothing in the presence Iho Verse When Jesus spoke a new religions day dawnod on World VcjfSoU gent to soul into the heirship Vorso 1 The lomorxow of the pen itent is a sunrise Verse Ail earth i deeded to the patient soul Verse J passion for holiness receives supremo satisfaction Vereo Mercy displayed earns a surprising dividend Verso God sight of the undivided heart Verao Peacemaking vindicates our claim to sonship with God Verso A righteous life that awakens persecution wins heaven Verse Jesus is the unit that gives value to our nothingness browbeaten saint has a splendid ancestry PRACTICAL Verses Jesus attracts and observes to render help Verses Jesus founds his king dom on being not doing Verses Heaven and earth be long to the unworldly mind Verse The passion for purity is filled and deepened Verses J- Godlike living is the ifohroath of church Verses 1012 Keif and not self wins lifes reward Verses the conditions of a Humility is essential to true char acter V heart has no room for God The self heart has no felt need of God Penile co is the true temper of true Verse Because God has not merited our hatred or neglect Because God has been to us in our sinfulness c Submission to God is the founda tion of true character Verse God can only free ihat has been emptied of self God only builds his temple on the ruins of the old life Longing for God is tho lifebreath ortme character Verse It is the opened heartdoor that Je sus enters It is the home longing eon for whom the feast is prepared Verses Give a trinity of right eous qualities a Mercy or love to man is an evi dence of charaoter Purity or an undivided heart is a higher test of character Peacemaking or reconciling man to God is the highest test of char acter Mercy looks lovingly toward man Purity looks lovingly toward God Peacemaking looks toward both and reclaims peace between them Give the rewards of righteousness Present trial and future triumph ever the crown of holy living Loyalty to God successfully invites misunderstanding and misery here Separation to God wins- the high honor martyrdom plain of tlje Trouble -OXQ- From The London What do you think of England and Boers is a question in every bodys mouth and I think a plain patois and no interpreter are furnish ed An his no chance what- story of historical a better Sat Boer in any of the want a Nicer anybody Hob on R Blow quiet come very ones and they rcall to Loan At percent on ana security loans on Life policies by Davidson Commissioner lor taking J and Kitato AKtntic Agent for tbe following reliable Ineurauce Indon and Globe Union Standard Mutual 3Gmco Hopkins Mount Albert Money to Loan If you Palo Or Callow Gold and Feat of of Energy or At per cent on Security Firstclass farm by David liioyd Commissioner Affidavits Real Agent Conieyancer Marriage Licensee Hie Also Agent for the following FelnsuraacoComnaolca Oueen of London ana Liverpool Montreal Gore District Mutual fcatablUbed n the Confoderatlon Llfo To ronto registry Corner of Main and Lot streets answer than any re opinion I Cape Colony by In Great Britain wis At war with Fiance anil took from all her African which voluntarily restored at the Peace of Utrecht lit war was rvaniii- and again British tok Africa and held it until when at tho Peace pho paid to Holland her own price in full cash down AU went until when Great Britain abolished thru out her dominions paying full value to the alavo for free Dutch took the price hue ceased to look upon blacks as their natural prey A largo body went north as far the Free State and Natal and attempted to restore slavery by raiding the native tribes Some of these triors combined and made war against their and swept down oyer wiping out Oner in that territory The Free Bute Doers thereupon that they were British subjects and culled upon tho British for protection The Zulu war wan fought the were saved and British flajj float ed over the Free State and one more forbade slavery But Boers still hankered the owners life and after a time a largo number crossed over to Transvaal made an alliance with Portuguese and slavery has been them in tact if not in name to this day During the long Gladstone a party in touch will the Government known as Little corresponding with our Small Americans whose policy was to get rid of colonies Canada Australia all refused inde pendence except Boers of the Transvaal and the Free State These were formally conceded full in upon giving solemn pledges that equal rights and should ho given to British settlers and that gland should retain a nominal suzerainty with a to guarantee them against outride interference Great Britain kept her the government that sought to dis member the empire was quickly dis credited The Orange Free has kept hers and a word of quarrel was heard with her The Transvaal Republic has not I In what way has Transvaal re fused to beep her obligations with Great Britain Let this be answered from Ameri can authorities only The existence of gold in the Rand had been long known to the Boers but in a low grade ore yielding only four dollars a ton it was never made profitable until British capital was induced by Boer government guarantees and legislative pledges to put in suitable machinery The cleverest American raining ex were employed and 000 sunk in the enterprise which raately was made a success- Then Boers in defiance of the- most specific pledges to the contrary put on a tax upon the gross output of the mines of pur cent A year or so later this was increased to 10 per cent and then to per centlj and finally just before the outbreak of the war the mines were practically by imposition of a tax of per cent of the gross output being more than the profit left above the cost of recover 1 What Americans if the Canadians were to treat our citizens in the Klondike thus What would Americana say if their investments in mining and limber on the Canadian side of lakes so treated How would wo treat if they tried to confiscate our canal by such means Do not shirk the ques tion bo fair But this is only one of a of courts Putty mimics upon the per sons of tho Outlaiidors and tho gross est confiscations and judicial crimes are of daily occurrence One ol confiscation in volved properly belonging to Ameri cans to amount of and it was carried to a Supreme Court a hope of obtaining jus There claims we re allowed in a decision unquestionable in its absolute fairnoss bit the decision was arbi trarily by the fiat of the President and tho judge removed without a hearing Protests were made to the Ameri can consul but nothing came of it po the Americana thought it time to and did so I Britishers are not so ready to givo up d they have borne wrongs that would set America wild if nearer home it lias been bo- cause they knew that the home gov ernment if slow is sure and that a day of reckoning would come If ou wish more detail of such things read Bigelows White Aims Africa Mrs J Ham monds book or letters South Africa surely cannot be held to biased in favor of Imperialism Now put the question fairly Do yon as an American believe in taxa- without representation Do you believe that majority should bo ruled by a minority and that mi inferior in education and intelli gence Do you hold that the execu tive override judicial and the judges bo the of the president Do you hold that filavery should bo established and that to and kill negroes should it- mcoded the planter Do you that a nation or state has a right iiiiy solemn treaty ami confiscate property granted by law ami charter and the improve ments made under similar guarantees and finally do you not think that a nation should protect its citizens against wrong and any C03L Old Backs Young Backs Weak Backs Strong Backs Pew Escape for Backache is Kidney Talk Rag Weaving Isaac wishes to inform be Lay moved to gallons House on and he fitill LuHinteleuratrtlowa Co with all date and lie Is to do Hi Work In Carpet Call see Send your to llriI Jllrll IT liniiwij St llii-i- Mliujliiskil htimnnl eiiVe- When you do not use Wards Blood and Nerve Pills to counter act these conditions Why Be cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the human system The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves All food Is acted on by tho stomach pre pared for absorption into tb system Dr Pills rfre just pro per help to a tired srstem and dif fuse a glow health through the whole faamt You fool yourself getting you take Dr Words Blood and i3 pot five for VOX Sim Toronto Out- Sold by J It grievances mining town of ruled by carpetbaggers from Pretoria in a way that roake3G- construotion days in South Carolina a memory of heaven Special imports for municipal pur pose have been levied upon the property owners until same of property that In Pretoria pays in Johannesburg pays over more than ten times as much Yet there is no accounting The taxes are levied whore the money goes no one knows I Every mail adds evidence to the fact that Pitchers Backache Kid ney Tablets act on different lines from other medicines producing quick and permanent cures from Backache and Kidney troubles They are a revela tion to sufferers from Kidney com plaints and bring conviction of merit because of the relief gained in unexpected cases The Kidney sufferer only their worth before using for a few doses imparts a sensation of relief that fore tells the story of cure It did not take Mrs Willis Pros pect Ave Newmarket long to find biff out It was accomplished with nobottle of Dr Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets and this Is her re port and kidney trouble has ben a trouble I had suffered from for som years not to the extent of lay me up still a lot of bother As it did not respond to ordinary treatment I got a bottle of Dr Back ache Kidney Tablets at J drug store and am happy to say they acted finely All the trouble I had is gone and what is more I given them to others with like results in every instance I use them early and break up the attacks I have recommended them freely and shall to do so I like them better than any other kidney remedy and shall always keep them on hand Price cents per bottle A SAMPLE of Dr Pitchers Kidney Tablets mailed to appli cant If you doubt the testimony of your neighbors you can prove for yourself got a sample absolutely free Send stamp to TAB LET CO Toronto Oat Peter Gibson fell from a load of hay at and was drowned while crossing a bridge over the Pem bina River A girl named McLean walking on the ice near caught foot in the ice her There is no pub- leg and shortly afterwards bled to of any kind not a dollar death spent for sanitations bo that Ihe death on rate per in town was entirely destroyed populated by young and middle aged firQ were left standing and the of are destitute Children Cry for schools or education Worse s inert in magisterial or judicial All plea and proceeding must bo in the Dutch Wat MosiitEAi March Elder- Dempster transport Milwaukee with the last portion of the second Canadian contingent composed of Kingston To ronto mounted riiles ar rived at Cape Town at last after- a voyage 9 All on board are well horsys died on the way A diSpatch from Durban siys the town of mihs east of has been burnt by the Boers detachment ar rived at Pom my Boers died the the burgers hi- they in up strong position in the hills with a force Heated at Very few appreciate the upon the Butrd the capture of their wagons wagon belongs to an individual and once cap while employed for fighting pur- poses in the field is lost to him Now the value of a Boers wagon is about 120 and it is among his most valu able possessions- the team of oxen that draws it cannot well be placed at has than AS INtKftRmO tbe most interesting casos in the Canadian hospital is that of Corporal of Mont real During operations at he became sick while with a brigade and fell out and lost consciousness When he recovered his senses he found himself alone and was taken prisoner by ft They took his shoes and coat from him and he was guarded by one or other of them all day But he man aged to escape early next morning their search and wandered for three days At laac be saw the lights of and literally crawl- fid the town having hurt his back by lulling into a hole He had been hour fold or water i and miles without shoes He bound his puttier round his feet When he asked the Boers for water they replied had not enough for themselves is recovering and with rest a the attention he is re- ceiving in the Canadian Red hospital he will soon fit fir service March Yes- Trotter and Lieut of the tiifnadurj Guards rode mile he- their camp on river with- out escort except one They were fired upon toy a party of Boers and Lieut was killed and the others were seriously wounded One of the officers held up a white hand kerchief and the Boers came to their assistance and did all they possibly could attending to their wounds The j Boers then conveyed the wounded to the neaixst farm house where they were taken care of March The total Brit ish losses exclusive of the invalids sent home in killed and wounded and missing London March The following is published form dated March We are still heavily shelled There have been several cas ualties Skirmishing continues in the trenches The native food ques tion in becoming difficult The Boers have broken the arrangement to re spect the Sabbath by not firing and have seized the opportunity to extend their trenches London March A Durban correspondent telegraphed on March says that authentic information has reached that city that Pretoria is aware that the Republican forces must finally be beaten hut the in the Transvaal capital think they can hold out for from to months when they firmly believe that intervention will force Great to grant favorable terms including independence They look to Germany and the United States for intervention Pretona Is being prepared for a siege The guns occasional fired in order to take ranges mines have been laid and other preparations made The prison ers there are now accorded better treatment They have ample supply of bread and each man is allowed a pound of meat weekly At Waterfall where there ate prisoners the situation of the camp is unhealthy shelter for the men is insufficient and there is considerable sickness Tho spirit of the prisoners have boon raised by the news of British successes j brought by the most recent captive They do not fear illtreatment in view of the numerous Boors who are held prisoner by British The Boer plans included a stand at i River and other points culminating at the defence of j Pretoria which has been preparing for and the forces in the field allowed themselves to be cut off with their heavy guns which are needed in the forts majority of the Trans are ignorant of the gravity of sit- nod tired of remaining so from their farms will fight haul believing that their liberty and pro perty at and confident of ultimate is it costs you lo regain your health Na ture contributes the safest quickest and most effective remedy for all diseases of the blood stomach liver and kidneys Every box is registered and contains a positive guarantee If directions are followed and a cure is effected your money will be refunded is Natures greatest remedy Treatment for days in every box A few doses is often sufficient to restore your health Keep the remainder it is a certain preventive of disease keeping the blood pure the nerves strong and the whole system in harmony If you cannot get it of youf druggist we will mail you a box on receipt of Our la Id fatal THE BUSS CO St Paul Montreal Can tmvj FOR Winter Dry Goods OR Clothing Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap She Leading House Sharon The Harrow The only DIM Harrow adjustabio feature la is In valuable on or uneven ground Cultivator with grain and points tbistle cutters If ordered Tbe working and most operated cultivator ed Tbe teeth work directly under the and the Bee the New Spring Lift THE CELEBRATED Drills SSZ Our old reliable Drills are well and known that they for There are now ever In UBOftifioag the farmers of this country We invite the closest of Frm Implements machinery we ate ihecorniDg In to the above we call special attention to oar New Victoria Binder No- rd Mower dp our flprluM and Tooth and and It will amply repay ail intending to see before Send for our ew Catalogue THIS Co Out till no ah- any courts CAS llVjr last sl iorvi- lilt ufeinLs -ti- J- i I J f DAISY AIR RIFLE a M J- it

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